Hold on there Nellie, some breaking news just hit the wire:
Are Larry King and Shwan Southwick giving peace a chance in their marriage?
While a small step forward, RadarOnline .com reports that the duo is reconsidering their divorce and that for now the proceeding are on hold.Larry King and Shwan met with a counselor, the talk show host's spokeman Howard Rubenstein said. It was decided there would be no divorce activity for two weeks as several issures need to be discussed and resolved.
It's not exactly Peaches and Herb, but at least it's in the right direction for fans praying that King's seven wife could remain just that. Last Wednesday, King,76, and Southwick, 50, boyh filed divorce paper, citing irreconcilable differences. The couple wed in 1997 and have two sons: Chance and Cannon. The two reunited briefly for chance's baseball game last week in the midst of nasty reports about the two in various internet reports. But it was far, far to early to for this proverbial break-up commerical time out has been called. In her filing, Southwick had asked for primary custody of their kids, plus spousal and child support.
My spin on weirdness of Hollyweird:I don't think its just an age thing - I think it's an old man ego thing too. One can only imagine what these women had to do to keep there old celebrity fellas happy and feeling handsome as thier rating are dropping and their reputations flagging. But I'm sure Larry and mad Mel will soon be off into the arms of another young woman.
In Hollyweird age isn't just a number, it's a branding mechanism. Younger women can gain a brief moment of fame and enormous fortune just by playing ring around the bed pan for a few years with a much older man. How long can a relationship with a gaping generational gap last? As we've told you in the last couple of days, not forever.
So maybe Hollyweird have really run out of "Viagra ! Maybe these women are setting a trend. They could have a trophy wife revolt on their hands. Hopefufully Bravo television cameras will be there to tape it...I bet those guys thought they were getting pushovers. Guess not ! Stay tune : The saga continues, updates as they become available.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
Hi PIC....left you a note in drafts
ReplyDeletethe name is "Twitching and Bitching hello PIC.
See you a little later.
Left you a note at 6:45pm my time, waiting to see if it show.
ReplyDeleteI read your letter honey.This seems to mean a great deal to you.Sis's advice is great.Face him head on. Clear it up. Don't waste precious time being angry.It makes everyone unhappy. If,God forbid, something happened to either one of you and your last words to each other were in anger,the survivor would have to live with that for the rest of their life. You love each other,clear it up....Luv...J
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
ReplyDeleteI feel much better now...I know you and sis have my best interest at heart because you both are thinking the same way. Thankyou for the imput.
What's up with these old fools? It's hard enough when you marry for love, the people just piss me off, I guess you seen that when you read my spin.
ReplyDeleteHow's Brian and Nana? Is your weather any better? Did the twins go to Karate practice today? I'm just full of questions.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThat's good to hear.
ReplyDeleteYour instincts are always good.Follow your heart. How was your day?
ReplyDeleteGood article by the way. What makes Larry tick? He can hardly move but he's always marrying young chicks.
HI PIC what ya doing...my day is better.
ReplyDeleteI think a older mature man is great for some women... but not older enough to be their daddy or granddaddy.
ReplyDeleteThw weather warmed up again but I'm still not putting my mukluks away.
ReplyDeleteBrian was not too good today. Had a lot of pain. I made an appointment for him. That can't be good.
Nana's an old battle-axe who needs a bale of cotton.
The twins went to karate but we didn't go with them.Jaye and I had a long talk about BIO.
Are you feeling any better? maybe Nana won't give you such a hard time tonight.
ReplyDeleteI've always preferred older men but not ancient. Larry was friends with George Washington.I heard that when Larry interviews people he farts a lot, so, under that table they sit at, there is a fan blowing towards Larry so the stink doesn't travel to the guest...TRUE
ReplyDeleteHave they taken him off some of his mes? Maybe he's getting up and down to fast..but I'm glad you are caring him to the doctor's.
ReplyDeleteTell J to be very careful around that man, he's no good, and I wish the boys didn't have to be around him.
