Prep Time: 15 MinutesCook Time: 30 minutesMakes: 30 servings
1/4 cup (60 ml) unsalted butter, softened•
1/2 cup (125 ml) SPLENDA® Brand Brown Sugar Blend, firmly packed•
1 egg yolk•
1 cup (250 ml) all-purpose flour•
1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) salt
Toffee:• 1/4 cup (60 ml) unsalted butter, softened•
1 cup (250 ml) SPLENDA® Brand Brown Sugar Blend, firmly packed•
1/2 cup (125 ml) light corn syrup•
1/2 cup (125 ml) evaporated milk•
1 1/2 tsp (7 ml) teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup (250 ml) SPLENDA® Brand Brown Sugar Blend, firmly packed•
1/2 cup (125 ml) light corn syrup•
1/2 cup (125 ml) evaporated milk•
1 1/2 tsp (7 ml) teaspoons vanilla extract
3 (1 ounce) (84 g) squares unsweetened chocolate, chopped•
2 tablespoons (30 ml) SPLENDA® Brand Brown Sugar Blend•
1 cup (250 ml) chopped pecans, toasted. Pecans optional
3 (1 ounce) (84 g) squares unsweetened chocolate, chopped•
2 tablespoons (30 ml) SPLENDA® Brand Brown Sugar Blend•
1 cup (250 ml) chopped pecans, toasted. Pecans optional
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.•
Lightly spray a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan with vegetable cooking spray.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.•
Lightly spray a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan with vegetable cooking spray.
Crust Directions: •
Beat 1/4 cup butter and 1/2 cup SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend at medium speed with an electric mixer until blended. Add egg yolk beating until blended. Add flour and salt; beat on low speed until blended. Press mixture into bottom of prepared pan. Bake crust 12 to 14 minutes or until golden. Cool in pan on a wire rack.
Beat 1/4 cup butter and 1/2 cup SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend at medium speed with an electric mixer until blended. Add egg yolk beating until blended. Add flour and salt; beat on low speed until blended. Press mixture into bottom of prepared pan. Bake crust 12 to 14 minutes or until golden. Cool in pan on a wire rack.
Toffee Directions: •
Combine 1/4 cup butter, SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend, corn syrup, evaporated milk and vanilla in medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend dissolves. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat and cook until candy thermometer reaches or 265 degrees (about 10 minutes). Pour mixture over crust and spread evenly. Bake 10 additional minutes. Cool 5 minutes on a wire rack.
Combine 1/4 cup butter, SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend, corn syrup, evaporated milk and vanilla in medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend dissolves. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat and cook until candy thermometer reaches or 265 degrees (about 10 minutes). Pour mixture over crust and spread evenly. Bake 10 additional minutes. Cool 5 minutes on a wire rack.
Topping Directions: •
Combine chocolate squares and SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend in top of a double boiler; bring water to a boil. Cook until chocolate melts and mixture is blended. Drizzle (or spread) over toffee. Sprinkle with chopped pecans. •
Cool completely on wire rack. When chocolate is firm, cut into bars or diamond shapes. Store in an airtight container.
Combine chocolate squares and SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend in top of a double boiler; bring water to a boil. Cook until chocolate melts and mixture is blended. Drizzle (or spread) over toffee. Sprinkle with chopped pecans. •
Cool completely on wire rack. When chocolate is firm, cut into bars or diamond shapes. Store in an airtight container.
ReplyDeleteMade the cookies,they're good.
I have a hum-dinger of a post in drafts, it's about a thief to large to go to jail.
I asked dad was he going back to sis and he said aunt Mae was their and they don't cook. He would waste away.
How's Brian's throat? Forgot to tell you to give him some tea with honey.
ReplyDeleteHI...Brian's cold is pretty bad. He doesn't have much left to fight it off.I have given him lemon and honey.I think he'll be better by tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good post.Did you read mine about the disappearing sea??
What you doing.
ReplyDeleteYes I left a note on it, I think it's great and it's so true.
ReplyDeleteUnless you suddenly stop cooking Dad will stay with you. I don't blame the guy .He thinks you are a fabulous cook and he enjoys his food.
ReplyDeleteHe wrote me a very nice note.He wished Brian good health.
He was pleased you made him biscotti.He liked the cranberry cookies too. I wasn't sure they would turn out well.
Brian's immune system is low but with your loving care he will be better.
