After being married to the serial cheater for 29 years,Robyn Gibson has finally found a man who makes her happy and Mel is outraged,a family friend said.
Robyn is in love and having the time of her life with a new guy from northern California,the friend divulged.
She's introduced him to her children and they think he is great. But hypocrite Mel has made it clear he feels that mothers should "not" have boyfriends.
The "Passion of the Christ" star whose mistress is pregnant with his eigth child--freaked out after he learned his 53-year-old estranged wife was dating.
Mel had the nerve to call Robyn and actually claim that mothers shouldn't date,all Robyn could do was laugh said a source.
With an estimated $900 million at stake in the couple's upcoming divorce,Robyn has been very discreet about her new man on her lawyers advice,added the friend.
The mother of seven,who lives in Malibu,usually goes to San Francisco to see her new beau.She also wears a blonde wig when she's traveling so photographers don't recognize her said the source.
Robyn has brought him around her children a couple of times,but she's down played the relationship. She always introduced the guy as her friend. Mel showed up very late at for Mass at his church,looking like something the cat dragged in,the family friend said. He was wearing a dirty suit,he was completely disheveled ,puffy-eyed and glowered at everyone that looked his way.
Now that Robyn's happy and in love, Mel is determined to play dirty in the divorce,said the source. Mel just wants his cake and eat it too...My take on "MAD MEL"....Was he drunk and didn't know "Oksana" was a mother?...Robyn hold that fool by the balls and squeeze them hard..stay tuned: to be continued:
Mel has definitely lost his mind.So he's not just an asshole ,he's a brainless asshole.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for Robyn.
ReplyDeleteRobyn is a very preety lady,better looking than the slut he shacked up wit,Oksana has a child.
ReplyDeleteThans for the picture.
I have 2 drafts about the Jackson's and Liz/Diana Ross...look them over and see if they are okay. Hi PIC.
How is everyone? things are good here. it rained hard most of the day.This a very wet summer,but it could be worse.How is Nana? Is Brian still sneaking up on you?
ReplyDeleteNana behaved today.Brian is tired but at least he doesn't stink today.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have so much rain.It's cool and muggy up here,keeps raining intermittantly.
I took Jaye shopping to cheer her up because the twins are gone and the house seemed so empty to her.The silence depressed her a little. She wore me out.When you say 'shopping' to Jaye she gets this super enegy from somewhere and she moves with super speed.I can't keep up with her.My feet are worn down to the bone.
ReplyDeleteIt's not bothering me a bit.
ReplyDeleteHow was your day.
ReplyDeleteYou had a great time I can tell,I know she miss the twins and worry about Jakey with the fool donor.
ReplyDeleteI want you to read Mj's post about his damn dad,he kicked and beat MJ in the groin..that's why he ran from him. I have one on why Liz and Diana wasn't there at his tribute.
ReplyDeleteJoe Jackson has a lot to answer for.What an animal.
ReplyDeleteI have my little pot of herbal tea here.Too bad I can't share it with you.
I wonder if someone will believe Latoya's claims of rape now.
I think Katherine knew they were true, she is a bitch for not protecting her young.
ReplyDeleteI just read the post.What an interesting development.Asidde from Joe being an abusive ass.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Michael couldn't have sex at all.That would put an end to suspicions of child molestation;
Joe wants to turn Neverland into a Graceland,I will put it in drafts tomorrow. Joe is sneaking around talking to Lisa Marie and her mom on how to go about it.it's like Liz say ,they just made a circus out the tribute.
ReplyDeleteThats what Dr, Klein gay lover say,his testicles was deformed and he couldn't have sex.Liz hate the Jacksons.
ReplyDeleteBut Jacko had gay leanings and preferred the company of small boys to adults of either sex.
ReplyDeleteI read some of the testimony of his staff at his trial.His security man ,his maid and his chef all testified that he touched his little boy guests innappropriately.The bodyguard caught him with his hand down McCaulley Culkin's Pants.
But Jacko had gay leanings and preferred the company of small boys to adults of either sex.
ReplyDeleteI read some of the testimony of his staff at his trial.His security man ,his maid and his chef all testified that he touched his little boy guests innappropriately.The bodyguard caught him with his hand down McCaulley Culkin's Pants.
