Invariably, every negative review including some variation of "Houston, we have a problem," but when they began describing the singer's vocal cords and overall stamina, even the normally prim BBC got in on the act, saying the singer was "panting more than John Prescott running for a bus," a reference to a well known (and chubby) Politician from Wales.
Whitney's performance of " I Will Always Love You," which goes awry at the 4:18 mark.
Houston was suppose to kick off her British tour last week, but had to cancel due to respiratory problems. Her breathing seemed to be one of the main problems, according to several reviewers.
A local paper ,The Birmingham Post, said that although Houston's voice was still there, the stamina was not," adding the 45-minute concert "was constantly broken up with water breaks and chats with the audience to catch her breath.
The Post's reviewer, Alison Dayani, said Houston angered the crowd after six songs when she "disappeared to let her brother Gary and the back-up singers perform some of her tracks while she took a 15 minute break.
One of the song's she chose to let video and backup singers perform was her hit "One Moment In Time."
Her absence so soon after the show began led to boos around the arena, and when she returned to the stage, Houston guipped, "Thank you for being patient, I heard you getting p***ed off.
The notoriously rough-on-celebs tabloid "The Sun" said Whitney seemed distracted, often losing her train of thought during rambling between-song chats with the audienceWhen it came time to sing her signature song ..."I Will Forever Love You," Houston failed to hit the soaring high notes.
One audience member told BBC Radio 5 live: She was good when she was good, but when she was not on form, she was awful.
However , the Independent's Elisa Bray says she admired Houston, who in the face of negative press, stood up tonight to give her all. Was there a smirk on Alisa Bray's face, I do think so?
My spin on this lost cause:I like others loved to hear Whitney sing, a beautiful voice gone to waste. Whitney voice was her gift and she gave it all up for drugs and a crack-head husband, who by the way had a lot of baby mamas. Retire now Whitney and give your voice a rest, everyone know you need to make money to support your habit maybe you can get a job in a chicken shack.
Whitney, you will never be the singer you were in the "Bodyguard" with Kevin Costner. Stay tuned the saga continues:
She didn't realize that with the passage of many years and the abuse of her body she may not be able to perform any more.
ReplyDeleteShe thought she could pick up where she left off.
How ya doin PIC? Did you have a good day? Did you find a nice tame toy boy?
ReplyDeleteI had a busy day and evening. I'm worn out.I spent most of my birthday party trying to help my daughter sort out her marital problems but she has decided to leave her common-law husband of fifteen years.Her three sons agree with her.
ReplyDeleteGood for her, I agree with the boys. She probably satyed 14 yes to long. Weel the good thing about it she don't have to worry about money for a divorce.
ReplyDeleteI bet he was a sorry old S.O.B.
ReplyDeleteTell jher she's still can get a good man if she wants one.
Change my mind about the toy boy, I may catch something the doctor can't cure.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if my notes are showing up.
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased to hear you enjoyed your BD and you still have 2 more days to go.
How is Brian ad Nana? Did Brian go or was it just a girly thing?
Hey PIC, I have just been seeing my guests out the door. Thank goodness.
ReplyDeleteMy comment didn't show again,WTF is going on??
ReplyDeleteBrian was falling asleep on the couch and still they didn't get the hint. IGNORANT.
ReplyDeleteI seen it, your gyests just left.
ReplyDeleteYou should teach Brian and Maxy to fart on cure. They hate to leave good company.
ReplyDeleteI know you are tired you have 2 more days to go...so good to hear Brian is feeling good.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the boy toy. you can get nasty genital warts, herpes,Syphillis and a host of others. It could spoil the choochie ride. Can't risk it.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's hubby hasn't worked in a year and a half. He has lived off her. She is sick of supporting him. He is a chef,a very good one.I'm sure he has had any number of opportunities.He's just damn lazy.
ReplyDeleteDads been under foot all day and Mamie is scared as hell of him, I asked her what he said, she said nothing, he just looks at her. Mac is crazy about dad.
ReplyDeleteI left a little note for dad. He wrote me a nice letter.
ReplyDeleteThe farting is a good idea.I'll even do it if I have to. Although ladies shouldn't admit that they pass wind.
What did you do to day??
He could get a job as a chef, a real man will take any job to support his family. I bet he will get a job now, I hope it's her house.
ReplyDeleteDad said he was going to talk to you, I bet he said what a bitch I was being.
ReplyDeleteShowed him your photo and he says you are beautiful, Brian is a lucky man.
I didn't do anything special, went to the rib shack..sausauge/ ribs and I made salad.
