Clinics have 12-day waiting lists for patients, crushed arms and legs are festering and makeshift camps that have sprung up in parks, streets and vacant lots now house an estimated 500,000 people, many in need of food, water and a doctor.
"The next health risk could include outbreaks of diarrhea, respiratory tract infections and other diseases among hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in overcrowded camps with poor or nonexistent sanitation," said Dr. Greg Elder, deputy operations manager for Doctors Without Borders in Haiti.The death toll is estimated at 200,000, according to Haitian government figures relayed by the European Commission, with 80,000 buried in mass graves. The commission now estimates 2 million homeless.
Getting help in is still a challenge. Gen. Douglas Fraser, head of the U.S. Southern Command running Haiti's airports said Thursday that 1,400 flights are on a waiting list for slots at the Port-au-Prince airport that can handle 120 to 140 flights a day. At least 51 sizable aftershocks have jolted the city, sending nervous Haitians fleeing repeatedly into the streets - and keeping many sleeping in the open. Quakes of magnitude 4.9 and 4.8 followed in quick succession just before noon Thursday, prompted rescue crews to briefly abandon work on precarious, ruined buildings, though there were no reports of casualties or damage.
They followed a magnitude-5.9 tremor a day earlier that collapsed some structures.
In the sparsely populated wasteland of Titanyen, north of Port-au-Prince, burial workers said the macabre task of handling the never-ending flow of bodies was traumatizing.
"I have seen so many children, so many children. I cannot sleep at night and, if I do, it is a constant nightmare," said Foultone Fequiert, 38, his face covered with a T-shirt against the overwhelming stench. The dead stick out at all angles from the mass graves - tall mounds of chalky dirt, the limbs of men, women and children frozen together in death. "I received 10,000 bodies yesterday alone," said Fequiert.
Workers say they have no time to give the dead proper religious burials or follow pleas from the international community that bodies be buried in shallow graves from which loved ones might eventually retrieve them.
"We just dump them in, and fill it up," said Luckner Clerzier, 39, who was helping guide trucks to another grave site farther up the road.
In the sparsely populated wasteland of Titanyen, north of Port-au-Prince, burial workers said the macabre task of handling the never-ending flow of bodies was traumatizing.
"I have seen so many children, so many children. I cannot sleep at night and, if I do, it is a constant nightmare," said Foultone Fequiert, 38, his face covered with a T-shirt against the overwhelming stench. The dead stick out at all angles from the mass graves - tall mounds of chalky dirt, the limbs of men, women and children frozen together in death. "I received 10,000 bodies yesterday alone," said Fequiert.
Workers say they have no time to give the dead proper religious burials or follow pleas from the international community that bodies be buried in shallow graves from which loved ones might eventually retrieve them.
"We just dump them in, and fill it up," said Luckner Clerzier, 39, who was helping guide trucks to another grave site farther up the road.
There are 15 burial mounds at Clerzier's site, each covering a wide trench cut into the ground some 25 feet (8 metres) deep, and rising 15 feet (4.5 metres) into the air. At the larger mass grave, where Fequiert toiled, three earth-moving machines cut long trenches into the earth, readying them for more cadavers.
I can't believe these people are still not receiving the care and help they need. There must be a way to provide for them. At least distribute antibiotics among the injured. Other countries should send their military to help.
It is so sad,just think it's just started,I watched hope for Haiti and it was guite good.
ReplyDeleteWhat ya doing? I baked another Orange cake ,I baked it in my bunt cake pan without icing. dad told Nan says dad was on the computer today looking to see what recipe you had up.
The way to dad's heart is through his belly.
ReplyDeleteI'll make him fall in love with me...HA!
Went over to DCR last night.Her stats keep growing astronomically.People still like to read all the stuff those nuts over there wrote.
ReplyDeleteHe really love homecooking, they ate out a lot after his wife died.
ReplyDelete[giggles] Brian would beat the shit of him with his newspaper.
I'll put a recipe up just for Dad.
ReplyDeleteTjose nuts are on the ball...don't you think? DCR has 3 followers.
ReplyDeleteDad would love it and I bet sis will say come and get him.
ReplyDeleteTwo of the nuts semed very bright and funny .I think they were called Sweetcake and Weenie or something like that.They were very hip and street smart.
ReplyDeleteWhen I look back and read some of the things Heidi said day after day about DC.You can see her sickness.
ReplyDeleteBut we had a lot of fun over there when we tapped into her humor and turned her in a more humorous direction.She had a good sense of humor.
They could really did old DC's ass out..they not only gave fart-ass hell, they gave the loonies a run for their money, what tickle me about the two was the madder they made the loonies, the more fun they had.
ReplyDeleteI found a poem I wrote over there that I had forgotten called 'Dave's Little Friend'.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they loved making those loonies madder than hornets.Poor loonies had no sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteYes we did have a lot of fun. I still believe you was getting through to her, and she say she liked bumbing heads with me.
