Nazi Persecution of the Mentally and Physically Disabled:
The "sterilization Law" explained the importance of weeding out so-called genetic defects from the total German gene pool:
"Since the National Revolution public opinion has become increasingly preoccupied with questions of demographic policy and the continuing decline in the birthrate. However, it is not only the decline in population which is a cause for serious concern but equally the increasingly evident genetic composition of our people. Whereas the hereditarily healthy families have for the most part adopted a policy of having only one or two children, countless numbers of inferiors and those suffering from hereditary conditions are reproducing unrestrainedly while their sick and asocial offspring burden the community."
Some scientists and physicians opposed the involuntary aspect of the law while others pointed to possible flaws. But the designation of specific conditions as inherited, and the desire to eliminate such illnesses or handicaps from the population, generally reflected the scientific and medical thinking of the day in Germany and elsewhere.
Nazi Germany was not the first or only country to sterilize people considered "abnormal." Before Hitler, the United States led the world in forced sterilizations. Between 1907 and 1939, more than 30,000 people in twenty-nine states were sterilized, many of them unknowingly or against their will, while they were incarcerated in prisons or institutions for the mentally ill. Nearly half the operations were carried out in California. Advocates of sterilization policies in both Germany and the United States were influenced by eugenics. This sociobiological theory took Charles Darwin's principle of natural selection and applied it to society. Eugenicists believed the human race could be improved by controlled breeding.
Still, no nation carried sterilization as far as Hitler's Germany. The forced sterilizations began in January 1934, and altogether an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people were sterilized under the law. A diagnosis of "feeblemindedness" provided the grounds in the majority of cases, followed by schizophrenia and epilepsy. The usual method of sterilization was vasectomy and ligation of ovarian tubes of women. Irradiation (x-rays or radium) was used in a small number of cases. Several thousand people died as a result of the operations, women disproportionately because of the greater risks of tubal ligation.
Most of the persons targeted by the law were patients in mental hospitals and other institutions. The majority of those sterilized were between the ages of twenty and forty, about equally divided between men and women. Most were "Aryan" Germans. The "Sterilization Law" did not target so called racial groups, such as Jews and Gypsies, although Gypsies were sterilized as deviant "asocials," as were some homosexuals. Also, about 500 teenagers of mixed African and German parentage (the offspring of French colonial troops stationed in the Rhineland in the early 1920s) were sterilized because of their race, by secret order, outside the provisions of the law.
Although the "Sterilization Law" sometimes functioned arbitrarily, the semblance of legality underpinning it was important to the Nazi regime. More than 200 Hereditary Health Courts were set up across Germany and later, annexed territories. Each was made up of two physicians and one district judge. Doctors were required to register with these courts every known case of hereditary illness. Appeals courts were also established, but few decisions were ever reversed. Exemptions were sometimes given artists or other talented persons afflicted with mental illnesses. The "Sterilization Law" was followed by the Marriage Law of 1935, which required for all marriages proof that any offspring from the union would not be afflicted with a disabling hereditary disease.
Only the Roman Catholic Church, for doctrinal reasons, opposed the sterilization program consistently; most German Protestant churches accepted and often cooperated with the policy. Popular films such as Das Erbe ("Inheritance") helped build public support for government policies by stigmatizing the mentally ill and the handicapped and highlighting the costs of care. School mathematics books posed such questions as: "The construction of a lunatic asylum costs 6 million marks. How many houses at 15,000 marks each could have been built for that amount?"
Many countries around the world embraced the concept of eugenics (the science of improving the population by control of inherited qualities). These countries made forced sterilization a law.it is so hard to believe that governments were condoning this atrocity so few years ago. Many scholars believe that Hitler based his whole racial cleansing program on the principles of eugenics set forth in the United States. In fact American scientists visited Germany and expressed approval of Hitler's methods.
Hitler took the idea to the next level. He started sterilizing the physically handicapped,the deaf,the blind and anyone considered (in Hitler's words) 'asocial'. Eventually, he stopped the sterilization program in favor of killing these people outright. Quicker, easier, cheaper and more efficient.
ReplyDeleteWhat you doing?
I'm watching Obama's State of the Union Address.
oh, I'll watch that too.
ReplyDeleteWe like to know what Bam Bam has to say.
ReplyDeleteHad a busy day.Just sat down.How are you doing old girl??
