Once completed, the dome will be submerged above the area of seabed from which the oil is gushing. It is hoped the dome will catch the oil as it rises, which could then be pumped out.
Similar devices were tried when Hurricane Katrina swept through the Gulf in 2005 but have never been used in water this deep. Tony Odone, a spokesman for BP, told the Times: "They have been used in shallow water before. They contain the oil in that dome and then suck it up. "
"The ROVs [remotely operated vehicles] will continue trying but we are trying to get these other things activated as quickly as possible, too."
Until the dome is ready, underwater robots will battle to stop 42,000 gallons of oil a day from streaming into the Gulf of Mexico from a sunken rig. A slick measuring 48 miles by 39 miles at its widest points has developed 30 miles off the ecologically fragile Louisiana coast since the rig sank last week following an explosion that apparently killed 11 workers. BP, which leases the stricken Deepwater Horizon platform, has been using four robotic submarines to try to fully activate the giant 450-tonne blowout preventer and shut off the flow of oil.
But BP officials suggest the unprecedented operation, which is being conducted remotely a mile down on the seabed, is a longshot and admit they may have to resort to drilling relief wells, a process that would take far longer.
"It is possible that it could take two to three months for a relief well to be drilled," Bill Salvin, a spokesman at the joint information centre set up by BP and US-based platform contractor Transocean, said. Mr Salvin also mentioned a "worst-case scenario" that would see recovery teams "lose total control of the well" and cause the oil to start leaking at a much quicker rate.
"It is possible that it could take two to three months for a relief well to be drilled," Bill Salvin, a spokesman at the joint information centre set up by BP and US-based platform contractor Transocean, said. Mr Salvin also mentioned a "worst-case scenario" that would see recovery teams "lose total control of the well" and cause the oil to start leaking at a much quicker rate.
BP has also dispatched 17 skimming vessels to mop up the crude oil spilling from two leaks in the 1,500 foot riser that connected the rig to the wellhead, but those efforts have been hampered by thunderstorms and high seas. Officials said one of the undersea robots had sent back visual images of sunken tanks containing 700,000 barrels of diesel - the first report of the "pontoons" that were stacked on the rig before the sinking.
"We have no evidence of diesel emanating from the pontoons at this time," said a spokeswoman for the joint information centre.
"We have no evidence of diesel emanating from the pontoons at this time," said a spokeswoman for the joint information centre.
The spill won't stop the deepwater scramble for oil. In recent years BP has cast itself as the daredevil pioneer of deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and off the coast of Africa. The deepwater oil platform burned for more than day after a massive explosion, turning a deadly blast into an environmental emergency. But as it continues to spew 42,000 gallons of oil into the ocean per day, BP's extreme measures to stem the spillage show just what kind of high risk and difficult conditions oil companies are working under to tap the world's remaining reserves.
The deepwater nature of the well means the clean-up operation is more complex, but as oil majors continue to push the boundaries of exploration, how far might pioneering techniques be to blame for this type of accident? Although investigations are still ongoing, it looks likely that the rig's failure was due to problems with its "blow-out preventer" – a giant system of pipes and valves that helps withstand pressure surges. Although all rigs are fitted with the 450-ton safety device, the depth and harshness of deepwater conditions can make a build-up of pressure more severe.
The deepwater nature of the well means the clean-up operation is more complex, but as oil majors continue to push the boundaries of exploration, how far might pioneering techniques be to blame for this type of accident? Although investigations are still ongoing, it looks likely that the rig's failure was due to problems with its "blow-out preventer" – a giant system of pipes and valves that helps withstand pressure surges. Although all rigs are fitted with the 450-ton safety device, the depth and harshness of deepwater conditions can make a build-up of pressure more severe.
BP and Transocean are quick to point out that deepwater drilling has been going on for decades, with Horizon's failure the worst in 23 years. But observers still note that a disaster could not come at a worse time for President Barack Obama's administration, as he pushes for more deepwater exploration licences near the East Coast and Alaska.
