Let's sum up the biblical themes in "ELI" (spoilers ahead!)
In a dystopian United States nearly devoid of water and food, a well armed Eli walks the barren landscape " by faith not by sight." He has one goal: to head West with the world's only remaining Bible ( a King James version, to be precise) He believes he has been called by a " voice in his head" to deliver the Bible to the right hands qnd futher believes he's supernaturally protected from harm while on his prophetic mission.Yes , he kills a whole heckuva lot of people, but everyone he offs pretty much deserves his wrath (rapists, cannibals, thieves, killers), and he definitely seem invincible. Eli can quote entire passages of Scripture without so much as a stutter.
I'm really going to be interested to see how this move plays out with Christians, says Paul Asay, associate editor of "Fous" on the "family's Plugged In," an entertainment site for evangelical Christians. My guess is that evangelical leaders will have a difficult time fully embracing the film, but a lot of actual evangelicals will go.
Even though crities like The New York Post's Kyle Smith have called The Book of Eli a "Christian Blockbuster, the problem is the films's at-times gruesome violence ( dismemberment , rape, blood spatter) and standard R-rated language (nothing that would make Quentin Tarantino or Kevin Smith fans blush, but still the usual F-bombs). considering there are religious movergoers who think "Pixer and Harry Potter" movies are inapproprate, the body count in "Eli" may keep even curious devout audiences away.
On the other hand, star-and-producer Washington's cred in the Christian community ( Washington's the son of a Pentecostal pastor and outspoken about his faith -- coming in at # 2 in Beliefnet's list of the most powerful Christians in Hollywood) coupled with the story's explicit spirituality is likely to make R-shy viewers of faith reconsider.
After all," The Passion of Christ"(made by the most powerful Christian in Hollywood, Mel Gibson) was rated "R" too.
My take on this movie: I will definitely see the movie "Eli" and make up my own mind... My PIC and I just love us some Denzel.
Kicking back and having fun.
Sorry Nee I didn't know you were doing an article on the movie so I deleted mine.We don't need two.
ReplyDeleteI wished you hadn't deleted the article, they were different.
ReplyDeleteI will start going to drafts so we won't get two of them. But I think they was hitting things.
I think I will just stick with the celebs.
I put a cartoon up for you
ReplyDeleteI meant I think they were different. I really don't know what to post, the things I post don't seem to fit.
How did it go today?
I don't understand what you mean that your posts don't fit.They're fine.
ReplyDeleteI seen it and like it, it's real cute and look like something I would do.
ReplyDeleteI baked my orange cake, it's cooling now, my icing is made.
I don't seem to find anything interesting.
ReplyDeleteSick of Tiger and Letterman, and I have run Brad and Angie into the ground, I did have one where Angie bust Drad's nose.
Did you make the orange icing??I wish I liked cooking as much as you do.
ReplyDeleteThe testing was tiring and boring but Brian took me to a nice mall for lunch and a bit of shopping.He's an okay guy.I might just keep him.
We didn't get the vibrating bed but my birthday is in April.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm just mad and feeling a little out of sorts. But I will jump back in gear soon.
ReplyDeleteGirl you are so bad, you always lift my spirits...
ReplyDeleteBrian know what keeps his "JEANNIE" happy, not to worry, you will get the bed.
Who are you mad at??
ReplyDeleteHave had something on my mind for a while concerning the 3 PIC's. I'm going to tell you and tell me what you think? Okay.
ReplyDeleteI want a bed that really shakes so I can lay there and let it do all the work.I'm also interested in one of those sex swings but I'm not sure how they work.
ReplyDeleteThat damn Betts,I caught her in the office and told her if she didn't stay out of my way, I would bitch slap the shit out of her.
ReplyDeleteYes , I made the icing,everyone tried to stay up but they can't hang.
I bet Brian will really enjoy you riding the p**.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThat woman's a damn fool.She don't know when to leave well enough alone.She'll just fuck it up again.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be a fly on the wall when you bitch slap her. I'll buzz in your ear.
ReplyDeleteI had "M" on my mind for awhile,I went to DCR and read some of her comments.