ReplyDeleteHow can someone be too big for jail? They must have run into this problem before now.
ReplyDeleteI'll wait and read your post.Sounds like fun.
Ater Gil's mom died, they mostly ate out of restaurants and aunt Mae can't boil water.
ReplyDeleteI will have to read his note, I know he was on my pc.
I left it there for you to edit and post. He's a fat fucker.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that his immune system is still low.The cold has gone into his chest. I don't like that, but I have a lot of magic in my medicine cabinet.I don't use drugs very often. I prefer naturopathic remedies.
ReplyDeleteWe had a very rainy day today.It was quite miserable .Maxy refused to go out to pee. I had to carry him outside and put him down and wait for him.The way he looked at me ,he was saying why aren't you holding an umbrella over me?
He chased that little doe away today.Little jerk.
When I put a post in drafts...I wants you to check it first and make changes or add something and post it, your touch makes them better, I see what you do to them and I learn more.
ReplyDeleteI'll look at it for you.No problem.
ReplyDeleteThe weather has a lot to do with how he feels also, he caught pneumonia when he was in the hosiptal.His friends may think you are being selfish, he don't need a lot of visitors. Just Dale and Barb and your family...his co-workers can come but not stay to long...you have to protect him from germs.
ReplyDeleteI think a hospital is the most dangerous place to go if you are sick.The worst kind of germs, super bugs and viruses.They are not as clean as you think either.
ReplyDeleteAm I being selish? Just family. Dale and Barb is family. People should realize sick people is not up to par and Brian has been through hell for the second time.
ReplyDeleteI know hosiptals are full of germs, if you are not real sick when you go in, you will be when you come out.
ReplyDeleteI'm like Brian, let me out as quick as possible.
I don't think it's selfish to protect your loved ones. I made a mistake taking him to a funeral.That's where he picked the virus up.I wasn't thinking.
ReplyDeleteMy niece told me people had germs in their homes...I told her she was a fool...my immune system was used to the germs in my house...I had clean germs.{giggles}
ReplyDeleteLate at night, my neighbors sit ouside in their hot-tub and have a glass of wine.They like to sit out there when it's snowing and frigid.It is sheltered of course. They have been doing it for years.
ReplyDeleteIt was very dark when I stepped outside last night with Maxy for a breath of fresh air and I heard some strange splashing and moaning.I think they were doing it.
They have always been straight-laced Canadians so I was surprised.
She had cancer of the breast last year and it seems to have changed her attitude to life.
Stop blaming yourself...you couldn't stop the Rock from going, He wanted to pay his last respects to aunt Vera. That's a different thing.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why that came to mind,except I have always considered hot-tubs to be big incubators for bacteria,especially when you have sex in them.
ReplyDeleteI didn't wait around to see if they came but it was hard not to giggle.
ReplyDeleteGood for her, she going for the gold.
ReplyDeleteI think it was good for Brian to get out and see people.
You will soon be splashing round somewhere , if it's just swing from the ceiling with just your nurse's cap on. HA!!
Don't like hot tubs, the shower and bathtubs are good enough for me.
ReplyDeleteThe hot water helps the germ to bred.
I was going to do an article on famous penises.It's amazing what you can find on the internet. Someone did a lot of research into this and I thought it would be a funny article.
ReplyDeleteI chickened out but I was fascinated with Rasputin. They have his penis floating in a jar somewhere in Russia. It was apparently huge and he knew how to use it well. Other men always wondered why his women had such huge orgasms. Well, he had a very large wart on his dangle in a very strategic place and that was the secret to the orgams. One woman said her orgsm was so intense she fainted.
I think the "ROCK" is doing really well. He is improving quite fast. I think the cough will stop as the weather improve and stop being so wishy-washy.
ReplyDeleteI think the penis post would be great. I can't believe you chicken out, I think a lot people want to see it, people has told me they come here for things you don't find elsewhere...do it.
ReplyDeleteYou started me lookimg on the web for things to post. I used to buy the NE and the other rag mags.
ReplyDeleteNow I find things more interesting.
I am learning how to google.
Do the post on the dangles.
ReplyDeleteIf you had asked me to name a famous penis, the only one I would come up with would be John Bobbitt
ReplyDeleteAlthough there was a very famous porn star in the sixties. His name was John whazzisname and he reputedly had a ten incher that grew more when erect.
