British scientists claim to have created human sperm from embryonic stem cells for the first time, an accomplishment they say may someday help infertile men father children.
The technique could, in 10 years allow researchers to use the basic knowledge of how sperm develop to design treatments to enable infertile men the chance to have biological children, said lead researcher Karim Nayernia, of Newcastle University, whose team earlier produced baby mice from sperm derived in a similar way.
The research, published in the journal Stem Cells and Development, was conducted by scientists at Newcastle and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute. Stem cells can become any cell in the body, and scientists have previously turned them into a variety of new entities, including cells from the brain, pancreas, heart and blood vessels.
Some experts challenged the research, saying they weren't convinced Nayernia and his colleagues had actually produced sperm cells. Several critics also said the sperm cells they created were clearly abnormal.
"I am unconvinced from the data presented in this paper that the cells produced by Professor Nayernia's group from embryonic stem cells can be accurately called 'spermatazoa,'' said Allan Pacey, a senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield. Pacey said in a statement that the sperm created by Nayernia did not have the specific shape, movement and function of real sperm.
Azim Surani, a professor of physiology and reproduction at the University of Cambridge said the sperm produced by the Newcastle team were "a long way from being authentic sperm cells.'' Nayernia said the cells "showed all the characteristics of sperm,'' but his group's intention was simply to "open up new avenues of research'' with their early findings, rather than using the sperm to fertilize eggs.
Robin Lovell-Badge, a stem cell expert at the National Institute of Medical Research said that despite the questions raised, Nayernia and colleagues have made some progress in obtaining human sperm from embryonic cells.
Nayernia said creating embryos from lab-manufactured sperm is banned by British law. He said they only plan to produce sperm to study the reasons behind infertility, and will not fertilize any eggs.
Some lawmakers said provisions should be made to allow sperm derived from stem cells to be tested as part of potential fertility treatments.
These God-like powers we are lately acquiring,(cloning and atificially creating human sperm) are a little frightening in their implications. A lot of moral,ethical and religious issues come to mind. I hope we have the wisdom to use this new knowledge appropriately and not go off half cocked as mankind is wont to do.
AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter contributed to this report from New York.
I think they are/can do wonderful things with stem-cells,I hope they don't go off half cocked also,and start creating something out of a horror movie.
ReplyDeleteThe possibilities are endless.Armies of clones.Babies raised in labs like rats.Oh,the horror!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you agree with the post I did on bachelors.Check it out.
ReplyDeleteHI PIC
ReplyDeleteI did check it out and agree,I left a note there.
ReplyDeleteHello.Maybe we should change your name to "Cup-size",then your icon can be a big titty.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of icons,where are they?
ReplyDeleteMy old man been around the block a few times.I agree older men do make better mates,most have their life mapped out and try harder to keep it that way.
ReplyDeleteI would pick an older man every time.In fact,next time I won't accept anyone under 55.
ReplyDeleteI don't know,sometime they stay on,but for a couple of days they have been acting a fool.
ReplyDeleteI would too. Want to hear something funny that happen this evening?
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting very patiently.
ReplyDeleteI seldom lose my patience
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone? Is Brian still on holiday? How is P's back?
ReplyDeleteI almost never fall asleep at the computer
ReplyDeleteNan Took the kids to Mickey D's and my man and I played house and he asked me who was my daddy ,and i say he's under the bed. I pulled a Jeannie
ReplyDeleteIf you don't tell me the 'something funny' that happened this evening,a hand will come through your computer screen and grab you around the throat.
ReplyDeleteI hope he appreciated your wonderful sense of humor.
It must take awhile for this slow ass thing to get going.
ReplyDeleteHe do,he says he never know what I will say or do next.
ReplyDeleteDid you see DC's little kid,I couldn't tell what she looked like ,it was so dark.
ReplyDeleteI didn't go look at the kid.I don't visit Dodo.She's so damn boring.If the picture is dark I wouldn't bother.I will do a little research and see if I can come up with a better picture.
ReplyDeleteI like what you did to the Chaz post,mom and daughter/son put the finishing touches on it.
ReplyDeleteNice story on Chaz.What could you do.If you love your kid and she's over 21,you just have to support who they are and whatever they do.
