June 8th was "Milk Monday" at Buche's grocery in Mission, S.Dak. ,and Neal Wanless got in on the sale: two gallons at $1.97 instead of $3.45 a gallon.Old habits must die hard,since, surely, he no longer needs to bargain hunt.Twelve days earlier the young rancher whose family home was repossessed in 2008,won the $232 million dollar lottery payout--one of the biggest undivided prizes ever."All right Neal" cheered deli worker Becky Bearshield as he passed her counter carrying his milk. The quiet 23-year old blushed and ,"Thank you Becky".
After waiting nine days to come forward(he will receive a lump sum payment of $88.5 million)Wanless didn't have many words to say at a June 5th press conference.. Wanless said he liked to think the Lord for this opportunity.I will not squander it ,he said.My family has been helped by the community, and I intend to repay it many times over.
Even here,in America's seventh poorest county,there is little envy directed at Wanless,who dropped out of Iowa State University in 2006 to work the family's 320-acre ranch.There's nobody who needs it more,says friend, Greg Assman.It's impossible to make a living on 320 acres..Still,Neal and his parents were trying. His parents owe nearly $2,500.00 in taxes and were selling scrap metal to make ends meet.Bearshields's father used to hire the Wanless to bale hay; once,Becky recalls,they needed money for Neal's graduation,my dad let him have all the hay and all the profit. Dispite his windfall, don't expect Neal to abandon ranch life. Not long ago he was riding a favorite horse, Eleanor, and told her,it'd be nice if we could go for a ride on a bigger ranch of our own. My take on this: It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Money and fame don't make the man.The man is made by the values and principals he was raised with.It seems like the Wanlesses did a good job. As I have said many times, the acorn don't fall far from the tree...But hey that's just me.[giggles]
Neal looks reasonably cute.I think I could convince one of my daughters to marry him.
ReplyDeleteHell, I'll marry him myself and give him the benefit of my experience.
He will not remain unchanged by the money.Gradually that good old boy will get jaded by people trying to take advantage of him and just being nice to him for his money.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, how is everyone?I have anyother one about a 6 pack.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the comment I left on the Brodrerick twins.they were born on my "BD" they should have named them "Jeannie and Jean`ne" hahaha
ReplyDeleteWhile I am waiting for you to find me,I just get a mirror and see if the choochie needs a trim.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteDo you just trim it or do you shave it?...Have you tried braids??
ReplyDeleteCorn-rows with little bows??
I'll get a mirror while you are busy and put a happy face on mine. Of course it will be sideways.
ReplyDeleteJust givve it a trim,mabe I can get him to braid it and put little bows on it.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll go look for a naughty joke,since I am doing sexy posts and you are trimming your choochie
ReplyDeleteBy the way,have you tried a Mohawk??
Well say about the menand sex,I have a comment there,what I am going to do.
ReplyDeleteNot yet,the spikes in the mohawk might stick little "gil" and i don't won't to hurt him.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou are so bad.
I'm sure Gil will appreciate you waking him up to read this stuff.I wonder what the first word out of his mouth will be.
ReplyDeleteOh my,you two are very naughty tonight that figures you were good last night.
ReplyDeleteA happy face on a side way kitty cat.
Jeannie you and Nee is really connected.
The first word he will say is "Oh Shit" can't it wait til tomorrow.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYeah, well you appreciate our humor Nan, so that makes you one of us.
ReplyDeleteNan,Sis wants you to call her.
ReplyDeleteIt's a proven,true fact that people say 'Oh,shit'just before their plane crashes.All the black box recordings that they have ever recovered have the pilots saying that in every language.
ReplyDeleteYou would think it would be 'Oh,God'Or 'Save me Jesus'
Have you ever heard of a woman with a kitty-cat,I told that heifer that was a choochie.
ReplyDeleteMy Kitty -cat looks like it's smiling now.Still happy from yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like that is what they would say save me God or something in that order.
ReplyDeleteI bet it is a happy kitty-cat.I bet the "Rock" is still smiling.
ReplyDeleteI saw your twins comment.I don't think the name Jean or Jeannie is very popular.Only one of my grandchildren is named after me.
ReplyDeleteYou don't meet many Jeannies out there and I have never met a Jean'ne before.Is it a family name??
How is everyone..Nana is keeping everyone hopping. "P"s back ,is it any better. "J" and his court case,I hope it's going in his favor.
ReplyDeleteMy mama was named "Emily Jean`ne"
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you but I have lost our icons
ReplyDeleteMy mama's family was from Oklahoma..My daddy met her in El Paso,Texas,where her family moved to work on the railroad.
ReplyDeleteP's back is getting better.He is wearing a back brace.They are going to the lake tomorrow after the twins have their graduation at karate school.They have moved up another belt.
