This is the skull of a mature female found at the dig
Frontal view of female hominid skull
This is the sunken area, probably a collapsed cave where the hominid remains were found and the remains of several animals including a sabre toothed cat.
Earlier hominid found in Ethiopia on November 29,1974 named Lucy (after the beatles song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds).The small skeleton was an incredible discovery and a significant link in the search for human ancestors.The term "hominid" has a very flexible definition, generally meaning an erect-walking primate that is an extinct ancestor of humans. Lucy was the first really significant hominid with a direct link to Homo erectus. In other words a missing link.
In the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa ( not far from Johannesburg) — Nine-year-old Matthew Berger dashed after his dog, Tau, into the high grass one sunny morning. He tripped over a log and stumbled onto a major archaeological discovery. Scientists announced Thursday that he had found the bones of a new hominid species that lived almost two million years ago during the fateful, still mysterious period spanning the emergence of the human family.
“Dad, I found a fossil!” Matthew said he cried out to his father, Lee R. Berger, an American paleoanthropologist, who had been searching for hominid bones just a hill and a half away for almost two decades. Fossil hunters have profitably scoured these rolling grasslands north of Johannesburg since the 1930s.
The species sediba, which means fountain or wellspring in Sotho (the language spoken in that area), strode upright on long legs, with human-shaped hips and pelvis, but still climbed through trees on apelike arms. It had the small teeth and more modern face of Homo, the genus that includes modern humans, but the relatively primitive feet and “tiny brain” of Australopithecus, Dr. Berger said.
Dr. Berger said the path to the discovery began over the Christmas holidays in 2007 when he began using Google Earth to map caves in the Cradle of Humankind. On a recent visit to his office, he rotated Google Earth images of the dun landscape on his desktop, showing how he spotted the shadows and distortions of the earth that gave clues to the location of caves, often topped with wild olive and white stinkwood trees.
On Aug. 15, 2008, when Matthew called his father to look at the bones he had found, Dr. Berger began cursing wildly as he neared his son. The boy thought he had done something wrong. But from 15 feet away, Dr. Berger, who had done his Ph.D. thesis on hominid shoulder bones, among them the clavicle, was astounded to see that his son had in his hands a clavicle with the unmistakable shape of a hominid.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Dr. Berger giddily recalled. “I took the rock, and I turned it” and “sticking out of the back of the rock was a mandible with a tooth, a canine, sticking out. And I almost died,” he said, adding, “What are the odds?”
In March 2009 he found the remarkably intact cranium of the sediba boy whose clavicle Matthew had picked up. Donald C. Johanson, who found the famed 3.2-million-year-old Lucy skeleton in Ethiopia in 1973, described the skull as “a fabulous specimen.” In his lab last week, Dr. Berger took a fire-resistant case from a safe and reverently lifted the skull from its foam bed, revealing its startlingly delicate face.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he said.
The scientists also found a profusion of animal fossils at the site — saber-toothed cats, mongooses, wild dogs, antelopes and hyenas, among others. Dr. Berger and Paul Dirks, a geologist at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, hypothesized that the animals might have been lured to the edge of a 100- to 150-foot funnel-shaped shaft into a deep cave, perhaps by the scent of water during a drought, then plunged to their deaths.
ReplyDeleteAre you home?
What a wonderful find. Do you think one day they will find the Garden of Eden or Noah's Ark?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they might just luck up and find a way to save the world.
How's everyone?
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late I just got in ..Hi!
ReplyDeleteI know you have a lot to do...wasn't sure you could make it.
I hit a lot of Friday night traffic coming home.My night vision is not too good. I hate getting caught out on the road when it gets dark. It's not so bad in the city where there is lots of light at night.
ReplyDeleteHad a very busy day. How about you??
ReplyDeleteNow they have found a link between homo erectus (very primitve man, almost an ape)and homo sapiens which is what we are today.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't evolve from monkeys but we had the same ancestor as monkeys.
This going to be a busy weekend for both of us, but I'.m enjoying getting the BD party together, still have a lot to do.
