One of the world's leading scientists makes the claim in a new television documentary series, beginning on the Discovery Channel next month. Hawking says that in a universe with 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars, it is unlikely that earth is the only place where life has evolved.
"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he said, according to The Sunday Times. The real challenge is working out what aliens might actually be like."
Hawking says that they could be microbes – basic animals such as worms which have been on Earth for millions of years, but suggests that extraterrestrial life could develop much further.
"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," Hawking said.
"I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach."
The scientist, who is paralyZed by motor neurone disease, warned that contact with alien life could spell disaster for the human race.
"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the American Indians."
Of course Dr Hawking could very well be right. After all he is one of the most brilliant men on the planet but maybe, just maybe, the aliens may be creatures just like ourselves, tentatively reaching out into space, frightened and yet eager to make first contact. Or more likely, they have already been here.
("We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," Hawking said."I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.") Dr Hawking is referring to what we will probably become in the not too distant future. That would make us the hostile aliens, looking to conquer worlds.
Howzit goin PIC?? Is it goin on track or is it goin sideways??
ReplyDeleteMy day went a little sideways. Everything I did seemed to go wrong. I won't buy a lottery ticket today. I forgot stuff, I dropped stuff,I broke things and the dog vomited all over the back seat of my SUV. Oh well, life is like that sometimes.
How is the "Rosa Sanctuary for Abused Women and Children" coming along?
Post Script: Watch out for those aliens.
ReplyDeleteThings seems to be rolling along.
ReplyDeleteYour day will be back on track soon. Did Maxy get to the raccoon?
How is Brian? Nana behaving ...NO?
I told Gil about turning the house into a shelter for abused women. I told him we was talking about antiques and the house and you said it would be nice to open one in his mama'a name, he said that was a great idea and he would tell dad and maybe you might like to help in some capacity..as soon as they get this stuff out of the way, maybe this fall .
Hi PIC... Is Brian being a good boy or is he still being frisky?
ReplyDeleteBrian was very frisky tonight!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I think he has been ovrdoing it. He is swollen along the incision. Got to see doc Wednesday.
I think it's fabulous about the sanctuary.What a wonderful thing to do.
ReplyDeleteI could do any amount of writing for the project you want ,pamphlets,ads, maybe even design a logo. A logo with a rose as it's emblem.
ReplyDeleteYou are loving him being frisky[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI think Brian is overdoing it also...he feels good and he just do to much and then he swells up and feel hurt some.
ReplyDeleteTell him he will get back to doing the things he wants to do, but for now he has to take it kinda easy.
It's great Jer is helping him take the boat to the lake, there he can just relax.
Nana was just winding up into a good sized nag when my cell phone rang and I had to interrupt her, thank goodness. I pretended it was important and walked away. Her nags often take an hour or more.Oh she was in fine form today.
ReplyDeleteGood old Nana never a dull moment, I like that lady.
ReplyDeleteBrian is a hard man to convince to take it easy.
ReplyDeleteStephan Hawking is probably the smartest man in the world and he believes there are aliens out there somewhere as I have always believed and for the same reasons.
His aliens are nasty however and my version of aliens would just be exploreres like we are.
I can't wait to get all the details about the meeting so I can tell you, they are meetimg again tomorrow and I'm going. I will have to carry Mamie to keep Gilly she loves to go, Mac keeps Gilly while she play slots.
ReplyDeleteIf aliens do come here and they are bad and want our planet, I guess that's the end of us unless they need us to be slaves in the mines.
ReplyDeleteI ain't going down in no fucking mine for no alien, and that's final.
ReplyDeleteAll the people say they poke you with needles and put implants in you. I think they may be friendly, unless they want us for food.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteShit...they don't want this planet, we have almost destroyed it ourselves. I'm with you there, no mines for me.
ReplyDeleteI want to know about the meeting. It's all very mysterious.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see Mac holding the baby.I figure Mac loves kids, he has a lot of them
I like the picture on Sandra's post. I like your take on it too.I was a little mean but I meant it about those "HO's."
ReplyDeleteI believe they poke you with needles and put implants in you.I read a book about twenty years ago that theorized aliens had implanted their DNA in us hundreds of thousands of years ago and that is why we evolved into intelligent mammals with almost no hair....could be.
ReplyDeleteWell I will tell you about it tomorrow, I'm going Sis said dad is wearing his suit and red tie.
ReplyDeleteDad can be a mean old bastard when he wants to..sweetie I have seen that old man in action.
I may have to write you a letter.
Mac has 6 kids and about 14/18 grands.
Did you look at the video about the cum stained shirt?I thought it was amusing and the guy was right.
ReplyDeleteI just posted a joke about Eve's side of the story, as opposed to Adam's. I liked it.
Does the red tie mean he is going to be tough or mean?
ReplyDeleteI was watching the History channel and they was talking about the same thing...you have started me watching the History/Discovery channels, it's to many thing that can't be explained like the pyramids and so many other things.
ReplyDeleteDr Hawking is going to have a show on discovery. I can hardly wait. He is one of my heros.
ReplyDeleteRed tie means he's going to be both.
ReplyDeleteI love the Eve post,I just love it, man was made from our third tit.
I watched the video about the cum shirt, what nasty bitches,just as bad as the one on the woman sucking Clinton and got some on her dress.
Will you remind me when he's on?
ReplyDeleteIt opens up a whole new world for me.
Why would you save a cum stained shirt or dress unless you were going to use it for something?
ReplyDeleteNan says she heard a rumor that dad was going to give a limited time to finished buying him out of the Shreveport business, she's not sure, a lot of rumors are going round, they always do when they are come together.
