Ryan's son estranged son Griffin O'Neal , 44, who was denied entry into Farrah's funeral service, says that Ryan wasn't really devoted partner to Farrah and that his main motivation for staying by her side while she was dying was not purely unselfish.There was no cudding or loving, Griffin says ,he didn't deserve to be around her. He was awful to Farrah, they agured,in 1983 , Farrah had to cancel a play performance at the Westside Arts Theater due to an injury,she said she fell of the stage,Griffin describes Ryan's relationship as volatile and conbustible,anything could have happen between those two. Ryan was not always there,when Farrah's cancer came back three years ago,Ryan went to Germany with her for her first treatment,but skipped the next five,he wasn't consistant ,he wasn't good at the day to day.Thats why she kept turning the marriage proposals down. Griffin claims Ryan has a wandering eye and had cheated on Farrah numerous times.Everyone wanted to see a fairy tale love story between them but thats not how it was..Griffin claims Ryan got Redmond hooked on drugs at a very young age. When they was arrested last September for possession of drugs,Ryan pleaded guilty and agreeded to enter a drug deferment program,Redmond pleaded no contest ,was sent to jail and then to rehab. When Griffin was 16 years- old, he punched his teeth out. The only thing you can rely on Ryan for is his unpredictability, the consistency of his temper and the severity of his rage,Griffin wife ,Joanna, says, he is violent..
Ryan ignored "Tatum"...Ryan and his daughter starred in the movie "Paper Moon" together in 1973. But when he learned Tatum was nominated for a best actress Oscar and he was snubbed by the Academy,It's been reported he punched Tatum in the face ,says Griffin.Tatum wrote she was a needy little girl and haunted by neglect,she wrote in her memoirs...He announced on the "Today Show"--I love her more now than I have ever loved her.. Griffin says my father the hypocrite.
My take on this: We as fans of Farrah have know for a very long time what a two-timing Jack-ass Ryan O'Neal is...Now he is trying to cash in on her death, what a horrible person, well I am
waiting to hear from Tatum and Redmond.. stay tuned: the saga continues.
Hello up there my little Canadian sister. Is it wet up there?
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone? Is Brian behaving himself? I know Nana isn't.Is Brian still being frisky? [giggles]I missed you this weekend, I hope you had a great time with Dale and Barb,thah's what you need to get out a little more ,if the weather let you.Did you get to go to the lake? If so ,did you managed to keep Brian out of the water?
We carried the kids to Six Flags . they had a great time, it is between Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas..about a 3 hour drive..it started raining around 12pm there my time..it was a spur of the moment thing..glad to see you, I'll be back later..LUV...PIC..NEE
What a great idea to take the kids to a big amusement park.Those impulsive ideas are the most fun.
ReplyDeleteWe had a nice dinner,then on Sunday we had torrential thunderstorms and flooding.Steve's house got flooded.He
had a lot of property damage.Jeremy took our truck down there with a couple of friends to help him take everything that was ruined to the dump.Finally stopped raining today.
Poor Steve, I hope he didn't lose to much,I guess the rain moved on down.
ReplyDeleteHello PIC. Did you go on the rolly coaster??
ReplyDeleteI am glad Jer was there to help Steve.
ReplyDeleteBefore Gilly came, we would just wake up in the middle of the night and say lets go , or call me on the phone and say grab a bag.
Do Steve live far? How is Ian?
Did you go on the 'wild tea-cup' ride and throw up?
ReplyDeleteHow did the kids like it?
No , Gilly and I kept our asses on the ground,But Gil Had a ball with the girls..they loved it.
ReplyDeleteSteve is an hour from us in a large city.We found a pump here and would have taken it to him but when we called him back he already had two pumps going.
ReplyDeleteIt hapeened to us once when we lived down that way.
We asked Ian how he liked his indoor swimming pool.He said it was fun.
I'm glad the girls had fun.those are memories they keep forever.
ReplyDeleteDo tou miss getting up in the middle of the night and going somewhere on impulse?
ReplyDeleteI bet Dale and Barb had a good time with you and the "Rock". Do they live far from you?
ReplyDeleteNan says the loons is after someone name "Sharon Harvey",42. same age as Vix,live in Doncaster, England, says Dodo have her picture on her blog,I haven't seen it..I think she has a site on myspace..That might be someone just rattling their chains.
You look forward to the kids getting older so you can do those kinds of things again. By the time they are old enough you are too tired to go.