ReplyDeleteYour kids ate beautiful, and they all look like you and the Major.
But Jakey melts my heart, just look into his eyes. I can see why the girl was so crazy about Sammy,he's going to be a hunk. Sweetie , Jakey is a handsome guy.
What are you serving at Jill's party?? Have you been baking up a storm??
ReplyDeleteAre you going to research it when you get time and post it?
ReplyDeleteYes I am baking a lot of cookies, Ice cream,hot dogs, chips and a lot of crap that's going to have them puking all over themaelves.
ReplyDeleteDad ordered her cake.
I bet Al and J looks just like you and the Major.
ReplyDeleteKim looks like you as a girl, the four of them are so much alike.
ReplyDeleteThat is what the 'missing link' post is about.I get very excited about these discoveries I would have liked to be a palaeontologist or an archeologist.
ReplyDeleteHow's Brian's cough? Did Nana babysit while you was out? if so I bet Brian pretended to be asleep.
ReplyDeleteThe boys are having friends and classmates and all the family are coming too.Tha's a lot of mouths to feed.
ReplyDeleteI bet your barn will be filled to the rafters too.
I have learned so much since we started the blog, I'm so glad we started it.
ReplyDeleteI read the one Gil has, it's worded a little different, but the same, I know he will get this one.
He says our kids need to know and when they are older, it will be here for them,because the schools are not teaching them about history.
Jaye looks a bit like me but both of them take after their father more.But oddly, their children look more like me.
ReplyDeleteSammy wants to join the soccer team but he has so many activities now that jaye won't let him.Wtih all his sports and all the time he spends with Bio, she doesn't see much of the boys as it is.
Brian's cough is not better and Nana keeps bullying him into swallowing her potions which are guaranteed to cure him. I took her shopping today so at least the guy got some peace.
ReplyDeleteI didn't lose her either.
yes it will be, Sis has it remodeled about 5/6 years ago and it's real nice, we can cook there...we can even get poke there , there's a shower to wash your butt.Hahaha
ReplyDeleteEveryone is making food, you know dad has his gumbo, Chris is doing the b-b-que there will be a lot of food.
The guys know what good ...chili.
Yeah, well I think Dad would live on your gumbo if he had his way.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you for not losing Nana.
ReplyDeleteIs Brian going to the party? If so, he will be at J's and can rest when he want to. I hope the boys get so busy they won't have much time for BIO.
I was also shopping for my daughter Jane who has a birthday on tuesday.But I could not come up with anything. I can't make decisions when I am tired. She likes personal gifts,but I would not presume to pick out clothing or lingerie for her.
ReplyDeleteDad calls my cooking "soul food".
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, that's what I have been hoping too, that the boys start cancelling Bio because they have such a heavy schedule.
ReplyDeleteHow about a nice purse...maybe a shoulder bag and a scarf, everyone can use a new bag .
ReplyDeleteThey will, you can see Sammy is pulling away and Jakey will follow him. The boys are old enough to start to understand.
ReplyDeleteDad sure likes his food.Is he cultivating a big tummy?
ReplyDeleteBrian is going to the party and you're right he can go to bed when it gets too much for him.
If Sammy have to choose soccer or Bio,you know he will choose soccer.You know they are old enough to wonder why he don't know where the wife is, the boys are used to P and J telling each other wher they are if they are gone for a while.
ReplyDeleteDad gained some weight and he says it's his old age spread.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThat's what so good about family, you don't have to entertain them.
ReplyDeleteWill Dale and Barb make it?
I think Dad likes your cooking too much. The guy has a sweet tooth.Thank goodness a lot of your cakes and pies are sugar free.
ReplyDeleteDad told me my love will make Brian well again.Isn't that sweet?
ReplyDeleteDale and Barb were not invited although I have always thought of them as family.They are much closer than any other friends. We can talk about anything to them.Hell they have literally put Brian and I to bed when we were drunk.
ReplyDeleteI think I could talk to you about pretty much anything. Would you put me to bed if I was drunk?
ReplyDeleteI already have told you almost all our family secrets.
