Those arrested included three mayors, two state legislators and several rabbis
A major FBI operation in New Jersey has ensnared more than 40 people - including politicians, lawmakers and clergymen - in a massive corruption scandal.
The investigation began two years ago into the sale of black-market kidneys and fake Gucci handbags, reports say. But it soon became a sweeping probe of political corruption on a scale that has shocked many in New Jersey, a state with a rich history of graft. Federal prosecutors said investigators at first probed a suspected money-laundering network based in New York and New Jersey with alleged links to Israel.
The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities with the help of rabbis, mostly from the insular Syrian Jewish community based in Deal, a wealthy oceanfront borough of New Jersey.
Prosecutors used an informant - a former real estate developer charged with bank fraud three years ago - to pose as a crooked businessman. The man allegedly approached the rabbis claiming to be bankrupt and in need of hiding his assets. He then convinced them to accept payments made out to the various charities they oversaw, which they then cashed and handed back to him, keeping a portion of the proceeds as their cut.
Prosecutors used an informant - a former real estate developer charged with bank fraud three years ago - to pose as a crooked businessman. The man allegedly approached the rabbis claiming to be bankrupt and in need of hiding his assets. He then convinced them to accept payments made out to the various charities they oversaw, which they then cashed and handed back to him, keeping a portion of the proceeds as their cut.
Millions are alleged to have been laundered in this way, with much of the money coming from Israel and a Swiss banker, prosecutors say. The New York Times says negotiations often took place in parking lots, diners and boiler rooms, with thousands in cash being stuffed into cereal boxes before being passed on.
But the investigation took on a more sinister turn when one of the men in the money-laundering network introduced the informant to a building inspector in Jersey City, who in turn referred him to a series of corrupt politicians who were known as "players". The informant then adopted a new approach, assuming a fake identity and pretending he wanted to build real estate projects in their city or county. He would then offer to pay $5,000 to $10,000 either as a campaign contribution or a direct bribe - if his projects got favourable treatment.He would sometimes allegedly pull the money out of the trunk of his car, or promise to deliver it via a middleman.
But the investigation took on a more sinister turn when one of the men in the money-laundering network introduced the informant to a building inspector in Jersey City, who in turn referred him to a series of corrupt politicians who were known as "players". The informant then adopted a new approach, assuming a fake identity and pretending he wanted to build real estate projects in their city or county. He would then offer to pay $5,000 to $10,000 either as a campaign contribution or a direct bribe - if his projects got favourable treatment.He would sometimes allegedly pull the money out of the trunk of his car, or promise to deliver it via a middleman.
It is unclear whether the informant actually owned any buildings or if any of the developments he proposed were ever built but it is unlikely. If you can't trust your mayor, your lawmakers or your rabbi, who in the hell can you trust? Something like this undermines people's natural inclination to trust figures of authority or the clergy.
As for the criminals themselves how could they betray the trust placed in them by so many people, and continue on with their careers without conscience?
Good morning sweetie.
ReplyDeleteNow we know for certain that theworld is going to hell in a hand basket like a speeding train down-hill. Really good post.Tell me who can we trust?
Hope everyone is in good spirits.
Hey Pic ,I am keeping a watch on stats, we had 3,600 last Sunday ..take a look ,pretty close huh!!! we will hit 3,700 tonight.
ReplyDeleteGod, we're good!We must know what we're doing....Don't we?
ReplyDeleteOf course we do having fun.hahaha
ReplyDeleteDid you know MJ's sister Rebbie is a singer also and got a gold single for her record---Centipede..I have heard it,but didn't it was her.
ReplyDeletei hope you are planning to spend some time with Dale and Barb tomorrow,it will do you and the "rock"a world of good. How is Nana?
ReplyDeleteNana is an old battle-axe.
ReplyDeleteBrian was very frisky tonight so now I'm very relaxed and purring.
Never heard that song.They are all so talented.
Brian's is keeping you hoping,good for him. I google Rebbie.
ReplyDeleteI'll be out tomorrow night.But, Ill be thinking of you as I eat my prime rib and guzzle my wine.I may even mention your name,and say what a charming southern gal you are.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a nice evening last night and Gil was a smashing success as a speaker...and got a standing O.
I just showed your coboy post to Gil,He say he will try holding me by the ears tonight,maybe I will stop bucking so much..hahaha
ReplyDeleteThere is a book out on MJ called "UNMASKED" going for $15.00,sold out here
ReplyDeleteSomebody just got exclusive rights to his biography.I don't know who.I just saw the headline.
ReplyDeleteHe did very well ,they always want him to speak,he declines mostly,he has a deep baritone voice, he writes his own. I had roast beef or chichen ,same old thing.
ReplyDeleteI'll go look. Be right back.
ReplyDeleteTrim your choochie while you wait.
