With all the scrutiny surrounding Sandy's mattiage, how did they possibly miss such a monumental event in the actress life. Well, this proves that no matter how well the media think they know our celebrities, their insight into their lives is often strickly limited by what they want the media to know.
"Obviously Sandra Bullock has a very tight circle around her of family and friends.," explains Hollywood Life senior reportr Corynne Steindler. "Everyone aaaumed she was hiding out because of the humiliation Jesse James brought upon her, so I don't think anyone imagined there was another reason for her secrecy ! A new baby is such a happy thing, and now we all know that she wasn't being ashamed or hiding out in embarrassment - she was a mother protecting her newborn. Adoption documents are obviously kept private , but the paper trail to maintain a secert this big had to be a long one. Sandra had been working on this adoption for four years, and yet no one who dissects such things was any the wiser. That means that nearly everyone around her is fiercely loyal and that some of the folks involved obviously signed serious confidentiality agreements.
She most likely had all parties involved sign non-disclosures that probably carried with it a hefty dollar amount if any information was revealed. Shandra may have also used a fake name, as many stars do like when they travel and stay in hotels, explains 'Cult of Celebrity' author Cooper Lawrence.
Then, there's the divorce filing, which is generally public record and free for every person - and news agency - to peruse. Bullock kept the tabloids and bloggers off her back by going rogue, in a sense, adding a bit of mystery to her divorce filings.
In the papers, which TMZ has, Bullock uses her initials (backwards ) "B.A.S" instead of a name for herself, and also refers to Jesse under his initials,"J.G.J." Strangely, the document also states that "there is no child under eighteen years of age or otherwise entitled to support who was born or adopted of this marriage and none is expected.
The story has had magazine editors shaking their heads all morning . I spoke to one who was unable to stop yelling, What the F !" There have been paparazzi on Sandra's behind since the lead-in to Oscar season and more so after Jesse James indiscretions were made public. You can bet those paps were trying desperately to shoot inside her house and her backyard ! Stars can't protect themselves from most thingd, but like a lion will do anything for it's cubs, a mama can find ways to shield her baby from the tabloids.
"A woman can't always protect herself from her Nazi-loving girlfriends, but she can protect the sanctity of the bond with her child, particularly at such an important , formative moment of their relationship," explains Katherine Rosman, author of the memoir ' If You Knew Suzy,' which is about her own bond she had with her late mother. Stay tuned : the saga continues.
My spin on the good news: Way to go Sandra, keep your business close to the chest...when you are ready, that's the time to let the media know. What a beautiful baby and he will be a joy to you keep him close to your heart and he will make you proud. Sandra you are like the gril next door , wholesome and very down to earth, you are a lady in all sense of the word and Jesse James with his low-life a** don't deserve you, he's beneath you so let him crawl back under the rock with his tattooed gal-pals.
What a pretty baby. I hope Sandra can be happy with just her baby. She doesn't nee any more bad boys.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC...Sandra kept it close to the chest, she sure put one over on the media. She adopted him in N.O. we grow them big, fat and pretty. He is a beautiful baby.
ReplyDeleteHow's Brian? Hope everyone is good.
ReplyDeleteI showed the fruit post to dad and he said he was going to put a note to you on it tomorrow, he reallly like the banana.
Everyone is okay. The doc told brian to slow down. Two months is not enough time for the incision to heal on the inside.>>HA! Isn't that what we said last night?
ReplyDeleteNana broke a tooth and can't see her specialist till Monday.Nana on any given day is cranky. Nana with a toothache is bloody frightening.She's like a dragon lokking for fresh meat.
ReplyDeleteJakey felt better today and went to karate. He has to mentor younger students a couple of times a week.
Yes it is and I'm so glad the doctor told him.
ReplyDeleteWell you just may have to use the cotton for your ears.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried Oral Gel on her tooth, it may help til Monday.
Good Jakey's feeling better. I bet he loves mentoring the little kids.
ReplyDeleteI am so gald the boys are getting into more things and that will leave less time for BIO.
I'll get her some tomorrow.I already have cotton stuffed in my ears.I just smile and nod.
ReplyDeleteSmart girl, just smile.
ReplyDeleteI got some bad news to day.My mama's last sister died this morning in Oklahoma she was 91 last Sunday.I think I last seen her about 20 years ago.
Jaye and I and some of the other mothers go to Tim Horton's for coffee while the kids are in karate although sometimes we stay and watch.The sensei is kind of cute.They are all fun people.
