Now the two have really kicked things up a notch,and their chemistry was clear as they shared a romanatic Italian dinner at II Cartinori in New York City's greenwich Village on June 18th.Eyewitnesses at the Exclusive restautant reveal that Jen,40, and Brad,34,showed up around 9:30 p.m. and sat at an intimate table in the back,they were smiling and talking the whole while and looked so comfortable together.
As soon as Jen got back to the Four Seasons Hotel from her date ,she called her friends in L.A. and told them they had a great time.Jen even hinted Bradley may be "The One!"Jen's close circle of friends seem to agree,they are telling her to go for this guy,that's he's perfect for her,says a pal, noting that Bradley and Jen have both survived failed marriages,they're both based in L.A. and now that Bradley is a huge box-office success, he's got this new found confidence that Jen finds very attractive. Bradley is a great match for her and a great catch. What took so long for them to hook up? Although Bradley and Jennifer have always had a great rapport, it's been a question of timing, explains the insider.Jen was all wrapped up in "John Mayer" but she is finally over him. It's obvious that there's something special about Bradley compared to her exes, so everyone's encouraging her to stay with him.Although Jen seems to be listening,one source says Bradley may be dragging his feet a little.The actor is riding high with the $153 million success of the "Hangover", and he's torn because he's enjoying being single and in the spotlight right now. And Jen may not have his full attention,he's also been seen out and about with 30-year-old actress "Lake Bell".The pair was snapped at the CDFA Fashion Awards in New York City on June 15, and just two days later they were together at the Whitney Art Party ,also in the "Big Apple". Bradley knows that Jen comes with a lot of baggage,says the source,but he's not denying that he definitely has feelings for her.The two will soon have a better understanding of where they stand when they face their first big hurdle.Bradley is due to begin filming "The A-Team in Hungary in August.On one hand ,they are nervous about it, says the source, but on the other , they are both excited to see where it goes.
My take on this: It's convenient Jennifer and Bradley will never have to worry about accidentally calling their new loves by their exes' names. Jen was married to Brad [Pitt], and Bradley Cooper was hitched to a Jennifer. Bradly married 36-year -old actress Jennifer[Esposito] in december 2006 and divorced her almost exactly a year later. Careful, Jen, Bradley have been on your rader for quite awhile. He used to date one of your best friends [actress, Leslie Bibb] .Brad and Leslie were a couple ,but he ended up breaking her heart, Hopefully, the new romance won't affect Jen's friendship with her old pal as Leslie,34,is now serious with 40-year-old actor "Sam Rockwell" . My advice to Jen: confide in a couple of pals, not all of them. Listen to your heart and you can't go wrong....But hey,that's just me....stay tuned. To be continued:
I will redo Jack's profile,I went back to take a look and I seen what I should do..2 or more hours are to much to spend on it,you can be doing other things like talking to me or snuggling with the Rock,[giggles]...I'm going to learn this shit.HA!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have all my notes on Jack.
ReplyDeleteWell it's nice to see Jen recovered and moving on.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't seem like a very stable guy.She's already had at least three unstable guys who were unable to commit to her.Who needs the heartache?But, at least she is open to new experiences again.
You have a lot of information on Jack.The hard part is to arrange it into a pleasing read for people,with a beginning,a middle and an end.Not all of those facts are are of real interest.I guess the first task is to weed out the ones that are not so interesting and see what we have left.I don't mind writing the story.It just seemed like a big project at 1:30 in the morning.I would give it an hour or two on an afternoon when I have spare time.
ReplyDeleteNee,how's the family?How's your lovelife?How's the house coming along.Are you getting tired of waiting for it to be finished?
ReplyDeleteI am good...What lovelife? [giggles] I am ready to move in,I will start next week.
ReplyDeleteHow's everyone?
You mean the house is nearly ready.How did you do that,magic?Or did you nag the poor contractor to death till he worked 24 hours a day?
ReplyDeleteI put up a barbecue sauce recipe.I didn't know if you preferred pork or beef ribs.
ReplyDeleteYou may not like the sauce but I know you'll love my names for them.
ReplyDeleteI got Jack off" News at Celebrity Gossip",I think it might be better to start over,that is to much trouble. I think just a regular profile is better,but I like to see his fat-ass walking aroung naked.
ReplyDeleteYou will be so happy to be in your own home again.Don't get upset if you find a few little gliches or mistakes in the house.They usually don't mind coming back to fix them.They expect these things to happen.