I will call Clara and Nan will tell people in her dept. and I will call the ladies in Gil's office, they will get a hoot out of it.
ReplyDeleteYep..John Bobbitt had a famous penis but I bet he's careful with it now...Hahaha
ReplyDeleteLordy if he had drawn that thing on me, I think I would have shott it off or did the Bobbitt on him, he had a dangle like a horse.
I just remebered a famous penis.It was not on the list that I found.I read the life story of Jean Harlow and her marrige to a well known movie executive. They did not have sex before marriage and on the wedding night she discovered that hia penis was as tiny as a five year old boy's, hardly more than an inch and he could not have intercourse. She had quite a story.
ReplyDeleteJohn Bobbitt made a few cheap porn movies after they sewed it on. He would never say if it worked okay.
ReplyDeleteBut I bet he slept with one eye open for the rest of his life.
It's a miracle that he didn't bleed to death.
ReplyDeleteWonder who he was? I know she was disappointed.
ReplyDeleteYou know that I don't remember names well but you can Google him later.
ReplyDeleteMaking porn movies was the only way he could get some choochie,as soon as he finished the ladies would check to see if it all came back out. Hahaha I would be scared it would fall off.
ReplyDeleteI just looked him up. His name was Paul Bern. Two months after they were married he was found naked in their home with a bullet through his head.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh PIC, imagine if he pulled out and left that behind. I wonder what he dreams about.
ReplyDeleteI will google him.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the guests when I was back at the casino was surprise to know I remembered them. It just go with the job I had, people like to hear their names and the bigger your tips would be, they think they are special.
I bet Paul Bern was afraid people would find out he didn't have what it takes to get the choochie, very sad.
ReplyDeleteThe coroner didn't know if it was murder or suicide. Jean was under suspicion for a time.
ReplyDeleteShe died because her mother was a devout Jehovah's witness and would not let her be treated in a hospital.Finally she gave in but it was too late for Jean. She died of kidney faiure
I think Jean was thirty four give or take a year.
ReplyDelete[giggles] If I had married a man like Paul, he would be licking it for the rest of his life and he better have a long tongue like Gene Simmons and get hard. hahaha
ReplyDeleteOh shit, I'm hot tonight.
ReplyDeleteI would do the same; make the best of a bad situation.You could even buy him a strap-on.
ReplyDeleteStill, I imagine Jean felt betrayed that he didn't tell her. What was he thinking?? She was considered the sexiest woman alive back then.
ReplyDeleteIt was an interesting biography.You might enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI know Jean was very young.
ReplyDeleteI don't knock anyone's religion, but I can't deal with the Jehovah Witness...they are over-bearing , that's my opinion, you don't have to go door to door and try and forced yourself on people.
I know I will enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was afraid she wouldn't marry him, he wasn't thinking, she may have over looked his "SHORT-COMING" and brought him a strap on.
Right, something about selling religion door to door that doesn't sit right with most people. If you let them over the threshhold they literally try to browbeat you into conversion.What kind of religion is that.I couldn't watch my child die and just accept it as the will of God.WTF!
ReplyDeleteShortcoming?...HA! You really are hot tonight.
ReplyDeleteGod gave different people different gifts and they are suppose to use them for good. With all the pollution in the world now he gave some a gift to heal.
ReplyDeleteI think I will exit at this point.I will reconsider the penis post. The problem is I can't match it with a post about famous choochies. Unless you could consider Cleopatra a famous choochie.No, it doesn't work for women.
ReplyDeleteSee you on the dark side of the moon.I'll be the one in a pink spacesuit,playing hopscotch in the dust.
Goodnight,sleep the sleep of angels....PIC
Most of my family will be cremated, when my daddy died we spread his ahes with my mama's, he didn't want to spead her's in N.O.
ReplyDeleteWhen dad die we will spread his and Gil's mama together.We are also organ donors.
Post Script:We also believe in cremation and I will place Nana's ashes with the major's. And Brian and I will be together. We just have not decided were that is yet.
ReplyDeleteWrite the penis post...maybe a choochie post will just out at you.
ReplyDeleteHave a good nite sweetie and Brian's cough will be better tomorrow and Thursday he will poke you. HA!!
Tell Nana to behave but I know she won't that's why she's so lovable.
Goodnight and hope all your dreams come true.Haven't seen that old gator in a while.