ReplyDeleteI sure do want to know.
ReplyDeleteHe made a good speeech, straight and to the point.That's what i want to hear.
ReplyDeleteMy day was really busy, promoted 2 dealers today.
ReplyDeleteLife and circumstances take control of your life and you have to ride the wave.
ReplyDeleteWe just told all the kids Brian has cancer and they were pretty upset.But I'm glad that's out of the way.We couldn't keep it a secret much longer.
Bob McDonnel seems okay.Or is he a big phony??Why is he talking anyway.Is he the opposition??
ReplyDeleteHad a nice meeting last night,a nice crowd and we signed up 5 peoples. talk to Nan a few minutes today, she said she had a good time, you are a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteI guess I missed Bama.This guy is against a health care plan.
ReplyDeleteThe speech is over...they are doing a recap...it came on 8:00 my time.
ReplyDeleteNow you have promoted the dealers can you quit and go home??
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm glad you waited for the right time to tell them, just tell them not to baby him.Knowing Brian he won't like it.How's he feeling?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you are attractig new members.Joining your group may become the in thing.
ReplyDeleteI told them my last day would be Monday. I told Clara she could handle it and I was a phone call away.
ReplyDeleteBrian doesn't feel too bad and you're right he doesn't like a lot of fussing.Neither do I.I prefer licking my wounds in solitude.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people visit right after you've had surgery and you are in teriible pain,you're unwashed and your breath smells??And the last thing you want to do is visit with anyone, especially loud, cheerful people.
We send our donations once a month.
ReplyDeleteGil lets us use the room, you can get about 100 people in there and we asked for chairs and tables, people are nice about helping, we buy coffee/cookies/sodas and water, we have quite a bite after expenses to send to our bears.That's where our dues go.
Good girl.Get out of there while they still think you're Wonder Woman. They'll manage now.
ReplyDeleteIs there some guarantee they won't take ordres from Betts in the future?
Brian had surgery?
ReplyDeletePeople need peace and quiet and rest, not entertainment, but i guess they are just trying to cheer the person up.
Yes she was told if and when she go on the floor she was a visitor.
ReplyDeleteEmployees and management can't gamble there we have to go to other casinos.It's like that at all the casinos.
NO, Brian hasn't had surgery yet.
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't mean to imply that.
At least,I don't think he had sugery.I'm sure he would have told me.Like I said he hates fuss.
I just can't believe how some people can be so cruel to others, I heard about what happen,I couldn't help shedding some tears the way all those people suffered.
ReplyDeleteIf Brian had surgery you would know it. they may treat him with radiation and pills.
ReplyDeleteNow, how are you holding up?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed you girl I understand now about you and Nee time just flys when you having fun.
Nee I miss you today you left early it's the talk of the floor.
If you look in drafts under the title: "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary on the Nazi Holocaust" I'd like to know if you think the video is too extreme to put on the blog; it's horrifying.
ReplyDeleteYou will have to click 'preview'then scroll down to the little picture and click on it. It'a an hour long. You don't have to watch the whole thing.In fact don't watch it at all if you can't take that kind of thing.
Dad says he just had radiation treatments and now he just take pills, that was about 7 years ago and he has been in remission for about 2/3 years.
ReplyDeleteI will take a look....
ReplyDeletePut it on the blog...have you notice stats, a lot of people have heard about it, but don't know the whole story...If they can't watch it, the can...as you say switch channels...
I bet a lot of people are glad it's out there and for people to know about the suffering.
ReplyDeleteThe radiation has some nasty side effects. Leakage and often inability to have sex.Plus it makes them ill.I 'm not sure he'll go for it.
ReplyDeleteHey Nan.I hope they are saying good things about Nee at the casino.
ReplyDeleteJust get home??
Nan, as Jeannie and Sis told me life is to short and my babies need me, Sis say I'm at the age where women my age have grandkids.
ReplyDeleteYou babies are absolutely gorgeous Nee;so very beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHer people don't want her to go .
Nee is good at her game. They asked her to come back around Thanksgiving .
You seen my babies...so thats what Nan was up to. You see my two women and my little man.
ReplyDeleteThank you NAN
It wouldn't hurt to drop in to see how they are doing,as long as she can get away quickly before she gets involved again.
ReplyDeleteGilly cried for his mama you know.
The girls are so lovely and Gilly is adorable.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome my musty butt aunt.
