But what is this "X-factor," you may ask, and would crotchety Cowell really consider leaving the show that made him a house-hold name on this side of the Atlantic? The answer to that question is...maybe. The cringeworthy audition process still remains, the viewing public votes, and the weekly themes are often rolled out for novelty appeal ( incliding the obligatory Michael Jackson playbook that always rears its head on "AI", and songs from movie soundtracks).While we admit it's a little mercenary to throw one show under the bus in favor of a bigger paycheck, we've got to admire Cowell's nerve, and lets face it - "AL" is going to be pretty snore-worthy without Cowell's condescending put-downs and the look on him about 10 minutes into every audition show. Why shouldn't we jump ship when "American Idol" no longer has Cowell to steer us snarkily through each performance?
Here's a list of the reasons - aside from Cowell's presence - that we're ready to leave "Idol" for the "The X-Factor':
X-Factor has better celeb guests: Smon Cowell has considerable pull in the music biz. As produer and exec of Syco Records, he's been responsible for launching the carrers of a number of chart-popping bands and performers, most notably Leona Lewis( a previous winner of X-Factor) and Susan Boyle (whose Cinderella story chronicled through another of Cowell's properties, Britain's Got Talent).
Simon perfers Paula to Ellen. and so do we : Don't get us wrong , Ellen DeGeneres is a hilarious host, but as far as her qualifications to judge a "singing competition" go, she sounds a little off-key. Cowell has remained uncharacteristically tight-lipped on his opinion of DeGeneres joining the "Idol" team, which isn't a ringing endorsement; and rumors have been circulating since Paula Abdul's unexpeced "Idol" exit that our favorite nutty judge is a firm favorite to join Cowell on on the "X-Factor roster. We can't wait to see what kinds of costunmes and arrangements she might subject her contestants to, or what Simon's reactions would be.
We just love those British accents: An awful lot of ladies (and probably a fair share of gentlemen) are happy to listen to Simon spewing insults and derision at a bevy of quivering wannabes as long as he continues to do it in a classy English lilt. It's worth noting that, whie rumors of Cowell leaving "Idol" have been rampant for a couple of years, no official announcements have been made and no deals have been signed---"yet." To be continued: the saga continues.
My spin on this: Does the " X-Factor" format sound like a breath of fresh air after a decade of "Idol" mania , or will you stay loyal to "AL" to the end? Either way, Simon Cowell will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Doesn't X Factor have the same format as Idol?? It starts with auditions(which I hate)and narrows down to finalists.I don't understand the difference between the shows. It's just more of the same old bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI think Simon will have to move to the new show to get it rolling.
Yes it does
I had a feeling he wasn't going to get along with Ellen.
ReplyDeleteHow's the old choochie? Singing a happy song these days??
ReplyDeleteNo offence to Helen but she's the reason I won't be watching Idol anymore.I saw her as a guest judge a few times and thought she stank at it.
ReplyDeleteHow did your day go?
ReplyDeleteEveryone here loves your story.
Gil wants to know if you are printing your stories down and putting them in a booklet, if not you should, that way you can go over them and you will remember a lot more.
How's the new year so far??
ReplyDeleteIt's going okay so far here so I guess I'll keep it.
I haven't made copies yet.I made one copy of daffodils but I think someone took it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone I talked to left the show because of Ellen.
ReplyDeleteThey loved Simon and Paula together, if he leave , Paula might follow.
The choochie told little gil to go play by himself, she has a visitor.
Would you beleive Nan carried your story to work, some people made copies.
ReplyDeleteGo back and make another copy of (daffodils/Jakey's Dream/ the boy with no throat) and put it in a folder and the family can enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThe visitor that comes only a couple of times a year??
ReplyDeleteHelen is good in her own genre.She is not good judge material and she is not my cup of tea.Speaking of which I'm going to put the kettle on.
I make copies and take them to a self-sevre copy machine and make copies for a nickle a page, faster and cheaper, it keeps me from running out of ink so fast.
ReplyDeleteYes,I told him she will be leaving tomorrow and I got a smile and a wink.
ReplyDeleteShit, I told him it's lasted 3 days, what's wrong with him...getting old or having a mid-life crisis?