ReplyDeleteThis man has a book out now,not a bio but he predicted MJ would be dead in 6 months, his name is IAN something,when I find the paper I wrote it on I will tell you.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you are getting out tomorrow night with friends,enjoy dear friend you deserve it.
ReplyDeleteCan't find the headline.I'll look later,but I saw your old friend Octomom has signed a deal for a reality show.She signed separate agreements for each of her 14 children to earn $250.00 a day.
ReplyDeleteMoney grabbing bitch.You gotta do that story.
I told my man my choocie was smoking and he says he has some water by the bed. hahaha See I was being good, now see what you did.
ReplyDeleteI did a post on her crazy ass,her oldest boy beat up his grandmom.
ReplyDeleteYou may have missed beacause all hell broke loose when MJ died.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the story, I would love to take off on her ass.
ReplyDeleteI saw that post.Her kids may all be a little nuts .I feel for that poor little boy.What chaos he must live in.It must be hard for him to even be heard.His mom probably never pays attention to him.
ReplyDeleteBut now she is out for the big bucks,using her innocent babies.
I'll find out where it is.
ReplyDeleteI have two posts in draft, so I know I will try and find it,I know the Enquirer will have it in their next issure.
ReplyDeleteI just put the story in drafts under Suleman.Have a look at it and see if you can do anything with it.
ReplyDeleteI will goggle her,.The bitch, I will give her my take ,she is the slutest of all I bash. Just money is all she had those poor babies for..
ReplyDeleteShe wants more babies.Somebody gotta stop that woman.
ReplyDeleteOkay..I will see and put it back for you to take a look, boy you are fast. I will work on it tomorrow..I have 2 posts in drafts now. so we are fine..you go and have a good time.
ReplyDeleteDidn't she just have an operation? it's just like we said,she had a tummy tuck..Her old pussy is going to turn inside out.
ReplyDeleteYou know that fertility clinic was on the shady side to impregnate her with eight embryos.That's got to be illegal.
ReplyDeletePeople talk about Madonna/Jolie adopting babies,al least they are able to take care of them and not on the county..Those kids don't have a good future to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteThe recession is over in Canada.Everyone is sighing in relief.We just co-signed a loan for Jeremy to go back to university for his fourth year and hopefully post grad.I want him to get his Master's Degree.He has some scholarships also,so he can stay in school for quite a while.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why they are critisized.I hope they start a trend in America,and then all wealthy people will start adopting third world babies.That would be wonderful.
ReplyDeleteIf Brian and I were younger and stronger ,that's what we would do.We would adopt kids from around here though.There are a lot of aboriginal kids who need homes.
Did I add that right? $250.00 a day for each child---is it not $3,500 a day,damn she don't need that kind of money.
ReplyDeletePeople should boycott the advertisement of the show,like they did Dog the Bounty Hunter at one time.
Jeannie ...Jer is going to make you proud just watch and see,all your kids has their heads on straight,Jer is the one with the dreamy dark bedrooms eyes..
ReplyDeleteHow is "J" case coming,good I hope.
ReplyDeleteIs the twins home yet,if so how is Jakey,I know Sam is fine.
I bet the bitch don't give her mom/dad a dime after they lost everything fooling with her sorry ass. If one of our kids pulled that shit with Sis ,she would come looking for our musty asses and she would be loaded for bear.
ReplyDeleteI was raised to respect my elders.
ReplyDeleteSis give you respect and demands hers ar else, that little woman is a mean little ass.
The twins come home on Monday.No bad news about Jake yet.
ReplyDeleteJaye's book is still coming along more slowly now that summer is in full swing and the kids are home from school.Her writing partner Angeli is a much published author who is involved in a book deal at the moment so she isn't spending so much time on their book,but it will move quickly by winter.
jakey writes night and day.Some of his stories are kind of dumb but he keeps writing away.I guess it's in his blood.
Do you think Brian will slow down a little,have at least a 3 day weekend. I know he won't...HA!!
ReplyDeleteGil says he is semi-retired, I don't see it,I don't know what they call slowing down.
My math was off.It's $1,456,000 per year. That"s a nice tidy sum for a slut who does nothing but sit on her ass or go shopping.
ReplyDeleteJill's Jakey is only 10 years-old,he's just honing his skills.hahaha Here I am 90 and I don't do much better{giggles] Jakey is just like his "GUNNY" and the Ever-ready Man, takes a licking and keeps on ticking..am I right or am I right. HUH. yep I'm right.
ReplyDelete'Slowing down' isn't in Brian's vocabulary.If he slows down,he thinks he'll stop dead and never move again.I guess some guys need to work to feel useful and part of the world.They view retirement as sitting around waiting for death.
ReplyDeleteIt's children books Jaye write,so much going on in the summer.I want to know when it hits the book stores.
