It was impossible to find the greatest treasure (singular) in the world. There are many, so I will introduce one every now and then, in no particular order and you can decide for yourself what the greatest treasure in the world is.
One that ocurred to me right away was the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'. They are priceless, not because of their monetary value but because of what they have taught and continue to teach us.
The Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
In the spring of 1947 Bedouin goat-herds, searching the cliffs along the Dead Sea for a lost goat (or for treasure, depending on who is telling the story), came upon a cave containing jars filled with manuscripts. That find caused a sensation when it was released to the world, and continues to fascinate the scholarly community and the public to this day.
The Qumran site and the Dead Sea.
The Qumran site and the Dead Sea.
The first discoveries came to the attention of scholars in 1948, when seven of the scrolls were sold by the Bedouin to a cobbler and antiquities dealer called Kando. He in turn sold three of the scrolls to Eleazar L. Sukenik of Hebrew University, and four to Mar Athanasius Yeshue Samuel of the Syrian Orthodox monastery of St. Mark. Mar Athanasius in turn brought his four to the American School of Oriental Research, where they came to the attention of American and European scholars.
It was not until 1949 that the site of the find was identified as the cave now known as Qumran Cave 1. It was that identification that led to further explorations and excavations of the area of Khirbet Qumran. Further search of Cave 1 revealed archaeological finds of pottery, cloth and wood, as well as a number of additional manuscript fragments. It was these discoveries that proved decisively that the scrolls were indeed ancient and authentic.
Qumran Cave 4.
Qumran Cave 4.
Between 1949 and 1956, in what became a race between the Bedouin and the archaeologists, ten additional caves were found in the hills around Qumran, caves that yielded several more scrolls, as well as thousands of fragments of scrolls: the remnants of approximately 800 manuscripts dating from approximately 200 B.C.E. to 68 C.E.
The manuscripts of the Qumran caves include early copies of biblical books in Hebrew and Aramaic, hymns, prayers, Jewish writings known as pseudepigrapha (because they are attributed to ancient biblical characters such as Enoch or the patriarchs), and texts that seem to represent the beliefs of a particular Jewish group that may have lived at the site of Qumran.
The manuscripts of the Qumran caves include early copies of biblical books in Hebrew and Aramaic, hymns, prayers, Jewish writings known as pseudepigrapha (because they are attributed to ancient biblical characters such as Enoch or the patriarchs), and texts that seem to represent the beliefs of a particular Jewish group that may have lived at the site of Qumran.
Most scholars believe that the Qumran community was very similar to the Essenes, one of four Jewish "philosophies" described by Josephus, a first century C.E. Jewish historian. Some have pointed to similarities with other Jewish groups mentioned by Josephus: the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Zealots.
We do not know precisely who wrote those sectarian scrolls, but we can say that the authors seemed to be connected to the priesthood, were led by priests, disapproved of the Jerusalem priesthood, encouraged a strict and pious way of life, and expected an imminent confrontation between the forces of good and evil.
Apparently the scrolls were hidden in the caves just prior to the Romans' arrival for their safe keeping.Other noteworthy finds are the fragments of 14 parchment scrolls-including parts of the books of Genesis, Leviticus Deuteronomy, Psalms and Ezekiel-discovered at Masada, the site of the Jews' last stand against the Romans in A.D. 73.
We do not know precisely who wrote those sectarian scrolls, but we can say that the authors seemed to be connected to the priesthood, were led by priests, disapproved of the Jerusalem priesthood, encouraged a strict and pious way of life, and expected an imminent confrontation between the forces of good and evil.
Apparently the scrolls were hidden in the caves just prior to the Romans' arrival for their safe keeping.Other noteworthy finds are the fragments of 14 parchment scrolls-including parts of the books of Genesis, Leviticus Deuteronomy, Psalms and Ezekiel-discovered at Masada, the site of the Jews' last stand against the Romans in A.D. 73.
I knew you would figure it out.Didn't I rell you so ? Damn I am smart. See you later sweetie..
ReplyDeleteNee with the happy ...oh hell you know.[giggled] :-)
Jeannie...you are opening a lot of people eyes and making their wonder.Everyone is in a hurry. But with the way you condensed the articles ,you can lesrn a lot without spending so much time reading. You also makes it easy to understand...I like it PIC, I have learn a lot since meeting you.
ReplyDeleteBut hey,that's just me ,the "CUPCAKE" haha later...NEE