Eric Stringer watched in awe as the man, identified as David Anderson, dived into the frigid East River and rescued his 2-year-old daughter, after she plunged 20 feet from the historic boat. Witnesses heard a splash, then a terrifying scream. A moment later, the father was racing down the deck of the four-masted Peking ship, emptying his pockets along the way.
"He jumped in like a scene out of a movie," said Eric Stringer, 34. "He was pulling things out of his pockets as he was running down the steps. He didn't hesitate."
Once he reached the pier, the frantic father flicked off his shoes and bolted over a fence. Witnesses said he then searched the water. His daughter, identified by sources as Bridgette Sheriden, was below the surface.
"He jumped in feet first like a pin," said Stringer, a freelance TV producer from Hicksville, L.I. "He went all the way under, and when he came up, he had her in his arms.
"She was motionless, at first. It was a couple of seconds, and then she started crying."
The crowd of onlookers gasped in relief. A man from France jumped into the water to help drag the father and daughter to safety.
Bridgette was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in good condition and released a few hours later.
"She was very lucky," a fire official said.
The tot looked to be in good spirits as Anderson, his blond hair still damp, pushed her stroller out of the hospital. Bridgette was swaddled in a blanket, partially obscuring her ruddy face. Walking beside them were her mother and her older brother. Family members declined to comment on their frightening ordeal. But Bridgette's mother said she was grateful for the help of the Frenchman.
"I'd like to offer him my congratulations and best wishes, and I want to talk to him personally," said the woman, who declined to give her name. The high drama on the low seas unfolded about 4:40 p.m. Cops say Bridgette had reached the top of the gangplank when she somehow slipped through the railing and fell off.
"The dad turned around and didn't see her," a police source said.
Stringer was eating a pre-circus meal on the pier with his wife and two kids when the calm was splintered by an ominous splashing noise. Then came the sound of a woman screaming.
"It was piercing," Stringer said.
The dad, in a black polo shirt and shorts, was in the water in seconds. When he rose from below, he lifted his sandy-haired daughter into the air and rested her on his chest faceup, witnesses said.
"The fact that a girl as young as that fell 20 feet or more into water that was probably in the 40s, and that she was breathing once they got her up, it was really amazing," Stringer said.
Anderson swam on his back to the pier. The Frenchman who jumped in helped secure the girl.
"He was hanging on to the side of the dock with his left hand to keep them from floating away and holding on to them with his right hand," Stringer said.
Several people rushed to the pier to help. The Frenchman lifted the girl into the arms of an onlooker, who himself was being supported by another person. Anderson appeared to be spent, Stringer said. Two men showed up with a rope to help drag the exhausted dad onto dry land. Witnesses said the man from France got onto the pier on his own. A few minutes later, he hopped into a cab and took off.
Paramedics arrived just after they all were out of the water. Stringer said the response from those gathered on the pier typifies the spirit of the city.
"As a New Yorker, it was just a very humane thing to see - how fast everyone raced in to help," he said.
"I don't think anybody was concerned about getting wet or losing something in the water. I think everyone was just concerned with getting that girl out of the water."
Kudos to all the people involved in the rescue.'Love those New Yorkers' and those Frenchmen. And Dad, you're my hero and you will always be your little girl's knight in shining armor.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC.
ReplyDeleteThe man was very brave, he was only thinking about the baby, what a wonderful thing to do, put his safety before all else.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful ending for all envolved....makes your heart sing with joy to know there are still people that care about each other.
I love a good rescue story
ReplyDeleteDo you get TNT network station? I hope so.
ReplyDeleteYes I do ,why??
ReplyDeleteHow's Brian and Nana? Brian didn't overdo it Saturday? I hope not, tell him he has to take it nice and slow so he can have strength to poke you.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteCheck your paper for Friday evening...
ReplyDeleteAmerican Gangster..starring bad ass Denzal Washington...it will show 3 times, I hope the whole weekend.
It was a little hectic but he held up well. He has developed a bad cold. I guess with over three hundred people at that funeral , a few of them probabaly had a cold.
ReplyDeleteHis resistance is probably down right now.
It's coming on 8:pm my time.
ReplyDeleteHis poker is working fine though.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty good movie. I like Denzel as a bad guy and a good guy.I'll take him as anything.
ReplyDeleteHis resistance is low now, but pump him full of vitamins, chicken soup and a whole lot of loving,like no one can do for him but you sweetie.
ReplyDeleteHe has a great smile.Excuse me for one minute.Brian is calling me. Be right back.
ReplyDeleteSee the poker is working fine..so no toy boy for you honey.
