"I knew about her fling with Carey Hart, Michelle told me that she had slept with him," Shane Modica, McGee's former husband , tellsRadarOnline.
Modica goes on to say that despite any sexual adventures, McGee got upset that she and Hart "never got to spend as much time together as she expected too," which lead to some tension. Also creating some friction in a potential relationalship was one of McGee's friends, who Modica says was also "friendly" with Hart.
"It is so typical of Michelle because she always goes for the guy who she thinks has the deepest pockets. It's horrible because she sleeps with anybody who she believes can help her out," McGee's ex says.
While no exact dates are given for when McGee allegedly slept with Hart, one thing is certain: Hart been married to Pink since January of 2006. They did split up in February 2008, but never divoticed and later rekindled their relationship. In may 2009, Pink officially declared that they were "back together" during a taping on 'Ellen' despite her hit song 'So What' was a four(4) minute tirade against Hart. Neither Hart, Pink or Mcgee have commented on the allegations.
Modica and Mcgee are currently engaged in a custody battle over their 5-year-old son, in another inview with RadarOnline, Modica said Mcgee recently asked him if he'd leave his current wife wife so that they could get back together.
Do you believe the rumors? If so, sound off on Facebook.
What a mix-up. The poor little five year old carries the emotional baggage in the end.
ReplyDeleteHi Pic didn't know the slut had kids.
ReplyDeleteSome people don't desrve kids.Hi PIC.
ReplyDeleteSounds like she'll sleep with anything that can afford her.
ReplyDeleteHI PIC
ReplyDeleteHow's everyone doing?
ReplyDeleteThe slut asked her ex to leave his wife and come back to her. He said the deeper the pockets the better, she went after Jedde, but he's a dog anyway.
I like what you did with ancient relic story, I just wrote it like Nan copied it of the web.
ReplyDeleteShe can fuck the devil all day in hell.
ReplyDeleteEverybody is good. Brian is doing well.Nana chewed his head off for being sloppy and leaving his tools around.She was in good form today.
I'm having a major allergy attack and feel like shit.
And how was your day??
I bet a lot of them has "STD"s, money and 15 mintues of fame is not worth wrecking a family.
ReplyDeleteMy comment did not appear WTF??
ReplyDeleteBrian is doing really good...but you know you can't keep a good man down. One thing you can say Nana love doing her job.
ReplyDeleteGilly and I did a lot of baking, well I did the baking and he did the begging.
What did you bake. Does Gilly get to lick the spoon?
ReplyDeleteI see the one where you say she can fuck the devil.
ReplyDeleteMaybe blogger is working, I notice my spin didn't show up on this post.
I made the cake with the fruit, I had peaches, pineapples and nuts,I just set the bowl on the floor and let him have at it.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that right away. You always put your spin on it. That's what I look forward to.Sometimes you give em a real blast.
ReplyDeleteI have bread rising I will knead it one more time and they will have hot bread and Jam in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI bet that is a cute picture. Gilly with cake batter all over him.
ReplyDeleteThe cake sounds good
ReplyDeleteEveryone doing good that's great to hear I liked the way you did the post great job.
I know you are happy things are getting back to normal. Did you see my comment?
It's one of your recipes, I just add different fruits.
ReplyDeleteI liked the story of the tablet.it survived so much and travelled so far for 3200 years and it is still intact. It keeps travelling through time.It has outlived the people who found it and the people who stole it and will outlive the people who won the lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteHi NAN...tell Gil to bring his long ass home,I've put the bids to bed and I'm not finished with him.
ReplyDeleteHi Nan, I got your comment.
ReplyDeleteBrian is doing great.I put a picture of him and I in drafts taken Sunday.You can see how healthy he looks.
I dont think I'd want to be in L.Shank's shoes today. I think he is going ot get an earful.
ReplyDeleteNan I told you Jeannie would work magic on it, find her some more.I also like the picture.
ReplyDeleteNee showed it to me and he don't look like he had major surgery.
ReplyDeleteNee I told him are you going to get him?
Don't get too violent with LS PIC.
ReplyDeleteLeave a bit of him alive.You might need him later.
Dad told me some shit about family business, and they need family to take care of it and keep the bodies in the closet. I told him he better be careful he may find his son in the damn closet.
ReplyDeleteGil told mom Nee said when she wants to fuck if he's not there she will take his money and buy her a toy boy maybe 2.
Do you think he really needs to go?
ReplyDeleteDad did tell me that, I don't give a damn about bodies, everytime he leave something happens.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he will take her threat too seriously but two or three weeks is a long time to be away from his family.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Nee and Gilly could go with him and Jill could stay with Sis and Dad for a while.
ReplyDeleteThe toy boy thing wouldn't work anyway. You'd be so mad at LS, Pic, you'd fuck the poor boy to death. His peepee would dry up and fall off.
ReplyDeleteAs jealous as Gil is, he won't be gone that long.
I would go but it's to hard to fly now all the stuff you have to go through.
ReplyDeleteThere must be a lot of competent lawyers around to help who would keep everything confidential.
ReplyDeleteI told him this was the last time he was going to pull this shit.
ReplyDeleteI told dad Leon/Shirly was both lawyers and aunt Mae was their mama, my babies need their daddy.
Well, Italian families have their own way of doing things.Go with the flow honey.
ReplyDeleteThere is, but they are so secert about their shit...now I understand why Gil's mama told dad to keep her sons hands clean.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure you're right and two competent lawyers can handle it.And they are both Aunt Mae's kids??Well they would certainly have her best interests at heart.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Gil can wrap it up in a short time as Nan suggests.
