The study, to appear in the June issue of the Journal Archives of Neurology, built on previous research that found that foods containing certain nutrients are beneficial for the brain and effective at warding off Alzheimers's.The disease typically affects the elderly and is accompanied by debilitating memory lost.
First author Yian Gu, Ph.D., and colleagues tracked 2,148 healthy adults aged 65 and older over a period of four (4) years. During the folw-ups, 253 of the subjects were discovered to have developed Alzheimer's , even though none of them showed signs of dementia when the study began.
Those who didn't get Alzheimer's had diets rich in seven different nutrients : vitamin E, vitamin B12, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and folate. The nutrients may help prevent loss of memory and cognitive decline, Gu told AOL Health. They may play a role in a variety of different mechanisms in the brain.
The non-Alzheimer's group got the crucial nutrients by consuming a lot of fish, pourty, oil and vinegar salad dressing, nuts, tomatoes, other fruits and green leafy vegetables. They also ate little red meat, organ meat, high-fat dairy foods and butter. It's important not only to take in a lot of good foods like vegetables and fruits but also not to take in a lot of bad foods like red meat, said Gu. Changing diet is a relatively easy way to go and give us hope.
Though previous studies show a link between diet and Alzheimer's , research on the benefits of certain nutrients in protecting against the disease is inconclusive, Gu and her colleagues wrote in the paper. Epidemiological evidence linking diet, one of the most important modifiable envinonmental factors, and risk of Alzheimer's disease is rapidly increasing, the authors wrote. However, current literature regarding the impact of individual nutrients or food items on Alzheimer's disease risk is in-consistant, partly because humans eat meals with complex combinations of nutrients or food items that are likely to be synegistic.
The Columbia study was population based and observational - meaning subjects's exisiting habits were analyzed without any intervention from researchers. Gu said clinical trials need to be domne in order to get more conclusive results.
We can't make any recommendations on what people should eat based on a single study, she said. But it doesn't hurt to follow this dietary pattern, although we need more studies to confirm our finding.
My take on the Alzheimer's disease diet: A good diet is a good way to go, a healthy diet is good for a healthy body and help fight all disease. My family has a great start...we have fish , poultry and a lot of salads but I must admit we do like a good steak now and then. A good diet is not only good for Alzhemier's disease but good for everyone to have a good diet, we need to fight the obesity problem that's out of control.
Good information PIC.I hope some people listen.
ReplyDeleteHey PIC it's okay to be bitchy for a while.You'd have more effect though, if you showed him what a great time you are having without him.Being out when he calls is a good start...HA!He won't want to leave you if you are enjoyng yourself too much when he's not there.
Hi sweetie, how's it going.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll come for a sleep-over.You Nan and I will have a ball, drink a little wine have some laughs, cook some good food.I'll bring my 'Rubber Dave".
ReplyDeleteI told dad I was just going out and for him to keep Gilly and pick up the girls after school.
ReplyDeleteI spent the day with Dan and Sally.
Just got back home about 30 mintues ago and dad says he called 3/4 times, he call about 10/15 ago and I told dad to tell him to call me later ...I was taking a bubble bath.
We will wear rubber Dave's ass out.
ReplyDeleteJust got back from an appointment with my tax consultant...Yeeech!I always dread it.Mountains of paperwork and then she tells me I owe the government money.She could just call me to tell me that.
ReplyDeleteSo I've got a cup of tea and put my jammies on and I'm watchuing CSIM.
Now where the hell did my cooment go....aw shit it's in L.A with the crazy man. HA !
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are avoiding that man...HA!
ReplyDeleteCallie is talking to dead people,that was Alexx job before she left.
ReplyDeleteWe had to turn in our tax by April 15 and Gil said we owed money,hell you can't win for losing.
I found if you click the 'publish your comment' bar TWICE, the comments usually show up.
ReplyDeleteThe new guys are much better actors, don't you think? Maybe they can slowly lose the old ones. Frank is okay, he can stay.
ReplyDeleteI miss him, I want him in my bed when I finish talking to you,and I am not a happy camper.