ReplyDeleteThe house is in her name.She bought it but her lawyer has told her that he will still get half of whatever she gets for it.It may be worth it to get rid of the bum.
ReplyDeleteShe has a pretty good job and can buy a nice little condo.Her unhappiness has marked her face. She looks older than her years.
The boys are glad, I bet they have tried to get their mom out of that mess for a while. I can't stand a lazy man, if she's made up her mind, don't try to get her to stay, he's not going to change, he will crawl on his belly for a long time, the lazy slob.
ReplyDeleteEven the guy's mother has advised my daughter to kick him out.She has always been close to her.
ReplyDeleteThe boys won't believe it till they see it happen. She has said she was leaving before and then she backed down.
ReplyDeleteTell her if she has to give the bastard half, so be it, peace of mind is worth it.
ReplyDeleteShe will have peace of mind and can take better care of herself.
She get rid of that fool and a lot of worry lines will fade away and be replace by smiles.
The problem is we can't butt in even though I would like to tell the guy what I think of him.
ReplyDeleteHe has abuse her in body and soul.
ReplyDeleteI bet he tells her to ask Brian for money, and brow-beat her when Brian brought cars for his grandsons.
I hate a leech. She don't know how happy she would be to get rid of him.
On the other hand, when Brian was in hospital and it looked very dicey, the guy was kind and supportive.He was a great guy when they first got together.
ReplyDeleteWhen the boys grew into men, all that testosterone in the house started causing arguments between him and the boys.So they haven't liked him for a long time.
He is much older than she is. I think he is fifty.
I understand how all of you feel, she have to make the first move.
ReplyDeleteThey tried to get me to leave but I was going to make it woke, all I was doing was fooling myself.Until I asked for her my family stayed out of it.
When I asked daddy for help, then all hell broke loose.
No question he has grown into a leech.
ReplyDeleteI think he has realized that any appeal he had for women is gone. He has lost a lot of hair. His teeth are turning brown from smoking and he is not attractive any more.I think he just gave up.
Yep...I just bet he was supportive thinking Brian was about to cash in his chips and leave her some money. He should know how boys are , I guess he was once one.
ReplyDeleteBy him being older, she figured he would be a man like her dad.
I hope she stick to her guns it will be so much better for her and the boys. The boys are not like the older generation they know what's happening and will kick his ass about their mama.
Once she makes a move to end it, we will be there helping him pack. Just as in your case we can't do anything until she asks us.
ReplyDeleteHe's stupid, he have the only woman he needs, she will love him if he get fat or bald.
ReplyDeleteNo excuse for the brown teeth, he can brush them and they have all kinds of whitening toothpaste .
They would love to kick his ass. I don't think she'd allow that.
ReplyDeleteShe is a nice woman. She works hard and did a wonderful job raising her sons. They are great lovable guys. She deserves a good man.She always dreamed of having a little girl.
I hope she asks and soon...maybe you and her sisters can tak her into putting the house up for sale and move into a small Apt. until it's settle and then get her a samll condo close to some of the family.
ReplyDeleteAnyway. I am not going to lose sleep over it again. She will or she won't.
ReplyDeleteSay something funny and sexy.
Have you heard from your hubby today??
ReplyDeleteHugh Jackman is on Leno. Did you know there is a sex tape of him on the internet??
Yes she do deserve a good man, that's why she need to leave, she may still get the little girl by one of her boys one day.
ReplyDeleteNo I didn't know that let me turn on the tv.
ReplyDeleteI have tried to find one that I can download or email to you but no luck so far.He has a fab body and is nicely hung.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember that nude photo of Jaime Fox I put on the blog?? He was yummy.
ReplyDeleteYes he called we talked a little and he talked to my babies, he said he would call me later when I was in bed and naked.
ReplyDeleteHe talked to Gilly and he was looking in the phone for him and didn't see him so he threw it on the floor and ran.
ReplyDeleteGilly is a riot.I think I would love him in a second.
ReplyDeleteYes I remember Jamie and he did have a nice one, but I would be scared of it, Jamie and Vivica Fox was an item at one time, and you know she's been around.
ReplyDeleteDoes Gil have any idea how long he will be gone?
ReplyDeleteI think you will get the chance, he's a busy little bugger. We still have the bells on him, when he's quiet I have to find him.Jill teach him how to get into everything, but she was the same way.
ReplyDeleteHe says aunt Mae's stuff is in a mess but he's hping he can wrap it up sooner than 3 weeks, he said he called Gloria Alferd and they will talk tomorrow and see if they can get her, she's good.
