Kate might have another reason for not wanting to part with a symbol of their bond,suggests relationship expert Ren`ee Lee.* By not taking off her ring ,Lee explains ,Kate still feels like there is a fighting chance that they may be able to reconcile and work thins out.
A reunion now seems unlikely.Single life definitely appears to agree with Jon.During his seemingly carefree Sunday at home,the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" star tooled around on his ATV,tossed frisbees with the kids and played with the dogs.He actually seem quite relaxed,said the eye-witness,noting that his joy was contagious.The kids seemed like they were having fun with him too.
Kate ,on the other hand,looked like she was struggling with her emotions while washing the dogs with the kids the day before, says another eye-witness.Kate seems quite irritable,high-strung and annoyed.Kate has admiitted that the divorce has left her frazzeled.Kate says she is tired of smiling on the outside and crying on the inside.But Jon is looking forward to a new beginnin. Jon says he will always love Kate." She is the mother of my kids.We are just living separate lives" .
Kate[the ring is on] hasn't processed the divorce emotionally yet. Jon[the ring is off]says," My job is to be the best most supportive and loving father iIcan be. Not being married to Kate doesn't change that"
..My take on this : The kids are the ones that will suffer....when fame and fortune come so fast and easy,you forget so quickly about the important things in your life...love...honor ...cherish...I do hope the Gosselins do what's best for their beautiful children.The kids need them both in the same house,but remember "Kate you will have to stop screaming and yelling at yor kids,they are afraid of you , you have lost Jon, let's not lose your babies also,in a few years they will be old enough to choose where they want to be. But hey,that's just me.
Good evening PIC,
ReplyDeleteOut all day ,taking a break now.
How you and everyone doing?Things here are fine,I am in good spirits.
Good evening old girl,I just got in.Had a wonderful day out and about with my hubby.Went to a few quaint places,wandered hand in hand.Had a lovely dinner.Stress free day.
ReplyDeleteI am starving hungry at the moment and dying for a cup of herbal brew.
ReplyDeleteI better be careful.I always say to myself,"self, don't eat too much.You'll get a big arse like Nee."
I am so glad you had the day with the "ROCK"
ReplyDeleteNEE is going to lose this arse.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteThe ROCK is happy and relaxed,just the way I like him.He thinks a day without Nana is like a day full of sunshine.Actually today was absolutely beautiful.Not a day to stay indoors.Birds singing ,kids laughing,gardens full of fowers.I love it.
ReplyDeleteI have my waist-line down to 27inches. Gilly is not nursing,I should get back to my size.
ReplyDeleteHow is Nana? How is the twins and Ian?
ReplyDeleteI haven't written a post and I may not.I haven't made up my mind.I'm in a silly mood.You may just get a bunch of naughty stuff.
ReplyDeleteOUr stats have slowed way down.I think people are away on holidays or maybe we have become boring.I must try to write more interesting things.SHIT! maybe I am just a boring person and I can't do any better...HA!That would be so disappointing.
Our stats hit 35,000 last Monday,that's good I think,People is going on vacation and holiday.I don't think you are boring.I don't worry about stats like "VIXEN" did,I just want to enjoy myself.
ReplyDeleteNana is holding her own right now.She is as tough as nails.
ReplyDeleteJakey's hemoglobin has dropped to 78 which is low but he has been much lower.They are keeping watch in case it drops suddenly again,then he will have to have an emergency transfusion.It may level off at 78.You can always tell when his hemo drops because he won't eat and he gets upset very easily.
He gets so tired and he doesn't understand why this happens to him.
Ian is struggling along.They have not decided on the pump yet.He is another fighter and very brave.
I don't worry about stats but it sure is fun and a boost to the ego when they jump.
ReplyDeleteSometime you have to take a break.You don't have to write a post everyday,just when if suits you,the entertainment is really for our enjoyment.Write what you want to,when you want to,I have notice others don't write everyday.
ReplyDeleteYes it is a boost to the ego for them to jump,But they have a leveling off point.We have only been up 9 months on the 17th.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed that too.I often write just to amuse you or myself.That's why it's fun.
ReplyDeleteI have my pet topics too.
Two things I love and haven't written about are archeology and art.I don't want to get too highfalutin.
I love antiques also or anything old that has a history.
How do you feel about antiquities?
They will make the best choice for Ian,next year we will all laugh at how he beat the odds.
ReplyDeleteIt is strange how Jakey feels bad when the "BIO" is around. If the fool had any sense ,he could see Jakey is not as strong as other's.
I love antiquities,Dad have some from the old country.
