According to a source , they looked very giggly, "another witness added : they looked like they was having a fun time, it was definitely a date.
Brad Pitt was in attendance to support nominee and buddy "Quentin Tarantino," who was up for the night's big prize for "Inglourious Bastards," which Brad Pitt stared in.(Kathryn Bigalow ended up winning for "The Hunt Locker" )
For a few weeks , speculation has run rampant over the state of the A-list couple's relationship, with many reports claiming they are no longer together.
Split rumors were fueled by the fact that the couple didn't attend either the "Golden Globe" - where Brad Pitt's "Inglourious Bastard's" was up for several awards -- or the "SAG" Awards" -- when Pitt and his co-stars actually took home the "Statue for best ensemble.
Futhermore, when Brad Pitt appeared at George Clonney's "Hope For Haiti Now" benefit in Los Angeles, Angelina Jolie was reportedly in New York on a photo shoot for "Vanity Fair."
My spin on the battling couple: It's said where there's smoke , there's fire. Maybe the rumors are true, who know what the A-list couple will do to stay in the spotlight. Isn't it said bad or good "Publicity" will keep you in the public eye. As we watched Angelina Jolie's career through the years, don't be surprise at what happens in her relationships......but hey, that's just me.
Stay tuned: the saga continues....more updates as they become available.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
ReplyDeleteWhatcha you doing? I am watching the man, DC looks like he had a little nip-tuck on the face and C/E is still at it.Talk about a mis-match couple, they are it.
This is the one we had on the blog last week where the man was in jail.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the new season programs??
ReplyDeleteDC is hardly in the show at all any more.
ReplyDeleteSo how's tricks Sweetie??
DC sure looks like a tired old coot.
This is one. They just had it in the tv guide last week, they all seem the same.
ReplyDeleteSorry I could not chat last night.My guests left a big mess and I was pretty tired.But I did have fun.
ReplyDeleteToday I bought Maxy a new dog bed and he is very excited about it.He keeps re-arranging his blanket.It's like he's decorating his apartment.
next week it is about a body falling from space, lordy, I could better scripts than these.
ReplyDeleteEverything is going o.k. just a plain old housewife and mama. Hahaha
Well Maxy forgives you for getting his hair cut.
ReplyDeleteI worked last night and Nan says you had company, she left you a note to let you know see got yours and watched a movie with James.
Twice this week there have been guys in orange jackets and uniforms trekking through the woods at the back of our property.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if they are police or some kind of environmental people.
Ever since they found a body across the road in the swampy area of the park the cops have kept an eye on the neighborhood.
Sis says we don't know how to go home either...but she's just like you she loves it.
ReplyDeleteSo you're back to being a wife and mama.Well they won't soon forget you at the casino.
ReplyDeleteAnd Betts sure won't forget you in a hurry.In fact she has nightmares about you chasing her with a skillet.
That's good they are keeping an eye on the neighborhood it makes you feel more safe.
ReplyDeleteMaxy will let you know if someone is close by.
[giggles] Leon found his balls and told her she wasn't going to work there she cause to much confusion.
ReplyDeleteClara will keep me inform if she needs anything.
Murder is so rare where I live.It sure causes a big uproar.We have conscientious police so we feel pretty safe.
ReplyDeleteIf you believed CSIM you'd think every other soccer mom was a murderer.
I looked at Da Vinic's picture really good and he and Mona do look alike, same eyes and half smile. It would be something if it's a self-portrait.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Leon doesn't marry her. His children must be all grown up so he is a free man.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't like living in the U.S. we have so many like it's common place. Since Katrina it's got worse here.
ReplyDeleteDa Vinci loved practical jokes. He sure would have the last laugh.He was gay so he would find it very amusing to fool everyone into thinking he was a woman.
ReplyDeleteHis kids are grown.Leon is 56 and Betts is 52, her sister was one of Gil's friends,she's older than Betts, that's the one Nan met in Reno, she's older than Betts
ReplyDeleteHer sister is married now,her sister also have grown kids.
ReplyDeleteDid you see that cute little scene with DC and Kyle at the end of the show??
ReplyDeleteWhat's with DC and the head thing, I always wonder why he jerked his head around..
ReplyDeleteSo there is no reason they can't get married.Leon must have his reasons. a lady like Betts who is 52 doesn't have too many chances left to get married and have some security.
ReplyDeleteYes ,I seen it, I think it was the best part of the show, it's the only part that's believable.
ReplyDeleteI think DC has a bunch of nervous tics. None of them are very attractive.
ReplyDeleteSome psychiatrist would have a field day picking his brain apart.I think DC has all kinds of emotional problems.Not the least of which is that deep down he hates women.Thats why he has no remorse about hurting them.
ReplyDeleteIf she calm down some and stop trying to impress everyone Leon might marry her,when he was his she was in Reno, he brought her afer Mac became dad's driver. He acts like he care for her.
ReplyDeleteI was hurt by a man, but I wasn't going to let it full me with hate, all men are not a like, there are more good men than bad ones, DC just pick the women he can use, a real woman would have a good time kicking his ass.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear about the American missionaries trying to take 31 kids out of Haiti without legal papers, they are thinking they want to sell them?
ReplyDeleteThank goodness.It says on the news that cell phones may not be used while driving.You are four times more likely to have an accident while talking on a cell and 24 times more likely to have an accident if you are texting.
ReplyDeleteThey are making it a law in Ontario, I'm so glad.
I heard about the Baptist missionaries.What do you think they were doing??
ReplyDeleteHow's it going I stayed here until around 9:45pm sorry I missed you but I decide to do what Nee do go get poked.