Joe is 72 and have ear-rings on and blinge around his neck.When you post them you will see my take on them both.
ReplyDeleteIf anything needs fixing ,help yourself.I am learning from what you do.
Yes he had gay leaning toward little boys,Maybe that's how he got his kicks,2 wrongs don't make a right. Didn't we say all along ,Joe is the cause of MJ's problems,and his mom just let it happen,they all should rot in hell.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered why it was just little white boys,the whiter the better.
ReplyDeleteWhat a family.They make ours look like angels.I'm pleased about Robyn.She's moving on.She put up with a lot of shit for 27 years
ReplyDeleteBefore it's all said and done.A lot of us is going to be surprise at the outcome of this shit,hell some of his sibling may have had a hand in it,he wouldn't get back with them.They look on him as a freak.
ReplyDeleteI am glad for Robyn...It was nice to find something positive to post about..Yes Our families look like angels.
ReplyDeleteHe was a freak.But he was a rich freak with a high profile.The family can get a lot of mileaage out of both.
ReplyDeleteYou know, right from the start,I thought Neverland would make a great Graceland.Now, apparently the family want to bury MJ there.I don't think MJ would want to be there,but since he is such an icon and it was his home,it will bring lots more tourists if they open to the public.
ReplyDeleteJust like Elvis is buried at Graceland.
That's what Joe wants to do,But MJ hated it there,that's where aall his troubles begin.I think I have a small peice here somewhere.
ReplyDeleteJoe is sneaking off talking to Lisa Marie and her mom.
Neverland was bought by independant investors.I'm not sure if they are foreign or not,but the Jacksons do not own any part of it anymore.
ReplyDeleteThey say it is owned by a mortage company.
ReplyDeleteThe mortgage holder is Thomas Barrack ,Jr. of Colony Capital. Joe wants to buy it back.
ReplyDeleteHe is trying to get Lisa and Priscilla to tell him how to trun the ranch into a perpetual money making machine.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Joe going to get the money?
ReplyDeleteIf anyone needs to pass on to the sweet by and by, it's Joe,not his kids.Put him out of his misery and they will all be much happier.
ReplyDeleteMJ considered the ranch contaminated after his child molestation trial.
ReplyDeleteDo you think I should post it in drafts tomorrow.It's just a short by Mike Wallace.
Maybe he's begging Lisa Marie for money.
ReplyDeleteI like the post on Obama,Michelle is giving him hell about the way he looks at the ladies,she is telling him he is acting like Clinton...
ReplyDeleteA guy can look.There's no harm in that.The problem is that women throw themselves at the president.They are there for the picking.It must be hard to resist.
ReplyDeleteSorry I had to leave for a minute for maxy's nightly toilet break.
ReplyDeleteThey never get to old to look,I just hope she can control her temper,I hear she has a bad one,I didn't like what Bill did to Hilrey, but I respect her for holding her cool,don't know if I could,women will throw themselves at men.
ReplyDeleteThat's okay,I knew where you were.
ReplyDeleteThat's okay,I knew where you were.
ReplyDeleteI put all manner of shit in drafts and look at it later and decide if its any good and if I want to use it.
ReplyDeleteBill treated Hilary like a doormat.He just wiped his feet on her. He had no respect for her.He cheated over and over and he was aware that she knew.
ReplyDeleteI would not have stood for that.President or not.
Hilary hung in there because she wanted to ride his coat-tails into a political career for herself.And she did quite well for herself.
ReplyDeleteYes she did and bill is still out there ,now she can call her own shots.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking at a lot of different subjects at the moment.I'm trying to keep up the variety that people seem to like.I like to find things they won't read on any other blog or in popular mags and rags.
ReplyDeleteThats what I will start doing,the 2 drafts I have in there now, would you look them over and post them,if they need anything ,just do it. I like what you do.
ReplyDeleteI wish you would post the ex wives ,you can change fart-ass name and name the ladies, Joanna/Susan/Emily...hahaha
ReplyDeleteI've been working on a story on the greatest treasure ever found.The trouble is there is a difference of opinion as to the greatest treasure.It's compplicated.But I'm still trying to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteNow don't be naughty Nee.
ReplyDeleteYou know you love your sisters.
Even the one with no teeth.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should get away from the magazines and try and fing something positive for a change. Don't know what that will be. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI see a lot of thingsI want to write about,but it never turn out right.