ReplyDeleteOnce in a blue moon we still do something impulsive,Only for an hour or two though.
Some time I do, but it got old living out of a suitcase,my babies really like flying, don't know why, they sleep all the way.
ReplyDeleteDale and Barb live close by.we've been friends for years.Been to many parties together and seen the bottom of many bottles.Dale can drink more than anyone I have ever met and still seem sober as a judge.He's cut back a lot now.( high blood pressure) and he hasn't got the stomach for it now.We had some fun times together.Barb had the privilege of seeing Brian's naked ass once.
ReplyDeleteThe loons are never happy unless they are hunting someone relentlessly.They need to feed their lust for blood.
ReplyDeleteGod forbid you should say something against their hero,that paragon of virtue,DC.
Thats the way I feel now. I seen a lot of the world,it was fun then, but I think I like what we did last,just a short trip,I still have a lot going on,next year it will be a different story. After Gilly was born, all hell broke loose,that damn house, my sickness, Gil's car wreck. Things have leveled out .
ReplyDeleteOh you told us about the lady coming to visit and past the window,I bet she did a double take and said ...damn ..you are a lucky girl..If I find anything about DC, I am going to snark his ass good.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness things leveled out.It wasn't such a good year for you till now.
ReplyDeleteThings are looking up now (knock on wood).
I'm going to put the kettle on now.And I have to kiss my hubby goodnight.Be back in half a tick.
ReplyDeleteAll of them has line up for the kill, just like a pack of rabid dogs. You know they talk/defend that fart-ass more than women defend their men, I think that is a sickness in itself.Everyone agrees with old dodo,what she says is the holy truth...I bet either one of them have ever met him, and they are mad at Liza.. On wet paint they are calling her all kinds of bimbos..shit they kicked my ass off just for speaking my mind and I didn't talk ugly .
ReplyDeleteWhy are they calling LIza names now??
ReplyDeleteYum,Im having some lemon thriller.
I bet Old dodo would really be surprise who we are and what we know. Nan says she told the lady they knew who she was and where she lived , someone may pay her a visit. [giggles] Tell me where you heard that before..I'll tell.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Angela and I got into it at Vix's and that's what I told her.Dodo is using a lot of our phrases,so you know she visits, wonder when she sleep.
Is Wet Paint a fan site for DC?
ReplyDeleteI've never understood that he has fan boards.What is it exactly that they are admiring??????
I bet it is good, I can just smell it.
ReplyDeleteSaying she is a home-wrecker and a gold digger, she had the babies just to trap DC.
It's a fan-site for the CSI:Miami/Las Vegas.. all they talked about was DC, but now the other cast members are being mentioned,It's kind of like Vix's Zimbio site was.dodo have a Zimbio site never been there.
ReplyDeleteI was busy, Hahaha I have some posts in drafts,and I didn't know I was going anywhere.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Rowe/Ryan O'Neal..That Ryan is a low class dog and Alana Stewast is a hussy.
Angela was a fucking racist and she didn't even know it.
ReplyDeleteThe world is full of fantastic human beings and some white trailer trash thinks she is better than two thirds of them.It has always made me angry.
Vix was a racist too .I disliked that about her and always pointed it out.
One time she told me "Too bad.I respect the opinion of my friend"(meaning Angela) I didn't go back for a while after that.She was annoyed with me.
I thought Alana Stewart was Farrah's friend.Whas'up with that?
ReplyDeleteI remember, Then she got annoyed with Angela ,because asked her what had DC did to her..she never answer, Vix didn't want me to ask Angela to visit us. Vix put up with me because of you,she believe if I left you would too..I called Angela on it once and I said >>Hey Jeannie, lets go to Angela's house and bitch slap the shit out of her.
ReplyDeleteI notice after we open this blog ,you didn't visit Vix as much, she would come over and almost beg us to come over,we stop commenting as much.
ReplyDeleteJeannie , I think Vix knew she was losing us, and it wasn't worth the fight,and she got careless.
I remember you making that comment.I liked you right then.
ReplyDeleteI thought you'd be fun.
She was her best friend, Farrah;s dad ,Jim caught Ryan/Alana in a room together, you will see it, I want you to look the post over, Alana 's book on Farrah is due out August 11th,just a month after she died.
ReplyDeleteI ended up going to DCR mainly to talk to you.I was tired of vix's same old shit.
ReplyDeleteSo, when you started the blog,we used this venue to talk.There was no need to go to DCR.We promised her that we'd still visit so we went there every day but didn't comment so much.