ReplyDeleteYou know I don't really think he loves the boys he just want to hurt her.
I loke older men to they are more mature..[giggles] well mine is mature sometime.
ReplyDeleteI bet Larry wear Depends. I believe he has a lose ass and farts all the time.
It is true , I heard the same thing about the farting.
Brian is off all his meds,except for his heart.His brother Bob called from England today. Bob's a funny old guy. He had such a big nose he grew a beard to balance out his face.Now his hair has turned white he looks kind of like a Jewish Santa Claus.He and his wife have sold their country property and moved to town now they are older. Although his wife still works. She's the county health nurse.Boy the stories that woman told me of the things she has seen.
ReplyDeleteBrian is his baby brother. He always calls to see how he is.He's kind of a boring guy until he gets drunk, then he's the life of the party.Boy can those people drink.
ReplyDeleteTheir last visit they stayed with Steve and he begged us to bring a case of wine when we came over because they drank everything in his bar.
I asked dad would he date a young woman...he said hell yes, he says young to him is 60/70 years-old. he said women that go with a lot of men don't know what love is, it's all about the money and he don't want them playing with his dangle.
ReplyDeleteDo you know Dad calls the dangle a woo-woo.
I'm glad dad stayed with you.It sounds like he's got your back.Have you made use of the GI Joe yet? it would be better if he vibrated.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like Brian's frame of mind today. He was reminiscing about his dad. Brian went to England when his dad became ill with cancer.But he had to leave before the old man died. His dad knew he would never see Brian again and held him so tight and looked into his eyes for a long time. His dad was 95 so he had a good long life.
I know I would love them...he sounds like some of my brothers. I bet she can tell you somr neat stories.
ReplyDeleteHow is Steve and family? I thought about Steve how he took over when Brian was sick, that's how I want my man to be. Take over for his daddy because he has no siblings.
Dad's right about some women and money. You don't have to look much farther than our celebrities. There are a thousand examples right there.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was eighteen, one of my dad's friends was very attracted to me. He was quite wealthy. His name was Walter.He was in his late thirties.My parents encouraged me to go out with him. They loved Walter.I couldn't do it. I thought he was an old man. His hair was thinning and he was a bit creepy.It has always been the same with me. if there is no chemistry,no attraction, I can't bear a man to touch me.
I don't understand how those women can sleep with creepy old guys, no matter how much dough they have.
ReplyDeleteThe girl that married Tony Randall didn't like him much. I saw them being interviewed and Tony was kissing his baby and the wife had a look of absolute disgust on her face.
Brian is the baby, and his dad live to be 95 so that tell him he still have a long life in the head of him.
ReplyDeleteYou know when I am sick and I don't feel like I'm getting well as fast as I should I starts feeling sorry for myself. Maybe that's the way Brian feels.
Brian has been active all his life and it's hard for him to stay still, he thinks he sould've healed yesterday and back doing what he wants to do. Tell him it will happen in time.
I feel the same as you, I will settle for love, I was healty I could work and we would be happy,money can't buy love or happiness, I bet they have all kind of little bugs crawling on them.
ReplyDeleteA woowoo sounds like a train whistle.Maybe that's the sound he makes if you pull it.
ReplyDeleteI can't fake an orgasm, have to be some feeling for the person there.
ReplyDeleteMy G.I. joe Gilly had it and was playing drums with the pots and pans.
I will ask him, be right back.
ReplyDeleteImagine all the orgsms Larry's wife has had to fake over the years.You know she was unfathful to him for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI can fake a pretty good orgasm but not if I'm shuddering with disgust.
ReplyDeleteDad says that's what the ladies say when they see it and when he finished they say hallelujah. He is laughing his ass off. Told me to ask Sis. Dad is a hoot.
ReplyDeleteI think Shwan is still unfaithful, who wants an old man grunting and farting on you...not us.
ReplyDeleteOld BIO isn't moving to town and want the boys to stay some with him or want to take them to his homeland?
