Friends told her she shuld sit home, get well and delay the shows for a year. But Whitney's as bull-headed as they come. Houston, 46, shot to fame in the 1980's - becoming the first recording artist ever to sell 10 million copies of a debut album.But she largely fell off the map over the last decade as she suffered through cocaine, speed and booze addiction, a doomed marriage to singer to Bobby Brown and legals woes.
Last year Houston released her first album since 2003 and found the fans hadn't forgotten her golden voice. The album , I Look to You, debuted at No.1 on the charts. But singing in a studio and taking her act on the road are two different propositions. Houston was mercilessly panned for her live performances when she kicked off her 2010 world tour in South Korea,Japan and Australia earlier this year. During a disastrous show in Brisbane, she took a long break after two (2) songs - then croaked her way through six more tunes, eventually letting her brother Gary take over. She returned - but forgot the names of band members during introductions and didn't even attempt to hit the soaring high notes of her trademark hit I Will Always Love You. It made friends all the more wary of Houston tackling the much longer European stint and her erratic behavior on stage frightens fans.
While Houston has publicly admitted she has abused drugs in the past, she insists she's now clean and sober. She says her Paris hosiptalization was due to seasonal allegies and and called speculation that she's using drugs again "ridiculous."But one published report had houston acting in a disorderly fashion at a Beverly Hills, Calfornia, bar on March 10. Friends fear she's only one temptation away from a relapse.
The singer's situation is so troublesome , experts have even predicted Houston is living on borrowed time. Dr. Patrick Wanis , a Miami Beach,Fla. human behavior expert who developed a longevity guide known as the Life&Death Calculator, says unless Houston starts taking care of herself "she may have only five (5) years to live."
Adds a friend , Whitney doesn't need to be wearing herself down playing concerts all over the world. The stress could lead her back to dangerous habits. I don't just fear for her health - I fear for her life.
My spin on the Whitney mess: I call it like I see it and this is a Whitney mess going to happen, just like to trains on a collision course, don't know when it will happen but you know it will...excuse me, it has happen and what a waste of such a great gift. If you look back, Whitney's first mistake was hooking up with Booby brown , who ad a ton of baby mama's and was doing drugs. He was younger , that's fine, but he was also immature and he hooked upp with Whitney to ride her coat-tails to fame and fortune , he knew his talent was taking him nowhere. Bobby's sister was also hooked on drugs and saw the chance to lash on to Whitney and that folks was Whitney's downfall among other thing to numerous to mention. Stay tune : The saga continues...updates as they become available.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
Poor Whitney thought she could just pick up where she left off.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't realize that ten years had past and she had ruined her health and her emotional well being.She is a dependent with an addictive personality. When she is stressed she will turn to drugs and booze, a long established habit.She never had professional help.People rarely recover on their own.
Howzitgoin PIC??
Hi PIC...doing o.k.
ReplyDeleteHow's everything with you? Hope Brian is feeling O.K. How's Nana?
Dad babysit today. He sent mamie to the market to get hazelnuts, so that tells you what I will be doint tomorrow. I baked the pie when I got home. You can whip all the recipes you gave me up in a jiffy, I like that.
Brian is very tired. We went to karate.But he is not in so much pain.The pain seems centred along the incision and there is a big hard lump there so I think the doc should have a look.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
ReplyDeleteThey almost cut the guy in half, across his stomach around to his back, so they cut through a lot of muscles and nerves. I think that is the source of the pain. I'm not too worried.
ReplyDeleteWe spent a lot of time listening to all Jakey's troubles tonight.One of his teachers doesn't like him and some of the big boys pick on him, stuff like that.He needed to get it off his chest.
Yes let the doctor look at it, it may be nothing , but check to be sure.The incision is rather large and it will take a little time.
ReplyDeleteDo he over do it? He feels pretty good and then he do more than he should...but he's always been very active.
We are going to their graduation up to junior black belt tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThen Saturday we are going to see Sammy play hockey at the auditorium for his school.He beggded us to come. I hope Brian is up to all the family activities again.I don't want him to over-do it.
I've been wondering how you will handle your reunion with Gil tomorrow night.Are you looking forward to it?
