Remember that Evil Preacher Terry Jones of Westboro Baptist Church?

God Hates Idiots More Than He Hates "Fags"
And by the way, Terry Jones is the same guy who showed up at funerals of US Soldiers (from Iraq and Afghanistan) and held up signs that read: “Thank God for Dead Soldiers”.
Yes, disgusting, I know. But before you go judging Terry Jones, keep in mind that he is also the guy who organized a Koran Burning Party last year, and published the video that lead to deadly protests in the Middle East for almost a month, which among other deaths, led to the murder of a U.S. Ambassador in Lybia.
He also visited Times Square in December of 2012 to spread a little more toxic rhetoric but the New Yorkers were having none of it. They told Terry what they thought, in the words of the Beatles.
Words to remember
I had to laugh and get a stiff drink on this one , Jeannie you are spot on.
ReplyDelete"You Can't Always Get What You Want' sounds great as a crowd song.
But if you REALLY want to taunt the old bastard go with "I Will Survive".
Just my humble opinion
Thankyou,Your Humbleness.
ReplyDeleteAt least they drowned him out. He needs to have that poisonous pie-hole shut more often. It's a purveyor of hate and intolerance.
I wonder what his agenda really is. There has to be more to it than the obvious. Or am I over-analyzing?