The gay 30-year-old heiress to the multi-billion dollar Johnson & Johnson fortune appears to be the latest victim of Hollywood's drug-fueled excesses - and her sad demise in Los Angeles was a crushing blow to her pal, troubled actress "Lindsay Lohan." The Mean Girl star, 23, was still reeling from the drug deaths of her friends Brittany Murphy and Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein, Nicole Richie's ex-fiance, when she got the word that Johnson"s body had been discovered and she burst into uncontrollable tears. "I'm so tired of losing friends to something as senseless as a drug over-dose," Lohan wrote on her Twitter page.
WAKE-UP PEOPLE!.....Now lets take a look at Lindsay's friends, The talk of the town is who'll die next:
Jason Wahler....His rap sheet is longer than his screen credits. He was arrested 4 times in 9 months. The 23-year-old reality show star was jailed again for assault.
Amy Winehouse.... The wild Grammy Award winner had a big hit with the song "REHAB" which is fitting because she has gone through several substance abuse-programs.
Kirsten Dunst....the 27 -year old Spiderman cutie is out of control flirting with any guy who gave her what she wanted.
Tara Reed.... is one of tinseltown's hellacious party girls. She sees nothing wrong with having fun.
Paris Hilton....she has served jail time for a DUI probation violation. Because of the places she go and the people who hang around her, she's literally faced with tempatation every night of the week.
Britney Spears... Although Britney, 28, made great strides in 2009 after her much pubilized meltdowns and head shaving, friends fear she's on the edge of another collapse after her dad's control of her finanical and business affairs was extended for another 6 months.
Alexa Joel...the 24-year old daughter of Piano Man Billy Joel and Up-town Girl model Christie Brinkley was rushed to the hosiptal after a suicide attempt over a romance breakup.
Redmond O'Neal...Despite a promise to his dying mother, Farrah fawacett, that he'd guit drugs, Redmond seems to be hopelessly in the grips of his deadly demons. After being clean and sober for 6 months the troubled redhead reportedly relapsed on his first 24-hour pass out of the court-ordered rehab. The tragic 24-year-old appears to have a death wish.
My spin on these death wishes: Rich or poor or maybe just in between, parents need to pay more attention to their kids and not leave it to someone else. And don't leave them to grow up on their own. Times are lean I know , but paying attention to what goes on in your kid's life is your responsibility as a parent or guardian. Always take time out from your busy schedules just to tell them you love them. ....As my PIC always says...time is so precious and short
Kicking back and keeping it real:

Kicking back and keeping it real:
ReplyDeleteI loved what you did.
Anybody home??
ReplyDeleteJust watching the rain.
ReplyDeleteI won't be able to see the first full moon.
What you doing?
ReplyDeleteWhere you go?
ReplyDeleteSorry I was writing a post about Leonardo Da Vinci
ReplyDeleteI love his painting.
ReplyDeleteWas nana good at the market today?
They are going to dig up that old mans bones to see if it's really him, find out what he died of and find out if the Mona Lisa was actually a self portrait.
ReplyDeleteI will have more time to learn that, I tried but the post just went into space.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteSince experts have often believed that Leo was gay, they think Mona Lisa was just a picture of him in drag. They never found any information about who sat for the portrait which is very unusual for a master painter.
ReplyDeleteThey need his skull to prove it.
That sounds like a great post, I would like to know about the Mona Lisa.
ReplyDeleteJust seen on AOL that Murray wants to dig up MJ, didn't read it, I will read it later.
You did a great job on the post...thankyou.
Nana was good today .She was nice to me (somewhat unusual).She gave me a ring that the major gave her.
ReplyDeleteI haven't told her but I actually lost a very good ring that he gave her. She gave it to me after he died and damn me but I can't remember what happened to it. I have searched every purse, pocket and drawer in my house. I must have lost it somewhere.
This ring is an inexpensive little thing he got her when they were very young and broke but she hung on to it because it meant a lot to her. I think I'll put it in the safe to make sure I don't lose it.
ReplyDeleteHow sweet...put it in the safe, it means more than money, what memories.
