When Chris Shaw finished his shift at the Break Time convenience store in the town of Marshell, Mo., things wasn't looking good. He had just $28.96 in his bank account, was facing a mountain of bills and coldn't afford to fix his two missing front teeth. So he decided to pick up a lottery ticket on his way out the store - something he hardly ever did. But that chance purphase would win him the largest cash prize ever in the Missouri Lottery's 24-year history - a Powerball jackpot worth $258.5 million. Shaw, who was earning fust $7.25 an hour and has three (3) children, said he felt pure joy after discovering he'd won.
"Holy smokes!" he souted out, according to the Marshall Democrat News. "I've got it ! I won !" He quickly called his girlfriend , Toshe Ewry, who told KOMU-TV, "I cried, I did, I cried. I didn't believe it. I was just full of emotion."
The first bill he's likely to settle is with a friend who sold him a $1,000 truck the very same day he brought the winning ticket. Without the lottery prize, there's no way he'd have been able to the $100 monthly installments they'd agreed on. Shaw also pledged to help out the "people that have been my friends and people that have helped me out and done good things for me in the past," he told KOMU-TV. "Pretty much the people that bet on me in the past made a good investment."
On the gift list , too, are his children - who live with their mother some 240 miles away in his hometown of Alton - as well as his girlfriend's 13- and 15-year - old sons. He plans to take all the bids to Disneyland, something his grandparents - who raised him in rulal Missouri - could never afford. "It's going to be great to see my kids do things I never could," he told the press conference.
As for himself, Shaw said he planned to pay a visit to the dentist, buy a hot rod and may indulge his love for fishing, telling the Marshall Democrat-News, "I feel a boat coming on.
Chris Shaw stepped forward Thursday as the winner of a $258 millon Powerball jackpot . The 29-year-old- father of three said that before his big wn, he had just $28.96 in his bank account. Shaw, who works at the convenience store , said his first priority was to use his prize money to pay his bills. After that, he plans to spend more time with his children, his girlfriend and her two (2) sons.
My spin : It's so nice to hear about someone to have a stroke of luck that really need it...I hope Chis keeps a good head and not get side-tracked into the fast lane.Hope he remenbers what he said and felt when he won the money...as we know the women will be coming out the woodwork ...the ones that wouldn't give him a second look because of missing teeth, will be all over him . So, Chris, beware, the cash cows will be after you because that's the way they make their living.So remember your girlfriend was there for you when you was broke and didn't have teeth....good luck to you.
I love a story where the little guys wins big and comes back to reward his friends and give the finger to anyone who put him down.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC...how's it going? How's Brian not so much pain I hope?
ReplyDeleteDid you keep up with Nana today?
I better start back to using spell check, I missed a bunch of letters.
We have severe storm and tornadoes warning out and they say it will get really rough later on .
You and your tornados.It doesn't sound very hospitable down there.Hi...howaya?
ReplyDeleteThis is tornado season.Doing good.
ReplyDeleteBrian is okay.I told Nana not to play tricks on me and get lost. She just laughed.
ReplyDeleteJeremy came over to see us and see if he could do anything to help his grandpa. He did a little raking but was up late last night at a party celabrating the end of school. And fell asleep on the couch.
He went to a big party tonight on campus with beergardens and fireworks and dance bands.The whole university is celebrating the end of school.
Hope your weather stay nice you have a very busy weekend.
ReplyDeleteI hope Brian is up to going to Sammy's hockey game, but tell him not to push it.
What wonderful grands you have, how many more years he do he have? I know Brian was as please as punch to see him and he is a good guy.
ReplyDeleteDid you look at my sun video??Imagine them being able to get that close to the sun.It is a frightening looking star. Just a ball of fire.
ReplyDeleteJeremy just graduated with honors. I have to go to his graduation ceremony in a few weeks.Now he has to get a job but he may take e few weeks off(or if I know Jer a few months)
ReplyDeleteYes I looked at it 3 times and it's scary, I was thinking suppose it explodes.
ReplyDeleteI bought a new dress to wear for him so he'll be proud of me.
ReplyDeleteI look and listen at all the video you put on the blog and I enjoy them all.
ReplyDeleteI never could get Heidi do act right so I just didn't bother with them. I really think she was getting jealous in the end when you started putting gifs on the blog.
It could explode under the right cicumstances but what will really happen is that in a few million years it will die out and become a black star.There will be no more life on earth.There will be no more light.Hopefully the human race will be established somewhere else long before that happens.
ReplyDeleteHe would be proud of you if you wore jeans. Jer is the poker player , right?