ReplyDeleteWe would get on your nerves somrtime , you said if we didn't snoping at each other , you was going home.
You should post it sometime and you have one over there about the wives club.
ReplyDeleteHell you wrote them , and if they say anything we know they are watching,
Ha!.. When you two started growling at each other you forgot I was there.I couldn't stop you once you and she were on a roll.
ReplyDeleteShe moved a lot of stuff to DC and me, you can get there from her sidebar.
ReplyDeleteThe poem was about Dave listening to his dick instead of his head.
ReplyDeleteTruth be told I miss her, I hope she's getting the help she needs. I wonder will we ever see her again.
ReplyDeleteShe always said her first love was DCR.She was proud of it.SHe borrowed some of the jokes and pictures from FTBB and put them on DC and Me.
ReplyDeleteIf she had any way of getting her hands on a computer we would have heard from her.She was fond of us especially you.
ReplyDeleteI imagine she is not allowed any computer access.
Excuse me for a minute I am on the phone.
ReplyDeletePut it up and add something to it, so I can hear the bitches whine.
ReplyDeletesee how "M" would ease in and then out again. The stuff she told us you could get it anywhere on the net, I still wonder what "M" meant about reading it it the tabs it would be more fun. Heidi just told them where she was when she started posting about Baja, California.
Yeah, Heidi gave herself away. Even though she always said she was in California. Even I figured out she was in Tijuana which is the closest Mexican city to the border.
ReplyDeleteM was very cryptic and mysterious; she did that on purpose to keep us guessing how much she knew.
ReplyDeleteShe knew nothing.
I figure it was Angela she was fond of more, she stuck up for the little racist fool.
ReplyDeleteI could never figured "M"/"K" out.If I have a friend and didn't like the things they do, I would never talk bad about them or say stuff I know. "M" came out of nowhere and then she was over here pretending she didn't know about Heidi, then "K" showed up.
I don't like a person to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. HA!
Heidi was a racist herself so she sympathized with A.Heidi said openly she did not like black people or Oriental people.
ReplyDelete"M" came the next day yelling Jeannie what happen,I'm here and I knew the same day, left you a note and left Keyser one the same day it happen.
ReplyDeleteShe seemed to get along with Mexicans though.I guess she had no choice.
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to ask her how she felt about Jewish folks.She had a lot of Nazi about her.
ReplyDeleteI remember we was joking around and I said if I hadn't met my man I would have tried a black one, she said she was going to stick with her kind...I wanted to tell he DC wasn't her kind, she was to old and not dark enough.
ReplyDeleteBoy, if you had said that to her you would have caused quite a blow-up.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of good people from all walks of life. One thing I can say about most people that was born and raised in N.O. it's not the color of your skin, it's what in your heart. She thought I was black, she said she could see me in her minds eye running in the cittin fields with my pigtails hanging.Shit it's no telling what my family have in them.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the last Conan.He really pulled out the stops last night.It was hilarious and a lot of big stars came out to show their support.
ReplyDeleteI missed the Haiti show.I fell asleep.
I would be sitting on my ass laughing like hell.
ReplyDeleteAfter I realized we was her only connection to the real world, I started looking over a lot of stuff she said.
S thought she was losing us ,I think that's why she gave up the ghost.
It was pretty good nothing to write home about.
ReplyDeleteI am happy for Conan, he's a good guy and glad he came out smelling good.
Most southern families who have been there for many generations have a bit of color in them.It makes them more interesting and definitely better looking.They seem to draw the best from both sides.
ReplyDeleteYou are right as usual.We were the only connection H had with the world.We were her lifeline and her family.We made her life bearable.
ReplyDeleteI wish her the best.
I don't regret the time I spent with her, something good came from it , I met you and we made her life a little more nicer.
ReplyDeleteI am proud to be me, not everyone here can say their grandfather was a sea captain from England.
Except me. My grandfather was an English sea captain too.We have more in common than meets the eye.
ReplyDeleteConan is pretty good so far.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where he'll show up next.
I'm reviewing my recipes.
ReplyDeleteJake and Sam are in a chess tournament.I'm a terrible chess player.
Tom Hanks is on .I like Him.
You once said you didn't know any Jean's... I guess we got them all here.
ReplyDeleteYes I wonder what it's goig to be like, I guess we will hug/cry a little then smile and I go home.
Tom Hanks was on the Haiti program.
ReplyDeleteI like him to.
I don't know crap about chess, but I do like watching the game.
Do you have a lot of 'Jeans' down there? They are few and far between up here.
ReplyDeleteIt's strange because everyone up here wears jeans all the time.
Maybe Canadians don't want to name their kids after a pair of pants.
You want to know what my favorite sport is?
ReplyDeleteYes there are a lot of Jean's here.
ReplyDeleteThey are mostly middle names.
