Spirit will mark six years of unprecedented science exploration and inspiration for the American public on Sunday. However, the upcoming Martian winter could end the roving career of the beloved, scrappy robot.
Spirit successfully landed on the Red Planet at 8:35 p.m. PST on Jan. 3, 2004, and its twin robot, Opportunity arrived at 9:05 p.m. Jan. 24, 2004. The rovers began missions intended to last for only three months but which have lasted six Earth years, or 3.2 Mars years, in an amazing performance of exploring, charting and recording the great unknown. The little robots just kept going and going, like a very familiar pink rabbit. During this time, Spirit has found evidence of a steamy and violent environment on ancient Mars that was quite different from the wet and acidic past documented by Opportunity, which has been operating successfully as it explores halfway around the planet.
A sand trap and balky wheels are the challenges now to Spirit's mobility. They could prevent NASA's rover team from using a key survival strategy for the rover. The team may not be able to position the robot's solar panels to tilt toward the sun to collect power for heat to survive the severe Martian winter.
Nine months ago, Spirit's wheels broke through a crusty surface layer into loose sand hidden underneath. Efforts to escape this sand trap barely have budged the rover. The rover's inability to use all six wheels for driving has worsened the predicament. Spirit's right-front wheel quit working in 2006, and its right-rear wheel stalled a month ago. Drives with four or five operating wheels have produced little progress toward escaping the sand trap. The latest attempts resulted in the rover sinking deeper in the soil.
"The highest priority for this mission right now is to stay mobile," said Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He is principal investigator for the rovers.
"The highest priority for this mission right now is to stay mobile," said Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He is principal investigator for the rovers.
If mobility is not possible, the next priority is to improve the rover's tilt, while Spirit is able to generate enough electricity to turn its wheels. Spirit is in the southern hemisphere of Mars, where it is autumn, and the amount of daily sunshine available for the solar-powered rover is declining. Spirit's tilt, nearly five degrees toward the south, is unfavorable because the winter sun crosses low in the northern sky.
Unless the tilt can be improved or winds help prevent the gradual buildup of dust on the solar panels, the amount of sunshine available will continue to decline until May 2010. During May, or perhaps earlier, Spirit may not have enough power to remain in operation. The team is evaluating strategies for improving the tilt even if Spirit cannot escape the sand trap, such as trying to dig in deeper with the wheels on the north side. In February, NASA will assess Mars missions, including Spirit, for their potential science versus costs to determine how to distribute limited resources.
In 2004 the rover, Opportunity, discovered the first mineralogical evidence that Mars had liquid water. The rover recently finished a two-year investigation of a half-mile wide crater called Victoria and now is headed toward Endeavor crater, which is approximately seven miles from Victoria and nearly 14 miles across. Since landing, Opportunity has driven more than 11 miles and returned more than 132,000 images.
Unless the tilt can be improved or winds help prevent the gradual buildup of dust on the solar panels, the amount of sunshine available will continue to decline until May 2010. During May, or perhaps earlier, Spirit may not have enough power to remain in operation. The team is evaluating strategies for improving the tilt even if Spirit cannot escape the sand trap, such as trying to dig in deeper with the wheels on the north side. In February, NASA will assess Mars missions, including Spirit, for their potential science versus costs to determine how to distribute limited resources.
In 2004 the rover, Opportunity, discovered the first mineralogical evidence that Mars had liquid water. The rover recently finished a two-year investigation of a half-mile wide crater called Victoria and now is headed toward Endeavor crater, which is approximately seven miles from Victoria and nearly 14 miles across. Since landing, Opportunity has driven more than 11 miles and returned more than 132,000 images.
I hope they are granted enough money to keeps these little guys roving. I still can't believe the images I'm looking at are actually coming from Mars. There is so much more we need to learn about our giant red neighbor.
ReplyDeleteThe red planet looks no different than our's.
I hope they get the money to help the little guy[spirit] we can learned so much from him.
The more we learn , the more things seems the same.
I left you 3 long rambling notes, hope you made sense of them.
ReplyDeleteSee you and Nan can't leave me on my own, I get in all kind of mischief...hahaha
Nan and hubby went out, she says to tell you to look for it tomorrow evening.
