She said she's recovered from most of her bug bites from her ordeal, "but it's still itchy," she said during an appearance on NBC's "TODAY" show this morning with her parents, Jeff and Tayna Bloom.
Nadia went on a nature walk near her Winter Springs, Fla. , home and didn't return, touching off an intense search over 3,000 acres for the fifth grader wno has Asperger's syndrome, an autism-related disorder. She spent four nights in the snake- and alligator-filled swampy woods before she was found in good shape about a mile from by a man who used to attend her church.
Nadia, realize she was lost after about an hour and immediately got scared, she said in an interview. The first night was the hardest, she said, because "I missed my family." I tried to think someone would rescue me, but I had to sleepin this bush, which was itchy.
Nadia didn't get much sleep and didn't have any food, though she found some sustenance among the plants.
On the first two days, she said , she found some plants to eat."They were spongy kind of, and had water in them and you could eat them," "They were kind of like food."
Jell Bloom said his daughter's first night was the most difficult. "That's especially when it was the hardest - when it gets dark and you just don't know if she's crying, scared or what condition she's in," he said on the "TODAY" show. "It's a terrible feeling feeling."
James King, who used to attend the Bloom's church, set out on his own in the thick woods to search for Nadia, calling out her name.
Nadia said she was thrilled to hear King's voice. "I've never been so excited in my Life," she said. "Then I knew I was finally get found and finally going to be out of these woods."
The Blooms was ecstatic when they heard Nadia had been found. "It was like all the darkness flowed out and sunshine came just rushing in," Jell Bloom said. Tayna Bloom said Nadia knows she's she's not supposed to go out without a grown-up."She's not going to do it again _ she's assured us."
My take on this rescure story : What a wonderful and happy ending to a very scary story...we wish The Blooms many happy years with their sweet and very brave child. A lot of mature people would have lost their heads, but Nadia is a survivor....many kudos to you sweetie from the two (2) PIC's.
Great human interest story PIC. Resourceful little girl. I feel her parents should have been watching out for her though, especially if she is mentally challenged.
ReplyDeleteEveryone here is okay. Jakey has another cold so we have to watch his hemoglobin level.It always drops if he catches a virus.
ReplyDeleteSammy played good hockey but they had a girl as goalie and she wasn't very good. So Sammy was disgusted because they lost.Next Saturday Sammy is the goalie and he is very good. The team is counting on him. His dream is to be a goalie in professional hockey.
I left a note for Big G. under your tornado post.
Later...luv PIC
HI PIC... Hope Jakey's feeling better and hope they will start the tests on him soon, the poor baby's immume system is low and the least chage affects him.
ReplyDeleteSammy's dream will come true, it looks like they are drifting away from you know who and Jakey will follow his brother.
Dad found your note by himself amd he was delighted and says he will talk to you soon, he hads a mess to clean up tomorrow.
How's Brian and Nana?
Brian is a good boy and Nana stinks.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
ReplyDeleteHow's your love life??????
ReplyDeleteNana don't care she's at her best.
ReplyDeleteHowya you doing? Did Brian go to the hockey game?
It's wonderful...my man went into the office today for a couple of hours and dad and Gilly went to the suite in the hotel to talk wth his brothers and Gil came home and rocked my world and says he will never leave me and his kids again.
ReplyDeleteBrian loved the hockey game.He's got a lot of his energy back.Jer is going to help him get his boat out of storage on the weekend.
ReplyDeleteI turn the dogs loose on the poker and the choochie was just smacking and biting.[giggles] Shit I'm bad.
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie that's so good to hear, I know you are excited. You can't keep a good man down.
ReplyDeleteBrian has come a long way in just 2 and half months.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your choochie is happy and I hope everything is peaceful and happy again in your life.
ReplyDeleteI have a post in drafts about Sandra Bullock...will you edit it and post for me...add your 2 cents to it...these women have changed their tactics.
ReplyDeleteI know everything will be find now, I can't wait til tomorrow to learned what dad is up to.
ReplyDeleteI think dad wanted to show off Gilly to his brothers.I wonder what he said to them.
ReplyDeleteI think Gil means what he says.You have no more worries on that score.
No problem on the post. I have nothing to post and here you are popping out posts like a little rabbit.
ReplyDeleteI guess he wanted them to see him, but dad says he wanted Gil and I to have some time along and get things squared away.