I just wanted Jeannie to see your bad ass baby.
Jeannie the girls likes their hair braided down the back of their heads and gilly will get in Nee's lap and she will braid his Gil told her if she braided his hair again he would shaved gilly's head.
Nan thought,as long as you didn't break your promise, it was okay.
ReplyDeleteIf there is any flack it will fall on her.
I was thrilled to pieces.
ReplyDeleteGil thinks the sun rise and shine in those three kids.
I see mischief in Gilly's eyes.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Gilly would like a braid.You don't really know who he is yet.
Sometimes you get a real surprise when you finally figure out who your kids are.
We recently found out one of our older grandkids is gay.
Nan did the right thing, I didn't think of it.
ReplyDeleteDid you know Nan was a grandmama?
Gil sounds like a real family man.What a nice surprise since he married so late in lif.
ReplyDeleteI hope his parents isn't getting in an up-roar about it, they are the same person.
ReplyDeleteThat's great Nan. How many grandkids?
ReplyDeleteI aske him about that and did he have kids. He said he waited to find the women he wanted to spend the rest of this life with and he didn't want a lot of babies by different women. Just one woman he could always called his own.
Much to my surprise the parents took it very well.We figured out the kid was gay before his parents did. The parents are always the last to know.
ReplyDeleteNee got a real jewel there.It's nice to be cherished like that.
ReplyDeleteI have 1 grandson by my daughter my son is in Iraq my daughter and hubby live in my house down the road.
ReplyDeleteI am glad they took it well we have a fairy cousin and he's a real joy and true blue they make the best friends.
ReplyDeleteIt's no telling how many gay s we have our family is so large.
Congratulations on the grandson. What's his name??
ReplyDeleteMay God keep your son safe.
I remember Nee telling me your daughter lived in your house. I think your mom likes having you at home.
I will say good night.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one .
P.s. Big G hid his pumpkin pie in the back of the frig. on the bottom shelf.
Nee ,there are so many people in your family in the military.That's a lot of worry.
ReplyDeleteDid dad bring you the ingredients to make a pumpkin pie, or will he expect Sis to make it??
ReplyDeleteNan's grandson is name Robert after his daddy.
ReplyDeleteSis do like having Nan there...she didn't want me to build she has 6 bedrooms.
When I got home it was on the counter waiting for me, I baked 2 and he left one here.
ReplyDeleteWe have faith and pray they they stay safe.
Night Nan.Pleasant dreams
ReplyDeleteObama said he was bring them home, we pray they work with him. A lot of them are being killed by friendly fire.
ReplyDeleteWhat happen at Fort Hood didn't have to happen if the people in charge did their job. There was signs that the fool was unstable.
If Big G hid his pie, I wouldn't touch it.
ReplyDeleteI got a recipe for Louisiana black bottom pie.That's the first time I ever heard of it.
Of course this is the sugarless variety.
The guy who went nuts at Fort Hood was unstable for a long time.Someone should have been monitoring him.In fact he should have been taken off duty and put in therapy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you,now those people died for nothing.
ReplyDeletethey won't touch it but they will bug the shit out of him for some.
I bet thats a good pie, heard about the cake but no pie.My recipe folder is growing and I do love to cook.
We love sweets , and its such a joy to have something different each day to give them and not worry about to much suger.
ReplyDeleteThe pie is in drafts along with a recipe for bluberry yogurt pie, both sugarless.
ReplyDelete{giggles] Sis will tell dad to carry his ass home and let his daughter cook his sweets...she don't like cooking sweets, she say they don't come out right all the time...shit nobody know where he will sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe video at the bottom of the last post is about how the forced sterilization idea started in America and many states were doing it from about 1907. A couple of states did it right up until the sixties.They mostly sterilized black people.A black person could be forcibly sterilized for being promiscuous.
ReplyDeleteWell honey I have an early morning appointment with my eye doctor so I'll say goodnight.I'm going to have a bit of a problem driving home with those drops in my eyes.Fun huh??..HA!
ReplyDeleteHave a great night.You are one lucky woman to have such lovely kids....Night...PIC
Thankyou..I will get it.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to put the one about Alferd Hitchcock on the blog...I think you should?
your kids are beautiful too. My girls have staked their claim.
ReplyDeleteYou be careful driving home tomorrow.
Goodnight sweetie and I will see you soon