ReplyDeleteHell a toy boy wouldn't know how to make you reach for the moon.
Brian just wanted a cool drink. He has a very sore throat.
ReplyDeleteThe poor guy can't win for losing.
ReplyDeleteDid you have a nice Easter?? How did the girls and Gilly like their Easter egg hunt??
ReplyDeleteOur guys had a ball. We spent today with them. It was their birthday and they got spoiled. We had a little family party and next Sunday they will have a big family party.
ReplyDeleteI cooked ham hocks, turnip greens and hot water corn bread,had other stuff,and dad told them he was going to show them how to eat.Dad got the folder and told them a sweet recipe lady sends him the recipes from Canada. Aunt mae says she see why Gil don't want me to work, he wants me to cook. Their food is so plain.
ReplyDeleteThe girls loved the egg hunt and Gilly would find some and point for them to pick up and put in his basket.
ReplyDeleteSpoiled the boys, they are good kids and very mannerable and respectable...you enjoy spoiling them and they love it.
What a wonderful idea to have a big family party, the boys will feel so grownup.
Hamhocks turnip greens and corn bread sounds so delicious my mouth is watering.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that Gilly got the idea.I bet you had fun watching them.
ReplyDeleteI loved giving the Easter egg hunts for the whole family. They all grew up except the last two.So I can't be the easter Bunny any more.
I think I will have Jill's BD party Sunday, I will just take Gil out for dinner and dancing and later a little you know.
ReplyDeleteThe boys is 11 now and I bet they are quite the little gentlemen.
How's Pete?
Got your note on the quake post.
I had fun watching Jill with her baby,she takes time with him and if she get mad at the other kids she will get her baby and not let them play with him. I am blessed shes not jealous of him, sis told me to included her when I got pregnant and let her hear his heartbeat and movements.
ReplyDeletePete is good.Everyone was so emotional at that memorial we were emotionally exhausted when it was over.
ReplyDeleteVera's son , who is a big strong guy, he's the county fire chief, Gave such a moving eulogy to his mom that everyone in the church including the choir and the minister were in tears and the chief broke down too.
Pete was in a great mood today.Bio brought the twins back on time for a change. He has been much more cooperative since Mrs. Bio left. I don't understand it.
ReplyDeleteHe may be selling his farm and moving back to town close to J and the boys.Not good.
Sis always gives you good advice honey. You got lucky when you got her for a sister and a mentor.
ReplyDeleteYou know that. And I notice you most often follow her advice.
Since I have been in this family, I realize they don't know how to eat or cook good food. I told aunt Mae I had the impression that all Italian women knew how to cook, she laugh and said only the older ones and she don't cook anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt's lovely that Jill loves her brother so much. By including her in the pregnancy you started a loving relationship that will last their lifetimes.
ReplyDeleteCooking is a talent, an art. It doesn't come naturally to all women.You are loaded with talents.
ReplyDeleteYou design and make clothes, you're a gourmet cook and you can play the piano and sing.I bet you're a good dancer too.Now you are becoming a writer. What's next??
Oh yes we all listen that little woman don't play, I've haul my ass a many time.
ReplyDeleteI knew it was going to be hard on everyone , Aunt Vera was a very gracious and giving peoson and she show it to the end.
Three women astronauts just blasted off in Discovery headed for the International Space Station today.They will meet up with another woman who is up there already. Great!Women are taking over space exploration finally.
ReplyDeletePIC... tell J and P to stay on their guard with Bio..he may be up to no good, he's selling the farm tell me , whats to keep him there.he might be just waiting a chance to steal the boys. Something about him just don't set right. There's a lot of unanswered questions abiout why the wife left.
ReplyDeleteAll we know is what he says, she had a reason to leave.
I have the same feelings about Bio.She up and disappeared. We still have heard no explanation.It was so sudden.Her mom died and left her some money so she had the means to go. She may have wanted to leave for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be reassured that she is still among the living.
We, the women is coming into our own. I know we will have a post about them as soon as it become available.You like that space stuff and I do too.
ReplyDeleteAll the things I've learned, I had great teachers. The cooking and sewing I got from my sisters...the writnig I got from "YOU", I am still learning. THANKYOU
So Jill will be six years old tomorrow.We have a lot of parallels in our lives don't we??
ReplyDeleteIs she a typical Aries?? I would say that Jake is more Aries than Sam.
Oh yes, the recipes I'm using now for deserts I got from you.
ReplyDeleteDon't thank me Toots.You did this all on your own, proving the theory that a person can do anything that they want to do.You just have to have the guts to try.
ReplyDeleteJill is all Aries.
