The study, carried out on mice and rats by Children's Hospital Boston, appears in the journal Cell. If the same mechanisms identified by the researchers can be shown to work in the human heart, it opens up real possibilities for new and more efficient ways to treat people with heart disease
The researchers say their work could provide an alternative to stem cell therapy, which is still largely untested, and carries a potential risk of side effects. In theory, it could be used to treat heart attack patients, those with heart failure and children with congenital heart defects.
The key ingredient is a growth factor known as neuregulin1 (NRG1). The Boston team envisages patients going to a clinic for daily infusions of NRG1 over a period of weeks.However, researcher Dr Bernhard Kühn said more work to establish the safety of the therapy was needed before it could be tested in humans.
It has long been thought that the heart was incapable of repairing itself. Heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) proliferate during prenatal development, but were thought to lose that ability shortly after birth. However, recent research has indicated that the adult cells do have some ability to replace themselves at a low level. The latest study provides firm evidence that this is true - and that NRG1 can ramp up the process significantly.
The Boston team tested the ability of various molecules to spur cell division in cultured cardiomyocytes, including several factors known to drive proliferation of the cells during prenatal development. NRG1 produced the most significant effect, and it was repeated when the factor was injected into adult mice. When administered to animals who had suffered a heart attack, it promoted regeneration of heart muscle, and improved the overall function of the organ.
The researchers said it was not clear if NRG1 is directly responsible for the natural repair process - but their findings show it can clearly enhance it.
Writing in the journal, they said: "We have identified the major elements of a new approach to promote myocardial regeneration.
"Many efforts and important advances have been made toward the goal of developing stem-cell based strategies to regenerate damaged tissues in the heart as well as in other organs.
"The work presented here suggests that stimulating differentiated cardiomyocytes to proliferate may be a viable alternative."
The next stage will be to test the therapy in pigs, which have more in common with humans than rodents do.
Professor Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation, said: "This fascinating study shows, remarkably, that a significant fraction of adult heart cells in mice can be made to replicate and help to repair damaged hearts.
"If the same mechanisms identified by the researchers can be shown to work in the human heart, it opens up real possibilities for new and more efficient ways to treat people with heart disease."
My husband had a massive heart attack four years ago. His heart is 50% damaged and that part of his heart is useless.They consider it to be dead.We were told there was no hope of improvment.Well, looky here.
Hang in there honey.It's looking good.
Hi PIC,you got a lotta heart.Take care of it.
ReplyDeleteOh Jeannie ,
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news for you and your Ever-ready Rock.
Yes Indeed looky here, I am so happy for Brian.
This is wonderful news, I seen the post when it came on.
ReplyDeleteNo power failure here tonight.How about you.
ReplyDeleteI have Ian and Jordan here with me for a few days.They stripped their lower floor down to the studs,and had to spray the studs and wall with stuff to kill bacteria and stop mold from forming.The chemical was hurting Ian's lungs.He couldn't breathe, so he needed to get out of the house for a few days.Jordan just wanted to visit.
It's still storming.
ReplyDeleteI know you will enjoy the kids, How is Ian doing?
ReplyDeleteWhen you showed Brian the article I bet he was surprise you were doing that kind of research,I am so proud of you,you make tears come.
ReplyDeleteNo I am not crying, tears just roll down my cheeks when I am over joyed.
He looks a little better than the last time I saw him,but he is so skinny,I can put my thumb and forefinger around his wrist easily,with space left over and I have quite small hands.
ReplyDeleteBrian is not so hopeful.The kind of testing necessary to prove this new theory could take years.
ReplyDeleteJust give him time ,he will gain his weight back.
ReplyDeleteYes it could take years..
ReplyDeleteI have always said to look on the positive side. It could be right around the bend, I have known stranger things to happen.
Still, some hope is better than no hope.
ReplyDeleteThe poor kids are a bit traumatized by the flood and the aftermath.They lost so much, including a freezer full of food and a lot of their clothes.The government hazard guys have made everyone throw everything away because the water was contaminated with sewage.
Jordan sounds very sweet, she wants to keep an eye on Ian, to see if he is doing what he's suppose to do.
ReplyDeleteyes,you are absolutely right Nee.She is his caregiver.She is an angel
ReplyDeleteI wonder do the insurance cover that,if not , what good is having flood insurance.I know you can get more stuff but some thing can't be replaced.
ReplyDeleteWhen you said that she just wanted to visit..it sound just like Chris to me. How is her belly rolling going ? Is she taking it up?
ReplyDeleteThe insurance doesn't even cover half of the damage.Whole sections of the city were flooded.So many people had damage.Some people in their neighborhood were flooded with just raw sewage.They just want to leavet their homes permanently.
ReplyDeleteThe danger at Steve's house is that the foundation was affected and is buckled in some places. A few houses have collapsed near them.
Steve may be surprise at the ouy pouring of help he will get, from all rhe people he and his family have helped along the way.
ReplyDeleteShe and her mom were taking belly dancing together but her mom has had some health problems and I tink they quit.Jordan is getting ready to move into her student digs at university.She 'll be far from home for the first time.She is a bit scared.
ReplyDeleteI guess Sis is right, she don't have any insurance,put the payments in the bank and hope she don't need it. She says she know how they work, daddy and all her brothers is in the business.She do have health insurance.
ReplyDeleteWell in a way I guess you could say Steve was kindy lucky.
ReplyDeleteSis may have the right idea.keep the money under the mattress.No one can cut you off then.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Jordan going to attend?