ReplyDeleteThey're running out of stories when they start talking to ghosts.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Eric talked to Speed's ghost?Tacky way to bring a guy back.
I like the new guys. We don't see to much of Frank, he makes the show with his smart remarks. They could give Frank Eric and Callie's time.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel honey. When Brian was in hospital the lonliness was terrible. I felt empty.
ReplyDeleteNow he's home he bugs my ass.
The show have been tacky the last 3 years...yes I remember Eric talking to Speed...I liked Speed, he made it seem real.
ReplyDeleteI never liked Callie and her nicey-pie ways and bad acting.
ReplyDeleteThis show is a turkey, where is DC...they don't give him much air time.
ReplyDeleteHow is Brian doing in this weather? Do you get snow this time of year? You got your cotton handy...here come Nana..Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it's not just me, I don't like her either. All shit, they don't have any chemistry between them.
ReplyDeleteBrian is good.
ReplyDeleteWe often have snow in April but we have been having summer weather this year so the snow is a shock.
Nana was awful today.She's meaner when I don't feel too good.I'm buying a bale of cotton.
DC only has half a dozen lines per show.Not that I mind.But it's hard to ridicule him when he has such a small role.
ReplyDeleteHi Jeannie
ReplyDeleteBrian doing O.K. We are having a lot of rain here.
You would get a laugh at how Nee is making Gil squirm I know Leon and Shirly is not getting along with him the fireworks are beginning to go off.
Tyical ending.
ReplyDeleteJakey asked me last week when we were reading a story,
Why can't the bad guys win once in a while? It's boring when you know the good guys are always going to win.
I told him to write a story where the bad guys win and see if anyone likes it.
They may as well wrap it up, thats why most people tune in to see him pose with his one-liners..
ReplyDeleteChas Bono is a man now. I'm watching Access Hollywood and they are going to show her in a minute.
ReplyDeleteWill you put it on the blog ..it will be so cute and say by Jakey?
ReplyDeleteI seen some pictures of her and she looks just like a guy...wonder did she get the penis? She's still large, but Cher stood by her.
ReplyDeleteHi Nan. Brian's okay.Hope you and yours are fine.
ReplyDeletePut three lawyers in a room for long enough and they will argue.
I know Nee is making him squirm. I don't really blame her. It was sudden, out of the blue and he was gone. And for three weeks .That's a long time for a young family.No discussion,just gone.
Italian families have a different attitude about business.
MY God, you should have seen Chas Bono. She/he really looks and sounds like a guy.I wonder if she had the genital surgery.
ReplyDeleteWhen do you have to turn your taxes in? Ours go in by the 15th of April.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of a penis can they make out of a vagina?????
ReplyDeleteTaxes have to be in by April 30th.
ReplyDeleteI love spring and tax time spoils it. But really, I know they turn the vagigi inside out and make a kind of tube but what good is it??
They needed him there to help them with Mae's estate they don't know much about corporatelaw all they did was work with the hotel and casino. Gil has always had his own practice both here and Reno, the only business he handles at the hotel and casino is for Big G.
I don't know, but I sure would like to see her buck-ass naked.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteMaybe she/he can get a pump and pumped it up.
ReplyDeleteIt must be a gnarly legal problem.I thought Leon was a partner of Gil's.
ReplyDeleteNan, what's it like being a corporate executive??Don't forget all us little people.Have you taken any time off yet??
Have you got someone trained yet to take your place at work?
ReplyDeleteNan...He will not do this shit again, I told him that I loved him, but if he did this crap again I would take my babies and love him from afar..he's called sis and asked her to talk to me. I couls hear the tears in his voice, but I'm going to hold my ground...he was suppose to show me how to get another e-mail beside hotmail.
ReplyDeleteOn of my comments appeared three times,WTF??
ReplyDeleteOn of my comments appeared three times,WTF??
ReplyDeleteAll shit my coment gone again
ReplyDeleteShit, it happened again.
ReplyDeleteNo Leon is not a partner yet, after Mac was hired to drive dad, that's when Leon left the hotel/casino to work with Gil..Leon was aslo dad's driver.
