In old movies , you hardly ever see a guy without a hat.I wish more guys would wear them. While "Alice" is the latest feather in Depp's cap, he admits his sucess cuts into family time with singer-actress galpal Vanessa Paradis ,37, and their kids, Lily-Rose and Jack. And the busy Pirates of the Caribbean star is pretty well booked for the next two years.
He's just finished the "Rum Diary" and "Rango", and is now filming "The Tourist" with Angelina Jolie, and will do the fourth "Pirates" movie when his current project ends. Depp, who commands $20 million a movie does an interview with a freelance journalist where the 46-year-old heart-throb talks about wearing a skirt, playing with Barbies, marriage and his ambition to be Bugs Bunny.
Q: You love hats and now the mad hatter - that's quite a coincidence !
A: True. He was always my favorite character from "Alice" a real eccentric. I did some research and discovered a lot of hatters of days gone by were mentally unbalanced because they used several chemicals that were slowly ingested into their bodies.One gave a sort of orangy glow to their skin, that's why the hatter's hair is orange in the movie.
Q: What's your recipe for sucess?
A: Chance. I used to be called "box-office poison" before "Pirates" came along. Someone once told me , "luck is when preparation meets opportunity." I couldn't agree with them more.
Q: Why do you like working with director Tim Burton?
A: He constantly surprises me. He also gives me jobs ! He's mad as well - but on a very special level.
Q: What's your ambition?
A: To make more movies that cross boundaries and challenge audiences - and me - I want to do Bugs Bunny and do films that children from 5 to 85 will like.
Q: What's your greatest achievement?
A: If you call meeting Vanessa an "achievement" It was certainly that. I saw her across a room and immediately thought, "that's the women for me."
Q: Have your kids seen "Alice?"
A: Yes, and neither of them freaked out. They loved it.
Q: What's your greatest pleasure?
A: Playing with my kids, Jack loves a bit of rough and tumble play with his dad. Lily-Rose is into her Barbie dolls, and I invent stories for them. I make up voices for them and try out new accents , I have to admit sometimes Lily-Rose looks at me and say, "DADDY what ARE you talking about?"
Q: Why don't you and Vanessa get Married?
A: As someone once said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." We just haven't done the big public vow thing . It doesn't seem necessary for us. Others may want to go down that road - we don't.
Q: What attracts you to weird characters like Edward Scissorhands or Willy Wonka?
A I think everyone in the human race is a little bit weird, and that's the key to us all. We should all embrace our "weirdness," or our individuality rather than stifle it or be ashamed of it.
Q: How do you see the "Pirates" movies going?
A: If the right scripts come along , there will be a few more.
Q: Did you want to be a pirate as a kid?
A: For sure. They're irreverent, they can do what they like and don't have to answer to anyone. All kids want to be like that.
Q: Do you feel really secure with your career right now - earning great money with lots of work coming in?
Me? Never. It could all end tomorrow. I could wind up pumping gas for a living or, more likely, playing guitar in a bar somewhere.
My Spin: Everyone knows the PIC's love their bad boys...they are down to earth family men and have their lives in order. It's great to know your man truly loves you and your happiness comes first....Johnny that phrase sounds familiar, the first time you saw Vanessa , you knew she was the one...long live the happy couple....updates as they become available.
Johnny is a great guy.I like the fact that he is eccentric and a little off the wall.Different is good. I like his attitude and philosophy of life.I love that he is a family man.
ReplyDeleteThere is still some good and faithful men left.
ReplyDeleteThere sre far more good men than the ones that like playing grown-ups.
The man-eater can put her P***y back in her pants, JD don't want none of the used goods.
Like the pictures, they are so nice and Vanessa is truly a pretty lady.
Hi PIC, are you going to have an Easter egg hunt for the kids??
ReplyDeleteHi sweetie
ReplyDeleteI bet you enjoy being the Easter bunny
ReplyDeleteYes we will have a lot of the little monsters here. All nine of us will be in one place Sunday..we have a lot of ground to hide them in, all the yards are connected.
ReplyDeleteBrian was the Easter bunny today...He delivered the eggs...If you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteNan says shes gong to paint my jugs.
ReplyDeleteI told her you knew about it also and she can't believe I kept a secert that long from her.
I love the pictures you put on the post. JD loves his gal.
ReplyDeleteI think I know... you go Brian, nothing can keep a good man down.
ReplyDeleteHe's feeling much better...I agree with you,I don't think it will take a year for him to get back on his feet.
How's Nana?
Wow! It's going to be chaotic around your place Easter morning. But what a lot of fun you are all going to have.
ReplyDeleteWe had a lovely barbeque today. It's summer grilling weather up here right now and getting hotter every day. The trees and flowers are all confused. They are blosseming early.
Nana was in a good mood, nagging everyone, even strangers.
ReplyDeleteAre you hiding Easter eggs with your boys? I know they can't wait til Monday.I wonder what BIO is getting them.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could make that L.Shank's Easter present. Two little Easter bunnies for him to play with.