ReplyDeleteHas Dad or Gil said anything more about the meeting??Did anyone in the family call them and try to convince them to reconsider?
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry honey. Another link to your mama is gone. Well 91 is a ripe old age. That looks good for your longevity.
ReplyDeleteIf your relatives live long, chances are you will too, unless you get hit by lighning or a bus.
ReplyDeleteThey are meeting again tomorrow and you know I will be there.
ReplyDeleteOne of Dad's brother's asked his what was the younger ones going to do, and dad told him hell I don't know and he don't give a damn.
[giggles] maybe I'll get poked to death. Hahaha...she had a long and good life, I didn't know her that well, my mama's family wasn't close to us, they didn't like my daddy or his family. I was surprise they call sis to tell her.
ReplyDeleteSandra's baby cute huh...I showed it to Nan and told he looked like her grand, Nan's grand is just a shade lighter.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a nice way to go.During an orgasm so you would have a lovely smile on your face.
ReplyDeleteRemember my fairy cousin, he told me he was going to have a baby.Haha
ReplyDeleteI also like my banana man. He reminds me of my undertaker.Mmmmmm
ReplyDeleteNow he could have poked someone to death.He could have broke through and poked you in the liver.
Does he mean physically or does he mean adopt????
ReplyDeleteYou better watch out for the sensei, next he's will want to have coffee with you.
ReplyDeleteHe got drunk and got a woman pregnant and he said he didn't know it could be that good. I told him to be careful and did the woman know he was swinging both ways and he said she was to.
ReplyDeleteAin't that a bitch?
You know he may be a wonderful father. You said he was a nice guy.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a dull moment here always something. This meeting tomorrow will let dad know when to expect his payout...Gil told him they couldn't afford to pay him all at nce because a lot of their money was on paper.Dad said he didn't care he was going to put the screws to them.
ReplyDeleteI'll say one thing for your family, they sure know how to make babies.There's never a dull moment down there.
ReplyDeleteHe is, I get him to baby sit for me still, he loves kids.
ReplyDeleteThat was an odd coincidence. We both said "never a dull moment"at almost the exact same time.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's in the genes.
ReplyDeleteI asked sis what would she do if some kids younger than me say they are our sisters and brother.
You know these things are happening quite often, it seems as if we was reading each others mind.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite possible your dad visited a few ladies. He was on his own for a long time and yes it is in the genes. It is also in the jeans...HA!
ReplyDeleteGil told dad I wanted to talk with him about the Reno estate and he said okay as soon as he finish with these fools.
ReplyDeleteI told sis I would let them know I was the boss and sis say after meeting me they would run like hell trying to get away.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you liked my idea. It would be so wnderful of him to see it through. Of course it may not be possible because of zoning laws or some red tape thing. But just for him to consider it would be a great thing.
ReplyDeleteI believe Sis. You could scare off a few lazy relatives.
ReplyDeleteBrian was lively tonight and playing with the kids just like his old self.
ReplyDeleteHe and Maxy took a nice walk. Maxy was very happy.
Getting back to Brian,I think he will do what the doctor says. he don't have to do to much when the boat is on the lake? Maybe Jer,Pete and Jaye can go with you when you take the boat out.
ReplyDeleteWe just did it again.Started talking about Brian at the same time.
ReplyDeleteBoth at exactly 10:49
ReplyDeleteIt's good for Brian to stay active, just not overdo it. He feels good and he overdo it.
ReplyDeleteI know it's hard for him, but playing with the grands and taking Maxy for a walk is enough.
Girl, we do have a connection and it's coming more clear as time past. I think we will find what it is now that things have settle down in my life.
ReplyDeletePretty soon we'll just be able to read each other's minds without posting comments.
ReplyDeleteI asked sis why I wanted a blog to keep up with you and she said one day everything would become clear to me, she said maybe we had a connection in another realm in time and space,and maybe when we leave here we go to a higher place.
ReplyDeleteDad says he going to talk to you on the big banana. the eggs are cute and to the point, and you are right someone had too much time on their hands.
ReplyDeleteI also think there is a reason for everything. But you are the spiritual one maybe you will figure it out.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we connected to preach about global warming or maybe it's about the women's shelter.Or perhaps we were just destined to have a relationship as we did in a past life.
Now I see what Nan was telling me she couldn't post comments.
