Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Michael Jackson : Gay Rumor Infuriates Joe Jackson - "WTF"

Joe Jackson is seeing "RED" these days now that Michael Jackson's confidante and physician has come out publicly about the King of Pop's alleged sexual preferences. Dr. Arnold Klein (above left ) has claimed that Michael was indeed gay and maintained a two-month sexual relationship with his office manager, Jason Pfeiffer (above right).

Klein told TMZ' this past weekend that his "friend" Michael did not go to great lenghs to hide his sexually. Klein also insisted that he did not betray Michael, and in fact, maintains he only went public with the information to dispel any rumors of pedophilia in connection with the entertainment icon. Klein also revealed that Michael's relationship with Pfeiffer was only gay relationship he has ever had.

Pfeiffer, who was interviewed by 'EXTRA' claims that he did have a romantic relationship with Michael.

Joe Jackson insists, though, that his son was not gay. The still grieving dad is livid that Klein betrayed his son's memory with such defamatory allegations. He tell TMZ. "He has no respect for say things about him when he's gone is shameful". What's more, Joe cannot believe that Klein is so blatantly breaking all patient-confidentiality mores: "He's a doctor and knows better than to break his vows against a patient".

Since coming out publicly with their accusations , Klein and Pfeiffer have had an overwhelming number deaths threats. The two men have hired security personnal too protect them.

While I don't condone violence, it is both unprofessional and inconceivable that they would breach Michael's privacy to smear his name. Whatever occured while Michael was alived is his business. I don't know what Klein and Pfeiffer hope to gain, but no good can come of their dubious actions. Let Michael rest in peace. Stay tune....the saga continues....up dates as the become available, so come back you hear.

My spin on the saga of MJ : It's like the skillet calling the kettle black...Joe Jackson and his sons are such leeches and cash cows, to make a fuss about MJ wasn't gay... if not gay, MJ sure acted like he was , but one thing we all know MJ was addicted to drugs and little boys.To say Klein / Pfeiffer is trying to cash in, I beg to differ, they are just telling it like it is. Joe Jackson and his sons ...exploited MJ for all they could get. Joe and sons wanted to start a singing group with MJ's kids, thankful Katherine put a stop to that... before MJ was laid to rest, the sons was begging Katherine for money and the estate wasn't settle. So who do you think is trying to cash in on MJ. Enquiring minds wants to know.

Kicking back and keeping it real, having fun of course.


  1. I think MJ was gay or a latent gay.We know he liked little boys but how far he went with them we may never know.
    Trust Beady to mouth off.

  2. Anonymous9:30:00 PM

    HI PIC

  3. Anonymous9:32:00 PM

    I am on the oil slick post on top..see you there.


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