ReplyDeleteDo you think that's what happen here, we migrated here form another world? I have started watching the History/Discovery channels and theres a lot of stuff they can't explain.
ReplyDeleteJer is our poker player although his younger brother Jason is an up and coming poker player too.Jason wins a few of thousand dollars every few weeks.It helps his expenses at college.Or he sends the cheques to his mom who puts them in his bank. Jeremy wins consistently too and sends his winnings to his mom who puts them in his account.Jer usually wins bigger pots than Jason.
ReplyDeleteI know you are proud,all your grands are making their way in this world.
ReplyDeleteThe current theory is that life was brought to earth inside a meteor or piece of an asteroid.It was just microscopic bits of protein.But when it landed on earth the conditions were perfect for it to grow and blossom into little wiggly germs swimming in the water.
ReplyDeleteJason is learning from his big brother. It's so nice to know they are saving their money and not blowing it away. Justin is one of the brothers.
ReplyDeleteSo your great grandfather a billion billion times removed was a wiggly little germ. No offence intended.
ReplyDeleteWell, that explains why men sperm have tails and are great little swimmers.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI do think we have been visited by a more advanced life form from another planet many times.
ReplyDeleteNot taken...I bet he was my daddy's kin, that's why he gave my mama so many babies.
ReplyDeleteYou are so bad...[giggles]
I do also, there are so many things that was built they can't explain.
ReplyDeleteThe spermatozoa are exactly what we would have looked like back then.
ReplyDeleteThey are still debating about the Roswell incident they still is keeping it a secert.
ReplyDeleteOn the news they are showing a huge tornado from Texas today.They said it was near Goodnight Texas.
ReplyDeleteOne of the contestants on Survivor was arrested in Lafayette Louisiana
ReplyDeletefor assaulting a woman.
I have aways believe there other galaxies out thre that has a planet like ours. There made be a parallel world ot there.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the news folks!
ReplyDeleteThe Roswell incident was an imaginary event that people manufactured when they saw some weather balloons.Although the government was conducting experiments with new aircraft there.They may still be testing things there.
A parallel world is a possibility.That would be a hoot.
ReplyDeleteEven a parallel universe is possible or a mirror image universe.I wonder if the Cupcake in that universe is good or evil.
Thats about 150 miles from me boy we are getting bigtime.
ReplyDeleteGil called earlier he was in Dallas and said the flights was being delayed and he didn't know when he would get out.
Dad told him to hang tight , he was on his was just as soon as he could round up a driver.
He call Mac and asked him to get him 2 drivers and Mac told him he was driving him so he only needed one, they left about 2 hours ago and Dallas is a 3 hour drive .
She better be good or I will spank her musty butt.
ReplyDeleteYou know since I met you, I have wondered and learned a lot.
But hey, if I don't know I',m not afraid to ask. Hell, it don't mean I'm dumb, it means I just want to know...HUH.
Don't you just love that Mac??Gil will be a lot safer travelling on the ground.
ReplyDeleteThe ash cloud is finally clearing away in Europe according to my relatives over there.There were stranded passengers all over the place. At least in Canada we put them all up in hotels at no cost to them for as long as they needed.
People who ask questions are never dumb. They are people who keep learning. I hope I never stop asking questions. That would mean I know everything, which is impossible. Or it could mean I'm dead.
ReplyDeleteI told Mac when he retire I wanted his job, Mac said he works hard and I said yeah right.
ReplyDeleteTheoretically in a mirror image universe things are reversed. That could mean that the Jeannie there is a mass murderer. So if you ever see someone that looks like me...run away,run away.
ReplyDeleteJust what does Mac do?? I know he drives once in a while.
ReplyDeleteMac love working for dad. Dad made Mac supervisor over security and surveilance..he has the same job that Leon had and he loves it.
ReplyDeleteMac says the best thing that happen to him is when he met us at Vix's and he had visit for a couple of weeks and some of the people at the Horseshoe told him who cupcake was. He said he had no idea it was me, he seen me a few times when he dropped off guests from Horseshoe .
ReplyDeleteMac told me he wasn't going to comment anymore on Vix's because you asked where he was and to tell you missed talking with him and Vix said ...yes Cupcake where is he/she at so he just stopped, because he had no idea why she would thik he was a female.
ReplyDeleteMac got a lucky break.I hope he helps somone else along the way.
ReplyDeleteWhen I told her he looked like a guy to me, she changed her comment.
ReplyDeleteDad believes in rewarding the people that work directly under him.
ReplyDeleteShe knew how to offend people.She had a prickly nature. She didn't like it if she lost control of a situation.
ReplyDeleteHe's a good man and he helps train the new people and he has a nice way with people.