ReplyDeleteI think Leon could handle it but aunt Mae don't trust them.
Okay,strike my advice about hitting the publish key twice.It could be the problem.
ReplyDeleteI think I will have everything in place in about a couple of months, I need 8 or 10 people they will have to oversee 3 floors 7 days a week .
ReplyDeleteThat's not the problem, I hit it only once...it did this to us before and you thought I was gone and you came back later and they were there?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it will be worth all the hard work,Nan.You'll probably still have to police them for a while.
ReplyDeleteI think we have some kind of glitch on the blog or maybe one of us has a virus.
ReplyDeleteIt's taking a very long time to publish the comments.
ReplyDeleteI will say good night and give you an update soon Jeannie I'm working as many days or the hours, I think I can get used to this.
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnight and talk later
I see at the top it will take a moment for the comments to appear.
ReplyDeleteI will tell Nan to check hers to see if she has one. Do you remember if she was on when this happen before? I have all kinds of Mcafee on here and I never open e-mail if I don't know them and spam I just delete without loooking at them.
I see our comment posted at the same time...10:53.
ReplyDeleteI'm still hear, haven't got knock off yet.
I really think blogger is working on stuff, they are really growing. I need to start checking to see when they are working .
Are you going to put Jakey's story on the Blog? It will be neat..we are not x-rated to much anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting lots of errors popping up and it's not publishing all my comments or it's publishing them three times.I think I'll log off early honey and see if I can fix it.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one. I'll ask Jakey if he will write that story for us.I'll see if I can get a naked picture of Chas for you. Hang in there and I'll see you tomorrow...Night luv...PIC
Come back from cyber space, I'm here thinking up some shit to tell my man...he's pleading with me and says this will never happen again.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'll try to hang on.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one and I hope Jakey say he will write us one.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's in the PC's, I think it will work itself out.
Goodnite and have sweet dreams and may they all come true.
Don't believe it. It could happen again.How could he refuse??The family depends on him.
ReplyDeleteHey, it's working a little better.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he will do it again, he knows I will leave him and he will have to travel a ling distance to see my babies, I told him I was going to have a full-time husband or no husband at all.
ReplyDeleteTold you, they are just working.
ReplyDeletesounds like he's groveling already
ReplyDeleteI will not have a husband and still be along, I told dad that today and he said he understood and he will tell the family to back off. I told him I would leave Gil before you can say don't go.
ReplyDeleteYou know he's missing you and the kids terribly right now in his lonely hotel room.
ReplyDeleteHe's trying to help his aunt and cousins and be the head of the family.He doesn't realize that you don't just pop off into the wild blue yonder without a warning or a discussion with your wife.
ReplyDeleteIf it had been A week,it wouldn't have been so bad.But you should be a part of the decision making in the family.It's only right.
ReplyDeleteI told dad all of them thinks he's so fucking smart...well he better be smart enough to see he's going to lose his family.
ReplyDeleteThey all know I don't my idle threats.
Dad said he just call and I told him to tell him i was busy, call back later if he can tear his ass away from his aunt and cousins.
I thought he learned his lesson when he bought that house without discussing it with you.
ReplyDeleteSis says not to be to hard on him,he called and talked to her asked her to talk to me and she told him to leave her out of it because I only wanted what other women in his family wanted their man to be there with them.
ReplyDeleteHe won't get Sis on his side.He'll have to deal with you directly.
ReplyDeleteI feel a bit sorry for LS. He's not as tough as you.He doesn't know how to make it right. He probably couldn't leave if he wanted to right now.He's in the middle of a legal mess.i hope he can at least speed it up.
ReplyDeleteHe told me he needed to go, I told him he better know what he's doing.
ReplyDeleteDad will be out of both of them as soon as they can get enough money or shares to give him. My babies , dad and me is his family, it's four brothers and aunt Mae and they all have kids.
I guess he's trying to help his dad too. When dad's business is all tied up he'll be done with the hotel/casino.
ReplyDeleteI thought Gil was semi retiring. It' sounds like he's always working.