ReplyDeleteYou know I have to love old stuff,hell All my sibling is antigues..even my man...[gigglies]
I often think of A's son who has my illness,an immune system dysfunction.It takes everyone differently.In his case he is allergic to all food and has been on a food pump since he was two.It delivers a specially developed formula off nutrients,created for him specifically.They pump it directly into his stomach because it tastes like hell.He has to go to a special,environmentally controlled school.He's not as sensitive to some things as I am,But I am fortunate to still be able to eat certain things.I think about him every day.
ReplyDeleteGirl...Get highfaluting,I like art,don't know shit abot it,but I love pretty colors,maybe I will learn something.We may even reach a few nerds.hahaha
ReplyDeleteLike I told you yesterday.We are a family frought with tragedy.I guess I have been feeling maudlin all week because Nana has decided on a course of no intervention.
ReplyDeleteWell ,hell,we've survived a shit load of stuff and we'll keep on going until the devil drags me out of my 'hidey hole',kicking and screaming.I'll kick him right in the nuts.
Someday I'll tell Z's story.I'm not up to it yet.
I know you would love to hear from them and to hold them in your arms,one day dear friend I believe you will,I truly hope this to be true.It hurt's to be so near and yet so far away.
ReplyDeleteIt's good you can vent ,you can always delete,getting it out of your system is the main thing.
ReplyDeleteYou can't help feeling the way you do,Nana is your mom and you don't ever want to lose her,you understands ,but if don't make it easy.
That's right,you live in a house full of antiquities....HA!I won't tell Gil what you said about him unless I get real mad at you some day.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for letting me pour my heart out.You're a good friend and I always feel better when I talk to you.You are always positive.
I wanted to know if you got your Diabetes when you were pregnant or did you have it before?I know pregnancy can develop a certain kind of Diabetes.
Everything here is not kosher with my family,some have taken sides,I don't care,I will do it again,my brothers and 2 sisters say to stand my ground.The others I told to kiss my "A"
ReplyDeleteI learned I was border-line when I was 23 years old.
ReplyDeleteI was glad when you put the post up about eye surgury,I had laser surgury on left eye for a leakage,go back next month to see what they are going to doYou have to always stay positive,even when things go wrong.
Don't tell me that some of your family took your ex's side?That would make me so mad.The guy couldn't have been a worse jerk if he'd tried.
ReplyDeleteWas that eye leakage due to diabetes? I know it can have a deleterious effect on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteI think that laser discovery may help us both in the future.The future looks so promising in the medical field.The eye is way more fragile than people realize.They take their good vision for granted.If you lose your sight it can take your livlihood away.
ReplyDeleteOn to more cheerful things.That dish I made today was delicious and I can't remember everything I put into it.Can you believe that?I just ate some and it was more delicious after a few hours in the fridge.This happens all the time ,I can't repeat the recipe next time.Sometimes one of the girls will ask me for a recipe and I can't give it to them.
ReplyDeleteYes it was the Diabetes,I am very careful.
ReplyDeleteNo it wasn't my ex,it was Susan,my sister,I have to go to court in September. Some of my nieces and nephews took her side.
ReplyDeleteI bet you are a good cook,Jill love hot sauces,I take the kids out before adding all the peppers.
ReplyDeleteYou're a smart girl.You know how to take care of yourself.Protect those eyes.Once they are damaged you can't turn the clock back.Eyes are not very forgiving.
ReplyDeleteGil said you have beautiful eyes.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when Nee was going to tell you about her and aunt Susan. Nee tore her a new asshole.
In court, I think you will stand your ground and tell the truth exactly as you see it.That is who you are and the sincerity will shine from your eyes,convince the judge and blow your sister away.
ReplyDeleteI won't ask what it's about,But if you ever want to speak privately,you know my email address.
AW shit,Gil will tell you I have a beautiful choochie.When we meet he asked me did I wear contacts.I can't wear them.I wear glasses.
ReplyDeleteSince I have faith in my friend Nan,I would venture to say that Aunt Susan needed a new asshole.
ReplyDeleteI just whip her ass real good about my babies,and I will do it again.
ReplyDeleteI told Sis that Susan never liked me,when Ron made it big ,she showed a little of it,when we split she was happy..and the shit started up again after Gil and I got togetger,but don't mess with my babies.I don't allow anyone to spank them.
ReplyDeleteHow dare she say anything about the babies.No wonder you got mad.That's the one thing that will set you off like a firecracker.
ReplyDeleteShe hit the babies? Kick her ass good.No one has that right.Even parents no longer have that right.
ReplyDeleteThe painting you posted on the blog ,it was very pretty,you said you did it, do it have a name.Do you have it hanging in your home?
ReplyDeleteShe's jealous of you and she takes it out on the babies?Bitch.
ReplyDeleteJill is a good girl,She told Susan not to push Gilly and Sharon ran to tell she was spanking Jill.I saw red.
ReplyDeleteGod, you must have been furious.I'm afraid I would react in a similar way if someone laid a hand on my kid.
