Summer was the best time of all. Those glorious sun filled days when we were bursting with energy and hormones and endless possibilities. Many of those days were spent at our favorite beach, Port Elgin, a popular resort in Ontario.
Most of the kids in my immediate group of friends had European sports cars of varying vintages and in various stages of rehabilitation, according to their finacial situation. At that time in Canada, they were fairly easy to come by and not very expensive. I had an old red MGA (probably worth something now). A couple of friends had Triumphs and I remember Greg Forte had an Austin Healey (definitely worth something now). Greg was huge. I could never figure how he crammed his bulk into that car.
It was a contest to see how many bodies we could squeeze into those little two seaters. I could pile two people in my passenger seat and two more sat on the trunk with their legs dangling behind the seats. All the stragglers and less popular people climbed into the back of an old pickup belonging to a nice but geeky guy named Don Shuster who kind of followed us around but stayed on the fringe of the group. Off we would go, in a caravan down the highway and we didn't go slowly or cautiously.
Geez Louise, If I saw my kids taking chances like that I'd freak. Fortunately they have a lot more sense than I did.
One particular halcyon day we arrived at the beach shouting and singing at the top of our lungs and drove to our favorite spot where the sand was packed nice and hard and we could take the cars fairly close to the water. Murph and I liked to stroll along the water's edge and collect clam shells and fossils and bits of interesting driftwood. So, we wandered off while the others cavorted like retarded seals in the water. We spoke now and then. Our silences were comfortable. She told me she was very much in love with Graham. I wanted to know if she could see herself married to Graham but, just then, we spotted a tiny rowboat dragged up on the sand and the question went out of my head.
"Let's take it out,"she said with her bad-girl Murphy grin.
"Why not?"said I.
We shoved off and jumped aboard. We rowed enthusiastically and because Murphy was more muscular and pulled so hard on her oar we travelled in a big circle.
"Ease up a bit," I told her. Even so, we moved in lazy circles until I just gave up in disgust.
"We're going nowhere like this," although I noticed we had drifted out some.
Murphy thought it was rather funny. I smiled at her and we laid back in the boat and looked up at the hot blue sky. It was so peaceful being rocked by the waves and lulled by the lapping sounds, I was almost seduced into a doze.
Lake Huron is mercurial and can go from smooth as glass to rough and choppy in a moment. I noticed we were being buffeted by waves that had soothed us a short time ago. I sat up just as we were broadsided by a fair sized wave and tipped to portside. We hung on and I suggested we row like hell back to shore. Again we circled until I said, "You row, you're bigger and stronger."
I was overwhelmed with fear for Murphy; she couldn't swim too well. She worked those oars like Wonder Woman and got us about twenty feet from shore. Then the boat skewed sideways and was broadsided by a rogue wave. Murphy outweighed me and her weight, sliding to one side, tipped us over. Fortunately the lake is shallow for quite a distance from shore and we came up spluttering and laughing. We dragged the boat back up onto the beach minus an oar which I managed to retrieve from the water and then squished our way soggily back to the party of shrieking teens.
A couple of hibachis appeared and Greg grilled up a feast. He always did. He was magic. I don't know why his food always tasted so good. Maybe it had something to do with the day, the sunshine and the joy of being young and so alive. We drove home happy and replete. I learned an important lesson that day. I couldn't bear to lose Murphy.
To be continued
A beautiful friendship, it's lasted over the years even in death.
ReplyDeleteIf you close your eyes, I best you can feel her close by, she will always be in your heart.
Waiting on pins and needles for the rest .
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying your story.
I have a post, but put it in drafts, didn't want to break up the story, let the viewers read it in one piece, that way they can get the hold scope of the story.
Her presence has always been strong in my life.I see her face as clearly now as I did then.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to be home.I'm tired of staying out late.I regret I was too tired to finish my story last night but I will make a valiant attempt to finish it tonight. Although it make take two more installments.
Watching CSI:M , waiting to see them put the make-up on DC again.
ReplyDeleteDid you go ice tubing or out with Dale and Barb? Whichever one, I know you enjoyed.
I keep remembering little things.Then I go back and add them.So the story is stretching out.Once you turn your mind back to a certain period,things come back to you faster and faster.Things you had long forgotten.
ReplyDeleteAre they supposed to be younger?
ReplyDeleteMake as many installments as needed. It is a wonderful story, we enjoyed it here and I know a lot of people do.
ReplyDeleteTake your time and rest up.