ReplyDeleteBio might make Pete give him a one two about the boys. Bio has no one else now he wants to be close to the boys. (J and P's boys)
I'm glad dad likes the recipes.There are so many foods I can't eat but I like reading recipes and looking at the pretty pictures.Do you ever make him the biscotti??
ReplyDeleteYou are so intuitive.The boys told me that Bio is so lonely they feel so sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteHe is putting all his emotional baggage on two little boys.He has no principles.
Lacy don't have a blog. When to D*** and a couple of her fist posting and they were bad...I always sais she kept a dictionary to find a lot of her big words as she called them, and she would add an eaxtra letter or to so they would think she was smart.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have made dad the biscotti more than once, he got that one out and told them I was going to make it tomorrow...I', going to whip his musty butt.
ReplyDeleteThat's two much baggage to dump on grown-ups let alone a couplle of kids, he wants tyhem to feel sorry for him and come stay with him.
Don't the fart-ass S,O,B know those are P's boys?
Keep an eye on the no-good bastard.
Lacey's blog is gone??I'm sorry. I would have liked to try to coax her into a conversation with us.
ReplyDeleteDid she quit because D*** quit??
I think J is really nice to let him keep them over night, but he's not to be trusted, he wasn't there for them when they needed his and damnnit they don't need him now.
ReplyDeleteHe wasnts to be with someone that care for him, go to his sister's or parents, maybe they don't want him either.
No It was up awhile after D*** quit, she posted she was moving again and she lost her job, when I went back her blog was gone.
ReplyDeleteBio had his widowed mom and his grandma move in with him.Tha's how lonely he is. His grandma is a nice old lady. I liked her but his mom is an old bitch who never wanted him when he was born so his grandma raised him.So you know Bio has mommy issues.
ReplyDeleteWhat is he going to do with the two old ladies when he sells the farm?If they all move close to J she will freak out.
I haven't talk that bad about someone since DC, but I do have a few choice words for BIO and believe me, they ain't nice.
ReplyDeleteBio sold his wife's horses to his sister so he knows that woman is not coming back.I have to wonder where she is.
ReplyDeleteJ don't need the drama with them.
ReplyDeleteBut I do think this will be a falling off point for the boys, they are not going to want to be around a bitchy old hag and find excuses not to go with him.
They are growing up now with their own friends and things they like to do.
S in sports and J is in chess.
So that leaves little time for him.
I'm sorry I kept you talking late. I guess I had a lot to say to you tonight.I missed you this weekend.
ReplyDeleteWell, you have a lot of open country up there...remember the pig farmer? It's strange no one has heard a thing about her.
ReplyDeleteVery strange indeed...
I so hope you are right about the boys pulling away from Bio.Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteHe always thought their karate was a waste of time.
I enjoyed it. It made me know the Rock is getting better.
ReplyDeleteI missed you this weekend also and I enjoy you so much.
I was here over the weekend and left you notes.
Cheack your TV listing and I will keep reminding you.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! The pig farmer! You don't suppose he fed her to the horses. The boys said the horses got awfully fat.
ReplyDeleteKarate is not a waste of time, we are going to enrooled the girls in it, like you said it give them respect for themselves and others.
ReplyDeleteI better delete some of my more damning comments so I don't get sued.
ReplyDeleteWe all may be in for a great surprise, people just don't disappear without some one knowing something, I know she had friends and word would have leaked out .
ReplyDeleteDelete them so people don't know what we are talking about. None of their business.
ReplyDeleteSued...we haven't threaten anyone.
Well, I don't wish any harm to Mrs Bio.I wish her luck and God bless her.
ReplyDeleteI guess I better wish you a goodnight.
I suppose six years ago tonight you were just going into labor.You were excited and scared at the same time.At least, that's the way I felt.
Enjoy your daughter's birthday and I will see you in court when we go to testify against Bio...HA!I'll be the lady trying to climb over the railing to bash him on the head......Sleep tight...PIC
P.S. Make that biscotti and make an old man happy. You're a softy, I think you were already planning to do it.
ReplyDeleteYes thets the way I fely, one day on her birthday when she's older I will tell her how happy I was to finally meet her.
ReplyDeleteI wish her well also and hope she is happy.
I will meet you in the court and I will be the tall women handing you the little black skillet.[giggles]
Enjoyed it sweetie and tell Brian to keep up the good work, I know he's better when you stayed on this long...way to go "ROCK"
Nite sweetie and and may all your dreams come true.
P.S. yes I was going to make it, dad says he has bragging rights.
ReplyDeleteRemind me tomorrow and I will tell you what he told aunt mae and his brothers it was. Lordy, dad is a hoot.