ReplyDeleteWhat painting?
She has no reason to be jealous,I can't help it if her man is a sorry S.O.B. and won't work.If you didn't know Gil had money,you couldn't tell by just being around us.We are just plain folks.
ReplyDeleteIt was a large one,blue and white I think,you were standing in front of it with a long dress on and you had on your glasses,that was before Vix left.It look like it had some circles on it...blue/white and maybe some black.
ReplyDeleteOh,that painting.I called it a piece of shit and painted over it.
ReplyDeleteSo did you hit her(S)?
That was the first time I notice Lacey was visiting ,it was aroung the time you drew the cartoon Of DC and the lady and they both had dangles.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWas Nan a witness?
ReplyDeleteCraig Fergusen is discussing vaginas with a lady doctor.
ReplyDeleteSusan went to the hospital,police came,Dad told someone to call Gil,They wanted to take me down and Dad said no,his son would bring me to the station.
ReplyDeleteSusan told them she lost 2/3 teeth,Jon told her she was lucky.My siblings said I did nothing wrong and Sis said it was bound to happen sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Lacey visits us.I wish she would leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I was there. Jeannie Nee had on her panties. It's been a long time coming. Mom told her when we was small not to whip us.
A couple of teeth is a small price to pay.If you had your iron skillet in your hand,at that time,her head would have been so flat people would be setting their drinks on it.
ReplyDeleteThe lady obviously has some hostility toward you and maybe Nan,that is long standing.Maybe this will clear the air a bit and make the situation better.
ReplyDeleteShe seems to have a violent streak also.If she has kids,I pity them.
I visit Lacey about once a week.She don't post everyday,she says it's hard to find something interesting since Heidimarie left.
ReplyDeleteI am still debating if I should comment if I find something I like,she don't talk about DC.
What you think?
What does Lacey talk about?I thought she was obsessed with DC.
ReplyDeleteBy all means comment.Remember though,she was very unpleasant to you,and she might be again.She is bi-polar and you never know what her mood will be.
She has grands. She has 5 kids..2 son in jail..1 daughter on crack,the others don't come aroud her because of their dad..She said Sis let Nan and I get away with murder,we were just kids. I think Sis did a pretty good job.
ReplyDeleteShe mostly talks about her family and co-workers, I know she was, it she is this time I will just take it with a grain of salt and move on. I will comment on something she is talking about . Not when she talking about DC.
ReplyDelete'The proof is in the pudding'
ReplyDeleteYou and Nan are happy,centered individuals,with good marriages and good kids.
S. is miserable,obviously did a terrible job with her kids and has a lousy marriage.
Sis did a good job.Congrats,Sis.
I know she said we had pretty pictures,she has her own group,not into dodo much,Caruso Crusader is into dodo much.
ReplyDeleteI meant Caruso Crusader isn't into dodo much,she's a one trick pony.
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed all these Caruso fan types are a little crazy?(or a lot)
ReplyDeleteI think Dodo was trying to get us riled by posting about us.I think she or one of her spies got the hint when we said we would waste space writing about her on our blog.
ReplyDeleteThey are crazy a lot,shit Caruso C. named a chuch after DC,don't you think she is sick. Sara moved on and not a word to anyone but Lacey.
ReplyDeleteBetter call it a night honey.Did Nan really borrow your lappy?That was funny when she was checking on us from bed.
ReplyDeleteGood luck in court.You will both get a slap on the wrist. You may have to pay for the teeth.
You protect your babies fiercly.It's a good thing.They will always feel safe with you watching over them.
You know,our conversations behind the scenes are often pretty exciting.We have interesting lives.I guess we're not boring,after all.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of them lies,the post you did ,you didn't use DC name,Just DC, dodo said every post I did if it was something negative ,we always talked bad about DC...she said she picked yours up on feed,no way,have to have a name...how would you know what we say in comments ,you will have to read them,right.
ReplyDeleteI've never been to Caruso Crusader's website.She sounds like a fringe idiot.I won't bother.
ReplyDeleteThe comments are what the crazies come for.Of course they read them.They can learn a lot from them.It's like eavesdropping.
ReplyDeleteYes Nan has my lappy,she's not in bed ,she is downstairs watching TV.Nan is like you a night owl..
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnight and sweet dreams. Don't post tonight,go snuggle up with the "ROCK" and think about the good time you had.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite Sweetie...talk tomorrow.
I have to take Nana shopping tomorrow.She won't let anyone else pick her food for her.I hope I don't lose her.Maybe she wants to get lost.I'm going to put one of those harnesses on her that toddlers wear.
ReplyDeleteGood night .Sleep tight.Friday is 'yank a dangle day'.I already have mine picked out....HA!...PIC
Of course we are not dull,you never know what we will do/say next,that's what makes us special. Nite Love ...NEE