My mama was name Emily Jean`ne so she have 2 kids named after her.
I won't try to guess haw many we have in the family.
ReplyDeleteWanna know???
ReplyDeleteLet me see; your favorite sport is:
ReplyDelete1.Riding the peg
2.Riding Brahma bulls
3.Beating eggs
4.ping pong
5.swimming with dolphins
6.cockroach racing
There were so many, I couldn't pick one.
ReplyDeleteWhat you going to do tomorrow? why not stay in and cuddle up to the "ROCK" with a nice cup af tea and fondle the you know...hahaha
ReplyDelete[giggles] Girl you are so funny, but # 1 is my favorite. Smart girl.
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie, I intend to fondle the old stick shift.We have to go out to dinner but I will get him away early and have him to myself.
ReplyDeleteWhat you doin??
ReplyDeleteJust got in wanted to remind you I will be here Tuesday you are goimg tio laugh.
Hello and good night.
Have a good one Nan. See ya later.
ReplyDeleteThe same thing...It slipped my mind, you and Brian is taking Steve and family to dinner and carrying Jer with you.
ReplyDeleteI may stay in and watch movies with my babies they enjoys that so much. I feel like I am neglecting them some, but they are in school while I'm gone and I carry Gilly and Mamie with me.
I will have to ask Nan did they raise a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteYou have too much to do. You're going to get stressed out.
ReplyDeleteWe always feel guilty when we have to leave the babies.
You're trying to be the perfect mom, perfect wife,cook and polar bear saver and go to work too.
You are going to wear yourself out.
Watch movies with the babies.Make popcorn.Get them all in their jammies.It will be fun.
ReplyDeleteIs the casino raising money for Haiti??
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm going to do.
ReplyDeleteReal soon I will just be doing my thing...babies....cook...polar bears...and wife if the pay is good.
I like playing house since I been here.
Yes all the casinos are working together...it's 6 ...2 here and 4 accross the river in Bossier City.
ReplyDeletethey work well together.
Do you take your wife pay in nookie or cash??
ReplyDeleteI prefer jewels myself.Unfortunately I don't get much pay in jewels,But I can eat all I want.
ReplyDeleteI told you we was # 6 when I got here..now we are #5..Horseshoe and us have run hand in hand, some time they are #1 and sometime we are #1 , she screwed up bigtime.
ReplyDeleteAmong six casinos,I bet they raised quite a bundle.that's great.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize Betts did that much damage.
ReplyDeleteWell you see how I get paided, in food and I have to cook it, thats why I have to cook 2. But that's better than Jewels. Jewels can't keep you warm.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the jewels.I get paid when I see his little face light up when he first comes home and sees me.
ReplyDeleteEverything was making money but the table games...the slots and hotel , all the other business there is rented out to others.
ReplyDeleteTable games suppose to bring in the high rollers.
Thats the love the Rock has for you. You could run table games, if you don't know, just ask. I think she fired Clara because she would call me if she wasn't sure, I didn't have to come here.
ReplyDeleteWell don't stay until you're number one again.Just get them on the road in the right direction and leave well enough alone.You have paid your dues.
ReplyDeleteDad needs his gumbo.
Like I told Betts today everyone has a different gift and just do what you know...I told her about your's and told her I wasn't going to run off because I can't draw or write.
ReplyDeleteYou got that right. Nan told me that it was my time now to enjoy my family,she said dad told sis my man was man as a hornet and whatever state the business was in , he was pulling me out by the first, he will not have his son crying for his mama.
ReplyDeleteGood old Long Shank. You gotta love that guy.He is very protective of his family.
ReplyDeleteHe said he appreciatemy helping but I was doing to much, I needed to take care of my health I have had a lot of illness the past year.
ReplyDeleteIf they wanted to run it into the ground so be it.
I think you told Betts the right thing. I hope she takes you seriously.I still sense that she has a little resentment or perhaps jealousy for you.She has to mature a little too.
ReplyDeleteYou must take care of your health first.So many little hearts would be broken if anything happened to you. Gilly would never be the same.
ReplyDeleteLike I read once on a bathrom wall. "If I knew my body would look and feel like this I would have taken much better care of it when I was young".
Thankyou I will. I have always wanted babies and they came along at the right time with the right man.
ReplyDeleteWe better put this to bed.If you didn't have kids I would keep you up all night.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice evening tomorrow and relax.You're a lucky woman .You are surrounded by love.And from what I hear,the nookie ain't bad either..
See you around the bend in the river...Your friend and PIC
Betts has no reason to resent me, she just met me when they moved here.
ReplyDeleteYou know I believe you are right, when she heard we was going to sell the house on the lake, she wanted it.
Okie Odkie...I will be a good girl hahaha Nope.
ReplyDeleteYou enjoy and if you do the nasty think of me.
Good nite and I will be around the bend waiting..
GOODNITE.....your bad-ass friend and ....PIC