She couldn't have written a friggin book in a month.She must have been doing it all the time her friend was dying.
ReplyDeleteI can't afford to be a racist, my family is just like gumbo,a little bit of everything..
ReplyDeleteYou will see..she didn't leave Ryan shit, so he is going to make money of her death..now we know why he was mad about MJ getting all the attention.
ReplyDeleteWell as you know,gumbo is delicious.Just ask Dad.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Rowe will not seek custody if Katherine promise to keep Joe away, I have that one too.
ReplyDeleteDidn't we always know why Ryan was mad at the fuss over MJ?
ReplyDeleteHe wants the press,then he gets the job offers and then he gets the money.
Obama is involved in a racial controversy right now.
ReplyDeleteIf a person makes you happy,so be it, I remember Vix saying she will stick with her own kind..HA!!! see where that got her crazy ass.My kind is a two-legged male that walks up-right and not covered in hair/fur.hahaha Shit I am hot tonight.
ReplyDeleteJust looking at Griffin.It's a bad picture but I think he is more good looking than his dad.Was his mom an actress?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you.I don't have a kind.I like to think Im one with all my brothers and sisters.There are language differencs and custom differencs and I don't like all the customs.I don't like all the food,but those are the only real differences.
ReplyDeleteGriffen has a low opinion of his dad.What does he do for a living?
ReplyDeleteWhy are they estranged?
I have the latest MJ story in drafts.I haven't written my version yet.The doctor did administer that anesthetic to help Mj sleep and they think that killed him.Maybe he will be charged.I hope so.
I am so sick of them at Obama's throat, don't they know his background was checked out, Hell he is a "ZEBRA" a little for everyone . Thie fool governor of ours turn the money down and now they are cutting "SCI-PORT's funds.
ReplyDeleteObama can't fix in 6 months what Bush fucked up in 8 years.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth did he turn the money down?
ReplyDeleteA lot of people don't agree with Obama's spending,but he pulled them out of the recession by their bootstraps.Now he has to figure out how to repay all the money he borrowed,but dammit he saved the country,maybe the world from economic disaster.It will take a few years to fully recover.
I don't know what Griffin do,Ryan knocked his tooth out at 16 started him on drugs, he's clean now ,started Redmond on drugs and Tatum..Redmond and Tatum is still fighting their demons, Griffin was turned away from the services.
ReplyDeleteRyan is an ass of giant proportions.He onlyever made two movies of note.What has he done lately, other than corrupt and alienate his kids?
ReplyDeleteThat's mostly the way the republicans thinks down here..La. Miss. Ark. Tex, Did not want Obama, they wanted McCain and if anything happen to him, we would have Palin or whatever her name is, Jindel is a yes man.He wants to throw his hat in for Pres. 2012, heaven help us if he win.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have a good combination now.Obama working with Hilary.
ReplyDeleteI don't know too much about your vice president.Is he is smart,knowledgable,a good diplomat?
Ryan did Paper Moon with Tatum and Love Story in the 70's never seen Love Story, heard of him because he sto;e his best friends wife.If it wasn't for Farrah, people would "RYAN WHO".
ReplyDeleteObama is into young people and making the world a better place for them, now I am all for that.
ReplyDeletePalin is retiring from politics.Too much scandal in her family for her to continue.Now,the daughters ex boyfriend is telling all Palin's family secrets for money.I've seen him on TV.
ReplyDeleteRyan was on TV to start with.He was in a famous series called Peyton Place.
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden is a go getter, says whats on his mind and can talk naughty like me..Joe and Obama went to lunch at a hamburger joint and the media couldn't leave it alone. I think Joe is a good man.
ReplyDeletePalin's husband says she is going to write a book and she will be back, I guess so the tax-payers can buy her more clothes. I would have picked the Rice woman, at least she had sense.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to pack it in for now hon and write a post.It was nice chatting with you.Nan kept me company for a while last night.
ReplyDeleteShe says your daughters remind her of you and her when you were kids.She says they are like sisters.I think that's lovely.I hope they are bst friends for life.
I am glad you enjoyed Nan,wait til she get started, I think they will be friends for life, Sharon calls Nan Mom and me mama like Jill,she calls her Na's husband Dad and Gil daddy, all of the call Dad Poppa.haha
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnite sweetie and see you later..
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams til morrow,
Snuggled with your Rock.
Goodnight luv.Have a nice rest next to Long Shanks.See you tomorrow.God Bless...J