ReplyDeleteI told her something about what Abe said...she said DC was in deep shit...but she would let us read it in the Mags, it would be more fun. That was around Valentine's day and 4/5 days later Heido was gone, I really think she was a plant, she was feeding us the same crap we talked about just worded it different, she should have been the first to know, she knew who Heidi was.I still think she's "K" and is commenting on D*** as anonymous.
Don't worry about doing posts while you're working at the casino.You have too much on your plate right now.I can handle it.In fact any time you don't feel up to chatting at night give it a rest.I understand.
ReplyDeleteI often wondered if M was a member of DC's organization who infiltrated to see what she could learn from us.You know ,like a corporate spy.
ReplyDeleteI told dad I was trying very hard not to kick her ass.
ReplyDeleteI know it sounds too imaginative, but the situation was just so fishy.I would have enjoyed continuing to play her along.She didn't have the guts to stick with us.
ReplyDeleteHA!...Dad would probably understand if you kicked Betts' arse.He would might like to referee a bitch fight.
ReplyDeleteWell you know the last time she said things was going to happen after the new year, I think she is a loonie, don't think she know DC.
ReplyDeleteWas you there when I was talking about being in the movie thief,and if you didn't look fast you would miss me, she said she made her money behind the cameras.
No, I don't remember that conversation between you and M. What did she say her job was??
ReplyDeleteI haven't forgot you.
Nee can't catch Betts if she could she would have beat her butt today Betts did the wrong thing now she has Gil on Leon's butt.
We had tornodoes and thunderstorms today ut they have passed over.
ReplyDeleteI'm fine now I have blowed off some steam.
She told me the money was behind the cameras. that was when she first started commenting, she left for awhile and didn't come back until around Xmas '08.
ReplyDeleteBetts must be pretty fast on her feet to outrun Nee.I know Nee works out.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Betts has created a bit of a monster.Gil is getting involved and Dad is involved and aunt Mae ain't too happy about it.
Nan you got a big mouth..I don't know where she went,about an hour later Gil was there...I didn't know you called him.
ReplyDeleteHey Nan...Working hard?? Or hardly working??
ReplyDeleteI called Gil he's the only one can handle Nee.
ReplyDeleteJeannie Nee don't care she will down her on the in the middle of the casino.
No one told Gil gilly was crying for Nee Betts told him he told Leon he better put a leash on Betts bbecause Nee will eat her alive and he don't have time for a lot of bull crap .
Hardly working...have some cashiers out and a supervisor I just fill in they are coming back in now slowly.
How you been doing? Nan
ReplyDeleteBetts doesn't seem to have the sense she was born with. She was obviously warned to stay out of Nee's way but she couldn't keep out of it.
ReplyDeleteWhat's her problem.?
Maybe B likes being the boss's wife and she doesn't want people to forget it so she puts in an appearance.
ReplyDeleteI seen on AOL news the next sickness we will have is the "Dengue" fever.I just seen it today.
ReplyDeleteWe're all awfully cold up here Nan.We're all huddled together to share body warmth.That's why there is so much hanky-panky up here.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck is Dengue fever??
ReplyDeleteLeon can't boss shit, he's there because of dad, aunt Mae wanted to kick him out when he married Betts,
ReplyDeleteLeon was dad's driver and when he met Mac , he told me to tell Gil to hire him, Mac told me he had tried to get a job for 3/4 years, he worked at the Horseshoe...I told Leon Mac was capable of getting his on job. Leon wants to work with Gil..she won't go down there bossing anyone.
I don't know what it is..I seen it on the Aol news when I logged on.
ReplyDeleteWould Leon be happier back to practicing law ?
ReplyDeleteNow we have to get freaking Dengue shots.Where does it end??
ReplyDeleteNee would fit right in I don't know which one of them that likes to hanky pank more.
ReplyDeleteJeannie Leon ain't no boss he's just like Gil the partners kids.
I think Leon would like to be one.
Betts told Gil he could open an office in the department, he just looked at her.
It sounds like the law was Leon's first choice of a career.He would probably do better if he went back to it.He can start his own firm.
