Daddy dearest's newest horror show: Grinning like the dead-eyed zombie that Michael Jackson portrayed in "THRILLER", smirking shyster Joe Jackson --who shocked America with his child-abusive plan to push his grandkids Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket onstage as the so called Jackson 3--touched off a furious family battle with his latest ghoulish scheme: reuniting the Jackson 5 with Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon and Tito backing their dead superstar brother on un-issued vocals discovered in his vault.
A horrified source close to the family said,: unlike Natalie Cole's "Unforgettable" duet with her deceased dad "Nat King Cole" , now that was a labor of love.
Joe's spooky scheme is to resurret meal ticket Michael and enslave him as what he never , ever wanted to be in real life--a dumb-ass oldies act!.
The King of Pop's money grubbing brothers are surprise, surprise !- 100 % behind Puppet Master Pop, but it enraged sisters Janet and La Toya [WOW] they'll fight the old man's tacky exploitation of Michael's memory tooth and nail.
My take on this : Joe is an low down beady-eyed snake in the grass. Janet and La Toya take that old fool down a peg or two. Old Joe has no control over you any more. Just show the old fool who has the bigger balls now. Call your big sister Rebbie for help. You girls kick old Joe's sorry ass and your dead beat brothers will run for the hills. But hey, thats just me. ...stay tuned: the saga continues.
You're right.If those women joined forces,they would be a force to be reckoned with.Women show their power when it comes to protecting children.Joe should be disabled and dismantled and stored in a lock box.
ReplyDeletePIC...You got that one right,we are a force to be reckon with.
ReplyDeleteI had another post I wanted to do, it's kind of funny in a was, I just couldn't let this one go.