ReplyDeleteViv could have some nasty little microbe hibernating in her lady parts. Aids doesn't show up for ten years sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI don't think a lot of them use condoms. Can't feel the fuzz on the peach.
Some of those ladies with the camel-toe look like they might be harboring some little nasties too.
Now Betty White is on, I like her.
ReplyDeleteCould he come home weekends or maybe you could go to him for a couple of days?
ReplyDeleteI was going to ask...it looks like Paris Hilton don't have on panties and that the natural P***y.
ReplyDeleteHe wants me to come out there, I don't know, I just may be an ass and if he wants to see me he can come home...he would love for me to come because my ex is here working on the movie with Nichols Cage in Driving Angry. Hell he don't have to worry.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice that he is jealous.That's when you know you got them by the short and curly.
ReplyDeleteAre you jealous of him out there alone for three weeks in the land of bleached blondes and beach bodies?
Dad just asked me if I wanted anything...I said yes, I wanted my long ass man naked in my bed right now , can he handled that, if not go to bed and I will see him in the morning...
ReplyDeleteOh I'm being a bitch and know it.
Yes you sound distinctly bitchy. Please tell him I answered his note.
ReplyDeleteI told dad that although you were a little peeved you really understood that business was business.
ReplyDeleteHere I am defending you and you are being a bitch.
No...He said he has used condoms all his life til we got together and he's not going to use them again I think he's scared of catching something and I believe him when he said I was it. Gil knows he has to much to lose to fuck up.
ReplyDeleteLeno had a nice show.
ReplyDeletei hope I can be as naughty as Betty White when I am her age. She must be at least 85.
ReplyDelete[giggles] Thankyou...I will tell dad, he was so happy for me to show him how to get on and what post to write you on, I told him to leave his notes at the top one, you always post late and check the posts.
ReplyDeleteBoy he wanted me to hurry and deleted what he had wrote, he said your ears was too delicate to hear that.
Nana still likes a sexy joke.She can still remember what a good fuck feels like. She only ever had one lover in her life and they were very passionate.
ReplyDeleteYes she's about that age...she's young at heart with a young mind. Dad told me she was married to Allen Lunden..I just love her.
ReplyDeletedad asked me the same thing and he said I should know my man would never be unfaithful to me, I reminds him to much of his mom.
ReplyDeleteI will have to read dad's note, I bet he did some flirting.
ReplyDeleteDid you see that big friggin meteor?That would scare the crap out of me if it flew over my house.
ReplyDeleteWe both know how Nana feel, I talk my shit, but I don't think there's a poker out there that can make this choochie pop like my man, damn sometime I want to climb the wall and see stars, hell girl,the first time he kissed me I wanted to crawl his long ass.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever see Alan Ludden's show
It was popular in the sixties.Betty was often one of the guest stars on it.He had every major star in Hollywood on that show.
NO, but some people I know say they seen it and was scared shitless with all the earthquakes and tornado season starting.
ReplyDeleteNo...I was born in the late 60's, I will check the oldie channels.
ReplyDeleteI saw it for the first time on the game show network and I got hooked. I haven't seen it in a while though .They moved the time slot.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the Golden Girls.
ReplyDeleteBetty was married only once huh?
I don't know why Betty never married again. She was still youing and beautiful when Alan died.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was her soulmate and no one could ever take his place.
Thanks, we get the Game Show Network here.
ReplyDeleteYou have two more days of Birthday partying, but ono of them Sunday I think, you and Brian will Join Steve and his family for an outing.
It's nice to hear about real ladies, you and I are lucky , we do know a few ladies.
ReplyDeleteThe bimbos and sluts could take advice from Betty, she will be loved forever. Hugh Jackman got him a little loving on the Leno show from Betty.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll have a cup of tea and check my emails and let old RP out.I'm getting sleepy.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you didn't get the toy boy.(I never believed it anyway)Get Nan to come and stay with you for a few days. You'll have fun.That girl still has some mischief in her.She loves to bug your ass.
I'll leave you some messages over the weekend.I'm sending you the latest thing in Canadian vibrators. It's an icicle held by a trembling penguin...HA!
Sleep well Sweetie...LUV...PIC
You better get some rest sweetie you still have 2 more days of celebrating to do.
ReplyDeletePost Script: Read my note to dad. I think you'll find it funny.I can flirt too.
ReplyDeleteYes...Nan loves to bug my ass, she and I get together and our men heads for the hills.
ReplyDeleteGet your tea sweetie and have a great weekend.
Happy BIRTHDAY and may all your wishes come true...Have a great time........LUV...PIC