I can put all of my posts in drafts
It reminds me of Readers Digest how they condensed their stories.
We went out with Dale and Barb and had a great time.I really love those guys.
ReplyDeleteYeap, they are suppose to be younger,DC's eyes is still beady. hahaha
ReplyDeleteDC does look a bit younger.It's magic.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you went out with Dale and Barb. Your butt didn't get cold from sliding down a hill.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the beady eyes.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a nice holiday season.Thankyou for your kind New Year's wishes.I hope you are right and it will be a good year for us.Feel free to use some of your Voodoo, mojo magic to make it come true.
Emily actually does look younger.
ReplyDeleteWe've just recently seen this one,haven't we??
DC's smiling, he should do it more.
ReplyDeleteDc wouldn't be half bad if he had something to work with.
Our stats are over 50 thousand now.Congratulations.They seem to be picking up a little.
ReplyDeleteI'll give DC credit for his smile.It transforms his face.
ReplyDeleteYes, it was the first of the season, all new programs start next monday.
ReplyDeleteI am working all my black magic,we deserve a little bit of the good life.
Stats hit 50,000 Saturday morning.
ReplyDeleteI think the serch engines are finding our labels again .
Nan checks them daily, she says not many people have beat us.
Maybe that's how DC gets the ladies with his smile.
ReplyDeleteThe fool is crying...he didn't cry for his brother or wife, what's up with that.
ReplyDeleteRemember when we started commenting on DCR her stats was 20,000, I asked her about a month before we started here and she said it was 200,000. We was commenting awhile before they started climbimg, She said Angela was there before us, but she wasn't.
ReplyDeleteI remember he seemed quite unmoved when his brother died.He was quite casual about it.He showed very little emotion when his wife died.I couldn't understand that.
ReplyDeleteI went to work today and boy what a mess.The dealers are sloppy and don't smile, all they do is complain about their tips, hell I wouldnt tip their sorry asses either.Got my ass't back and gave her a good deal in writing.
ReplyDeleteAngela was not there before us.She also said that you were there before me,but I wasn't sure.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a real challenge for you.How exciting. I'm glad you got your assistant back.Have you made her assistant manager??
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like things really have slipped badly at the casino.
ReplyDeleteDC is kinda nice looking in this one, maybe he just did had a bad run of luck with the women/booze and cigars. hahaha
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to you??You have never complimented DC before.IS that your New Year's resolution,to be kind to DC??
ReplyDeleteHave you actually made a resolution yet??
ReplyDeleteI always make them too hard for me to keep.
Yes, she has her old job back and she seems very happy. My biggest problem will be getting the dealers in shape that Betts hired.
ReplyDeleteI just feel sorry for the old fart-ass. Maybe I raised so much hell today, I just want to be nice for a moment...well the moment has past...the old dick-head. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteAre you going to start from scratch with a training session ??Do you think you will have to let any of them go??
ReplyDeleteYes I have made a bunch of New Year's resolution but never keep them.
ReplyDeleteMade one to lose 10/15 pounds, but thats not happening.
I have someone that keeps giving me all these good recipes. HA!!!
HA!...I'm glad the moment passed.
ReplyDeleteYou're getting too kind and tolerant in your old age.
ReplyDeleteDo you like the role of mean pushy boss??
ReplyDeleteI saw some more recipes that looked good.I'll have to post them.
ReplyDeleteI'm always searching because my diet is so limited.I need recipes to make it more interesting.
The cooking gadget is the best thing I could come up with for my situation.I use it a lot.
Oh yes, I will start with customer service, I observe today, we have always heen on the poker tour, the work is cut out for us, I've heard from a few promoters and they was wondering what happened.
ReplyDeleteImagine Betts letting the casino drop out of the poker tour. That's a huge event.It would bring a lot of peripheral business to the casino and the hotel.What was she thinking??
ReplyDeleteI agree, the cooking gadget is the best thing you could come up with.
ReplyDeleteAll my folks use it, Mac do all the cooking at his house now.
There are about 14/16 dealers that's still there and they call me the boss from hell, but says they're rather have me because I'm fair.
The more you make things better there, the worse she looks.
ReplyDeleteAunt Mae got on Leon's ass and Betts said she didn't know there was that much work in running a poker room. People wins the tournments and move to the next one and a lot of players will come to try and beat them.
ReplyDeleteAlso you have to be a good dealer so you can pitch in when you have someone out.