ReplyDeleteIf you find one.Will we post it? I think it would be nice to just put her picture up and just say "LIZA's BABY"
ReplyDeleteMy babies,nothing could stop me from loving them,they make choices and I will support them,who knows why people want to change genders.
ReplyDeleteI supported a daughter and lost a son.The consequences were painful.
ReplyDeleteI respect A. made a choice but his sister never hurt him and he hasn't called her in ten years.
When Brian was brought back from the dead,twice,and we were told he had a poor prognosis,A. never came to see him.He knew his dad would probably die but he wouldn't come.Nana told him all about it but he told her he wouldn't come.
I find it hard to get past those two things.
My family is large and we have quite a few scattered around ,we call them fairies ,none have had a sex change,but some dress the part,my cousin son is a pretty girl.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou must have fun at family reunions.
ReplyDeleteWe have one too.
ReplyDeleteYou were right in supporting your daughter,you did not choose between them, the right thing for him to do was stand by his sister in this matter,it is his lost,such a beautiful family that he is missing out on.If you had to do it again,you would have no other choice.
ReplyDeleteI feel very sorry for your son, I wasn't given a choice about my mama,Sis was a great mama to me.
ReplyDeleteI could just kick his arse,he has a mom and just throwed it away,he will regert his actions. I bet he has and just to dammn shamed to admit it.You will always be there for him.He put his ass on the line and the other bastard don't give a damn about him.
I would make the same choice.
ReplyDeleteIt's his children who have suffered by his decision.They were denied the right to know us.I blame myself for not insisting on the right to see them,but I can't turn the clock back.
Feelings were kind of hostile for a year or two and after that we were just afraid to approach A.
You are right.A. gave up his family for 'Biological' and now B. doesn't give a rat's ass about him.
ReplyDeleteAnd A's wife, who is 'Biological's siter doesn't care about his sacrifice either.
I love Nan like a sister,and I would never side with her hubby even if she was wrong,they would just have to sought it out for themselves.
ReplyDeleteHow dare him,his sister was sick ,he should have been by your side,you could have lost both,but they will be here a long time,eighter is finish yet.
They are both fighters.We all still need them too much to give them up.
ReplyDeleteYou got yourself involved with a family that has had a lot of tragedy and is kind of beat up.
I still have my 'rock' to lean on.
ReplyDeleteThe 'rock' looks a little funny right now.He's on his back ,snoring with his mouth open.
A little bird could make a comfy nest in there.
I bet A is very unhappy, we will never know,but I bet A and his wife is not getting along.
ReplyDeleteNot to worry ,when his kids get grown they will want to see all of you,kids are smart that way.If he and wife quit ,who is going to be there for him...his loyal and forgiving sister.
I know exactly how Brian feels,J is his baby and he don't like the way A took sides.
ReplyDeleteTheir marriage was always troubled.He left her and the two kids, came home and stayed here for eight months.
ReplyDeleteThen one day, she came over here all dressed to the nines and smelling of perfume,with a new hairdo.She had also lost twenty pounds.She meekly asked A. if he would give her a ride to the hospital where their son was overnight.She had sold her car for some f*****g reason.
A. never came home that night and a week later he moved back.Choochie wins again.
I like this family that I have become involved with,I like fighters,take a licking and keep on ticking.
ReplyDeleteI have had some rough times too,I guess that's why we can related to each other...all the hardships you have seen,you still finds something good to smile about.WE might get knocked down ,but we still get up to fight again.
Damn straight Sister.Nobody keeps us down for long.People don't know that the secret for getting back on your feet and trying again is a damn good sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteHe might one day find out there other choochies out there ,he's still a young man,wouldn't it be something if a spy tell you they are not together.
ReplyDeleteA.is devoted to his son,who has inherited a form of my illness.He would never leave that kid again.Although the kid is fifteen now.
ReplyDeleteYou want to go to bachalors?
ReplyDeleteWhen he brought his wife to meet us for the first time,we were having a big party and we were living in a big house that we had just built.She thought we were very rich.My friends told me she was picking things up and looking at the names on the bottom of the silver and the china.She also went all over the house and property.I guess she was calculating our net worth.
ReplyDeleteYou are very rich and were willing to share with her.
ReplyDeleteI don't measure riches by money.