ReplyDeleteThey all have seen him , they are here about 3/4 times a year, they have interest in this one two.
Dad loves taking him along since he can tell you when he wants to pee or poop.
There's a big dead racoon in my back yard. I will have to call someone tomorrow to take it away. I don't want to touch it because I don't know what he died off.Not that I would touch it anyway.
ReplyDeleteI hope maxy doesn't think of it as a tasty snack. You know he has pretty poor taste when it comes to food.
Thankyou, news is slow right now and I am tired of Tiger.
ReplyDeleteI think I will start putting more in drafts.
Camille tried to kill herself and broke her leg...Charles was in England seeing about business. All because the Queen made Prince William King. Hell she should have know that she wiould never be Queen.
I can't believe that baby is potty trained... at what, eighteen months? That is phenominal. That is one smart baby.
ReplyDeleteMaxy may not eat dead animals, I hope not.Raccoons are good fighters , now you are making me wonder.
ReplyDeleteCamilla is getting her just desserts. She deserves everything Queenie dishes out to her. Camilla broke up Charles and Dianna's marriage so she could take her place. now she has to live with her choices. Charlie may up and divorce Her.
ReplyDeleteWe should do a series on those two.I can dig up lots of pictures of them.
ReplyDeleteYes he was potty train by 14/15 months, he still make a woopsie now and then. I guess Gil got tried of changing him. Dad never could get the diaper to stay on so he would get Jill's panties and put them over the diapers.
ReplyDeleteI remember the panties over the diaper trick. I thought it was hilarious. Dad is a hoot.
ReplyDeleteHe has filed for divorce . He made a fast getaway when she was drunk and jumped on him and the staff says she abuses him all the time.
ReplyDeleteI will go back and get my books, they write a lot about Camille.
I don't think Charles would make a good King he has no backbone.
i don't think the queen ever wanted Charles to be the king. He is too much like his father, a big "woosie"
ReplyDeleteDad is a good baby sitter. When he carry them to the book store he says the sales people tell him how well behave they are, he told them you don't know their mama, I wonder what they are going to say when they meet Gilly.
ReplyDeleteIs Dad insinuating that you are not well behaved ?? I do not believe it.
ReplyDeleteIt was suppose to rain Wed/Thur, but one just starting coming in, they don't know what this weather is going to do.So if I get knocked off you know what happen.
ReplyDeleteLeno is on.
Sammy wants to meet Jayna Hefford. I will have to write to her and maybe she will at least call him or write to him or email him.
ReplyDeleteDad means if they don't behave I will not let them go.
ReplyDeleteI hate to see kids running over the stores and their mamas tell them to stop and they don't. Now Jill has a mean streak and I think Gilly will have one also.
Nan says they can't help it, both mama and daddy is mean as hell.
What do she know.
She will get in touch with him.You mean sammy is showing an interest in girls?
ReplyDeleteWho is Jayna Hefford???
It's okay as long as she don't have any tattoos.
I also hate kids that scream and throw tantrums when they are out.Usually thir parents don't do anything. I hate it most on an airplane or at a restaurant when you are tying to have a peaceful meal and a little conversation.
ReplyDeleteNan knows you better than most.She knows all your intimate secrets and I'm hoping she will tell me some juicy ones.
Brian and I watch the Super Nanny once in a while and are amazed how badly some kids act. Biting and kicking their siblings and their mother, screaming obscenities.
ReplyDeleteThe nanny is good though. She always fixes them.
I'm just watching the end of a decorating show. I love them.There are some good ones up here.
ReplyDeleteI still love to go antiquing. I had to get rid of a lot when we moved to a smaller house.I like to mix aniques with modern.
ReplyDeleteWhen Kids act up you look at the parents and know they don't care.
ReplyDeleteMamie told me she was surprise My babies was so well mannered.Jill is very opinionated and will let you know how she feels.
Jayna Hefford is the hockey player on the women's olympic hockey team. She is my cousin.
ReplyDeleteSammy would rather be related to a male hockey player.
ReplyDeleteI like aniques and modern together, dad had's some aniques in Reno or maybe it's just old. He wan't to build a quest house here when he sell his property in Reno , he says he will never live there again .
ReplyDeleteThat's right, I knew I heard the name before and we all cheered when she made a goal. The last name threw me off , I always connected the name with Jaye, I never knew her last name.