"The timing was impeccably bad with Obama contemplating expanding offshore drilling," according to US investment bank Tudor Pickering Holt. "The longer it takes to control the well the louder the environmental argument will be for less access."
However long it takes to contain the spill and its consequences, the incident is unlikely to discourage companies from scrabbling around the deepest, darkest corners of the earth for difficult oil. It won't stop deepwater drilling.
"The timing was impeccably bad with Obama contemplating expanding offshore drilling," according to US investment bank Tudor Pickering Holt. "The longer it takes to control the well the louder the environmental argument will be for less access."
However long it takes to contain the spill and its consequences, the incident is unlikely to discourage companies from scrabbling around the deepest, darkest corners of the earth for difficult oil. It won't stop deepwater drilling.
Hi PIC....How's your day going? How's Brian, still being frisky?
ReplyDeleteI bet Nana was a good girl today [giggles], I know that's not possible...it would be no fun if she was good, I like her bad.
I left you a message in drafts under "From PIC Back to PIC" I didn't finish everything I had to say because I didn't want to miss you. But WOW! what a meeting!
ReplyDeleteBrian is still frisky even though he has a bit of a problem.
ReplyDeleteNana was in fine form today.She is sharpening her tongue for Friday when we have coffee while we're out.That's when she really critisizes everyone in the family.
I will wait until you finish it.I knew dad was dangerous but he's also a mean old coot.
ReplyDeleteYep and there's still move to come.
He just wants to be done with it.Time he had some freedom.
ReplyDeleteWell you know Nana's not ill, and she's good at her job.
ReplyDeleteWhen do Brian see the doctor?
He is one tough gangsta'. I want to be on his side. I'd be too scared not to be.
ReplyDeleteDad told them about his Canadian lady.
ReplyDeleteBrian goes to the doc tomorrow. We never hesitate when it's something we don't understand. That swelling is as hard as a rock.
ReplyDeleteNana has a very weak heart an anurism and failing kidneys but she keeps keeps on kicking ass. We don't know what keeps her going, unless it's her poison personality.
I don't care what it is ,as long as I have her a bit longer.
Leon's daddy was a member of the Gotti family, I'm sure the older ones has some ties still.
ReplyDeleteBoy did I spell that badly...aneurysm.I knew it looked all wrong.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel about Nana and she is a tough lady.
ReplyDeleteThe doctor is going to tell Brian he has to stop moving around so much and take it easy, the outside may look okay but the inside has to heal and it takes longer because the air can't get to it.
I knew what you meant. I can't spell worth shit[giggles]
ReplyDeleteWow! That's a connection to some mean people. They are still an active crime family. I saw an interview recently with Junior Gotti from prison. He was talking about his childhood and his dad.
ReplyDeleteJunior is one evil sucka.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right about the healing on the inside being slower.
ReplyDeleteNow, would you please tell that to my husband? He might listen ,coming from someone else.
I was flattered that G. mentioned me. How did he know I was so sweet? Because it's totally true; I'm sweet as honey.
ReplyDeleteDid you see what that oil company did to your stretch of the gulf? Tragic..They can't even stop it from pouring out of the drill hole.
ReplyDeleteI bet the doctor will tell him.
ReplyDeleteSweetie...it's hard for him to be still when he's feeling better and then he pays for it, he have never had to stay still this long, but he don't realize it's only been almost 3 months and he was cut almost in half. Maybe the Doctor can tell him to slow down.
Lost 11 lives..one man lived next block down the street from me. Our shell fish is shot to hell.
ReplyDeleteOh, honey be careful what seafood you eat for a while. Buy things caught somewhere else in the world
ReplyDeleteThe whole fucking world is becoming toxic and I can't get people to care. Websites on the internet tell me to take my preaching somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteI told dad once he would have made a great "Godfather" and he said no he wouldn't because Rosa would have beat his ass til he shit, she was the boss in their family, but without her there wouldn't be a business, he had the know how and she got her sisters involved and they raised the money.
