Furious patients are asking how this addict could so easily get her hands on the drug dozen of times over the last six months she worked at Rose Medical Center in Denver. Incredibly, the hosiptal disclosed that Parker tested positive for hepatitis C in a pre-employment blood test. But employment law prevented the hosiptal from discriminating against her. Crosby Powell , 71, says he was shocked when he got the news that he had hepatitis C - thanks to Parker . "I don't do drugs, drink or smoke. I was shocked. I broke down.
When cops busted the out-of-control medical technician, she was finally forced to confront the enormity of her crime - and the life sentence of suffering she'd handed out to countless patients.
"I didn't know this was going to happen," sobbed Parker in a tearful confession. "People will be sick for the rest of their lives because of me."
Parker told authorities she likely got the disease sharing dirty needles when she used heroin. Investigators zeroed in on her after the Denver hosiptal reported a rash of hepatitis C infections - and they discovered Parker worked in the operating room and had the disease. Parker was fired after being caught in an operating room she wasn't assigned to - triggering a drug test which turned up fentanyl in her blood.
Parker adimitted to cops she knew full well that patients wouldn't get the pain relief they needed when doctors injected them with her saline syringes instead of fentanyl. But Parker insists," I'm not a bad person....I know I need help. I just do stupid stuff."
One of her victims Denver resident Lauren Lollini, fires back: "There's been a lot of damage that's been done and being sorry, I don't knw if that's enough."
Lollini is calling for new safeguards, including the licensing of surgical technicians. Considering the enormity of Parker's crime , Lollini adds: Twenty years just don't seem like a very long time....Stay tuned: More true crime : The saga continues.
My spin : I just don't get it....Parker shouldn't been working in the medical field or any place she had close contact with the general public, least of all in the surgical unit with patients are being treated. People are screened more closely when they apply for a job at casinos...background checks...drug tests, so why not hosiptals . I think the system is all screwed up: But hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching my favoriate comedy show...CSI:M.
How you doing?
Doin okay,eating some organic bluberries.
ReplyDeleteI left you some pictures in drafts
ReplyDeleteSounds good.
ReplyDeleteThankyou, be right back.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice that Howdy Doody looks a lot like DC? They have the same hair.Now I'm having some organic tea.It's good.My friend sent me a collection of herbal and organic teas for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteBoy those guys are handsome, and you are so right...Jakey is a sweetheart. Both are so handsome.
ReplyDeleteJakey is much smaller.You say his pant's is falling down because he's skinny.
Have you ever thought of getting him some suspenders when be's ice-skating?
Yes they do look a lot alike, one difference...DC is going bald and his hair is almost white...HA!
ReplyDeleteNan told me to iake a look at D*** she has a picture of DC and he's fat, she says everyone know it's photoshopped, DC has always been skinny.
Is that a pool in your bachyard and when it freeze you use it as a rink.
ReplyDeleteIts it their neighbors yard. The way they do it here is just keep hosing down the back yard and letting it freeze.They build up a few layers and 'presto'a rink.
ReplyDeleteThings are looking up for Jakey sweetie, after he starts his treatmenrs in the spring, next year he will be larger and stronger. he may not get as tall as Sammy, but he will be healthy, you know he's smart.
ReplyDeleteWe keep hosing rhings down and we will have a mudhole.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWe got the name daisy dukes from Catherine Bach, see how shhort they are, some of ours is much shorter.
I know that's where the term came from. That's why I put her picture up. She don't look as good as she did.She has the look of a drinker about her. You get to an age where you can't make a living letting your arse hang out of a pair of short-shorts anymore.You gotta have something else in your bag of tricks then.
ReplyDeleteI thank God everyday that Gilly is healthy, it was touch and go for a while, I love both my babies, but the one that was ill will get the most of my attention. The doctors asked me did I want an abortion, I said no. I know he's a blessing with his bad butt.
ReplyDeleteI hear that the tanker trucks of fresh water that Canada sent to Haiti stopped driving around distributing water because they can't find gasoline anywhere to keep going.People are camped everywhere. The people bringing aid and food have to drive around to find them.It's so disorganized.
ReplyDeleteIf they can't come up with better stories for CSI:M they should just take it of an run seasons 1/2/3/ at least they made sense.
ReplyDeleteI seen that on the news, it's a mess over there, they are still finding people alive.
ReplyDeleteIt makes you feel so helpless, but we can pray for them and as you know prayer can moved mountains.
ReplyDeleteThey need a liason to centralize all the aid that's coming in.They need to set up a headquarters. Then they should set up stations all over where the people can come to for food water and clothes.
ReplyDeleteThe aid people are just driving around aimlessly looking for people.They need to set up field hospitals too.The doctors are also driving around from person to person.They haven't even collected all the bodies off the street yet.One of our correspondents is reporting all this right now.
Food and clothes are piled up at the airport and no one is in charge.
ReplyDeleteI think the US army should declare martial law and get things organized.Americans are good at organization.
The president of Senegal offered to give Haitians their own country in Africa.I thought that was pretty nice of him.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good idea because where there is one quake there is another waiting to happen.