ReplyDeleteThat's what I told the kids.At least he isn't shoveling poop out of the house.
ReplyDeleteThey think their house stinks right now.Just imagine what it would smell like.And, all the anti bacterial spray in the world would never get me back into a house like that.
When daddy died, Sis asked Nan/Hubby to move in with her,and they could let Betty[Nan's kid] stay in their house, she didn't want to stay here along, they could get insurance for their things.
ReplyDeleteShe is going to Western University.A well known Science and medical university.She will be a scientist.
ReplyDeleteHow did that arrangement work out?Is everybody happy?
ReplyDeleteI know you would have to be looking for another place..when they finish, I hope it be safe for Ian to live there.
ReplyDeleteYes ,it's just Nan and her hubby, we didn't want her staying here alone, this house is so large someone could live here with her for months and she not know it.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteA scientist, girl your family has it going on, more power to Jordan.
ReplyDeleteSeve and his wife are such careful and meticulous people,the house will be just fine and they have the health and hazard guys there every day doing it right.They gutted the place ,power washed the walls and floors and soaked it in anti bacterial chemicals.They have fans ans de humidifiers going all over the house to dry it before they can drywall.
ReplyDeleteIt still seems like home to all your family.They still like to gather there.
ReplyDeleteOne of my fairy cousins came to visit today, they started talking about MJ and he started crying, Nan told him if he didn't stop that shit she was going to put him out in the storm. His ass dryed up real fast.
ReplyDeleteWhen we moved here iwas 7 of us, sis her 2 boys and Nan...daddy Chris and me.Yes they like coming here, but they say sis is ticky, shit , she been that way as long as I can remember.
ReplyDeleteSteves main thing is replacing his stuff.
ReplyDeleteGay peole must really like MJ.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Nan has no patience with gays.
So Sis is a little fussy.That's probably why the house is still in such good shape.Good for her.
ReplyDeleteOld O.J. is scared for his life, now he know how Nicole felt, the bastard is paraniod..scared to dealth.
ReplyDeleteHe's concerned about his foundation.They are not poor .His wife has a high paying job with the government.She's pretty important.They have never left the little house they bought when they were married a couple of years.They could afford a bigger better one but they like the neighborhood and the schools for the kids.Maybe they will consider moving now.
ReplyDeleteIan and Steve are happy they did not lose their big screen TV.They love to watch sports together on it.Steve lost all his beer though.That hurt.Beer goes with sports.
ReplyDeleteI haven't checked your OJ story yet.Give me the highlights.
ReplyDeleteNan likes him a lot,she don't like people putting on airs. Susan wanted to leaved her hubby and come and stay, sis said no, so susan went to my bros. and Jon told Daddy built the house for sis, she finishing raising Chris and I and daddy gave all of us some land.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't Susan kick her old man out and live in her own house??
ReplyDeleteHe says his cellmate is going to kill him and the cell mate told him he was a murderer and a rapist. he hated him because he kill nicole and got away with it. O.J. is just losing his mine, be sure to see my take.
ReplyDeleteWell boy,that's justice isn't it?
ReplyDeleteHe's had it coming a long time.Now he knows what fear really is.What Nicole must hsve felt when he came at her with a knife.
Thats what Jon says, Jon is sis twin and nobody messes with her.
ReplyDeleteHe got mad and left her for the 4/5time, she has a 3bdrm nice house,
it just needs some work done on it.
I don't feel sorry for her,he thinks everyone should give her money,hell his back is not hurt, if it was he wouldn't be out there with those women..what is he doing "eating" or making salad .hahaha
I have one about Patrick Swayze I will put in tomorrow , I have a picture of him and wife, if you have a nicer one put it on the post for me.. we really love Patrick.
ReplyDeleteHer husband plays around,does he?
ReplyDeleteShe has to get rid of him.Your brothers could get him out of there.
Dad could ask some nice Sicilian gentlemen to take him for a long ride.
I don't think the cellmate is doing anything to him ,I think it's in his mind and he is just going crazy .
ReplyDeleteHe's always been crazy,he sliced up two people.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to believe that he has had some threats.Inmates woud be angry that he got away with murder just because he was rich and a celebrity.
Richard and Chris went by there about 2/3 weeks ago, he packed a bag and left...she lives close by.I told her to get a divorced and get her a man ,shit she don't have to marry him.If she divorced him they will fix her house up.
ReplyDeleteAs you and I both know.It is possible to start over.And, do better the second time.
ReplyDeleteThey don't house murderers and rapists there at Lovelock, his kids was there in the house, he will get his just due, a little late but sweet just the same.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the guy just told him he was a murderer to spook him.OJ is probably a big coward.
ReplyDeleteThats what I told her.I told her she was only 59 and still a nice looking woman, their is someone out there for her...look at sis.
ReplyDeleteI think thats what happen,you know he is a coward to hide in the shadows and kill two people. He knew he couldn't beat the young guy.
ReplyDeleteDid I hear somewhere that the guy was on the dating game before he was killed?
Susan may not like men any more after her experience for so many years.
ReplyDeleteI know the young guy's name but I can't bring it to mind at the moment.I don't know if he was on match game.HE was good looking.'Ron' something.
ReplyDeleteI will probably be up early with my grandkids Nee,so I'll say bonsoir et bonne chance(good night and good luck)I hope your weather improves soon.It can get pretty depressing when the rain doesn't let up....lots of luv PIC
ReplyDeleteOJ beat his first wife like he beat Nicole. I never hear abot them, I know they said at onr time his son may have helped him.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the grands..sweet dream ...PIC luv...NEE