ReplyDeleteThat's how they operate.A woman going with a married man try to keep it hidden, why would a woman want to talk to another woman about going with her husband,
ReplyDeleteI would tell her yes I want to talk, and beat her damn ass not because of the man but on principle and she had the gall to ask me that shit.
When dad gets a bee in his bonnet he lets the whole family know. I figure dad wants out completely and he wants Gil to be able to cut his ties to the business too.
ReplyDeleteDad got them all started in the business and helped them all he could.They should be able to stand alone by now.
ReplyDeleteThe skanks want to be able to get close to Hollywood royalty so they can sell the story to the Enquirer.
ReplyDeleteI seen somewhere Jesse was in sex rehab, what happen to mid-life crisis. I hope Sandra run for her life, she's not wearing her ring, I also hope she get tested just to be on the safe side.
ReplyDeleteThey have about 4 years to buy him out of Reno...he told them Gil was never involved in the business just look after his interests, his mama gave him the best schooling and he gave him the know how to make money. Gil went to public schools he says you get a better education and then the best college you can afford.
ReplyDeleteGod knows what she has been expposed to...yuck. Maybe he came home and didn't bathe.He never looked too clean.
ReplyDeleteIf she takes him back she is the worst kind of fool.Look at Whitney. She got a new hit album all on her own and a new start.People accepted her back. Then she screws it all up again, taking drugs and getting bsck with Bobby...FOOL.
Sis said dad told one of his brothers he had two ladies and a daughter...one lady to keep him clean and sleep with him , one lady to give him wonderful recipes and a daughter to cook them, and now he's going to enjoy his grands.
ReplyDeleteYou can catch aids from those needles, every tattoo place is not clean, they closed down one here about 2 months ago and it was very up-scale but they was re-using needles.
ReplyDeleteDad is quite a character. I warned him about spoiling those grandkids.
ReplyDeleteRe-using needles??? That is the surest way to get AIDS and hepatitis. That tatooed lady looked like the lowest form of skank. Jesse is a real class act.
ReplyDeleteSandra, like a lot of women, likes bad boys. But they can do you a lot of harm if you pick the wrong one.
ReplyDeleteJesse screwed them on the coach in his office, he didn't even take them to a cheap motel. Both claimed they didn't know he was with Sandra.What liers.
ReplyDeleteI like bad boys and I have one, but being a bad boy don't mean he has to be an ass-hole and fucked everything with a hole and put your mates health at risk.
ReplyDeleteI don't think men like Jesse/Tiger/DC is bad ass boys, I think they are stupid and don't care about anyone but themselves.
Look at Johnny...Brad...Sean and a lot more I could name , now they are bad boys.
Jesse is a cheapskate too. Their pictures were all over the tabloids and fan magazines.There is no way they didn't know.And with a name like Jesse James you would not forget him.
ReplyDeleteEmily Proctor was on Craig last night. She talked and acted exactly like she does on the show.So callie is not a big stretch for her. She seemed quite nice though.
ReplyDeleteI guess there is a difference between bad boys and rotten skanks and some women don't know the difference.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people say she is nice, she's okay but I don't think she's a great actress and the love plot with Adam is for the birds.
ReplyDeleteShe acts the same way in interviews, movies, TV shows, she is a one trick pony.
Sweetie, the skanks know the difference and if the men have a wife all the better.
ReplyDeleteEmily is definitely a one trick pony. She has not grown as an actress and can not stretch her meagre talent.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if she will get a job after the show ends. I think all of them are very type-cast.
ReplyDeleteBoy, I'm going to have a lot of stuff to tell you tomorrow, I'm going because I want to get it first hand. I think they was waiting for aunt Mae to get here, Nan called about an hour ago and said she was here .
ReplyDeleteThis meeting sounds more serious all the time PIC. I wonder what is up with dad.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so either, It was a pretty good show starting out, but everyone wanted to be a Diva.
ReplyDeleteKhandi is doing a movie about the hurricanes in N.O.
Dad is being very closed mouth about everything, they had a meeting once when they brought the business and boy they said he can get pretty rough, they was coming out the conference room like the devil was on their heels. He was trying to run them down with his scooter.
ReplyDeleteBetter get your rest so that you are alert tomorrow. I am going to sign off now. I'm a bit worried.
ReplyDeleteI am going to check on Brian and see if he has a fever. He may have torn some internal sutures and they be a little inflamed.He has been very physically active, the fool.The swelling is quite large.
Anyway I will tune in early tomorrow. I am so curious to see what is up. Take care and have a restful night.Cuddle up and hang on to the dangle. I often do. It's like having a pet to fondle....HA!
See you when all the stores close and the lights come on....Hugs...PIC
I hate to say it, but they all are afraid of dad, and now he's angry because they want to his golden aired boy to clean up behind them.
ReplyDeleteGil told dad he was getting off retainer for the business, he will have to devote more time to his family and his business because the movie industry was picking up here and he had some good people working for him and he needed to be here for them.
PS: HA!...I can see him running people down with his scooter. It reminds me of Nana.
ReplyDeletePPS> So Gil had already made up his mind to get off retainer. Good for him. That's a comittment for you honey. No more sudden trips away.
ReplyDeleteTell Brian to behave and he will get better sooner, tell him easy does it and save his engery for poking. I know it's hard to keep him still, but tell him if he don't behave , the longer it will take to heal.
ReplyDeleteTell Brian I want to hear a good report from the doctor's.
I will let you know everything tomorrow.
So goodnight and sweet dreams.