ReplyDeleteDad just came in and told me he just called again and to tell me that he would call me 1:am my time it will be 11:pm is time , he told dad he was going to try to get a flight out no later than Thursday if it was finish or not, he has things where they should be able to handle it. Dad says aunt Mae is not happy but he told Gil to wrap it up and come home to his family.
ReplyDeleteHe says he's semi retired, he has good people working for him and his partner was with him in RENO he has 2/3 junior people, He was never with the hotel/casino always on his own and looked out for dad's interests.
ReplyDeleteLook drop dead sexy when you see him next and make him beg for it.Tie that dangle in a knot. He'll never leave home again.
ReplyDeleteI found with Brian, it does him good to crawl a bit.I used to love it when he was panting and begging.I could get him to do anything.
You damn well knew he'd be home a lot sooner than three weeks.
ReplyDeleteYou betcha that's what I'm going to do.I'm going to put on the panties he brought me with the split in them and give him my wigglely walk.
ReplyDeleteMy baby always sing himself to sleep with his daddy, it broke my heart to see him looking for his daddy, I am so got-damn mad at him right now .
ReplyDeleteIf he calls you later are you going to be bitchy or mad or sad or what??
ReplyDeleteIf he can tie it up by Thursday he's been working night and day to get done.
ReplyDeleteIf he was doing something for dad I wouldn't mind...I told him if Leon didn't know to much why in hell did he want him in his firm, I think Leon is scared of making a mistake because aunt Mae is not very please with him.
ReplyDeleteThat's not my problem and I will tell her so.
Blogger is working fine now.I think you were right,it was their problem.
ReplyDeleteThursday is going to be very interesting.
ReplyDeletePoor Gilly he missed his daddy.They don't understand.
I wonder if he will be humble when he comes home. Don't be too mad. He was a bachelor for a long time ,coming and going as he wished.It's hard for a leopard to change his spots but it sounds like he's trying.
ReplyDeleteI am going to be bitchy and crying and cussing.
ReplyDeleteI hope he haven't got any sleep/rest it will serve him right.
I told him I was a good wife last night but if he wanted to get away from me for a while all he had to do was say so I would have gone to sis and stayed awhile and I started crying.
He started saying baby don't cry I will be home as soon I can.
I will write you a long note. it's going to be long so I may put it in drafts.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading it. Your life is so exciting.It sounds like you have dad firmly on your side this time.
ReplyDeleteTrying is not good enough I want all or nothing.
ReplyDeleteHe wil be humble, he's a good man I understand he was his own man and when we got together we was always on the go even after Jill was born, we can't just grab the kids up and go now, Jill is in school and I will not leave her.
You better prepare your scene for when he calls.Sometimes very smart men can be so dumb about certain things.
ReplyDeleteBrian still does not understand me.I keep it that way.
The first time I was away from Jill over night is when Gilly was born and you know the rest of the times,the blockage in my legs and my appendix out.
ReplyDeleteI don't think my life is exciting, my ex was the wrong man and this one has the wrong family all except dad I love the old guy.
ReplyDeleteYou can't pick your relatives, just your friends. Relatives you're stuck with so you have to make the best of it.God knows we all have some that we can't stand.
ReplyDeleteBut back to Gil, you could have some fun with this. I think you will enjoy making him suffer a bit.
He can be dumb as a dumb-bell when he wants to be, but he knows I'm an unhappy camper.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your post honey.I leave you to prepare for your phone call.Leave me a message after.
ReplyDeleteI hope the sun shines for you tomorrow.And Gilly gets his dad back soon...luv and hugs.. PIC
He will think twice when they ask him to go out of town again.
ReplyDeleteI bet they are not getting along with him right now, I'm giving him hell on this end and he loves putting his kids to bed and singing with Gilly, a lot of time I go in and he's asleep and Gilly is playing.
I don't want to give him any choochie I just want him home.
I will write it in the morning, I know he will be on the phone til 4/5.
ReplyDeleteThanks for listening to my rants, I know sis was glad when I finished with her pleasent dreams and may they all come true.
Kiss the Rock.