I will take your advice this time,But I'm still going to give him hell and may not be here when he return...leave my babies with sis and have some girl time.
ReplyDeleteI found out Mae's kids are some dumb fucks that's why she depends on Big G.
I will say goodnight and talk more later tell Brian to keep up the good work.
Goodnight Nan
HA!..Go for it honey. You have a statement to make. Have some girl time.Then make up.
ReplyDeleteMakeup sex really is the greatest.
Well on to better things....do brian still roll his eyes when Nana bosses him?
ReplyDeleteHA!..I don't believe both of Mae's kids are dumb fucks. But I can see why Aunt Mae would rely on Big G.They have a lot of history together and he has always taken care of her.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Nan,pleasant dreams,casino owner.
Sometimes Brian leaves the room when Nana gets rolling. She doesn't break stride, she just turns and starts nagging me and I am trapped.
ReplyDeleteI get even with him though.
Boomshell says she didn't know jesse and Sandra was together, liar, they all know thats why they come out and tell it.
ReplyDeleteOf course she knew.And I read something by a reporter on a celeb blog. He said Tiger's wife could not have been ignorant of his infidelity. He had 20 mistresses...HELLO! you can't keep something that big a secret. She had to be aware of something.He couldn't have had much juice left for her.Did she notice he was tired and didn't want sex.
ReplyDeleteAgain my comment was slow to show up.i had to bang the 'publish comment' key a few times.
ReplyDeleteYou know your man...you don't have to be knocked over with a bat.
ReplyDeleteThere are little tell tale signs.
Been there did that, my problem was believing he would stop.
I think blogger is growing to fast, I just got knocked off.
ReplyDeleteNAN says she left you one and it took about 20 mintues to show up.
I could tell my ex was up to something.He had a vague, far away look in his eye all the time and he didn't seem to notice me or hear me.
ReplyDeleteYou know I think a lot of them try to ignore it because of the money. I will take happiness anytime. I like living like I do, I don't have to keep up with the Jones. Just throw on a pair of pants and hit the streets.
ReplyDeleteSame here...but just look at them now, we both are happy and both of them still have to buy the choochie.
ReplyDeleteI bet if he sees you he will think what a fool he was.
For all their wealth.They don't seem very happy.I agree with you, I enjoy my freedom and the security of being surrounded by the genuine love of my husband and family.
ReplyDeleteI know Brian is glad he can get away from Nana and she don;t care she's still on her job.
ReplyDeleteI bet Nana lay awake at night thinking what's she going to do the next day.
I love my man, but he knows I will leave , I refuse to be hurt again and he knows it.
ReplyDeleteWe were at the same party some years ago and his wife was there I stopped to say hello to her.The guy who was talking to my ex looked at us both and told him he was crazy.Unfortunately she was very heavy at the time.
ReplyDeleteWhen I ran into EX a couple of years ago he came on to me in a big way.It grossed me out.
ReplyDeleteHe had probably been trapped in the fat folds too long and needed a change
Nan just call and said sis told Gil Ron was here working on a film, I know when he came in he said we had to talk, I told him later, I had his clothes packed and to check them to see if he need anything eale.
ReplyDeleteDoes your ex regret losing you now?? I bet he does. It seems to be a fairly common revelation to unfaithful husbands.The grass only looks greener on the other side until you get there. Then they find out it isn't as good as they had.
ReplyDeleteGirl you showed him...you got the best deal and the Rock can still get it up, your ex may need a little blue pill, it was all used up, he need a fat woman, he can try a different wrinkle every night. [giggles]
ReplyDeleteHe still flirts and want to take me out, he said I left him enough to but me a dinner. He's still married and he looks old and fat.
ReplyDeleteDitto:My ex looks old and is losing his hair.HA!!
ReplyDeleteAnd his wife is still fat..HA!!
ReplyDeleteI will keep my old man, he said when we got together this was it and he wanted me to be sure I only wanted him because he's always known what he wanted.
ReplyDeleteDo the fool every see his beautifl grandkids?
ReplyDeleteLike I told him once, "You always brag you're more educated than I am.Well,I can go back to school.But you'll always be ugly."
ReplyDeleteI bet he's worn that poker out and don't know a wrinkle from a choochie.
ReplyDeleteHe sees the grandkids about twice a year.
ReplyDeleteThey're not really sure who he is. As far as they are concerned Brian is their grandfather.(Guppa)
ReplyDeleteThey actually asked me a couple of months ago if I really had been married to that guy.They couldn't believe it.
Educated...mine is too, but it don't bother him, and when you meet him he's just down to earth.
ReplyDeleteEducation didn't get him far, I take the Rock anytime...hell he can build cars. And eople will always need that.
Smart Boys...and Brian is their Guppa in all sense of the word.
ReplyDeleteI am sure he hasn't seen her choochie for the last ten years.He wouldn't know where to look for it and he doesn't want to.
ReplyDeleteWell Toots you have a lovely sleep and things will look so much better in the morning.
You got it really good now and I'm sure that bugs the hell out of your ex.
See you at court. I'll be the lady beating the the big nerd to a pulp and kicking the fat lady...HA!
My daddy wanted me to go to college but it was't for me. I never wanted to be snob and a know it all.
ReplyDeleteIt also takes mother wit and sense of understang human nature.
Have a good night and things will be better tomorrow, I'm not mad just aggraveted, but he promises this is the last time.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite and Sweet dreams and may they all come true.
I hope that nerds ass you are beating the shit out off if my man.
Life is the best teacher, and I learned more from living and getting out there and doing it than from college. I'm sure you agree.