At the annual American Astronomical Society conference this week, each discovery involving so-called "exoplanets" - those outside our solar system - pointed to the same conclusion: Quiet planets like Earth where life could develop probably are plentiful, despite a violent universe of exploding stars, crushing black holes and colliding galaxies. NASA's new Kepler telescope and a wealth of new research from the suddenly hot and competitive exoplanet field generated noticeable buzz at the convention. Scientists are talking about being at "an incredible special place in history" and closer to answering a question that has dogged humanity since the beginning of civilization.
"The fundamental question is: Are we alone? For the first time, there's an optimism that sometime in our lifetimes we're going to get to the bottom of that," said Simon "Pete" Worden, an astronomer who heads NASA's Ames Research Center. "If I were a betting man, which I am, I would bet we're not alone - there is a lot of life."
Worden told The Associated Press: "I would certainly expect in the next four or five years we'd have an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone."
Worden's centre runs the Kepler telescope, which is making an intense planetary census of a small portion of the galaxy. Unlike the Hubble Space Telescope, which is a general instrument, Kepler is a specialized telescope just for planet-hunting. Any planet that could support life would almost certainly need to be rocky rather than gaseous. And it would need to be in just the right location. Planets that are too close to their star will be too hot, and those too far away are too cold.
Researchers are finding exoplanets at a dizzying pace. In the 1990s, astronomers found a couple of new planets a year. For most of the last decade, it was up to a couple of planets every month.
This year, planets are being found on about a daily basis, thanks to the Kepler telescope. The number of discovered exoplanets is now well past 400. But none of those has the right components for life. That's about to change, say the experts.
Kepler is concentrating on about one-four hundredth of the nighttime sky, scanning more than 100,000 stars, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand light years away. A light year is about 5.9 trillion miles. So such planets are too far to travel to, and they cannot be viewed directly like the planets in our solar system. If there were an Earth-like body in the area Kepler is searching, the telescope would find it, Marcy said. But it can take three years to confirm a planet's orbital path.
What Kepler has confirmed so far keeps pointing to the idea that there are many other Earths. Before Kepler, those bodies were too small to be seen. Researchers this week announced the finding of five new exoplanets - all discovered in just the first six weeks of planet-hunting. But all those planets were too large and in the wrong place to be like Earth.
When Kepler looked at 43,000 stars that are about the same size as our sun, it found that about two-thirds of them appeared to be as life-friendly and nonviolent as our nearest star.
Dr. Marcy, an astronomer, who this week announced finding a planet just four times larger than Earth, does not like to speculate how many stars have Earth-like planets. But when pressed, he said Thursday: "70 per cent of all stars have rocky planets."
A massive space telescope will be needed to scan Earth-like planets for oxygen, water, carbon dioxide - and even faint signs of industrial emissions from civilization . It would cost about $5 billion.
For now, such a high price is a budget-buster, but that could change. Cornell University astronomer Martha Haynes said: "We are at a very special moment in the history of mankind."
ReplyDeleteI do believe an earth-like planet will be found in our life time.
All that will be left is to build a space ship to reach it.Hahaha
Will you be on that spaceship??
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good day.It's warming up a bit here, it never stay cold enough to kill the bugs.
ReplyDeleteGeez, every time I try to sit down at the computer the phone rings or someone wants me to do something.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, DC seems to be trying just a tad harder to be a bit more animated.It's hard to spot but he is smiling once in a while and I have seen him doing fake things in his fake lab, once or twice.
Yep, saving my money gonna take my babies with me. Will you?
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the new guy a bit more and Wolf a bit less.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll meet you there.I'll be the one with the tee-shirt saying "I love Aliens...and polar bears"
ReplyDeleteDC seems look a little more human
ReplyDeleteThis is a new one... I hope they don't start a love affair with callie and the new guy.
ReplyDeleteSo Eric is absent in this one???
ReplyDeleteMine will say love Polar Bears and the Aliens that love good choochie.