My cousin is in the olympics on the women's hockey team.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people think they was going to sell them, they say it's more common than people think.
ReplyDeleteWe are trying to get texting and cell ohones out-lawed here too. they have cause some accidents here.
Whats her name?
ReplyDeleteNan,that's a lovely way to end an evening.
ReplyDeleteI ended my evening doing dishes and cleaning up.Sometimes people don't know when their welcome is worn out.It get's to the point you just want to go to bed and leave the guests do whatever they want.
I will be watching, I love all the Olympics games.
ReplyDeleteHey Nan was you on the top or bottom...maybe a little wall poking huh. [giggles]
ReplyDeleteHer name is Jayna. She is a third or fourth cousin. Pete just told me she was on the team. I thought she was too old to go. She was in the last two Olympics.
ReplyDeleteNee shut your mouth you little musty butt devil.
ReplyDeleteJeannie I know how you feel, we do mom the same way.
Oh boy another "J" how sweet.
ReplyDeleteSweetie when you got it age don't matter, you can tell she takes care of herself.
Sammy is on the school hockey team again this year.Jaye has to get them up at five in the morning for hockey practice. That's a dedicated mom.Glad it's her and not me.The boys are in a singing group that sings at the opening of professional hockey games.I'll try to get a video of it and put it in drafts.
ReplyDeleteI think those missionaries had good intentions. They just wanted to cut through the red tape and get the kids out of there.
ReplyDeleteyou can't just grab people off the streets no matter how good your intentions.
I Just stopped off to say hello now I will say goodnite have a good one.
Have a good night Nan. Snuggle up to your hubby and think of me way up here freezing my ass off. My fingers are so fozen I can hardly type. ..Sweet dreams.
ReplyDeleteJaye enjoy her babies and when you do things with your kids they know you love them.....Jaye learned that from you, she will let you take them to karate lessons. Jaye know her Mom is not a morning person. hahaa
ReplyDeleteI better turn the heat up in my little cubby-hole and scrape the frost off my glasses.
ReplyDeleteYou thin blooded sissies don't know what you're missing.
When your babies are busy doing things they love, they don't have time to get into trouble and thats good for their characters.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck is 'morning'?? All I know is the night belongs to me. Morning sunlight would burn my flesh and blind me.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I do know what I'm missing the snow blowing out my ass like the guy with the snow-blower. hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes, those snow-blowers are very cleansing for the bowels. I highly recommend them.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you and Nan bitch at each other.
ReplyDeleteIf I lived there it would be after lunch when I visit you...but I would call first, I hate it when people just show up...anyway if the day is to bright, you would just shake a fist at it and soon the sky would be over-cast with clouds...hahaha
ReplyDeleteWe vampires have many powers. We can control the elements and the animals in the wild.
ReplyDeleteWe can really get down to it, and no one pays us any attention. The family just ignore us, if someone just in we just get there ass.
ReplyDeleteNan likes you, she says you are very hip and in the know and not a prude.
I'm just heating up a cup of blood in the microwave.
ReplyDeleteWell this witch is going to find your ring . Vampires and withes make great partners, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteNan has very good taste in people.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of spice you have in the blood...I hear the hotter the blood the better it is.
ReplyDeleteWitches and vampires, a powerful combination. If you could divine where my ring is ,I would be eternally grateful.
ReplyDeleteNana gave Jaye an old gold watch yesterday.It was quite delicate. Jaye picked it up and broke it right away.I guess people shouldn't give us valuable jewelry.We're just too clumsy and careless.
Have you ever checked out Gwyneth Paltrow's website ( GOOP)??
ReplyDeleteShe was just talking about it.She Talks about everything and gives out lots of recipes.
ReplyDeleteWe know good people when we meet them. My sister-in-laws told sis she should make us behave because we just say what we feel.
ReplyDeleteSis said what the fuck ya'll want her to do, we was grown...now thats one little woman they don't want to mess with.
I drink my blood straight.I think I'll check out 'goop' when we go off.I have no article for tonight so I have to go shopping.
ReplyDeleteThe 'ShamWow'guy is on. I wonder if he is a good fuck.He is kind of weird looking.You never know. Sounds like he is from New York. The next time you see him tell me if I'm right.
Is her site just "GOOP"??
ReplyDeleteIs she on blogger ? I think I will check her out tonight.
ReplyDeleteThat's the only information she gave out. It will take you in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteHow are the girls doing in school?? I imagine Jill is very intelligent.Dies Gilly still say shit??
He's from New York, yes he's kinda weird looking, I will put a sack over his head and get it on if it's big enough...but you know the saying,some skinny guys have big dangles.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching Craig. He is skinny too...HMMMM
ReplyDeleteWell I will leave you thinking about skinny guys and dangles.A rather pleasant subject I think, and wish you a fond and pleasant goodnight.
ReplyDeleteMay all your dangles be large ones...PIC
They are doing really well in school, Jill in Kindergarten and Sha is in second grade and Sha reads on a 3rd grade level,Jill reads on a second grade level, they wants us to skip Jill, but we will not, we want her to be in her own age group.
ReplyDeleteEach time Gilly say shit, I tell him no-no and he says Ooooooooooo and just grins.
P.S...Sounds like you have two very bright little girls and one saucy little monkey...HA!
ReplyDeleteHave a good night and my dangle will be a nice big one..hahaha
ReplyDeleteGirl you are so bad.
Have sweet dream and my all of them come true.
Goodnite ..see you up the road...PIC
ReplyDeleteMonkey is right he loves to climb, I am glad he don't have a tail.[giggles]