ReplyDeleteNan doesn't know you as well as she thinks she does. You can take a secret to the grave with no problem if you think it's important to do so.
Nana has a lot of spunk,I'll going to be that way , just tell people where to bug off.
ReplyDeleteOur weather is nice but storms coming in tonight. Nan tried to count how many small kids we will have but she gave up.
Bio has the boys till Monday. Then we get them from noon on. J and Pete are arranging an Easter egg hunt for them.Next weekend the whole family gets together for the boys' birthday.The twins will get everyone playing ball hockey.
ReplyDeleteI told her the same thing, it was fun,you even knew but we couldn't tell none of my siblings but Chris.
ReplyDeleteAunt Vera used to give the big Easter egg hunts for the whole family. It's strange that we will be going to her funeral tomorrow on the Easter weekend. She gave one last year even though she was already ill.
ReplyDeleteI will be glad when the boys choose their friends over BIO and it won't be long...I just don't like the man and I don't think to many people like him either...Look what he said to the pastor and how he broke up a family...I hope his sister don't like him either.
ReplyDeleteShe lived her life full with a lot of love for everyone.
ReplyDeleteTake care of Pete,I know he's hurting.
Tell her she with the Father and she don't have anymore pain and one day they will meet again.
Thankyou, those are kind words.I'll tell Pete.
ReplyDeleteAre you wearing the lack dress?
ReplyDeleteI bet the Rock hope you do he likes to see your wiggle...wiggle walk. [giggles]
I hate it when someone lose a love one and people tell them I know how you feel, that bugs the shit out of me, hell no two people feels the same
ReplyDeleteBrian feels well enough to go tomorrow.We'll go to J's early so he can rest a bit and then all go together from there.
ReplyDeleteI think there is a buffet meal after the memorial at Vera's daughter's house.We'll see if Brian can hold up that long. Socializing really tires him.
Yes I am wearing the black dress. It turned him on when I was trying it on and that got things rolling again. Boy was I surprised today.
ReplyDeleteI guess I have to thank Aunt Vera for that.
Well you know Aunt Vera was all about making people happy.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Brian feels well enough to go...he's among family and he will be able to reast...just don't over do it.
J has put on some weight and she can't squeeze into her old dresses any more. I have to take some clothes with me tomorrow for her to try on.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see her gaining weight.She was so skinny when she was sick.Now she is plump and rounded and Pete does not mind a bit.
Just tell him to take it slow and easy...it's different when you are among family, you can rest when you want to, with company you have to entertaian and most company don't know when to leave.
ReplyDeleteDad get enough of company he will go to sleep right in front of them.
Did you get Nana's chair?
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, that's what my dad used to do.
ReplyDeleteJust drift off to sleep
I must go and delete Nan's note like she asked me to.I left it a bit longer to read it again. She was just so flabbergasted. The look on her face must have been priceless.What a wonderful thing for the family to do for her.
Didn't get a chance to get Nana's chair,he took me by surprise. I think he was surprised too.
ReplyDeleteGood for J...I don't think they care as long as we don't get wrinkles and they can find the choochie.
ReplyDeleteIf J is like me I hate shopping for dresses, they don't make things like they once did.
no one can get into drafts but us, I told her it was safe there so keep it as long as you want to, she won't mind after i told her it's not like at work.
ReplyDeleteI bet you are hard to please because you are used to designing and making your own things. We always seem to know what makes us look best.
ReplyDeleteI agree it is hard to find good quality, well maid clothing anymore.
After I told Nan it was safe, she said she can leave you some all the time about how she's doing.
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear how her new adventure goes.This is a new chapter in her life.
ReplyDeleteI cannot see myself paying the price they want for a piece of crap. I redo a lot of my things,the ones that's to tight I let out add a bow or belt.
ReplyDeleteAfter I told her noone could get to her notes, she said she was going to give you a weekly progress report.
ReplyDeleteI am going to leave you early Sweetie.I'm a bit tired and I have to be up early.
ReplyDeleteI hope you and your family have a fantastic Easter holiday.And I hope the sunny weather holds for you until after the Easter egg hunt.
The bunny face boobies are a wonderful idea for a gift.
Once when I wanted to put a happy face on Brian's pecker, he wouldn't let me, the old party pooper.
Any way, I'll be around on Monday. Until then,see you at the mall. I'll be the woman carrying a load of bags followed by a little old lady who is nagging my ears off....PIC...Happy Easter.
I was raised to waste not want not. I recycle Gilly's clothes with Nan's grand. I have some nieces that get Jill /Sha clothes.
ReplyDeleteEvery little bit helps.
You have a wonderful Easter and and I will see you at the mall where you will have a little old lady and a tall bossy lady bugging the shit out of you. HA!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't let Brian over do it and hold Pete close.
Nite...hugs and a big chocolate bunny for you...PIC
Opps...I bite the ears of the bunny. hahahaa Nite.
Hi !
ReplyDeleteI'm French and I like Johnny Depp and his family too.
For me, he's the best actor in the world !
My dream is,a day, play with him...
A day...
Sorry, I don't whrite very well, do I ?