Petite porkers the size of a teacup are all the rage in England - where breeder Jane Croft can barely keep up with the demand.
The micopigs grow up to 14 inches tall, but come with a macro tag of more than $1,100 !
The cute critters have even caught the fancy of celebrities, including "harry Potter" star Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley. These adorable oinkers live at the "Little Pig Farm" in Cambridgeshire.
Stay tune: I have some good gossip coming soon.
Kicking it and having fun.
How did they get those pigs so small?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but they are cute.
I tried to get the breeder's picture on here , but blogger or me was acting up. Her name is Jane croft and lives in Cambridgeshire.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to have one.
ReplyDeleteI'll google her and see if I can get a picture
ReplyDeleteShe says she can't keep up with the demand.
ReplyDeleteThe picture is on the blog now
ReplyDeleteThey cost $1,100.00 but worth it.
ReplyDeleteher place is called the "Little Pig Farm."
I think I'll put it on your post
ReplyDeleteI bet Maxy would have a ball with him.
ReplyDeletePlease put it on there for me. Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteI put it on your post
ReplyDeleteThamkyou, now we have 2 of her. I don;t know what I did,but I lost it some where.
ReplyDeleteI bet your kids would love a couple.I can picture Gilly running after them. What a madhouse you would have.Pigs are very intelligent more than a dog.
ReplyDeleteThey can also be house trained
ReplyDeleteI'm drawing a pictture of Nana at the super market today. I'm trying to finish it while we talk.
ReplyDeleteI want one for myself and maybe let the kids play with it.
ReplyDeleteGilly would love one.
The puppy didn't work out, the vet said the breeder was in-breeds them to close.
How far is she from you.I got her out the Enquirer the first one I briught this year.
I bet Nana is a hand full, she sounds so sweet. Did you lose her?Or was she a good little lady? Was Brian better today and promise to behave?
ReplyDeleteHow far is Cambridgeshire from you?
ReplyDeleteI know it's in England.
Are you going to put Nana on the blog? Will you show it to her? Boy I'm full of Questions tonight.
ReplyDeleteFrom where I am right now Cambridgeshire is more than three thousand miles
ReplyDeleteI will put it on the blog along with some old lady jokes
ReplyDeleteShe behaved quite well today but I couldn't get her out of the jewelry store,she wouldn't leave. She was starting to bother the man.But she did buy a couple of gold chains for thr twins.
ReplyDeleteI bet she hate to part with them, but she making so many people happy.
ReplyDeleteBrian is a bit better ,just very tired .He slept all evening.
ReplyDeleteI know older people can be bother some time, but they will get old some day. Older people don't make snap judgements, they take their time.
ReplyDeleteI bet that was almost the only thing he sold. It's not like he had a lot of customers.
Jakey got kicked in the groin so hard he collapsed a couple of weeks ago and now we have bought him an athletic cup to wear at karate.Even little dangles hurt when they get kicked that hard, He said he could see stars.
ReplyDeleteNana was telling the guy her life story.He was smiling but his eyes were glazed over.
ReplyDeleteI think he was taking a nap with his eyes open.
ReplyDeleteThat's good to hear and I know it is a relief to you. Maybe he'll just go in for a while to see how everything is going and come home to rest. Hope so.But the business is picking up everywhere and that's a good sign.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you brought him an athletic cup, that's the second time he's been hurt there.
ReplyDeleteIf he complained about it hurting or have swollening, carry him to the doctor.
I admire the little guy, he's got guts and not a quiter.Tell Jakey hang in there , help is on the way, just wait til he has his treatments in 5/6 months he'll be almost as large as the rest.
I hope it was an accident and the person told him he was sorry.
ReplyDeleteHis mom kept an eye on it.You're right about the swelling.
ReplyDeleteThat's something that happens to little boys a lot when they're in sports. I can predict that Gilly will have a similar incident.
In karate class you have to appologize and you have to help the person you hurt.
ReplyDeleteJakey is good at the karate moves but is not strong enough to block some of the kicks of the bigger guys.
ReplyDeleteWell that makes me feel better.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, it will happen to Gillly, that's for sure, ge rough and will try anything, he likes to climb and wrestle with the girls.
Just give Jakey 5/6 months, he will have more strengh and won;t get tired so quickly.
Gilly's going to be a tough little guy.He'll give you a few scares climbing trees and climbing on the roof of the garage or house.At least that's what I used to do .I was a climber.
ReplyDeleteI have this post in drafts about the Queen and Natalie Cole and I just started laughing when I remember what you said about the Major taking her picture.
ReplyDeleteDid you go to work today? I wondered if any of the staff were resentful or gave you attitude when you tried to improve work methods.
ReplyDeleteDid you want me to post them for you??
ReplyDeleteStay away from those puppy farms.They keep the females in cages and breed them, one litter after another until they wear them out.And they inbreed them too much and the puppies have major things wrong with them.
ReplyDeleteGo to a reputable breeder.The vet should know of one.
Maxy came from one of the good ones and is in perfect health.
Gilly loves being naked.