ReplyDeleteYes, thats what Leon wants, he a good lawyer, but he's been told in no uncertain terms, when she come there she is a guest and she will not be working there, his people know their jobs and do them well.
ReplyDeleteNan did you know they are not married? I found it out today.
If Betts isn't married to him, she isn't on such solid ground as you thought. Leon is not prepared to marry her.
ReplyDeleteEveryone thinks they are married, I can't get used to it.
ReplyDeleteGil says he would be a good asset to the firm...and they are like brothers. It's a whisper that Leon is trying to get his wife back. Everything is going fine with the dealers.
I hope I'm not prying too deeply but what are the chances he''ll get her back??Good?? Because she was apparently loved by the whole family.
ReplyDeleteJeannie It hurt Leon when his mama and kids wouldn't go to his home , they would rather stay with sis. I kinda felt sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteyou are not prying at all.
ReplyDeleteHe has a pretty good chance of getting her back , but first Betts wll have to go.
Nan if you're still here you met her, what you think.
Reconcilliation doesn't usually work. Too much bitterness. My ex and I tried to reconcile for the kids but we had too many grievances against each other and I couldn't get past the fact that he had been living with (and fucking)my so-called friend.
ReplyDeleteI know she still loves him and said she was to trusting she and Beets was friends she said she should take him back and show her she's not all that.
ReplyDeleteMarie works in Human Resources at the casino and hotel in Reno.
Why is it always the friend...I think they try to be your friend to get next to your man.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he and Betts will last, they have nothing in common
Betts started out wrong wanting everyone to know who she was, hell when I went back just a few knew who I was and they are the ones that was there when I left.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Betts was a real good friend.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly the position I was in.My friend sleeping with my husband.
It makes it hard to trust your friends after that.
But, Leon and Marie were together a long time. That kind of love dies hard.
ReplyDeleteI know Gil is not pleased with your working after he tried so hard to get you to quit? I got a ride home with him asked him he said you will be finish soon, he's not a happy camper.
That's so sweet Nee. All your babies miss you so much.
ReplyDeleteIf they get together, I hope it's for the right reason. I tried but mine had got the taste of the fast life. Beause he gave me plenty of money and one day he was going to be wealthy, that didn't mean shit, what I wanted he couldn't give me, so I got my nerve up and call my daddy.
ReplyDeleteWell he's not talking to me just blowed his horn for a while and I went in the kitchen to check my cake, and a large piece was gone and my babies is sleep.
ReplyDeleteI will have to tell you about Ron when we get together again.
and now I will say good night.
Sleep well sweetie...Night
ReplyDeleteEveryone is going to be so relieved when you're home to stay, Nee.Even you.
ReplyDeleteI just let Maxy out and he took off after something.If it's the skunk that lives under the shed he is going to be sorry someday.Their spray burns your eyes just like mace.
ReplyDeleteI love chatting with you.
ReplyDeleteI am just so angry I will have to get another email address for our new blog, the one I had expired because it wasn't being used.
I will wait until I finish working.
You know all the names you cave me, I found one..laughs love life, You gave me a batch and they are floating around in outer space. Ha!!
I guess you'll have to frost half a cake.
ReplyDeleteYour hubby needs a little loving by the sound of it.
Take it easy sweet-cakes.Have a good sleep and don't dream about Betts.Dream about Denzel. You're allowed to do that.Dream about his big.......Night PIC
Post Script: If we could pick a name I could design something around it.I'll think up a few new ones and run them by you.
ReplyDeleteYes I always wanted to go back to work. I never gave up my position, I had Clara and she would called me if she needed to know anything.
ReplyDeleteIt's different with Gilly, boys are so different, he's so funny and I love playing with him.
I hope Maxy don't get near the skunk , if he do I hope you have a lot of tomato juice on hand. Is Maxy still looking for the rabbits?
I will dream about Danzel, I won't touch.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite and pleasent dreams.
Yu are hot tonight....PIC
P.P.S. Jaye's councillor told her that boys need their mother more than girls do when they're young.