According to the "CBS Early Show" bus driver Martha Thompson,56, of Almond , N.Y. pleaded guilty November 2, 2009, to 37 counts of child endangement and driving while intoxicated on May 8.2009, while students screamed and begged her to stop. On January 4,2010, the Allegany County Court sentenced her to six months of electronic home montoring , five years of probation, 12 weekends in jail and mandatory alcohol counseling . She was also fined $1,000. A video captured the frightening ride, during which several students begged Thompson to pull over. "The Early Show" reports that her blood alcohol level was .15, almost twice the New York state legal limit of .06 percent.
Grace Scherzer, 16, and Chelsey Pierce, 15, were on board that day and were instrumental in helping their fellow passengers off the bus through the the back exit while Thompson ranted for them to stay on board. Scherzer tells the "early Show" that she approached Thompson after noticing the bus was swerving all over the road. I went up to her and asked if she was OK to drive, the teen tells the Early Show. The teen says Thompson said she was fine, yet continued to drive erratically. Later, the girl managed to get the bus back gate door open and helped usher her fellow students off the vehicle. Pierce tells the news program that she called her mother during the scary ride. Her mom, Lori Loomis, says Thompson's punishment is less than satisfactory.
I am outraged. I am very upset with what she received, Loomis tells the "Early Show. And I just don't think it's harsh enough punishment for this woman. She put all these children's lives in danger . She could have killed them all. I'm very upset with the outcome. Thompson's attorney, Thomas D. Trbovich, tells the Early Show that his client is embarrassed. "She's very sorry that this happened,"he says. "She never, ever would intentionally put any of those children ....at risk."
My take on this crap: What' s happening to the people we put in charge? Do they not know what's important? We are not only having "GLOBAL WARMING" but it seems a lot of people are having "WARMING on the BRAIN." Lets take a look at whats more important , punishing the ones that put our children in danger, (remember they are our future), or some one that has dog fights.
I know a lot of you remember "Michael Vic" the football player, well he did hard time in jail for promoting dog fights. I will be the first to say Michael got his just due. Don't our children deserve better, I think so, there is no excuse for a drunk to be driving on the streets, the judge should re-think his decision and mete out the punishment to fit the crime. Let me ask you, does Thompson punishment fit the crime? Nope!!! Don't think so.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
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