I wondered if Betts was still at the casino trying to learn from you or did she pack up and leave you to it.
ReplyDeleteJeremy just won another 5 thousand dollars in a tournament and his younger brother Jason just won 18 hundred in a tournament. Jason is turning out to be quite the player also.
ReplyDeleteShe should have kept my ass't (Clara) she was my right hand.Clara is good at her job , but I think Betts didn't want her telling her because Clara's black.
ReplyDeleteIt like me painting and drawing, hell I can;t draw a straight line.
Hoarders is on A&E.
ReplyDeleteThis hoarder is not living in filth and dead cats.It's not so disgusting to watch.
ReplyDeleteI told her she was welcome to learn about the business, but Clara was my right hand, I think she is going back to housekeeping as supervisor.
ReplyDeleteThe woman last week was a pretty radical case.She was a health hazard.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how that problem gets started.
Maybe Betts was more comfortable in housekeeping anyway.She might be happier there.
ReplyDeleteThats great, little brother learning from big bro. If they win big and where they go there will be some players that will follow them, you have to keep up with the winners and invite them to your place. Did you bank roll Jermery this time?
ReplyDeleteI never knew that hoarding was so prevalent in America.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't bankroll Jer this time.He is becoming independantly wealthy.
ReplyDeleteI would find it so amusing if he ended up in your casino someday.
ReplyDeleteSmall world..eh??
It's a lot of fun to watch their poker faces, to be a good dealer you need to learn their names, everyone likes to hear their name.
ReplyDeleteA dealer that was there before I left asked me was my man still chasing me.
Of course he's still chasing you. He just chases you around the house now.
ReplyDeleteThat would be great, to see a dark handsome young man with bedroom eyes, he just may in up here one day and maybe Jason too. I lot of men and women make most of their money this way. They have a regular jobs when they are not on tour.
ReplyDeleteIntervention is sometimes pretty good.But I don't think I'll watch it tonight.
ReplyDeleteToo many sad hurting people.
ReplyDeleteDid you have blackeyed peas and cabbage/collard greens for the New Year?
ReplyDeleteIs that a custom to eat those veggies on New Years where you are from??
ReplyDeleteThat's so true, so many sad people.
ReplyDeleteNot enough love in the world.
We don't have a particular food for New Years.
ReplyDeleteOne particular Christmas custom that we have not followed for years is going out and finding a dark haired stranger to cross our thresh-hold.Sometimes they would stay for dinner.It is supposed to bring good luck.
Yeah. cooked with hog jowl, these men folks from Reno say they wouldn't eat it, but they do now and say it's good.
ReplyDeleteI still have to cook Dad's gumbo .
Also,we used to put silver charms and silver money in the plum puddings.I think too many people complained that they broke their teeth and Nana stopped doing it.
ReplyDeleteDo you have to work tomorrow??
ReplyDeletePeas for good health and greens for money. Americans are a weird bunch.
ReplyDeleteIf so, you should get your rest.I want you to be sharp as a tack when you straighten out all those dealers.
ReplyDeleteThere was an article on the front page of a tabloid that said the Queen was ill and she was about to make Prince William King and Camille was furious.
ReplyDeleteYes I have to go in tomorrow, I will have Clara there to let them know when she speaks for me when I'm not there.
ReplyDeleteDon't invite a stranger into your home now, we don't know who to trust.
I like your custom.I'll ask you for the recipe next year.I don't know where to get hog jowls in Canada.Maybe they call it something else here.
ReplyDeleteSmoked bacon will do or dry salt meat.I found some more different recipes in the food gadget.
ReplyDeleteI found a new recipe for gator.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have heard that she wants William to be the next king.Poor old Charlie.It will break his heart . He has waited so long, but no one wants to see Camilla on the throne.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will call it a night, time passes so quickly.
ReplyDeleteI will put all my posts in drafts.
Charlie should have been more discriminating when he chose a mate.We would have welcomed Dianna as our Queen.
ReplyDeleteI remember my shock the night she died.
I would love to taste gator.Can you buy it in Louisianna??
ReplyDeleteGet your rest Toots.Enjoy your day at work. I'll see you after sunset.Sleep well....PIC
I don't feel sory for him , he let that horse face woman ruin it for him.
ReplyDeleteHe can throw a saddle on her and play polo. Camile didn't get ugly in her old age, she has always looked like a horse's A....,
I will see you tomorrow..
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams ... and you get some rest.
Brian will wake you in the morning with a good poking...hahaha