That's the despicable depth Jackson's private physician Dr. Conrad Murray will sink to in a desperate bid to beat a murder or manslaughter rap for administering a fatal dose of the powerful drug propofol to the King od f Pop. As the seven month long investigation wraps up with Dr. Murray clearly locked in the crosshairs, I'm sure his lawyers are considering a number of last ditch strategies , including digging up Jackson's body. The stunning analysis by Gunderson comes as L.A. lawmen turn up the heat on the so-called Dr. Death, who many believed believe murdered the superstar by delivering a fatal drug overdose. Cops quickly focused their investigation on Murray. Insiders say the results of the police probe may soon go to the grand jury. At the very least, sources say, the doctor faces involuntary manslaughter charges - and could be indicted for murder.
Even though three (3) autopsies have already been performed on Jackson, Gunderson believes Murray's lawyers will demand another exam done by thir own forensic specialists. They will use the results to shift the blame to a mysterious "DR.FEELGOOD" and claim that he, or she, is the real killer. Murray's defense will likely suggest that propofol was the least of the singer's problems and how many other doctors prescribed medicine to Jackson over the years, they'll ask this to cast doubt on the prosecution's case. Michael's family and friends are in an uproar. Digging up Michael would be absolutely outrageous, fumes one family member. I'm sure this would just be a ploy to cast doubts in the minds of jurors. But that's all it is -- a ploy.
Two private autopsies were also conducted at the request of Jackson's family and presumably came to the same conclusions as the coroner. But the results were never released. Murray,56. even admitted to cops he gave the potent anesthetic to Jackson in an effort to treat the King of Pop's chronic insomnia. But toxicology tests showed the Thriller singer had five(5) other powerful medications in his body. Even though brain, tissue, blood and bodily fluid samples from Jackson's body were preserved, Gunderson suspects they may have been used up in the three(3) autopsies. And fresh samples could only be obtained by exhuming the corpse.
Jackson's body is entombed in a marble Mausoleum, but with a court order his gold-plated casket could be removed and transported to a morgue or hospital where his body could be cut up again.Gunderson says hair analysis would also be critical because it could chronicle Jackson's drug use in recent years - and point an accusing finger at other doctors. Well preserved hair can be tested for drugs even hunderds of years later, notes Gunderson. Since it grows about half an inch a month, a single long strand could be a time line of what drugs a person might have taken as well as when and in what amounts. Murray's defense would likely argue that Jackson's drug addiction over the years is what made him vulnerable. And that Dr. Murray had only known him for a few weeks. The whole idea, Gunderson adds, would be to shift the attention from Murray to other doctors who had prescribed dope to Jackso, including an assortment of powerful painkillers. Jackson was also said to have taken heroin.
There's so much damning evidence against Murray for the propofol says the acclaimed private investigator. Of course, the prosecution will fight against any exhumation, but a cautious judge may deside that digging up Jackson for a fourth autopsy is the best way to answer key questions once and for all and avoid having any jury decision overturned. And that prospect has outraged people who were close to Jackson. His death was devastating for those who loved him and if a judge ever lets this happen, it will be an absolute sin, let him rest in peace, says the family friend.Stay tuned: the saga contines.
My spin on this: Even in death , Michael's soul is tormented: okay Michael it's time for you and Elvis to come and tell everyone enough is enough.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
Hi Nan,If I can get rid of my greedy family I'll come online for a while. But they haven't eaten and drunk everything in my house yet.They are working on old leftovers from last week right now, then they'll probably eat the frost from the bottom of the freezer.Once the alcohol is all gone they will disappear like smoke.
ReplyDeleteYour family sounds like our's my mom fuss but she loves it.
The food taste better even if it's leftovers.
It's the best food even if it's leftovers.
We won't stay on long I know how it is when you have company all day.
Any update on this? Please tell me this never happened