No matter what is going on, I can only do one thing at a time. If I panic, I can't think. My first step...think. I will make every effort to have a bite-size idea of what is happening. Ten words or less should do just fine. I will look at one issure or problem at a time. Second step, I will take myself out of the situation. Depersonalize and defuse the situation by allowing myself to become the third party. Think in terms of, look what is happening to her/him. Third step, examine everything I know about what is going on: who is involved, what has happened, what needs to happen. Resist blaming or imagining the worst, being angry or afraid. This is not about me; I am an observer.
Without looking to outside forces, honestly place the responsibility where it should be, with the resources and information available right now; I will advise my people how to proceed. I won't worry about what might happen, I won't take the path of least resistance, I will do what is honest, just, peaceful, and in the best interest of all, after I tell the others how to proceed....just do it. Today, my throughts are in order, I know I'm not confused.It's okay because I'm okay...but hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and keeping it real
A very sound theory.I admire your thinking.It's a logical way to approach a problem.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are using this approach at work. Is it working for you??
ReplyDeleteYes I was thinking the best way to handle the problem. Sometime I go to my quiet place and think and write it down to see how it looks.
Have you run in to big problems at work??
ReplyDeleteNone yet.
ReplyDeleteWell it's a good theory to apply to any situation.
ReplyDeleteI will try it myself.
Were you at work today??
ReplyDeleteAfter the meeting yesterday, everyone showed up for work, all nice and clean and not stinking to high heaven...with funk or perfume.
ReplyDeleteThey will see I'm fair and not to much of a hard ass.
How was your day??
Yes, i worked today, boy I have my work cut out for me. Don't know if they will last , but they can tranfer to another department.
ReplyDeleteNot too bad.Saw my grandsons presented with a new belt in karate tonight.It's brown with a black stripe.That makes them junior black belts now.They must teach and mentor other kids now to earn their black belt,
ReplyDeleteWell, you know the old saying, "If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen."
ReplyDeleteWhat you been up to?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to work a while tomorrow evening,Nan said she was going to talk with you. She's just itching to tell you stuff on me.
I went to a Christmas sale in Toronto and couldn't resist buying some Christmas decorations. Poor Brian standing there shaking his head, thinking I've gone loony.He doesn't get it, that women can't resist a good sale no matter what they're selling.
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I know you are so proud of your babies, mentors before the age of 12, see, I told you the nut don't fall far from the tree.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI bet Brian is struting round like a rooster with his chest out.
I get the same looks, no they don't understand about the sales,after all we are saving them money. Gil refuses to go shoe shopping with me.
ReplyDeleteYes we're proud of them. Our grandson Josh took karate too.It gave him a better attitude toward his fellow man.
ReplyDeleteNow the twins want to take power skating to improve their hockey but we don't think Jakey will be up to it physically. What do we do? Let him try and fail or tell him straight that he won't be capable of doing it?
Sweetie it won't take the twins long to get their black belts, they are earning those belts faster than a hot knife cut butter.
ReplyDeleteLet him try, but tell him that he may not be able to do it but you are so proud that he wants to try.
ReplyDeleteTell him as he get older his body will get stronger and he will be able to do it, but during the meantime he can be the reporter and put it in his newspaper.
Honey, help is on the way, maybe before his "BD".
Now the holiday season is over we have a long depressing period of sub freezing weather snow storms and early darkness until Easter.
That is good and sensitive advice.Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteThe hospital says they may have the experimental serum to try on him in March.It's true, we might see an improvement before his birthday.
He is such a sweet little guy Nee.
You will have to handle this very careful, the other one gets all the attention, which isn't fair and he's just trying to keep up.
ReplyDeleteRemember your story , where you realize the major would never leave you because he cherish his little "JEANNIE"
I just watched 'Castle'.You know that show is improving.The main guy is really getting into the character.I'm not so fond of the woman co-star but she may grow too.
ReplyDeleteYes, I feel that's my job now, to make Jakey feel cherished. Knowing that you are so loved can get you through anything.
ReplyDeleteI wish J would let you have him.He just wants to do what his bro. do so everyone will make a fuss over him also, that's not to much to ask from the little guy.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you what sis told Susan after mama died, she told her I would out do them all. And "J" has a great future a head of him.
If one is loved/liked more than the other, you are not to show it.
ReplyDeleteI think Jakey has a lot of his gunny's spunk in him.
I often think of the little girl whose broken heart wouldn't let her speak for two years and wonder why there was no one who could communicate with her. i know lots of people loved her but they didn't know how to help her heal.She had to do it all by herself.
ReplyDeleteJakey has a tendency to shut himself off and go into his private world. I don't want him to withdraw like that. I have to be able to communicate with him.I have to be welcome in his private world. Sometimes I'm at a bit of a loss myself to know how.
I forgets about Castle, watched it last week will write down the day and time...thanks.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it's common to favor one child over another??Is that a normal thing in families.
ReplyDeleteJ and P try to be fair but Jake knows.
I'm an only child. I don't have the family experience.
ReplyDeletedaddy would always talk to me, chris would take me places and they just told me when I was ready, they was there.
ReplyDeleteJust talk to him and and ask him what he's thinking and tell him when he's ready you want to here about it.
I get the impression that he feels safe in his private world,that he's the king there.But, when he gets that far away look he doesn't hear anything you say.