ReplyDeleteYeah,the naked fat ass story was one of the interesting ones I'd use.Also about his mother being his sister. His relationships,best movies.You had a lot of really good meaty stuff to work with.Please leave it in drafts.
ReplyDeleteI know I will love the sauce,I like both,I mostly cook pork.
ReplyDeleteI will be able to move some things in,kitchen/laundry and some odds and ends,I am excited.
I am not going to wait on Labor Day,I am going to fix them this weekend,if I feed them they will come.
I am not going to take it out of drafts. I will leave it there.They have a lot of stuff on him ,all good.I will check out his regular profile so you can read it also,and maybe something will come of it.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI love putting stuff in draft.I was out most of the day.I am working on "Chastity Bono" having a sex change. I will put it in draft tomorrow so you can look it over and post..I have a picture of her woman and her.
ReplyDeleteI was going to ask you to do Chaz Bono.That lady has some major issues in her life.It is so weird that last night I decided to ask you to write about her.
ReplyDeleteI have been out all day and so busy I am knackered.
ReplyDeleteI have to get up early to take Nana to her heart specialist so I will sign off at 12:30 my time.
I hate to miss any gossip time with you but sometimes life gets in the way.
Jen needs to stop telling all her gal-pals what she is doing and who she is doing it with.I only confide in you/Sis/Nan..Reason: Ya'll don't just tell me what I want to hear,but what is good for me..Bradley is a raising star and he thinks it's good to be seen with her.
ReplyDeleteYou're right,I think Bradley has an ulterior motive.She can help his career.
ReplyDeleteShe should get with an older guy.They are much better.They want to commit.They don't use you to get ahead.Thay have more respect for women(of course there is that one exception)
ReplyDeleteNana/family comes first,sweetie that's life,and that's why I love you dearly.you always know what't important.As you know I can leave you long comments,that's the fun of having one,if we go on holiday/vacation,we can always be in touch.
ReplyDeleteWe are getting weird.Where is all this weirdness coming from,it feels good.
Bradley broke her friends heart,[Leslie]and was out with a 30 year old actress [Lake Bell] I always say why buy the cow when you can get the milk free.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where this ESP is coming from,but it is kind of interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnyway,Chaz has always been so troubled.hat's probabky why she eats like a hippo.The surgery might just straighten her out if she truly is a man in a woman's body.She looks kind of masculine.Always has.It looks like she is already taking hormones.
She will be giving up her sex life though.They can't get much pleasure with the funny looking penises they get sewn on.
At my age,I don't need a 34/40 year old man,he is still wet behind the ears,I want a man that can teach me about somethings,hell I know how to fuck and party. I love going out to dinner/movies/etc,but the best time is when we just sit,hold hands and talk.
ReplyDeleteI rarely find a younger man who has any interesting conversation or who can hold up his end in a discussion.They are usually clumsy about women's feelings.They are selfish sexually.They like to drink and party--boring.
ReplyDeleteIf one come at me with a funny looking penis,I would beat the shit out of her/him..I don't want a dangle that would split a choochie,but I sure want one to fill it up.[giggles] Oh you are bad....you making me horny and my man is on his stomach.hahaha
ReplyDeleteDoes he sleep on his stomach so you can't help yourself??
ReplyDeleteBrian and Maxy lie on their backs with their legs spread.I think they are hoping someone or some dog will help themselves.
ReplyDeleteI wonder about that surgery.It would be easier to make a vagina out of a penis.You have all that tissue to work with.
ReplyDeleteBut ,to make a penis out of practically nothing,what can it look like.Maybe they stuff it with beans like a Beanie Baby.
I really don't think any of them had stong men in their families.I found a lot of them is shallow and weak when I was out there. You see their pictures ,you would think they was so pretty,but the truth be told,most is ugly as hell without make-up.
ReplyDeleteHe's on his stomach until I get in the bed,and off come his shorts and put his hand on it as if it will get away,He will be glad to get in the nouse,he likes sleeping naked,I guess when the kids leave he will walk around nacked like Brian,he did before Jill was born.
ReplyDeleteSweetie,it is time for you to sign off and get some rest,we can talk tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI hope Nana's check-up go well.
I think Chaz is going to get one of those bands put around her stomach.They shouldn't do a sexual re-assignment surgery on someone who is so over weight.
ReplyDeleteOkay sweetie .Thankyou for understanding.Lots of love ..chat tomorrow.Have a good one...PIC
ReplyDeleteNite...PIC...you have sweet dreams ....NEE