ReplyDeleteI would think Katherine would be the one to file a civil suit on behalf of MJ's kids.
ReplyDeleteI guess if they say hallelujah they must be having a religious experience. Boy dad must be good.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.I guess Larry farts when he's making love. I guess the faster he goes the more he farts. And when he orgasms he blows himself right off the bed.
Dad is just pulling our legs...he know I'm talking to you and he know I'm not going to ask Sis.
ReplyDeleteWe suspect Bio is moving to town. We don't like the influence he is having on Jakey. And yes he wants to take them to his homeland but he hasn't asked J yet.
ReplyDeleteHe confuses Jakey.
Dad is watching CSI:M on A&E and he say DC sure looks old and worn.
ReplyDeleteHe says he looks as old as his daddy.
Of course I know dad's joking.But he could be that good. You'll never know.
ReplyDeleteHeidi and I listed all the names we could think of for penis once.I wanted to ask her some of the German terms but I can't remember if I did.
Tell J not to let them go. He can't make her let him take them they are old enough now to say what they want and I don't think they want to be away from their mother. He couldn't get S so he's working on J...Give J little hints now and then that if they go with him they wouldn't be able to do Karete or chess, just ease it in sometime not often.
ReplyDeleteDC plays hard and doesn't take care of himself.All that booze, cigars, self indulgence and having sex with hookers wears a guy out before his time.
ReplyDeleteDo you believe what his ex said that he keeps a private house just for his porn collection?
I remember that,you didn't ask her,I often wonder how she's doing, I will she find someone else to stalk...they say the third time is a charm. I hope she has me contact with her daughter.I wonder was the boy her son,I omly remember her talking about her daghter.
ReplyDeletejakey is the more easy going one of the two.And easier to influence. S is strong, has his own mind and is very opinionated.He is hard to convince of anything.So we worry about Jakey.
ReplyDeleteTurns out the boy was not her son but the son of a friend.
ReplyDeleteYes I do, she says he has quite a collection..I think they that's he has a lot of stuff off him and going to make it into a museum.
ReplyDeleteI think Heidi was a fairly good mother just from the way she spoke of her daughter.I wonder if she is still married.
ReplyDeleteShe said he preferred porn from the seventies..yuck.She must have gone there and poked through all his private stuff.I can imagine what he does in that house..yuck
ReplyDeleteTell S to keep an eye on J...I think with J playing Chess will draw him away, right now S is very grown up and J wants to be like him. I know P is an easy going man but I hope Bio don't push him, he's been there with J and the boys for a long time and they are his family.
ReplyDeleteI don't know BIO but I dislike him with a passion.
{giggless] CUM all over the place, I hate a nasty man. Mine is clean, he just leave his shit all over the place, all you have to do is follow the trail of clothes.
ReplyDeleteP has been in their lives since they were six months old. That's when J&P started dating. They were living with us since they were born.They never lived with BIO.
ReplyDeleteDon't men grow out of the porn mags.
ReplyDeleteI doubt she's still married, I hope she gets a chance to see her daughter. I can't imagine leaving my babies to go to a man I never met and offering to give him a blow job.
Brian leaves his clothes everywhere too.And crumbs and drink rings and his tools. He's a bit of a slob but he's very clean.
ReplyDeleteP is their daddy in all sense of the word and BIO better be careful...P may be a slow boiling pot and if he thinks his family is being threaten, that pot may boil over.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell would BIO do if J got sick, hell he would run his ass off and say he didn't know he was feeling bad.
I wish I knew someone that could do an DNA test and make it turn out to be a match for them and P.
Normal men grow out of that stuff.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind them being a slob, but DC looks like he smells. And so do Larry King.
ReplyDeleteDid you see my note about MJ's Top photo looks like the female monkey that played the doctor/scientist on The Planet of the APES.
I have to go to Jeremy's graduation. I think it's on June 1st. So I need a pretty new dress.