I am so glad he can talk about it, there's so many kids getting picked on. The teacher is suppose to keep her damn feeling to herself.
ReplyDeleteIs Sammy in the same class with Jakey? I am so glad Jakey know how to defend himself.
I am not a violent person, but I do believe in kicking ass.
Nana was good today.She is looking forward to her shopping day tomorrow.She is probably planning some new tricks and manoeuvres for getting lost.I am taking handcuffs so that she will be shackled to me at all times.
ReplyDeleteYes I am ..and guess what I have a surprise for him..want to know?
ReplyDeleteI hope Brian is able to go, but I hope he don't overdo it...bu pushing himself to hard it will just take him linger to heal.
I got a note from Dad. He said the cake you made was delicious and he was looking forward to the Boston cream pie to night.He hates to see you sad and he is going to fix it.
ReplyDeleteI just love when Nana get away from you,maybe she do it on purpose[giggles] not many people Nana's age can still get around like her.
ReplyDeleteWhen I get that age I'm going to give everyone hell just like Nana. If you ask my family they will tell you I do that now.
I made two pies, maybe we will have some for tomorrow. Dad says he had to cut it because Gilly was begging, everybody lay stuff on my little man.
ReplyDeleteDad says he was going to get his 3 brothers and aunt Mae together and tell them to take care of their on affairs, it was enough of them. 2 brothers is coming down from Reno , Dad told them to be here no later than 9:am Monday morning.
I really would like to know what your surprise for Gil is...PLeeease
ReplyDeleteWhen that old man speak all of them jump to attention.
ReplyDeleteYou want to know my surprise I have for him?
My visitor come to visit this morning.[giggles] serves him right.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to tell him, just take my shower and get in bed..when he rub his hand over my butt he will know what's happening.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, that's not going to make him happy. He may be all hot and horny because he has been away for a while.He knows make-up sex is the best.
ReplyDeleteI will have my panties on ..no choochie for him.
ReplyDeleteYou think it's funny don't you??You're pleased with the situation, Huh?
ReplyDeleteWell he won't be getting this til Sunday, I only last a couple of days .
ReplyDeleteYes I am very please I couldn't have timed this right if I had tried.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that dad's brothers jump at his command and that they are coming to see him just like that.That guy has some influence.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it nice that he is doing this for you.
Yes I am very happy..Dad started out in Reno by himself with just a hole in the wall thet was before Gil was born but he was married to Gil's mama. He had all of them to come down from N.Y. and see if they could make it work and they did quite well.
ReplyDelete[gigglrs] Maybe they are scared they may disappear, dad hads a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
He's doing it for his son so his family can stay intact.
ReplyDeleteDad's a self made man.You have to be extremely clever to be a success all on your own.
ReplyDeleteSounds like he has always been the brains of the outfit.
ReplyDeleteI told dad I can't get up at a moments notice and bounce all over the world like we once did, we have two little ones now that need us and I will not have anyone raising my babies.Dad's siblings kids don't have to worry about small kids, theirs are growm.
ReplyDeleteNana's banging on the cubbyhole's door telling me Brian's TV is too loud.I'm surprised she isn't going into the bedroom to turn it off.'Be right back.'
ReplyDeleteHe what will make money and after aunt Mae's husband was killed, he brought her and her kids to Reno.Gil's mama was a high school teacher and helped him on weekends and summers, she never wanted her only son in the business.
ReplyDeleteMoney makes strange bed-fellows.After we started living together, dad starting saying it was about time for him to get out, and when Jill was born dad lose interest in the business.
ReplyDeleteI bet she was a lovely woman, Gil's mother and intelligent too.How old was she when she died?
ReplyDeleteI meant dad lost interest in the business after Jill was born.
ReplyDeleteI think Dad is all about family.He said his wife was his one true love and I think his son and you and the litttle ones are the most important things in his world.
ReplyDeleteDid Nana see the Daffodils and what did she say?
ReplyDeleteShe died 2 yeas before that came here. I think about 64/65 I'm not sure..
ReplyDeleteDad says she had a temper and was a very strong woman.
Gil told me his mama told him marriage was precious and promise her when he marry he would always honor his vows, dad says they was very close.