How's it going at work?I hope you get the poker tournament.
ReplyDeleteI liked the school bus driver article.It goes to show you, your children aren't safe with anyone.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to trust anymore.
They should screen those drivers more carefully.
I am pretty sure I will get the tournament. It's coming together.
ReplyDeleteI thought in the post on MJ that the punishment doesn't fit the crime.The guy will get two years with good behavior.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they'll let him practice medicine again but he is probably well off enough to retire.
They gave Michael Vic jail time.
ReplyDeleteThe fool woman had 37 litttle ones on board. I agree with the girls mother[Loomis] she needed more time.
I laughed when you said everyone came to work clean and bathed.You put the fear of Nee into them. At least you don't have to work smelling dirty bodies around you.
ReplyDeleteYou can't be dirty when you are dealing directly with the public.It really puts people off.
Michael Vic is a pro football player who was promoting dog fights and he did hard time, just got out last year in time to play football.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be funky if I'm by myself. Their tips are picking up.
ReplyDeleteI dress in my uniform and deal whem it's someone break time,and when their shift is over, we go to a quiet place along and I ive them pointers.
Did you read my comment on the MJ post, it's a lot more involved than just Murry.I smell something fishy in denmark.
ReplyDeleteI remember the Michael Vic story.Celebrities and sports figures don't usually get punished much, no matter what the crime.
ReplyDeleteBy the way what did you expect Mars to look like? Purple grass, pink trees and little green men?
ReplyDeleteAll the planets are quite similar so we have a better chance of finding another earth.
Shit...Murray was getting paid $150.000 a month. Greed of money is the root of evil.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are streamlining the operation already.So you observe each dealer and then give them pointers to improve their performance.
ReplyDeleteI expected Mars to be red and dusty, if you didn't know better, youwould think it was somewhere here on earth.
ReplyDeleteI hope they can fix the little fellow, we can learn so much from him.
I told them if they didn't know, just ask, that way I would know how to help them. I let them know I don't like to be in last place and thats where we are now.
ReplyDeleteOne guy asked me was they going to get a raise. I told him he's being paid to much mow.
Hey , ask Brian do he heed an ass't, when I finish here I will come help him. [giggles] I bet he will say keep your crazy ass down there,hahaha
I agree that money is the root of all evil.I have often wondered if Murray acted alone.
ReplyDeleteI told them to look like they enjoy their job, if they can't smile, they better glue one on.
ReplyDeleteThey expected a raise? The gall of some people.Maybe if business improves a LOT.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Betts doesn't like the fact that you rehired your assistant.I wonder if she made a fuss.
It's hard to believe Murray acted along, he was making a bunch of money.
ReplyDeleteJust had a thought, someone may have been black-mailing Murray and I bet it was someone close to MJ.
It's just a hunch.
Did you lose Nana in the Mall?
ReplyDeleteThere is no one for her to fuss to. Like I told them if I do this it will have to be my way.
ReplyDeleteHell none of them know how to run table games. I learn yesterday that Betts can't deal. You have to know all phases of all the games, even dice games.
You can't dress like you are going yo a club.
Brian had to do a bit of an overhaul too. The guys were letting their appearance get sloppy and they were not driving the cars up to the door for the customers.He could use a good assistant.Things always seem to slip if you are not on top of them all the time.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was dealing I made $2.80 an hour, It was nothing to bring home between $700/1200. a week, sometime more. I told them it can be done. My ass't told them she always worked 2nd shift and made good money.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Betts would fuss to her husband, the poor guy.
ReplyDeleteI know how Brian feel, Grown-ups should know giving good service keeps the customers coming back, no customers, no jobs.
ReplyDeleteOh yes...Betts asked Gil when he was coming down there to see how I'm doing. He asked her why should he, he don't work there ...non did he hire me , I was a big girl.
She is on aunt Mae's bad side.
Well I know if I fuss to my man about a job I can't do, he would say...all hell baby just quit and fine something you can do.
ReplyDeleteI hope Leon does exactly what you say and help her find something she can do.
ReplyDeleteFrom the sound of it Betts has never been on aunt Mae's good side.Maybe things will improve one day between them.