ReplyDeleteThe other ring is there hiding in plain sight. You just looked to hard it's in the least place you expect.
Geez Loiuse MJ hasn't been in the ground long enough for the grass to grow over him.They'll have him in and out of the ground for years.
ReplyDeleteOld Beady will be the next one to dig him up to charge admission.
Sometime the lining of your purse get a hole in it and it could be between the lining and the purse.
ReplyDeleteMurray can't get out of this mess, he was suppose to take care of MJ.
ReplyDeletehe gave him the drugs, they are also looking at him as a person of interest in James Brown,he was James doctor also.
That's true Nee I'll take a closer look at the purses and handbags.It may not turn up till we move out of here or get carried out of here.It's a mystery.Maybe the major can find it for me.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it,I don't recall reading a cause of death in the case of James Brown.
ReplyDeleteBefore you put the ring in the safe, have it appraise,it may be worth quite a bite...after all it's older than you...it could be very rare.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good post.Write it.Everyone loves this stuff and they want to see the doc get his just desserts.
ReplyDeleteI didn't read one on James, but it's said they are going to take a closer look. They need to get these death doctors off the street.
ReplyDeleteIt it's humanly possible The Major will lead you to it.
ReplyDeleteAfter all you are his "Princess."
If the ring is in one of your purses, I'm going to tie a rag around my head and start telling fortunes.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe a doctor could be so unscrupulous.
ReplyDeleteMaxy is getting a haircut in the morning.He hates that. The dog groomers hate to see him coming.He does not behave well while he's there.I always ask,"was he a good boy for you?"and they always say,"NO!"
If that ring is in on of my purses,I will be so spooked,I'll be too scared to talk to you any more.
ReplyDeleteJust to say hello I am watching TV with the family I will tell you what Nee said to aunt Sally that's uncle Dan's(Daniel) wife Sunday.
However I do happen to have a chrystal ball.I'll send it to you.In fact, we have dozens of them.Brian collects them.I should put a picture of them on the blog.
ReplyDeleteHey, you could tell fortunes and I could let them rub my lamp and grant wishes.We'll be famous.
{giggles] you are a hoot...I have found a lot of loose change in some of mine. But you could be my backup.
ReplyDeleteHey Nan,
ReplyDeleteThis should be good.What did Nee say???
Damn straight...it's better than being a stalker like the D*** bird, she had to put H in one of her post's about 3 days ago, I don't keep up with her anymore and Nan say her shit is tiresome.
ReplyDeleteNan, You are a tattle tale.
ReplyDeleteNan, You are a tattle tale.
ReplyDeleteStill talking about H?? She will never bury that body.She hasn't got much else to live for.
ReplyDeleteC'mon Nan, give it up.
ReplyDeleteDamn Nan, the anticipation is killing me.
ReplyDeleteSally was telling mom about the big black guy she says watch her when she go to the store.
ReplyDeleteNee told her maybe he was trying to see if he was kin to her Nee told her she was lucky none of her kids tuen up black cause uncle Dan's greatgrada was a big klack buck and mom almost fell of the chair.
I will have to put it in a post for you, James is calling.
Aw Shit , that old man carry out the bags and don't see good, Sally gets on my nerve thinking that man want her, a good fuck would kill her.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nan... HA!
ReplyDeleteNee you sure know how to shock the shit out of someone.I sure hope Sis fell off her chair laughing.
There are some weird people that married into our family, they are weirder than we are.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when people try to put someone down, sis was holding it in as she ran from the room.
ReplyDeletePoor Sally,I hope all her sexual fantasies come true.I would sleep with my grocery packer if he looked like Denzel.
ReplyDeleteMaxy is so cute. They must give him a bath and you know he hates water, I would love to see them giving him a haircut.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I wouldn't actually sleep with him but I would like to stroke his naked body a bit.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't want her granddaughter to married this black guy...they have two pretty kids.
ReplyDeleteSally's daughter married a black guy??
ReplyDeleteThat's what I like about you. You just see people and thats the way it's suppose to be.