I put a very evil looking picture of Tiger on your post.
The skeletons they found were barely over 4 feet tall. Our ancestors were little guys.
ReplyDeleteI bet the boys only go with Bio because they feel sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteThey will find out what a no good ass he is and it will be soon.
I always like the way you do my posts, they look so muck better.
ReplyDeleteDad has a sweet tooth ahd I'm glad you found the recipes for me.
Dad thinks love can fix everything.
He hear Nan and I yalking about you and Brian and he say there are not many women around anymore that truly love a man.
I would put you to bed and sing you a nice song to make sure you sleep well.
I think I better delete all that.
ReplyDeleteWell now the old bastard's chickens has come home to roost. We all are going to get older,if you love someone and treat them right, they will always look the same as the day you fell in love. All you have to do is look into their eyes.
ReplyDeleteBrian has been through hell and back a couple of times and he still looks the same to you.
Yes delete it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad J got out of there.
ReplyDeleteThat heifer would have got her musty butt whipped to high hell and back if she pulled off some crap like that here.
ReplyDeleteWe are used to people flirting, but she was just down right rude.
J is much better off.I think she is happy.
ReplyDeleteI hope Karen comes to the party. She hasn't been around much lately.She adopted her step-daughter's babies who were being neglected.And she has her hands full.And the mother isn't allowed near them.
Dad has a beautiful Mother of Pearl Brooch that he gave to Gil's mother when he asked her to marry him, he had it cleaned and will give it to Jill, it's about 2 years older than Gil.
ReplyDeleteKaren is a wonderful woman, the kids are better off with her.
ReplyDeleteDo she live far? She may be able to make it.
Well, you don't flirt in a sexy way with your father-in-law.It's just not done.... anywhere.
ReplyDeleteShe'd be in her element now. Women can go topless in Canada now.What a stupid law.
Al's wife is chunky now so she can't play that card any more.
I like the picture you found of Tiger's playboy mistress. Tiger look like a thug.
ReplyDeleteI do believed he was doing this crap before his dad died. He couldn''t get this bad so quickly.
Earl just cleaned up his mess.
How lovely for Jill to have such a keepsake. I hope she keeps it in the family and passes it down to her daughter.
ReplyDeleteI have my great, great grandfather's watch.Nana gave her saphire ring to J. now J has to decide who she will give it to.Maybe her first grandaughter.It is so old fashioned and it is huge. It would look better re-set as a pendant.
Karen lives about an hour from here.Her husband is very controlling.He is an okay guy though.
ReplyDeleteI think Earl knew about his son's obsession.How could he not?? He used to travel with him.
ReplyDeleteAll my men are flirts, but they are respectable...you can tell Dad is a flirt.
ReplyDeleteI think Earl knew also, that's why he wanted Tiger to marry Elin so badly.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the pictures of his women and they can't hold a candle to Elin.
I didn't get a chance to check the videos on YouTube.
ReplyDeleteI guess I better be on my way Sweetie. I hope you have a ball this weekend and I sure hope Jill loves every minute. You are only a chld for a moment it seems and then it's gone.So we have to fill their chilhoods with happy memories to take with them.There's a tough world waiting for them out there.
ReplyDeleteSee you in a couple of moons, then we can compare notes on the kids BD parties. Luv and hugs...PIC
Girl, you need some rest, you have a full day tomorrow getting the food ready for the party.
ReplyDeleteIs Brian sleeping most of the night?
P.S All Tiger's women look like tramps. Elin is definitely more squeaky clean looking.
ReplyDeletePPS...You notice he doesn't pick any African American women??
ReplyDeleteI will make her a lot of memories to past on to her kids and I will keep my babies safe.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight sweetie and see you at the lake doing the hokie-pokie dance.
ReplyDeleteAfro-American women would kick his ass...the ones in my family is some bad bitches.
Some married into the family and some was born in the family.
NITE....Don't forget to delete
ReplyDeleteThat's why I like Obama, he's not ashamed of who he is.
Isn't that a great finding ?
ReplyDeleteCradle of Humankind