ReplyDeleteWolfe looks sneahky to me, a know it all. Which the big black guy would body slam him.
Boy thar Callie sure sleeps around.
ReplyDeleteAliens may have more than one penis..Yay...party!
ReplyDeleteIf they have a penis in the middle of their foreheads however, I wouldn't like it. I don't want a guy a guy staring up the coochie while he boffs it.
The first one killed himself in her lab, I once liked her , not anymore, she acts like a stiff mannequin.
ReplyDeleteYou are hot and bad tonight.
ReplyDeleteNan says she was going to join us tonight, but a couple of her people called in sick and she is trying someone to come in,they will like that, it's overtime.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I like the dangle on the fore head.
The girl's mother ain't too hot. No worries that DC will make a pass at her.He may go home tonight.
ReplyDeleteUnless he comes on to the young girl but I don't think she would fall for it.
I have a post about Danzel W. it's a nice one and he has 4 kids and married for 26 years. I got in to late to post it today, I'm just going in for a couple of hours tomorrow to do paper work.
ReplyDeletePecker on the forehead won't work.They would have balls dangling in their eyes.Couldn't see to drive the spaceship.
ReplyDeleteThey need to give DC a love life, he married one day and his wife was killed the next day, I like to see the star heat up the screen a little bit.
ReplyDeleteNow they are making the big black guy very smart.He started out kinda dumb.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see what DC has under his hood. But I would not test drive it, he may put it in and the damn thing fall off.
ReplyDeleteNow that is a big boy.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would give DC another shirt, I'm so tired of the striped one. he would look better in some soft colors.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see what the new guy has under his hood. I guess his wife was murdered.
ReplyDeleteThe chick can't sing worth a damn.
ReplyDeleteDo you want me to post it for you??
I haven't put it in drafts yet, got home to late to write it.
ReplyDeleteThe article is quite long and I will need to condense it. Somethings in it needs to be left out.
ReplyDeleteI read Nan's note to me. What a horible thing to happen. It never ceases to amaze me how low some people will go. People have no scruples anymore. At least the mystery is solved for me.
ReplyDeleteMy family is always telling me to be very careful when I surf the web.They are scared I'll attract weirdos and nut-jobs. When I told my daughter and husband about Vixen, they both freaked and insisted I break off with her.
Now I know why the cartoon scared you. You thought I might be like her.No worries, I don't hurt people.Life is too short and is cruel enough.
ReplyDeleteI told dad I was going to train 4 of my best dealers to be head dealers and they can Help Clara, shit I miss my babies.
ReplyDeleteWhich cartoon?
ReplyDeleteI still think going back to work was a good thing.You know you can still do your job;you haven't lost it.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know you'd rather be at home.
It's great to know where you belong in this world.
ReplyDeleteNan asked for my pass word I was thinking she was going to do a post. Now I know what she was up to. My girls and I visit her in Tuson,Arizona and some of my family. I know you wouldn't do a thing like that. She still send letter to sis, but no returned address.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know what cartoon, the cute one of me and my family, I just love it and Gil thinks it looks so much like me.
ReplyDeleteI went back when they asked me, I just couldn't stay to see it go down the drain after dad worked so hard.
ReplyDeleteI asked dad did he want me to go back, he said it was up to me, because he has mad peace with the world and he know his grands will get a good education.
Nan really wanted me to know about it.I thank her for trusting me.And I'm sorry you had a bad experience.It must have been hard to explain to Gil.
ReplyDeleteI still think that dad is proud of you for helping the family business out. You did it out of love and respect for dad.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, Nan told me to tell you she has showed her cashiers the food gadget and what a help it will be to them.
ReplyDeleteSeen Mac today and he says he will leave us a note, he would love to joined in the talks, but he has to get his beauty sleep, and to ask you is Brian still walking behind you watching you walk. hahaha
I don't know who I was more afraid off him or sis. I didn't want him to think I was that way, but he was so sweet, after he finish ragging my ass, he told me he would know my naked butt anywhere even if they cut the heads off the pictures.