I doubt it,aunt Mae loves his ex I'm told, aunt Mar will be civil to her if she stop trying to push herself on her, just be herself and things will fall into place.
ReplyDeleteDad kow I was this way when they met me.
As you know it's netter to just be yourself and don't pretend, not everyone going to like you.
ReplyDeleteBetts is all fluff and no substance
If I don't know something,you know I'll ask no shame in my game. I'm the first to say I don't know.
I can tell dad loves you.He took to you right away.
ReplyDeleteHe knows with you what you see is what you get.
Do you think there is life out there and do they look like us? do you thimk we migrate here ?
ReplyDeleteEnquirering minds wants to know. HA!
I'm a bit like that too. I don't have the energy to keep up a false front.That would be such hard work.
ReplyDeleteI was scared as hell of that old man, he would come on the floor on that damn scooter or my office and not say a word and just look at me.
ReplyDeleteI told my daddy and he said not to worry princess, I can take that old man.
I told Chris, and he laughed and said he just seeing how much he has to pay daddy for you, so don't worry until he asks to see your teeth.
Yes, there is life out there.Yes they could have evolved very much like us if the conditions on that planet were the same as on ours.They might be at a different point in their evolution.They might be further evolved and smarter than us.
ReplyDeleteIf their planet's conditions were different,they could look like frogs.Maybe they all look like DC.
I agree with Chris. The old man was evaluating you. He wanted to see what Gil saw in you and if you were good enough for his sunshine boy.
ReplyDeleteHe obviously decided you were good enough. He didn't try to talk GIl out of it.
ReplyDeleteJust keep making that good gumbo for dad and you'll never have a bit of trouble.
Thank goodness...just turn back on A&E and the Jackson's is off and Criminal Minds is own, we don't have much to look at.
ReplyDeleteCSI:M is starting their new programs tomorrow.
I like the skillet cartoon, you know me so well. hahaha
That's so funny I just turned to A&E also and thought the same thing...HA!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've seen this Criminal Minds...Yippee!
ReplyDeleteBy the way I lost Nana for only about ten minutes,that's all.So I thought I did quite well.
Yep, gumbo, dad will eat it for every meal, got a pot cooling now, will put it in plastic containers and put in the freezer.
ReplyDeleteMamie say he was in there and didn't find any and asked her did she know how to peeled shrimp and devined them, she said yes and he got some and told her to have at it. He told me his gumbo comes first, I had payd my dues at the boat.
Do you think they will ever make contact. People says they see UFO's ever so often .
ReplyDeleteI bet Nana go and hide from you on purpose just to see how long it will take you to find her.Just think long life runs in both our families.My daddy would be 94 in March .
ReplyDeleteHeaven forbid, we don't need another DC, maybe that's why he chose dark-hair women to have his kids, he know he's an ugly fart...
ReplyDeleteI've heard dark-haired ladies have better choochies.
There will be contact perhaps in the next twenty years or so. You will be alive to see it.When we probe far enough beyond our own solar system.
ReplyDeleteThis Criminal MInds is based on a true story that happened in Canada.A pig farmer who killed a hundred people or more because they never found them all. He fed a lot of them to the pigs.
ReplyDeleteWe don't get many serial killers but when we do he's a humdinger.
I was doing so good until you got me started. But what the hell, I like being naughty.
ReplyDeleteI never heard that belief sbout dark haired ladies but I would like to believe it was true.I would enjoy owning a superior choochie.
ReplyDeleteYes, he is mildly retarded. Horror crimes in Canada is very rare.
ReplyDeleteThe bad people mostly run from the U.S. to Canada.
We do have a superior choochies and you heard it from me first.You know it's ture about us anyway, what more can I say.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteWell sweetie, I'll let you know if any extra-terrestrials contact me tonight.I honestly wish they would.I would love that, unless of course they wanted to perform medical experiments on me.Anyhow,you'll be the first to know because I'll tell them all about you....HA! Have a real good one...PIC
ReplyDeleteTell them about me, I'm game.
ReplyDeleteHave a goodnite and talk soon.
Goodnite...sweet dreams...PIC