ReplyDeleteHe would be better off at home for a while just resting his back, but they love it up there.The boys have so much to do and they have a lot more freedom up there than in town.
I lost mine also,they reappears,I dn't know why,I was visiting and it did the same.
ReplyDeleteIt's already July 03 here. The summer is flying by.
ReplyDeleteNana doesn't like me going out in case she needs me but I want Brian to have a good holiday.It is because of Nana that we don't go away for a holiday.We don't mind giving that up, but she isn't going to keep us in the house all the time.
Now thats good to hear..the twins are moving fast,I know it makes everyone happy...That might be what P needs,out on the lake with some peace ,water is soothing for the nerves.
ReplyDeleteI wish Nana would let someone stay with her for a couple of days,you both needs to get away to just be along. Dad and Sis is going to Reno on vacation when I move..I told everyone to stay away,I know we will have Jill/Gilly/Sharon.
ReplyDeleteYou will be so busy with moving,finding a place for everything,taking care of kids.Maybe you should leave the blog to me for a while or perhaps shut it down for a while.
ReplyDeleteSis could be a real help to you .Why do you want her away from there.Dad could help with the kids.
ReplyDeleteYou could collapse from all the work.Get some help.
ReplyDeleteBrian and I do need to get away from her.She is so stressful to live with.But I'm scared that if I leave her,she will choose that time to die and I would never forgive myself for abandoning her.
ReplyDeleteShe is becoming increasingly,emotionally unsound and doesn't trust anyone.She might do something crazy in the care of someone else.There is no help for it,I must stay.
But,you, young lady,are taking too much on yourself.
I have a post name "The Masche's 6 Pack",will you post it for me,I think I know how to stay ahead while I work on some profiles.
ReplyDeleteNo dad and Sis is going on vacation after I move.Gil told me to find someone to come in at twice a week to help,I guess so.I have asked around.
ReplyDeleteI'll post it honey.Excuse me for two minutes.Maxy is giving me the signal that he has to take a midnight dump....back in a flash.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't keep Sis away with a tractor,but all the rest,can just give me some time to get things together.
ReplyDeleteI have to tell my family when I need a little space..Sis is always there for me,I think they will leave in August.
We don't have to shut down,there will always be one of us.I have visits some blogs where they say they are going on holiday/vacation,be back in so many days.
ReplyDeleteWil they all respect your wishes?
ReplyDeleteCraig Fergusen is funny.I'm not a fan of Conan any more.Jay L still makes me laugh.Dave L not so much.
ReplyDeleteI put Craig on while I'm talking to you.We have a lot of Scots in Canada.Especially where I used to live in Hamilton.I like them.
You are going to be frustrated at moving time,and may lose your patience and get a little bitchy.I have been there.Just organizing the kitchen can be a nightmare.If the kitchen and bathrooms are done and all the beds are ready,at least you can get in there and arrange the other rooms at your leisure.
ReplyDeleteNo ,they will come .
ReplyDeleteWhat I liked about moving into a brand new house was,it hadn't been used by anybody else and I didn't have to clean anyone else's dirt up.
ReplyDeleteI hope your meeting with the contractor went well.
ReplyDeleteGil told me to get full time help with the house,that way I can do all the things I want to do with my babies.
ReplyDeleteIt went very well,he told me he was surprise, the lead man told him I was hell and didn't know what I wanted.The other house was brand new. I would like to have someone nice,I will let them know they don't have to take care of my babies.
ReplyDeleteGil may have a point.Are you going to consider it?
ReplyDeleteI had help on and off when I was younger and could afford it.Usually when I got out of hospital for some reason or just a daily who came in twice a week when I was working.
I didn't like the way they did anything and their presence in my home bugged me...but hey..that's just me....HA!
My family don't pay any attention to me when I tell them to let me have a little space, Jon says I am the baby of the family and they are going to see me when they please.
ReplyDeleteHahaha Girl I get your drift,I like things done a certain way also. Dad says hire Sis, no way ,Sis will do as she please and spank my musty butt ,shit she don't play,she is the only one I don't give back talk too.
ReplyDeleteWe should call it a night,sweetie.I bet you know exactly what you want and your house will be spectacular.
ReplyDeleteContractors are notoriously hard to communicate with .They don't listen.They argue and don't do what you say.And those are the good ones.
So don't lose your patience.It will turn out great in the end.
You have to live there every day of your life for many years, so it has to be right.
I have started watching Craig also.I like most all the shows that come out of Canada..
ReplyDeleteHe is a nice man.
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnite and talk tomorrow,I will get some help..So sweet dreams and a restful sleep...LUV....PIC...NEE
Goodnight Sweetie.Have a restful sleep and may all your problems be little ones.Don't lose that sense of humor....luv ...luv J