ReplyDeleteSusan came to me Sunday and said she was sorry and she knew it was wrong to spank Jill,we hug and cried and I told her to go get her teeth fixed,she says she just hates her life,I told her she was the only one to make it better.
ReplyDeleteI'll check out your posts.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking at Jackie Collins.Have you ever read her? I don't like her books but she has had a lot of work done on her.She must be eighty.She'a on Craig Ferguson.
ReplyDeleteShe don't look too bad.A lot better than Nana who is eighty six.
ReplyDeleteNana was mad at me today.I left Maxy with her and he cried for me.It made her mad that he wouldn't shut up.
ReplyDeleteOh Nee,I'm so glad you and Susan made up.That is happy news.
ReplyDeleteI will start looking for varierty stuff, I guess this do get boring.
ReplyDeleteI guess I have got in a rut posting about the celebs. all the time. Well I will see what I can come up with.
And you are so right.She is the only one who can change her life. It sounds like she should lose her husband for a start.But maybe she loves him.
ReplyDeleteYou know what honey.You are good at the Hollywood beat.You know more about it than I.You have a better take on their behavior.And I like the way you nail them at the end of the post.
ReplyDeleteHell she should look better,Nana's beauty is not fron nip and tuck,Nana's is the real thing.
ReplyDeleteStick to what you are comfortable with.THE part I enjoy the most is your opinion on their antics.
ReplyDeleteNever liked her or her books.
ReplyDeleteI like scouting for different stuff.The internet is the information highway.You can find anything on it.Just type in something you're curious about and Google it.It's amazing what spews out.
ReplyDeleteI just don't know. I just seem to be in a rut.
ReplyDeleteYou have good taste in literature if you don't like her books.They are trashy.
ReplyDeleteSHe learned years ago how to make money from sex without standing on a street corner.
It's so great you and your sister cleared the air.I hope the court case has been dropped.
ReplyDeleteShe'll never touch one of your babies again.I couldn't believe she did that.
You would be surprise at some of the things I want to say,I think I will start saying them.
ReplyDeleteSusan asked me when was we moving ,and could she have my room,she's fed up with him.She has a good job. No kids at home.God will have to help him if bothers her.
She has her own house.Maybe Sis wouldn't like her living there.
ReplyDeleteMy brothers would beat the shit out of him ,and he knows it . Sis twin Jon don't play.They all liked Gil from the git-go. I guess because he was crazy too.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like she wants to lose the guy. She will be a much happier person if she does.
ReplyDeleteYou may end up the best of friends now that you have cleared the air.I tell you what.She's a little envious of you.
Sis told her no, put him out,daddy left all of us the same. If he was any kind of man ,he would do what Emily's hubby did,buy her a house.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was looking though Vix's archives there was a commenter called KC or KD who said she knew you.You said hi to her. She said you were married to a real hunk.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Susan envies that too.
I think you are right,she told Gil he didn't know what he was getting into,he laugh and told her it was going to be fun finding out.
ReplyDeleteYou know i"ve been thinking about what you said about Nana being beautiful.Yes she's very wrinkled and grey,but if you look close you can still see that beautiful young girl.The bones are still there and the look in her eyes.And she said the other day that she still loves him.So nothing really changes
ReplyDeleteYes that was Karen,she works with Nan..Julia is in Miami ..and JJ is the one that got hurt in L.A.well the ladies think he is a hunk.They like coming to Vix's but they got bored and left.He do turn me on. hahaha
ReplyDeleteMy friend..Of course Nana is still beautiful, her eyes is the windows to her soul.And you can see her pure heart there.
ReplyDeleteIf Nana liveto be 110 you will still be able to see her beauty.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice that he turns you on.You are one of the lucky ones.You found something special.And the icing on the cake?He gave you babies to love.
ReplyDeleteA lot of women would envy you.
I have something nice too with my beat up old man.I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Oh Lordy child,I didn't know the time had past so quickly,I will have to start coming on early again.
ReplyDeleteSo we will call it a night..
Goodnite sweetie and see you layer gator...LUV...PIC...NEE
Night honey.
ReplyDeleteBrian is a hunk,it takes more than looks to be a hunk..it's really what's on the inside. oh yep.