ReplyDeleteShit..There are other that think differentfully than I do, so I listen , it's always good to listen to more than one side of a story.
ReplyDeleteI don't expect for everyone to agree with me and if they did it would be boring.
ReplyDeleteYou're right there are usually two sides to a story.We shouldn't close our minds to the other side.We learn more if we listen to both.
ReplyDeleteGeez..I'm hungry.When you have so many food allergies there are not many things you can snack on.
ReplyDeleteHow was the Boston cream pie? And did you get some hazlenuts?
I have ideas how I want the Polar Bear Club to go, but others have ideas and we go with the best ones.
ReplyDeleteIf i didn't want input from the others I could go it along...right?
Dad and my babies really liked it and yes Mamie found some hazelnuts, they wasn't fresh, they was in a package and I put some pecans with them.
ReplyDeleteHow about a proached egg on toast. Can you have lettuce/tomato? you can have a proached well done and make you a salad.
ReplyDeleteWhen a lot of people put all their ideas into the pot you always get the best plans. One persons ideas are enhanced by another's.
ReplyDeleteI have always liked you because you are open minded. And you never think in a small minded way.
ReplyDeleteI notice that old people have a problem giving up their old concepts for someting new.
Maybe you could get some fish filets and pop one out the freezer and broil it and put a little lemon juice on it, you can defrost them in the micro-wave .
ReplyDelete[giggles] When I get old I'm going to be just like Nana...Hahaha
ReplyDeleteShit...sis has a lot of ways like Nana.
Shit! That's a good idea. I will do exactly that.Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteYou can poach an egg in the microwave in a minute and a half. I think I will do that and have it with the fish. I crave protein and I do not eat much meat.
ReplyDeleteI have grown quite a bit since meeting you and it's all for the best.
ReplyDeleteBut like you, when you are raised in love and found your soul-mate, there's nothing to prove.
You have to keep your mind open ,if not it will dry up and blow away.
Nana will argue until she is blue in the face rather than give up one of her old ideas even if she is terribly wrong. She is not comfortable with new ideas.
ReplyDeleteBut I think you are like her in that you are strong, feisty and have a naughty sense of humor.
I admire Nana's strength of character.She was a terrible mother though and you are a wonderful mother.So you are very different in most ways.
ReplyDeleteYou can't go wrong with fish and you love fish...I can eat fish everyday. Everyone here likes to fish and sis has a big black wash pot and we will have a fish fry every weekend.Sis has a cooker next to the barn in the yard and we put the pot on it.
ReplyDeleteAwwwwww...you just say I'm naughty because I like to be poked..
ReplyDeleteThe main thing is you know she love you...my sister Susan is not a good mother, I don't think she knows how.
Also you are intuitive and sensitive. Nana ain't sensitive and she has the intuition of a doorknob.
ReplyDeleteYou have a natural wisdom and you give good sensible advice while Nana is a know-it-all and just tells you what to do; she don't care if it's right or wrong..
The funny thing is that people seem to like Nana because she don't give a damn whether they do or not. And she'll tell them exactly what she thinks of them and often it ain't nice.
ReplyDeleteSweetie , you need to fix you a bit to eat and get ready for the busy weekend ahead.
ReplyDeleteBoy I like Nana more and more.
ReplyDeleteI do have a very bad temper, but I'm learning to keep it in check, But I always will let a person know how I feel.
I love fish.I have been reacting lately to some shellfish and a little bit to salmon because I was taking salmon oil pills. But it's getting better since I stopped taking the pills.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Nan said about me when I told those dealers they stink and if they don't bath don't come back.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sick to my stomach to smell funk.
How about tuna/crap..we call crap white perch here.
ReplyDeleteYou're right we should call it a night. You need to be rested for your man. I hope you have a lovely weekend and everything works out to your satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteSleep well and may angels watch over you and your little ones. See you down at the bayou. I'll be the scruffy lady drinking something out of a paper bag...hugs PIC
Do you have cod fish there?
ReplyDeletePS: Love tuna and eat a lot of it.Also perch. If it swims I'll eat it.
ReplyDeleteWe can still get cod although it is getting fished out Around Canada. We had to stop other countries from fishing in our waters.
ReplyDeleteI keep red wine in my bag.
ReplyDeleteHell, he can't get none...serves him right. I just really wants to go to sleep in his arms.
You have a good weekend and enjoy Sammy's hockey game and I hope Brian feel like going.
Goodnite sweetie and I will meet you there.
ReplyDeleteMy all your dreams come true see you after dark.
P.S> you can cook any filet of fish that way, that way it will be just a snack for you. I keep different kinds of fish in the freezer for a quick snack.