ReplyDeleteI never see Brian totally relax unless he's on or near water.Water has a calming effect on him.It does for a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteBeing raised by the sea, the sound of the waves breaking put me to sleep every night.
I guess you are right,Dad's driver pick him up every morning ,if I don't need him to baby sit,he used to wear suit and tie,now off he go with his over-alls or shorts and think he is looking fine,Sis starch and iron those damn things.haha
ReplyDeleteMac is Dad's driver now,since he and Leon got back.
This book is an adult book,a kind of murder mystery.She asked me for some ideas when they got writer's block.I think my ideas wern't bad.
ReplyDeleteThis girl goes back to her hometown after years away.She's a journalist and she gets murdred there.
I suggested that she knew some dirty secret about the mayor or the local ,wealthy land owners.
And she was doing some digging to get more dirt on them with the idea of writing an expose in her new book.They didn't want her nosing around or writing about it so someone killed her.
I would love living close to the ocean or beach,not the lake here ,people can come right up to your yard.Leon says he catch some fishing off his dock.
ReplyDeleteHow is old Mac? Does he ever drop by to see what we're talking about.If so I bet he gets a few surprises.We're so naughty sometimes.
ReplyDeleteMy kind of book,I just love a good murder/mystery..I think your idea was great, it sounds like her hometown is in the south,a lot of crooked people here.
ReplyDeleteMac was fun when he came on DCR.He said he and some of his buddies at work used to follow what we talked about.I wonder how he ever found Vix's blog.
ReplyDeleteMust have been a fan of the show.
ReplyDeleteMac is 63 and he says he has us with his morning coffee,he says we haven't changed at all.I think nhe likes his job,he only works when Dad need him,Dad told him when we moved he was going to come and keep him company.He was trying to get hired before Hollywood went under and Dad/family bought it.
ReplyDeleteI may have put the guy's name on one off the post, I leave you a comment everywhere..Hahaha
ReplyDeleteDoes the hotel have a casino in it,or only on the boat?
ReplyDeleteI think I know which hotel your family owns.
ReplyDeleteI think you know a lot more about DC than you can talk about.Nan suggested that was true.That's why I've never asked you questions about it.I never wanted to put you on the spot.
The security/casino people have a grapevine that runs through all the casinos here, we have 6 and a race track. Mac has some family that works in security here and told him to read VIx..just listen at the little nasty mout cupcake.
ReplyDeleteSo that's how it happened.You see, your fame precedes you.You probably have fan clubs you don't even know about.
ReplyDeleteNone of the hotels have casnio,the boats are hooked to them,leaving the hotel going to the boat,you don't know where one starts or stop.Yep I know quite a bit about him,ask away,If I can tell you I will. I posted a picture of it.
ReplyDeleteI remember that picture.It would make a nice postcard.I Googled the hotel.Guests had some nice comments about it,except for a couple.
ReplyDeleteSix casinos...Nana would be in heaven.She loves gambling and she is very lucky.When I went to Vegas with her,I left her in the casino and went for lunch then went on a shopping trip, wandered up and down the strip and came back for dinner and she was still in the casino.And, at night I would go to bed and leave her down there.
ReplyDeleteWe always stay at the Flamingo because she thinks it's lucky.
Yes I was right.I didn't think you wanted to say it on the internet.
ReplyDeleteWell one thing for sure I am not the mystery lady. We get some bad PR, Lynn Spears /Tea Leoni and a lot of the trash,but most are nise ,the ones from other countries are really nice.The young man's family still won't settle with the insurance come ,the one that was drunk and fell three stories.
ReplyDeleteThat was surely not the hotel's fault.What does he want?
ReplyDeleteHell I can tell you and deleted it.shit it's gone,it is so many of them I think it's about 9/10 the same name for the one in Reno..Dad owns 75% of that one,it's about 20 up there, Leon was dad's driver,he's aunt Mae's son.
ReplyDeleteAnyway ,it seems to have survived the recession.I guess people don't give up their gambling no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI don't know ,I asked Gil once ,he said he didn't know ,thats why they pay insurance so they can handle it.One Man got naked split his wrists and jumped off the third floor at the Isle of Capri and died,it has got to be a regular thing here.
ReplyDeleteDad says Gil have only been interested in owning stock. It is a lot of them.
ReplyDeleteThat sure is a public way to commit suicide.I thought people preferred to commit suicide in private,fully clothed.
ReplyDeleteI guess some guys like to make a big exit.
ReplyDeleteLet's call it a night Sweets.When are you having your house warming party?
ReplyDeleteI meant the one in Reno had the same name .
ReplyDeleteI don't know yet,,I am hoping for the rain to give me a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of posts in drafts, so don't worry about anything, Just have a good time with Dale And Barb.
Goodnite sweetie and I will see you soon. have a great time.
Night Hon.Talk to you soon.Hope your weather clears up.Sleep well ...lots of luv...PIC