ReplyDeleteJer is proud of me so I don't want to let him down.He likes to show me off.We ran into his dad at Justin's grad.His mom came with us and it was a bit awkward because the dad was with his new partner.I always liked their dad so I didn't mind that he hugged me but the partner is a stuck up English woman. Oddly enough she is fat too.. HA!
I read your comment so I went back and looked at that picture. I agree with you. It looks like a female chimp. It sure don't look like MJ. Neither does the one of him on a horse but the bottom one looks just like the young MJ.
ReplyDeleteMy brother Roger is married to my ex's sister and she told him my man was out of town and he seen Chris and asked him did he think it would be all right to stop by and see me, Chris told sis he told him not to go to that man's house,and if he did he walked his ass and he should walk his ass just for the pleasure of doing it.
ReplyDeleteThe DNA thing would be great. It's odd that you dislike BIO so much.He is a nasty piece if work.you had one of your intuitive feelings about him.
ReplyDeleteGood for Chris. You have a lot of people watching out for you.Boy you don't need a complication like that cropping up while Gil is away.
ReplyDeleteYou would not have let him past the door anyway.
I bet he couldn't take his eyes off his ex. She was just ashamed that she was fat and the ex was still in find form. I think they will always want what they walked off from. Let your grands show you off, remember they say they have a cool and young grandmother.
ReplyDeleteSo strut your stuff sweetie, if she come this year, she going to be fatter. HA!!
it seems to me that all the ex's in this family ended up with fat ladies...HA! I love it.
ReplyDeleteChris wanted to come to L.A> when I asked for help, but daddy wouldn't let him, daddy said he would have to come out there and get both of us out of jail, so Jon and Sis came and sis stayed til I got everything in order.
ReplyDeleteChris never liked him.
Brian's grandkids are older than mine but they have always accepted me completely as their grandmother.Although Brian's ex is their biological grandmother they are not close to her.
ReplyDeleteTo say what he said to the preacher...BIO shouldn't like himself.
ReplyDeleteKids have a feel for these things.
ReplyDeleteIt seems her kids are not close to her either.
Your kids and grands truly love you and Brian...see how happy and at home they are when they are around you and the ROCK...it just come natural to them.
You and Brian was made for each other, you have so much in common.
ReplyDeleteI know you will love being a grandmother just as much as you love being a mother.It's actually more fun.
ReplyDeleteI would have got my rifle and made him get naked and run his fat ass down the middle of the street. I told him the last time I seen him the olny thing he do for me is make me want to puke.
ReplyDeleteThat's what my siblings say, when I get tired of the little buggers I can send them home.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that I thought I had more in common with my ex and I had great respect for the research he was doing. He was a brilliant scientist.
ReplyDeleteTurns out he was immature emotionally.
Brian wasn't so complicated and he showed he loved us.We were a package deal,my kids and I.
I wouldn't want him if I didn't have a man. I don't want a man that using drugs and fuck and suck everything in sight.
ReplyDeleteYou know the old pecker won't get hard without the little pill it's been over used so often so what else are he going to do.Sorry Bastard.
You would not have got out your rifle.
ReplyDeleteGo get some rest so you're beautiful for LS.I'm going to look for a new recipe for dad.Always a pleasure talking to you friend.
take care and pleasant dreams...hugs PIC
Brian was a package deal too. Look what wonderful things have come out of it, much love and happiness.
ReplyDeleteLooking back sweetie you wouldn't change a thing.
PS...Sounds like your ex hasn't changed a bit.What a loser.He could have all kinds of nasty germs crawling around inside him.
ReplyDeleteI would have got out my rifle for sure and a pretty good shot.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't shoot him just see it I could make him run and shit at the same time.
PPS.. He was a package deal and his package wasn't bad either.
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnight sweetie, didn't know it was this late, I will be getting a call around !:am my time, I'm going to be nice.
ReplyDeleteHave a goodnight and really nice dreams.
Kiss the ROCK.
PPPS. You're right it would be worth it to see him run and shit at the same time...HA!You crack me up.
ReplyDeleteI learned all my stuff from you and sis...