ReplyDeleteShe saw the daffs and didn't comment, except to say they were a sure sign of spring.But she is excited about the lilacs coming out. She loves lilacs and their fragrance. I usually pick some branches for her.
ReplyDeleteDad is 83 and she would be about 80 I think that's why sis and dad get along so well , neither is putting pressure on the other.
ReplyDeleteDad dotes on my babies, he says he had almost given up hope and Gil always had a lot of Ladies friends, he asked why no babies and Gil told him he flushed them down the toliet.Or maybe like Chris , down their throat.hahaha
The white daffodils really spoke to me. I was surprised. I am not usually so affected by things like that.
ReplyDeleteHow is Nan doing? I bet she is working harder now than before.It would take a lot of effort to set things up so they could run without her.
Maybe the lilacs is the Major and Nana flower. How wonder it is to have one true love and know it's all yours, some people don't gat that in a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Gil didn't want illegitimate babies. Or maybe he never met a woman he wanted to be the mother of his babies.
ReplyDeleteShe's doing pretty good right now, it's going to be hard but I think she will make it..She has a cashier cage one each floor, and there's 3 floors, she says she can do it in a couple of months, dad told her to just hold on and do her best and when he leave she will have about 20 years and can retire with a nice sum and shares.
ReplyDeleteYou're right honey,it is wonderful to have found a life partner who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him and who has the sames goals and dreams.
ReplyDeleteHe said he cared a lot for some of them and was nice to them but it was never love and he knew if he married one he would still be looking for that special woman and he not good at lying and hiding.
ReplyDeleteI believe you about the daffodils speaking to you, some people are just more sensitive than others.
ReplyDeleteWe all are borm with a 6 eye. I believe I have the touch, I can feel things sometime but I never developed it but sometime it gets so strong I have to take notice.
Wll Gil's waiting paid off.It sounded like love at first sight when he saw you.They often say, a reformed player makes the best husband.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should say born with a 3rd eye.
ReplyDeleteJill told her daddy tonight he better come home soon she's tired of doing his job. She sings to Gilly but he won't go to sleep he just giggles and wants to play.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother was psychic on Nana's side. She was a little spooky but she could predict things. That sure would be a nice power to have.She could tell fortunes too that were pretty accurate and showed Nana how to read the cards and palms.
ReplyDelete[giggles] I thought he just wanted someone to poke, I told him I wasn't going to fuck him to keep my job.
ReplyDeleteThen came the elevator incident, when he caught me all along and kissed me and said , yes I'm going to marry you so I can fuck you all I want, winked at me and got off the elevator.
Shit I think my panties was damp.
Jill is a sweetheart.She sounds like a wonderful little girl.
ReplyDeleteSo,She told her dad to come home? Out of the mouths of babes,eh??I wonder how he felt about that.
I am going to close early hon. I'm not too good and I have to be on my toes tomorrow morning. A lot to do tomorrow.I'll find a little post and then go straight to bed.
If I can't find a good one I may not bother.
Can Nana still read cards and palms?
ReplyDeleteWhen something stay on my mind I go to a quiet place and meditate.Sis says my mama could see spirits and make potions and cast spells and I was born with a vail over my face.
So I wish you good luck tomorrow.Don't make him squirm too much.I know he feels pretty bad already.
ReplyDeleteI think dad's right.The family should be told that Gil is not available any longer to solve their problems for them.
God bless em both and you too Sweetie.Make sure you get lots of sleep. If you don't come on line tomorrow I will understand completely even though I will be dying of curiosity.
Sweet dreams, sleep like a baby and all your troubles will be gone by tomorrow....LUv and hugs...PIC
Go to bed, news is slow, I can't find aa good picture of camille .she broke her leg and the say she was trying to kill herself because the Queen made William King. I just lucked up on the Whitney story.
ReplyDeletePS. Nana reads the cards now and then for us if we ask her.
ReplyDeleteSo have a peaceful night and get some rest, and tell the Rock to slow it down a tiny bit.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight dear friend and I will see you down by the old fishing hole after sunset....
P.S. I will be online, he has a stopover in Dallas so he won't be getting in until Saturday before dawn.