ReplyDeleteI haven't checked old D888 in a while. Nan says she talking about someone on facebook. There's no difference between her and Heido, she surfing the net for DC . Hell, she more nuts that Heido, al least we had our say on DCR, if you don't agree with her,she won't post your comments.
Yes post it for me and you can add your spin on it. She could teach Camille how to dress and for goodness sake teach her how to wear a hat.
ReplyDeleteThat woman has to have a victim doesn't she??She is a predator.
ReplyDeleteI was talking about D***
ReplyDeleteThe twins loved being naked and running around until they were about seven then they got a bit more modest in front of people.
ReplyDeleteYes a couple of them resented me, I told them they was going to do it right,if not the door swings both ways. I told them they was on notice, I was the only indian chief in this department.
ReplyDeleteOne foolwent to the office to tell someone and dad was there and told him he should fired him on the spot, there is a chain of command you follows, not run their asses in their.
Yes, thats who we are talking about. Old bi-polar D***.
ReplyDeleteThe woman has DC on the brain. I liked going to Heidi's she made it fun.
Jeff Bridges is on Conan. he is still kind of sexy
ReplyDeleteI am looking at 3/4 dealers, they have been there a long time, 2 was there when I started.
ReplyDeleteAunt Mae thanked me for putting everything on whole to help out.I told her I got a fax from the gaming people and I should know about the World Poker Tour by the end of the week.
Dad would put the fear of God into them.I knew there would be someone who wouldn't like being snapped into shape.
ReplyDeleteYes he is , his Oscar is long over due, he has a good voice.
ReplyDeleteAunt Mae's got her head on right.
ReplyDeleteDad says if he going to lose money, he's not going to pay someone to do it for him, he will ask you do you work here, and you say yes, he'll say not anymore.
ReplyDeleteMac love him, I don't think Mac has worked this week,He comes down and do surveilance ad see whats going on. They rease him about being the security pet. He said of course, it took him 3 years to get this job.
Sounds like Dad can be a bit scary.Like my dad.He could make grown men shake in their boots.At home he was a pussy cat.
ReplyDeleteMac is a keeper.He's the kind of man you instinctively trust.
ReplyDeleteI like to eat and have 3 kids to feed/clothed. you can lose your money at the drop of a hat.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have to go to work after my divorce, I could have waited awhile, but you never know what will happen, a lot of people lost their pants. I know dad lost a chunk.
I'm looking at this cartoon and I know I have seen it before.Some things I see stick in the back of my mind and they come out on paper later.
ReplyDeleteOnly I have the lady doing something different in my cartoon
ReplyDeleteGot any plans for the weekend??
ReplyDeleteBetts was glad when Mac got the job, she wants him to go to work with Gil, and she can go to work them with him, that won't work, Gil is worse than dad, he has a great group of people working with him.
ReplyDeleteThey are advertising the world poker tour up here. I wonder if Jer would qualify.
ReplyDeleteHe probably wouldn't take time off school though.
I am going to stay home and make popcorn and cocoa and just enjoy my family. I know you have a hot date, any plans?
ReplyDeleteI bet Jer would quanity, he was a winner and they always want them back.
ReplyDeleteWhat cartoon?
You did a cartoon once with the loonies chasing a fox .
ReplyDeleteI'm drawing a cartoon of Nana but it looks familiar.I've seen this character somewhere before.I collect pictures that I come across in magazines or on the computer and store them in the back of my mind and use them later.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I don't know if it's from my imagination or something I've seen.
I have sent out invites to a lot of high-rollers...I have sent out coupons to the ones that have player cards, it's a lot of work if you let it get behind.
ReplyDeleteI don't like being cooped up in one place to long.
You know, I don't think I'd like Betts very much.
ReplyDeleteWe have plans to go out on Sunday but on Saturday I just want Brian to relax so we'll stay home and hang out.Watch some telly or movies.
I will let you know when I see the cartoon.
ReplyDeleteWe have new fans and they would love seeing them if they are old or new. Some of them deserve a rerun, such as Mr.Bean if it's possible.
You're trapped into doing all the work Betts should have been doing all these months.
ReplyDeleteWell Sweetie I'll call it a day and let my dog relieve himself. Although I don't know where he is, probably in bed with the Rock.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend.I'll probably do a post Sunday.And I'll put your posts up tonight...Sweet dreams ..your buddy and PIC
No one likes Betts much, she's to pushy.
ReplyDeleteI told her the people here are not like the ones in Reno, they don't give a shit who you're married to.
I'm glad the ones here know me for myself.
Some say I have mellowed since I married, but I was still on the ball.
They know I can help them make money.
Post Script:I'll do a post tonight if I find a good one.And I may check in tomorrow since I'll be home all day.
ReplyDeleteYou know Maxy is in the bed with the "ROCK" laying on his back snoring.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend and I will catch you round the bend.
Always your buddy..goodnite...PIC
P.P.S. Have you really mellowed?...HA
ReplyDeletePost Script
ReplyDeleteTake the day off and play nurse and doctor with the "ROCK"