ReplyDeleteGert wanted to know was this me on the blog and if it was to make a post about Arizona,she said she left a comment once .
He watches me wiggle once in a while.It's a shame I look better from the back than the front.
ReplyDeleteOh well, you can't have it all.
That food gadget is damn brilliant.I use it because no matter what stuff you have laying around the house it will come up with a recipe.A couple of ladies have told me they never opened their cookbooks again from the day they discovered it.
ReplyDeleteI have to go back to surfing the web to see what other neat things I can find. I love doing that. I just haven't had too much time to myself lately.
ReplyDeleteI am so tired of them using the race card with Obama...they need to just spit it out that they don't want a black man as Pres.
ReplyDeleteWe all know it's true,everyday it's the same thing, can't they et pass the color thing, we all bleed red...
You have a lot of stuff on your plate.
ReplyDeleteYou see I haven't posted any recipes since we got it. All the recipes lately have been for me and I love it, I made a couple of Key-Lime pies for work today and they was gone before you could say boo.
People knew he was black before the election and he was still voted in by the majority of Americans.So, the majority of Americans are pleased he's the pres. The racists get more press because they are always spouting bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why intelligent people can behave like such ass-holes.95% of them are still from the south.
ReplyDeleteYou asked me did we sell gator here...yes...but I wouldn't buy any...they are frozen and you don't know how old it is.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any since we was crabbing on the gulf before Katrina.
Is it legal to hunt gators??
ReplyDeleteI love crab.I was raised by the sea. I love all seafood.
ReplyDeleteTonight we had fresh water fish, rainbow trout.It comes from up north where ours lakes are pure and relatively unpolluted so it is safe for me to eat.
It was delicious.
You are so right, the 95% from the south is afraid someone will find they have black in them.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell. they should be glad they are here.
They proach some here, I think it's legal in south Louisiana.I love seafood, and all veggies.
ReplyDeleteI bet you are a good cook.
ReplyDeleteBoy are you correct on that one.A lot of southern people have a little color in them or at least suspect that they do.They should be proud that their American roots go back that far.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to do the Danzel post in the morning and put it in drafts, I would love for you to look it over and edit and post it for me when you have time tomorrow.he's one of our bad boys.
ReplyDeleteLove Denzel.One of my absolute favorites. I'll post it for you.
ReplyDeleteWhen I tried to write my story on "JOSIE" she had all her husband's pic-a-ninnies , and when he died she kept them.
ReplyDeleteConan has Gary Oldman on. He is also a bad boy that I like.Good actor.
ReplyDeleteYou know , when I was in N.O. we didn't know color, but here it's not the same, the state is really like a north and south, it is so different.I guess that's why they refer to it that way.
ReplyDeleteI like Gary too. I like DC because he such a fart-ass nothing never changes, the other bad boys suprise you if they do something bad.
ReplyDeleteDC and Mel take the cake for being stupid fools.I don't think anyone could beat them out for 1st or 2nd place.
ReplyDeleteJust got in hi and goodnite.
Nite want to ride with me tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteIs Maxy doing his little dance yet?
ReplyDeleteI bet it's so cute and he's wondering where are the rabbits.
There is a famous book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley which takes place in the future. People have inter-bred so much that we are all the same color.Kind of cafe-au-lait and slightly oriental. We are all equal.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way it will be one day if we survive. It will be a lot more boring though,all looking alike.
Yes it's time to let Maxy out.He buried his teddy bear out in the snow.I haven't figured out why yet.Maybe he thinks the bear is dead.
ReplyDeleteSo farewell and goodnight See you soon... PIC
Goodnight Nan.I bet you're tired....Sleep well
ReplyDeleteI will get the book I bet it's a good read.
ReplyDeleteI love being different, I am the darkest one of the litter, I look like sis and Emily and people say if Chris was younger,we could be twins.
See you on the space-ship.
ReplyDeleteGood night enjoyed it as always '
Nite sweetie....PIC