ReplyDeleteThey tend to think I'm a nut-bar.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's only partly true. Most of the time I can act perfectly sane.
Rosa sounds like quite a woman.She deserves to have a shelter named after her.Did she get to see how successful G.becam?
ReplyDeleteI got the same reaction from a lot of websites, I don't care, I don't have to talk to them, I am getting my message out just fine thank you, that's what I tell them.
ReplyDeleteWe are omly going to eat fish out of the lakes close to home. Cross Lake is full of bass/perch/crappie and catfish.
It's like when Andrew told us about the "Agave Nectar" he was only trying to help, I have used Agave nectar for years, I use splenda and if I'm out and having coffee or tea I use sweet & low.You have to use everything im moderation.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check back with Andrew. He has some of my immune system problems.He is just a teenager and yet his website is quite sophisticated.
ReplyDeleteYes she quit teaching and helped him get everything rolling, she was chairwman of the board when she died. They brought Hollywood about 2 years after she died, dad say Gil was his mama pride and job.
ReplyDeleteI should have known that a diabetic would know about all the various sweeteners.
ReplyDeleteBecause I am allergic to cane sugar, fructose and to several other kinds sugars, I have to use Stevia which is a root but it has a bitter after-taste and it's terrible to cook with.
I bet Gil made her very proud of his accomplishments.
ReplyDeleteI will try to find him and look at some of the things he has to offer. I think my immune system is okay, but there are other things that may help me. Eating right is good for everyone, obese people should follow them also.
ReplyDeleteDad said she was very proud and she always told him not to marry a weak woman...Dad says she would have loved me we are kinda a like and don't bite our tongue and how we feel about things.
ReplyDeleteI get along with most everyone, I'm not pushy and want everything my way, I'm open to new ideas and is the first to ask for help if I don't know.
ReplyDeleteI think she would have loved you.You are genuine and open.I liked you right away.
ReplyDeleteI don't imagine Diabetes compromises the immune system until it gets to a certain stage.
ReplyDeleteFortunately you can keep yours under control.
My Auntie Bubs(short for Bubbles) has the same level of Diabetes as you. She has a hard time controlling her sugar intake though. She is addicted to sweets.She is playing a dangerous game.
ReplyDeleteShe drinks a lot of wine too.She is over eighty and doesn't like to be told what to do.
ReplyDeleteIf I was over eighty, iwould be the same way.
ReplyDeleteEveryone don't act alike but yet doctors want to lump everyone together.
I drink a little red wine it's good for the heart and I love chocolate candy. I can't eat surgar sweet free candy are diet sodas they give me diarrhea.
Is your auntie Bubs nana sister?
ReplyDeleteYou made think about Angela...when I told you lets go to her house and bitch slap the shit out of her.
ReplyDeleteNo she is Pete and Phil's mother. She has been a very close friend of the family for over fifty years.The major was godfather to her boys.I have called her Auntie since I was a very little girl.I used to go on vacations with her and her husband and kids.Like I tell Pete all the time in front of people."I changed your diaper when you were a baby and I know all your secrets."
ReplyDeleteI remember when you said that.She said something racial, which made us both mad.
ReplyDeleteWell she is your Auntie. I bet Pete turn as red as a beet. Your family is so close.
ReplyDeleteJon/Sis and their kids...we are very close.
I got the impression she didn't want her son.
ReplyDeleteThey did all kinds of tests on me with Gilly to see if he was alright, I got tired of them poking me and I told them that I was keeping my baby if he had 3 heads and 5 legs, he was a gift .
How's Jakey's cold, better I hope?
ReplyDeletePete laughs his head off.
ReplyDeleteI was sitting in a room a couple of weeks ago with four of my grown up grandsons + Peter and Jaye and I realized I had changed the diapers of everyone in the room. I said "Anyone whose diaper I did not change ,please stand up."
No I don't think a baby with three heads and five legs would have had a very happy life. What if the heads argued all the time??They couldn't get away from each other.They would be depressed all their lives.