ReplyDeleteYes it's possible and I have seen it in my own family, and a child knows even from a young age.
ReplyDeleteSusan has always resented me for some reson , but I feel she love me, that;s why I whip her musty butt for spanking my baby.
Jakey has the brains he's a thinker and he will do well.
Are you and Susan okay now??
ReplyDeleteHave it ever cross your mund Jakey may be a "Genius" he's so young and he know what he wants.
ReplyDeleteI can feel he's smart and has a level head, you just let him know he don't have to compete with anyone you love him just the way he is.
That's exactly what we have to convince him of. It's when he feels hurt or rejected or second best that he withdraws. I guess it is a child's defense mechanism.
ReplyDeleteYes we are as o.k. as we ever was, she says I got everything handed to me, she didn't have to marry because she got knocked up by a sorry/lazy fuck-head.
ReplyDeleteHe's pretty happy most of the time.He's got a good sense of humor.So does Sam.
ReplyDeleteAll our grandkids have a sense of humor.At least we all have that.We ain't the prettiest bunch in the world but we sure can laugh.
Sweeetie I have never felt close to Susan, they was grown, Chris and sis took over the job of taking care of me, he was 18 at the time, he didn't want to go to college, but sis told daddy he had to go, and what sis says goes.She may be just 5'5" but she will get up in your face, and they all step back.
ReplyDeleteSuzie picked the lazy fuckhead.That was the biggest of her mistakes.
ReplyDeleteBut she can't blame all the failures in her life on him.
I think the ones I seen is quite pretty, but what do I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
ReplyDeleteBeauty on the outside is on the surface, what makes you beautiful is whats inside.
Anyway,outside beauty will fade away and the inside beauty will last forever.
[giggles] I must be getting some smarts, I'm beginning to make sense to myself..hahaha
Sis sounds like a little spit-fire.I guess she stepped into the void left by your mama.She took on a big job.
ReplyDeleteSo true, she lazy also and don't want to work, Nan and I tried to get her to come work at the hotel/casino when it was "Hollwood" She can never say I got where I was because of my man.
ReplyDeleteTNT comes in small packages.Susan told sis she could live in the home house too, Nan lived there.
ReplyDeleteSis asked Nan to move with her after daddy died, she didn't want to sell and it was to large to live by herself,Nan's daughter moved into Nans house . Daddy left the house to sis. We all got our part.
How is Jakey newspaper coming?
ReplyDeleteOf course you make sense. You have an earthy wisdom that is usually right on the money.
ReplyDeleteIf Susan wouldn't work to get ahead then she road-blocked her own future.Plus it doesn't sound like she has a good image of herself.
That house belongs to Sis. She decides who lives there.Besides Susan got her own inheritance from your Dad.
ReplyDeleteSome people are never satisfied with their lives.Or they realize it's too late to do anything about it.
ReplyDeleteActually I'll amend that.It's never too late to do something.
We got snow today,Gil dropped me off on his way to work.
ReplyDeleteJakey got sidetracked by Christmas and all the toys and video games.Plus he's been away for the past week with Bio so the news paper is on standby right now.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lady on Dave L. a journalist who is actually complementing Obama.She says he has accomplished more in his first year than any other pres in a generation.
ReplyDeleteyou are so right, I gave her the money to fix her mouth. I never asked them for anything after I was on my own, sis taught us if we want something we had to work, unless we wanted to be whores, then we could leave town and just stay on our backs, but selling pussy don't last, and maybe the men just want to pay for a suck, and we will liik like the girl hung on Chris.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the lady, Obama made a speech this evening about the guy with the bomb in his drawers Xmas day, he says the buck stops with im and he will get to the bottom of it.
ReplyDeleteI think he's doing a great job it was a mess and he's trying to plow through the crap. I give him a A- for trying.He comes out and talk to the people. Just what the fuck more can he do?
Seeing that girl fellating Chris taught you a good lesson. A whore works on her knees or on her back and there are no medical benefits.And no retirement package.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't be a whore.It's not that I look down on those ladies.They have to find a way to survive too. I just couldn't be a spitoon for any asshole who fancied me.
Do you think they enjoys going to BIO? They are getting older and becoming more interested in other things, BIO may be taking a back set soon, in a couple of years, the boys will start thinking girls.haha
ReplyDeleteI just had a good laugh, thinking about the cartoon you put up with the woman's mouth froze to the man's dangle....hahaha
ReplyDeleteBarry is all right in our books.He can come up here and be our leader any time.We are not fond of our present primeminister, Stephen Harper.He's a bit of an ass.
ReplyDeleteWell girl,get your rest. You have to work tomorrow.And I have to spend the day with Nana (give me strength)I'll probably lose her in the mall again.
ReplyDeleteNight, sleep well and have a good day tomorrow....PIC
Post script: I liked that cartoon too...HA!
ReplyDeleteI'm going in around 4/5 tomorrow and saty 4/5 hours, to see how they are dong and make out their schedules.My ass't [Clara] just picked up where she left off, she is my right hand and she's fair.
ReplyDeleteNan said she was going to talk with you tomorrow and date night is Saturday.
Stop losing Nana, don't you know she know the way home. HA! HA!!
ReplyDeleteYour's may be and ass, but you don't hear people putting him down all the time.
You have a good night and sweet dreams.