He laughed and said never...he didn't want to sit down and pee the rest of his life.
Looks like I always run out of ink late at night.
ReplyDeleteGlad you made your trip safely, they say we may get some snow, this weather is weird.
The roads to Toronto were pretty clear and the traffic was light so we got there too early.We usually get stuck in a traffic jam.
ReplyDeleteThe temperature is going to go up a bit for the next few days and get us out of this deep freeze.It's been about 27 degrees below freezing with the wind chill.
ReplyDeleteWhen Brian walks the dog he looks like the' Mummy'
I'm happy Nan liked my story.
ReplyDeleteI still melt when Brian winks at me.
ReplyDeleteI loved your story I just wanted to share it with some family and friends hoped you didn't mind.
I am glad you was early and not stuck in traffic.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great Nan...Thankyou
ReplyDeleteHow's Nee doing at work Nan? Is she shaking the place up.
ReplyDeleteDo Brian travel far to work?
ReplyDeleteNee is getting their sorry butts in shape the ones Betts hired needs a lot of training.
ReplyDeleteI think they got the message when she had the meeting I wouldn't work for Nee 5 minutes.
Brian used to have to commute to the Toronto area to work.I was always scared in the winter.There's some crazy people out there, always in a hurry. But now he works about five minutes from home.Although he still manages to be late for dinner a lot of times.
ReplyDeleteNan says I have my work cutout for me. They expect to be paid and I expect the work to be done right or we all are going hungry.
ReplyDeleteI know about the lateness, our men are hands on and wants everything going smooth.
ReplyDeleteTo get to Toronto you have to travel on the 401, a highway that in notorious for accidents in the winter. It gets snowed under and icy and has a lot of areas where it has whiteouts(where the snow gets picked up by the wind and blows so thick you can't see)
ReplyDeleteVivica Fox was in Toronto on her birthday, thu July !/5, I didn't think of that until later and we seen DC in Miami.
ReplyDeleteYou probably never liked Nee bossing you around even when you were kids.
Young people these days don't seem to understand that the pay is commensurate to the effort or in proprtion to the effort. At least that is the way it should be.
No worky..no money.
That's like the flash floods here, people just drive into them thinking it's just a puddle.
ReplyDeleteGee, I missed Vivica?? She'll never forgive me.I was supposed to show her around town...HA!
ReplyDeleteNee isn't bossy she just expects you to do the joj as well as youcan.
Truth be told Nee told some of them to take a shower beforore coming to work I almost fell of the chair she always let me know she was the aunty.
She was there when Heidi said DC and her was having an affair, that was when he and Amina was in Miami.
ReplyDeleteV likes young men, she's a cougar.
My God Nee, you mean some of them smelled too??How awful for the customers to have to stand near them.
ReplyDeleteNee will be at work Friday night let me know about what time you come on line and I will be here and give you the low down on her musty butt aunty.
It sounds like you have your work cut out for you.Good luck with that honey.
ReplyDeleteTo much perfumegood or bad and no water..that won't work, I can't stand to many strong scents ...
ReplyDeleteYeah Nan, I want to know all the really bad stuff she got up to.
ReplyDeleteShe was probably quite naughty when she was a teen.I think that's what I like about her.
Good hygiene has always been a way of life with me...I told them they was going to shape up or ship out...I can and will do the job. I still have 12/15 of the old ones there.
ReplyDeleteSometimes my sons would skip a shower when they were late and they would douse themselves with after shave cologne.The smell could knock you out and it always put me off my food.I'm glad they learned quickly that the ladies don't like it.
ReplyDeleteNaughty yes, nice yes, she pulls no punches I will be here I will give you the lowdown on her musty butt so I will say goodnite
So, were some of the old staff falling down on the job too??They should have known better.
ReplyDeleteNight Nan.
ReplyDeleteJeannie your sons was young and trying to impress the girls. These are grown people and they don't have an excuse for not showing, some needs to soak in a tub.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder the guests went somewhere else.
Sams Town is across the street.
I think the old ones was what held it together,all was happy to see me and said maybe they could make some money now.