ReplyDeleteI bet everyone just laughed their butts off, and jst a kid yourself.
ReplyDeleteWhen you changed Pete's diaper I bet you had no idea you would have a little girl he would fall in love with.
Jakey's cold is better. They are with Bio this weekend.I hope he remembers Sam has a hockey game this saturday. Sammy is excited because he is goalie.
ReplyDeleteI told the doctors that because one asked me had I ever thought of abortion becase I was over 40 that's why I told them that.
ReplyDeleteIf he make some kind of excuse like his car won't start and Sammy miss the game, I think BIO will get an earful from Sammy. BIO sounds like he don't care if the guys have extra activities or not.Jakey is going to follow Sammy's lead.
ReplyDeleteBubs, Nana,the major and I always thought it was strange how life turns out.And weird that he was raising our twins.
ReplyDeleteHe has a bit of a temper on him. Brian gives him hell about it
He doesn't like hockey and he thinks karate is useless.The only sport he thinks is worthwhile is racing.
ReplyDeleteHe won't even let Sammy watch hockey on TV.
Just to clarify, We thought it was weird that Peter and Jaye got together and Pete was raising the twins.
ReplyDeleteIt's Bio that doesn't like hockey Etc...
What kind of man is he? You are suppose to be interested in the things your kids like, I will take hockey over racing any day, and karate is good for them, Jakey is a little fellow and Sammy may not be there all the time to help him and it's good to know he can defend himself if need be.
ReplyDeleteSoon Sammy will not go to spend the weekend with him and Jakey will follow Sammy's lead. Is school out there?
School doesn't get out for the summer until about end of June.
ReplyDeleteBIO don't like anything worthwhile, he's not fooling me not one bite, he just wants the twins to try and hurt J but I think P is tired of him .BIO don't love those boys, he would watch hockey with Sammy and go to some of his games, the sorry S.O.B. just thinks of himself and the guys is wising up to him...especially Sammy.
ReplyDeleteBio decided a few years ago that Sammy would be a racing car driver and Jakey would be a jockey.
ReplyDeleteJakey doesn't care much for horses but that didn't make a difference nor did the fact that he is not well.
Our's is out the end of May and starts in the middle of August.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard from Nan. She must be so busy in her new capacity. She has done so well for herself. Hard work pays off in the end. I wonder why she wants to sell houses.Or will she be a secretary?
ReplyDeleteWe really don't know what Jill wants to be...her daddy would love for her to be a lawyer but whatever she choose we will support her.
ReplyDeletePete sounds like a mild mannered man, but even he can take so much when it comes to his boys.
I am hoping the boys wake up to Bio's ways. I think Sam is already figuring out where things stand.Jakey is more innocent.
ReplyDeleteBio has been to some of Sammy's games. He would have looked too bad in Sammy's eyes if he had not.Bio doesn't want to lose their favor.
You will hear from her soon, she's busy trying to get everything together , sis says she's exhausted, no she's not going to work with them, she helps out in the office sometime.
ReplyDeleteNan asked me was we still having trouble , but she don't think her PC has a virus.
Pete's got a temper on him and he has confronted Bio on a few occaisions.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow old girl.My vampire buddy is tapping on my window. It's time for me to fly away and feast on fresh blood. But I'll be back at twilight tomorrow.
Be happy and sleep well. See you at the Shriner's Convention. I'll be the lady with moose antlers on her head, blowing a bugle and tap dancing.
ReplyDeleteHe will lose in the end and the sooner the better...I think Sammy is waking up and not to worry Jakey will follow his lead.
ReplyDeleteYou know Jakey is much smarter than you think, he's just not as out spoked as Sammy but he's thinking.
P.S.:our computer problems seem to have worked themselves out. It may have been the Blogger program after all...Night
ReplyDeleteTime flys when you're having fun.
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams and I will be the one with the tutu on and spinning on my toes....OPPS...I fell on my musty butt.
Kiss the ROCK.
PPS:You are right about Jake. He internalizes eveything but he is a deep thinker.