ReplyDeleteDo you see under the comment box that tis blog is restricted to team meambers. Wonder when that happen, I will ask dad if he has any trouble commenting I will let him comment under my name.
I know Nan told me she tried last night but coundn't.
Can you fix it???
ReplyDeleteThat means no one can talk to us.
ReplyDeleteWTF !!!
I don't know But I will see...I know I had it where we could take comments...
ReplyDeleteLet me look I may have to contact Blogger, be right back.
I didn't see it till now.It says 'restricted to team members.
ReplyDeleteI just saw it after Nan called and told me...it just happen last night. I will see about it when we log off...
ReplyDeleteIf blogger is doing that they are getting mighty shitty.
ReplyDeleteThe blog has been doing weird things for a week or two.Maybe we have a ghost on the blog. Maybe Heidi is hexing us.
ReplyDeleteI know when I set it up ...they asked did I want to take comments.
ReplyDeleteWell I tried to get another e-mail today but each one I get it's to slow to get verified. Maybe thats why a lot of people moved to wordpress.
ReplyDeleteThey haven't been able to cap that oil well yet.Your poor gulf is becoming so toxic. It will kill all life. They don't know if they can cap it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to get excited until I find out what's going on.
ReplyDeleteIt should reach land no later than Saturday, so many people depend on the fish for a living.
ReplyDeleteOne of the missing men on the rig lived about a couple of blocks down the street from me.
ReplyDeleteIf your computer is slow, it sounds like you need a disk cleanup and a defragmentation.
ReplyDeleteThe Pc don't seem to be slow.
ReplyDeleteBut I am...Hahaha
It's strange how things can strike so close to home.
ReplyDeleteI was speaking about what's going on with the comments.
ReplyDeleteI think Jon knew him but I didn't, I think Jon said he had about 3/4 kids, they will get a tidy sum of money.
ReplyDeleteI hope your babies are in wonderful health as always.The girls sound like Jakey, always reading books. Sammy said to me,"you know what Jakey's problem is Gunny?" I said "no."
ReplyDeleteHe said,"He's got no self esteem."
I asked him if he was helping him with that problem and he said,"No, that's not my job."
ReplyDeleteTell Sammy to help Jakey, he needs him now to help him be strong like him.
ReplyDeleteSammy's not so far wrong. If you are a male and you are small and sickly, I think your life is pretty stressful. Males put a lot of stock in proving themselves.That's very hard for Jakey.
ReplyDeleteNow Sammy sounds like Jill when she told her daddy she was tired of doing his job, she had to go to school.
ReplyDeleteWhich one is the older?
ReplyDeleteJakey tries to please everyone, but one day he will be healthy and strong. Just watch and see.
Jason has gone off to a resort to work for the summer. He'll be kind of a recreational arranger. He gets free room and board, all the food he can eat a paycheck and he says the girls there are fantastic. A nineteen year old's dream.I told him not to numb his brain with too much alcohol and sex. He said sure, Grandma, I'll watch that......HA!
ReplyDeleteI am glad Jakey has karate/chess and tutoring the small kids, it will make up for some of the things he can't do.
ReplyDeleteHe had a lot of talent and one day will make you proud.
Sammy is two minutes older.
ReplyDeleteAin't you proud of all your grands.
ReplyDelete19...that boy is going to be rolling in high cotton. One day your boys will be wealthy, and did it all by themselves, I know you are proud.
Well, the old clock on the wall is telling me to sign off. I have a number of things in drafts. I just have to pick one.
ReplyDeleteI'll be eager to hear how the other meeting went.I'll keep my eye on drafts in case you drop me a message.
See you at the resort. I'll be the lady dragging a good looking young man off a girl down by the beach and pulling up his pants for him.
Have a good night.Snuggle up to that long shank lawyer....LUV & HUGS....PIC
Jaye got started and popped them right out.
ReplyDeleteI was in labor with Jill about 5/6 hours she weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and I was in labor with Gilly about 4 ours, I was at the PC talking to Vix and I waited a couple of hours and he weighed 8lbs. 6 ozs.
I will tell you about it, it's just like a bunch of gansta's trying to see who has the bigger balls, and I think dad has the bigger balls, when he say shut the hell up you can;t hear a pin drop.
Kiss the ROCK and tell him to please take it easy. NITE...LUV
I remember you were working on a laptop at the hospital. You didn't want to miss anything on DCR. I think I wrote a letter to Gilly.