Everyone wants to be a chief and no one wants to be the indians. They need someone to take charge, there's gping to be a lot of sicking coming out of Haiti, all the dead bodies.
ReplyDeleteYes the people are looting and maybe killing. The stuff at the airports will go to waste.
One of our athletes in cross country skiing in the Olympics is legally blind.He has 10% vision.Gotta hand it to him for guts and confidence.
ReplyDeleteIt's said another one is on the way.
ReplyDeleteI wonder will they take him up on his offer to have their own place in Africa?
Whar's his name so we can root for him, I have to give it to the Canadians they have guts.
ReplyDeleteI also have to give my PIC kudos for being such a srong women with all the things she has been through and still find humor in life.
ReplyDeleteI think his name is McKeever.
ReplyDeleteA guy in a little town not far from here has invented a little water purifying system.It's just a little plastic box with special chambers and some clorine tablets.You can take ditch water and change it to pure drinking water. Some volunteers are packing and sending off thousands of these things to Haiti every day.I thought that was a good idea.
I beg to differ:Yes we are god at organization. You want to know why? Well I will tell you, just so we can fuck it up, now we are really good doing that.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of my Canadian Bros and sisters.There aren't too many of us but they are mostly kind hearted and generous and quick to help.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the kudos. I don't desserve them but I thank you.We do have a few laughs though,eh, PIC?? Brian and I laugh a lot every day.
I meant we are good at organizating things.
ReplyDeleteThats what I mean, you and Brian have the closeness and can laugh .
ReplyDeleteYes we have laughs and sometime I think about something you said and burst out laughing and people look at me strangely.
Yes , you do deserve the kudos and a lot more.
Brian and I laughed over that cartoon where the old lady's boobs are hanging down over her knees.We think that looks like Nana. We figure she has to roll em up to put em in a bra.
ReplyDeleteHow was the pie. I thought it was weird to use instant mashed potatoes as part of the topping but I was assured that it was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI guess you had a difficult pregnancy with the last baby.Was it because of your diabetes? Why would they offer to terminate the pregnancy?? What a horrible decision for a woman to make.I guess you made the right decision.You can be proud of yourself for seeing it through to the end.Gilly is living proof your instincts were right.
ReplyDeleteI had my plans all mapped out . Now I have to cleaned up the mess Betts made for me. Mamie called dad because she couldn't get gilly to stop crying, dad sent Mac to pick them up and bring them to the hotel, he seen me and started grinning. I really miss my little man, I think I will have her bring him to the hotel, Mamie said she would.
ReplyDeletePoor Gilly misses his mama.No one can take her place no matter how good Mamie is.You miss him too. It doesn't seem fair.Good idea to bring him to the hotel.Betts has a lot to answer for.
ReplyDeleteIt was my age, they ran all the tests and it was find. They couldn't figure out how I got pregnant ,alot of womwn that don't have their monthly regular don't have good eggs, so they say. I was keeping my baby if he was just a blob.
ReplyDeleteThe pie was so good, I wondered about the patotoes, you couldn't tell they were in there.
ReplyDeleteIf my patoto salad is not enough I use saltine crackers.
It makes sense that the eggs might be imperfect.You were very lucky both your babies were perfect.Good thing you stuck to your guns.
ReplyDeleteNan and I agreed that your instincts are very good and your intuition.
Betts screwed up a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteI had to put a lot of things on hold. I am glad I have good people working with me on my bears.
Yes I miss him, he do such funny things, he pulls my top back so he can peek down there and when he see the jugs he just laughs.
I hope I can promote some more dealers soon, some are working for it.
Sometime something will get on my mind and I can't shake it, I pay attention.
ReplyDeleteNan has a lot of people out and she has to fill in during the day, that's why she haven't stuck her nose in here lately.
Gilly sounds like a chip off the old block.
ReplyDeleteHe'll probably be a horny teen.As long as Jill and Sharon don't catch him in the barn with a girl on her knees in front of him.Just like you and Nan caught Chris.
What is Maxy doing?
ReplyDeleteI wondered why we haven't heard much from Nan.She did congratulate us for hitting 51 thousand.
ReplyDeleteOh lordy, we don't have all the farm animals, boy I'm glad. Ain't all teenage boys horny?
ReplyDeleteWell there's horny and then there's really really horny. I had one of each.
ReplyDeleteAnd my husband used to be in the second group.
I am dying to know what she has for you, she said it's none of my business.
ReplyDeleteShe also told me that Gil was talking with dad and he told dad he wasn't please I had to clean up Betts mess. Leon shou;d have stopped her from firing Clara.
He sleeps on his back...maybe he wants you to ride the peg.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteJeannie you are so bad, but you are a sweetie too.
ReplyDeleteI better let you get your rest.You have an awful lot going on on your life right now.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked by your post.It destroys your faith in medical people.I wonder how many people she condemned to death.
Anyway sweetie have a good night.At least you'll have better,warmer weather according to the latest report...Sweet dreams....PIC
Post Script: I think I'd enjoy riding the peg more if we had a vibrating bed.
ReplyDeleteWe screen people better than most medical hosiptals.
ReplyDeleteHave a good nite and see you late.
Sweet Dreams...Goodnite...PIC