Friday, June 18, 2010

Mr. Obama, You Can Learn From Canada

To start with, it has a healthy financial system and affordable higher education. Many Americans think mainly of Eskimos and hockey when they think of Canada. Some might think of Michael J. Fox and James Cameron. They should be thinking of a functioning financial system and the most robust economy in the developed world. Unlike the U.S. and Europe, Canada has emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis. Its unemployment rate has been improving for the past year and stands at 8.1%. Canada's minister of finance, Jim Flaherty, is already calling for an end to government stimulus, even though the government debt stands at less than 35% of gross domestic product, less than half the level in the U.S.

Why is Canada doing so well while America's doing so poorly? For one thing, its financial regulations have emphasized dullness rather than encouraging exotic financial instruments. The big five banks have never been allowed to merge, and they've only dabbled in investment banking and subprime mortgages. Also, the banks' chiefs have never received huge bonuses like Lloyd Blankfein at Goldman Sachs. In other words, the banking system has been forced to be conservative--as a banking system should be.

Canada also has good immigration and education policies that have set it up for continued strength. There are lessons President Obama can learn from Canada as worries of a double-dip recession in the U.S. linger.
A speech by Jean Charest, the premier of the province of Quebec, says it best. He said that Qubec needed to continue to attract the best people from around the world to come and work there. It is the policy in all our provinces. This is something that is going all wrong in the U.S., as America erects yet more obstacles to immigration in the name of preserving American jobs. Those anti-immigration policies are foolish and will hurt America in the long term.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate just how useless America's immigration policy has become. A young Harvard graduate who also was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University got a job offer in the US. He was a very impressive and brilliant young man. He had an offer in hand from one of the big private equity firms in New York--but despite his credentials, he couldn't get a working visa. Yes, a Harvard graduate and Rhodes scholar with a job offer in hand was unable to get a visa from the U.S. government. As a result, a Canadian company snatched him up and he will greatly enrich the thinking pool in that business.
This young man is exactly the kind of person America, or for that matter any nation, needs. Why couldn't he get a working visa? Because immigration is an issue that has become so freighted with fear that people can't think about it rationally. This has been especially true recently, as scared people like the Tea Partiers have looked for scapegoats for America's economic mess--though in reality the pendulum has been swinging this way since Sept. 11, 2001. Immigrants are easy targets, but rarely are they the problem.


  1. Anonymous4:57:00 PM

    I agree with you 110% America will never learn not even from the mistakes we make.
    If you take a look back at some off the people we put in charge ...they make a lot of good promises until they get in office and then they say to themselves : Now let me see if I can fuck up worst than the last fool that was in this office, and you know what they do a damn good job of it.

    Canada's system is well oiled and running frills or shiny bangles, Canada just uses plain old common sense. Canada treats all it's people the same regardless of what walk of live they are from and that includes the rich and poor and the people in between.
    The young man that couldn't get a work visor is better off working in Canada where he will be respected and expand his mind and I'm sure America lost a very talented person.

    Some people may think of Eskimos, but one thing for sure ...Eskimos are true Canadians and how did America get it's start, by taking it from the true native Americans and building American on slave labor.
    Take a look at Arizona right now. Who are they to say who can and can't come into their state, how dare they, this earth belongs to all of us and now they want to profile people by their origin/ ethnic group.
    Most people America have in charge sits on their asses with their heads up their asses waiting on someone else to do their job.
    Take a look at the oil spill, Mr. Obama should have taken charge a long time before now.
    Sorry Mr. Obama , too little too late. Mr. Obama when you leave D.C. you will go back to Chicago you can set back and relax rest, nothing changed in you life only to get a little richer and maybe a few gray hairs, not a bad price to pay...HUH ?? We will be here still trying to dig ourselves out the oil mess, thanks a lot .
    Come on down Mr.Obama and Mr. Jindle, we will set on the porch and shoot some shit and maybe by damn you may learn something.
    But hey, that's just me, kicking back and keeping it real.

  2. Anonymous5:07:00 PM

    PIC...Hope your day way was full of joy and fun.
    I know it was and the "ROCK" had a great time being spoiled and he knows the best is yet to come(Sunday)
    Everyone here got full as a tick rested a while and now they are playing baseball, even dad hit the ball and told Gilly to run and the girls was helping him, that little monkey changed his mind and seen me started laughing and ran straight for me. So Gilly lost the game for Dad's team and Dad rewarded him with a fun size bag of M&M's.

    I really liked the post, but we will never learn from our mistakes waiting on someone else to take the blame.
    Hey think BP learned that from us to blamed old Tony..DUH !
    See ya later....PIC

  3. I grew up in Canada and am now a Canadian living in the US and yes, we aren't as shiny or as fancy in terms of government, business, etc.

    But it works. I lived in one of the territories where health care was free. I worked my own company and bid on contracts-both government and private sector.

    I wish indeed that people in charge look at Canada's system with an open mind and not immediately say, No, no, no.

    Having lived in both Canada and the US, sometimes these days I am just scratching my head in wonder...

    Quiet weekend for this gal, cleaning my loft and spending time at the beach as summer heats up. Had an earthquake the other day when i was in bed...I hate them at night for some reason. I am ok in the daytime when they come but at night, ick.

    Writing more on my novel that I am trying to get published...

    Hope u gals are having a wonderful time


  4. I thought you might like to read this link...



  5. Anonymous7:33:00 PM

    Thankyou....the link was expired are moved to another location.

    I found something about trucking on different sites, can you inform me what it was about.

    PPS: I double checked to see if I had copied it wrong...CC

  6. Try this link...


    It is about how Canada has managed to avoid the financial meltdown that has plagued other countries, including the US.

    It is interesting because Obama apparently said the US can learn something from Canada, which is relevant to this blog you have up.

    Let me know if this link works...


  7. Anonymous9:20:00 PM

    Thankyou, it works very well and I will put it in my notebook to refer to .

    Yes, Obama said we could learn something from Canada....I for one will sure be glad when I can see some improvement.

    But like we say down have to shit or get off the pot...and I think Obama needs to get off the pot.
    :-) CC


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