ReplyDeleteTell Sammy we are rough and can throw a good punch, some better than a man...just ask my ex.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI asked dad was he going to stay in the quest house, he said no way, that would be to far from the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Dad need a guest house?? You like him in the house with you.And doesn't he spend most of his time with Sis??
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I can think of a thousand uses for a nice guest house.
ReplyDeleteBrian waltzed in here naked after his shower while I was watching "Dancing With the Stars" and we danced. I would like to see a video of that.
ReplyDeleteHe wants to bring the stuff that Rosa [Gil's mama] liked . Yes he stay with sis mostly, but he's been here with me while Gil was away.
ReplyDeleteHe says he learned how to do the Samba in England but he hasn't showed me yet. I doubt that it was the samba he learned. I think it was the British Rumpy Bumpy. His brother told me Brian was a bad boy.
ReplyDeleteHe says it's about time to put the house on the market because none of us will ever live there.He has a really nice and really large estate.The damn house is so large someone else can live there and you will not know it.
ReplyDeleteI heard he poked a girl in the back of a bus when he was seventeen. She just sat on it and covered everything with her dress and let the bumpy road do the rest.
ReplyDeleteI don't care how bad he was...Brian is getting his grove back on...you go "ROCK."
ReplyDeletePIC...it's just like old times. shower...naked...dancing...and the boy is poking like old times.
Don't you just like bad boys????
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of a big house. He should turn it into school for children with special needs or a refuge for battered women and children, in his wife's name.
ReplyDeleteAh ha...that sounds kinda like the rocking chair...you go Brian.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea, I will tell him you said it. He has a caretaker and his wife taking care of the place and we can always check on it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great tax write-off.
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question, yes I like bad boys. I like them tough and rugged and naughty with a heart of gold,just like Brian was. It's not that I'm against all brilliant bio-chemists, just the one I had a bad marriage with. Although he kind of turned me off the species, so I went for the opposite.
I bet he will go for it. He's kept the house in good shape.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean , mine is as different from my ex as night and day, He's down to earth and you might called him a plain Joe.
ReplyDeleteBut not Joe the plumbler[giggles]
I heard from a plumber that he was sometimes paid in nookie for his work. Boy that man loved his job.
ReplyDeleteDid you know Madonna excercises two hours a day, six days a week. And yet she looks like hell.
ReplyDeleteI think 45 minutes to an hour, 3 or 4 days a week is sufficient.
ReplyDeleteShe is not looking too good. She is making a new movie about Edward the 8th. king of England who abdicated for an American woman.
Madonna had ruined her body, to much nip/tuck to try and stay young. I don't excercise as much as I use to, keeping up with my baby is enough.
ReplyDeleteI want to do a humorous post but I have no ideas.I think I have writers block, so I'll have to scout the news.
ReplyDeleteI could tell about the time we had sex in the woods on the Bruce Trail And I swore I could see a wolf in the trees over his shoulder.It kind of spoiled the mood and I scraped my arse on tree bark.
I agree with you, you and I don't sit on our butts all day doing nothing. I get up in the morning and take a shower and throw on some jeans/ shorts and I'm ready for the day.
ReplyDeleteSo that's what happen to your arse,it wasn't a bite after all.
ReplyDeleteYou should go snuggle up to Long Shank and get some Zzz's. He's going to be home so much now he'll get on your nerves...HA!He'll always be under foot.
ReplyDeleteNews is slow I think a series on Camille would be nice, run it about twice a week.I haven't did the tabiolds since Brian had surgery...I will take a look.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is he does like to bite my arse. In fact he was rude tonight and I told him to kiss my arse and he said he would like to.
ReplyDeleteI think I could get used to it.
ReplyDeleteSo you snuggled up to the rock.
You are right, poking is not all there is to a relationship, wasn't a thing I could do, but it was nice to snuggle in his arms. I missed that.
Sweetie you have a good night and we will meet on the banks of the Red River if the tornado stay away.
P.S. You are so bad...the ROCK is waiting on you...[giggles] NITE
ReplyDeleteIn closing I will say I am so glad you are happy again. Stay that way my friend.
ReplyDeleteFind out what Dad is up to. It could be very interesting.I'll see you down at the swamp.I'll be the one throwing a little old lady to the gators.(not really)
Luv and hugs....PIC