ReplyDeleteMy mama's greatgrand daddy was a free man of color and lived in Olkahoma, hell I'm just glad to be here and if a lot of these racist bastads had the sense to look up their history they would be surprise.
Her granddaughter and he is very nice.
ReplyDeleteThat's the third commercial in fifteen minutes I've seen for air fresheners. Peoples' houses must really stink. Why don't they clean more often and'PRESTO' no stink.
ReplyDeleteHell she did better than I did , my ex is white and look what it got me. It's not the color it's what's inside of a person and that's what I teach my babies.
ReplyDeleteThe racist bastards are scared to look into their backgrounds in case they find a black great grandmama.Then their whole belief system would collapse.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, we have a friend you can smell her house when you walk in the door, I try not to go often, I refuse to eat or drink there.
ReplyDeleteWe are still researching our family , I want my babies to not be ashamed of who they are.
ReplyDeleteI guess Nan will write you a long detail story of what I said among other things she will think of,she says she has a lot to tell you.
ReplyDeleteThat's right honey.You teach em that.The next generation will be better than us.
ReplyDeleteNan is a hoot,She talks about you because she loves you and she is kind of proud of you.
ReplyDeleteGot your movies for tomorrow night?We will go to sis for a little while, the girls want to get some movies, get in their jammies and we all watch movies in the bed together .
ReplyDeleteI love her and very proud of her, she has always had my back, she's a strong person and very mischievous.
ReplyDeleteI need a good movie for tomorrow. I have to go see my movie pirate and see what he's got.
ReplyDeleteWe love that in winter hunker down in front of the fire or in bed with some treats and a good movie. It is going to be so cold tomorrow.
Sis says the girls remind her so much of us, when you see one the other one is close by.
ReplyDeletePete's a great guy,just a bit boring.He doesn't have a lot of conversation but he has a kind heart.
ReplyDeleteDo the Pirate live close?I'm not using names, I know who it is. Some I like watching over again.
ReplyDeleteI may have the twins for the day tomorrow. They are the only babies we have now. Someone better have a baby soon, I'm spoiling these two rotten.
ReplyDeleteI will give him a shot of dad's punch, I beat he will find his sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteThe pirate is about twenty minutes from here.
ReplyDeleteAre you home to stay now??
The twins will always be your babies, so spoil them rotten. The others will be out of school soon.
ReplyDeleteI will be racking thins up by Monday or Tuesday, working Sunday to show Clara the finishing touches.
ReplyDeleteHe does have a good sense of humor.He just talks about dull stuff.He has been all over the world and lived an interesting life but it doesn't come across.
ReplyDeleteHis brother Phil who lived on a yacht down in Florida for many years and has been everywhere on the planet more than once has some fascinating stories to tell.
ReplyDeletePhil is a confirmed bachelor in his fifties.We grew up together. He was gorgeous when he was younger,women all over him. He's looking a bit dissipated now.He's played too hard for too long.
ReplyDeleteBut he is family and the twins think he is awesome.He sends them stuff from wherever he is.
Are you glad the job is over??
ReplyDeleteWill you miss the excitement??
Yes I'm glad it's over, No I will not miss it, when my little man looks at me thats all I need.
ReplyDeleteNow that's my kinda men..you can trust a peopson when kids and aminals love them..they have good souls.
ReplyDeleteI think having my own home now and found my niche I am happy.
ReplyDeleteMy man says he don't care what happens ,I will not work their again,soon dad will be out, he says it's different doing a job not cleaning up someones mess.
You would like Phil.
ReplyDeleteWell Toots ,shall we put it to bed for now? By the way,your little man is adorable.
You have yourself a wonderful weekend and I'll catch up with you somewhere on the road. All the best....PIC
Post Script: I bet dad will be happy to be out of there too.It's being passed on to others now,come what may.
ReplyDeleteYou have a nice niche.Enjoy it Sweetie.
He told me he was fortune enough to make enough money to take care of his family , I went through a difficult pregnancy and a lot of illness last year.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great weekend and we will catch up with each other around the bend.
ReplyDeleteHave a great one sweetie.
Give Brian a hug for me. hahaha