ReplyDeleteThe dealers wages is like waiters/waitress, they depend on their tips. The better the service , better tips.
ReplyDeleteIt's good you have some of the old staff there.They will help you and set an example.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was dealing poker or blackjack my tips was always good.
ReplyDeleteI showed them how it was done today and I made about $250.00 in tops, I put it in their tip box to be divided up, I can't keep tips.
I think it's great that you stepped in to help. You've still got it.
ReplyDeleteI told Brian that if you don't use it you lose it.So he thinks we should have more 'you know what'just so we don't lose it.
You can still get tips eh?
ReplyDeleteI bet on a good night when you were working full time, You could make a lot more than that.
I remember you told me you showed a bit of leg now and then.
ReplyDeleteYou probably still have good legs even after the babies.If you can wear a bikini that means you didn't get any of those spidery veins or cellulite.
I didn't know aunt Mae didn't like Betts, she's Leon second wife,his first wife divorce him because of her, it was before my time.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of aunt Mae.She's one of the good ones. If she doesn't like Betts, it's because she broke up her son's marriage.
ReplyDeleteI can't keep the tips for myself, I put them in the tip box for them to divide, but they keep all the tips they make.
ReplyDeleteI guess so, I still wear the same clothes, some are a little tight around the hips,but ny jeans and daisy dukes fit fine, thats my favorite wardrobe with a t-shirt.
That's another thing we have in common.We don't care for women who go after married men.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame the men as much. They are silly creatures who are controlled by their peckers.
Yeah,thats why, aunt Mae told Leon she was doing like Dad, she was leaving her money to her grands.
ReplyDeleteYou would like aunt Mae, she is a true Italian woman, she's dad sister, when her hubby was killed, she lived with dad and he raised her 3 kids as his own.
What are Daisy Dukes??
ReplyDeleteDad sounds like one of the good ones too.If he took on three extra kids, that's a huge commitment.
ReplyDeleteI told Betts She was no better than a whore and that I was hurt when my ex was controlled by his pecker, my vows mean something to me.
ReplyDeleteWe would never want another women to be hurt as we were.I told her I was a lady and that's the way I carry myself.
It sounds like you picked a very nice close family to be a part of.
ReplyDeleteBlue jeans cut off to the rim of your butt or any short-shorts but mine is jeans.
ReplyDeleteIf the elders disapprove of Betts she must realize she had it coming.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you told her in no uncertain terms how you felt about it.Did Leon have children with his first wife?
Sis told me to be sure and shave so the hair won't hang out the crotch , cause she know I don't have on panties.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteLeon has 4 kids,3 girls and 1 boy they are grown now. Leon's dad was good friends with J. Gotti.
ReplyDeleteDad is the oldest and aunt Mae is the baby, it's 5 of them ,4 boys 1 girl.
ReplyDeleteYou are so bad.But I agree those little hair handles sticking out of the shorts are not a good look.
ReplyDeleteI've seen that on the beach and wanted to tell the women to have a little more pride.Some of them go there with bushes under their arms too.
ReplyDeleteTwo of Leons kids was here for Xmas and they stayed with dad and Sis ,leon visited them there, they refused to go to his house, Betts told them it was beautiful and on the lake, his son told her it wasn't beautiful, because she was there.
ReplyDeleteNo under arm hair for me.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be as slick as a baby's behind.
You know Brian isn't going to lose it, you may stay up til all hours but he will poke you in the morning, boy it be so gooooood. HA!
It's that magic time when Maxy takes a stroll and looks for rabbits.Even the rabbits don't come out in this weather so he won't get his meds tonight.
ReplyDeleteI kinda understand why my man's not in the business, he says it a hard life when you have to look over your shoulder all the time.Leon is a lawyer .
ReplyDeleteWow, even the kids don't like Betts.They are loyal to their mom.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they sense Betts is not sincere.
It sounds like a complicated business to be in.You need to be a lawyer to figure it all out.
ReplyDeleteOkay sweetie, maybe they left him some pellets early.
ReplyDeleteSee you same time same pace, have sweet dreams .
Godnite .......PIC
Post Script: Don't forget to make copies......PIC
ReplyDeleteGoodnight PIC,Much success at work.