He said that under Haiti's legal system, there will not be an open trial, but that a judge will consider the evidence. It could take the judge three months to render a verdict, he added.
Each of the kidnapping counts carries a possible sentence of five to 15 years in prison.
One of missionaries, Laura Silsby, told reporters as she entered the court: "We expect God's will be done. And we will be released."
Each of the kidnapping counts carries a possible sentence of five to 15 years in prison.
One of missionaries, Laura Silsby, told reporters as she entered the court: "We expect God's will be done. And we will be released."
The group, who were being held at the headquarters of Haiti's judicial police, deny they were engaged in child trafficking and said they were just trying to help some of the thousands of orphans left destitute and abandoned by the 12 January earthquake.They have been described as "kidnappers" by Haiti's prime minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, who said that they "knew what they were doing was wrong".
On Thursday, a mother in a remote village outside Haiti's main earthquake zone told reporters how she allowed her twin sons to be taken by the missionaries because they promised to provide a life of hope and opportunity for her children.Maggie Moise, who has eight children, said she was contacted by a local man who works in an orphanage in the village of Calebasse, an hour and a half's drive from the centre of Port-au-Prince, and was told that "some white people" wanted to help her family.
"They said they wanted to go with our children and told us 'don't worry, everything will be fine'," she said.
The Baptists said they had planned to take abandoned children orphaned in the earthquake and raise them at a new orphanage in the Dominican Republic. But according to locals, none of the children taken from Calebasse were orphans nor even particularly desperate. Few houses in the village have suffered any damage in the quake.
"They said they wanted to go with our children and told us 'don't worry, everything will be fine'," she said.
The Baptists said they had planned to take abandoned children orphaned in the earthquake and raise them at a new orphanage in the Dominican Republic. But according to locals, none of the children taken from Calebasse were orphans nor even particularly desperate. Few houses in the village have suffered any damage in the quake.
Justice Minister Paul Denis said they should be tried in Haiti despite the damage done to the country's judicial infrastructure and casualties among judges and court staff. There have been suggestions the 10 could be tried in the US.
"It is Haitian law that has been violated, it is up to the Haitian authorities to hear and judge the case."I don't see any reason why they should be tried in the United States."
The US ambassador to Haiti, Kenneth Merten, met the group at police headquarters after the hearing.
"We'd like to assure they get treated according to the law, the Haitian law, and that they get treated fairly," he said.
The children, who are from aged from two to 12, are now in the care of the Austrian-run SOS Children's Village in Port-au-Prince. The parents were promised that the children would be educated and cared for in the Dominican Republic. A number of parents in the damaged village said they would find it difficult to provide for their children if they came back.
Ms Silsby has said her group had met a Haitian pastor by chance when they arrived last week, and that he had helped them gather the children. She also admitted that they did not have the proper paperwork.
"Our intent was to help only those children that needed us most, that had lost either both their mother and father, or had lost one of their parents and the other had abandoned them," she said from her jail cell on Wednesday.
"It is Haitian law that has been violated, it is up to the Haitian authorities to hear and judge the case."I don't see any reason why they should be tried in the United States."
The US ambassador to Haiti, Kenneth Merten, met the group at police headquarters after the hearing.
"We'd like to assure they get treated according to the law, the Haitian law, and that they get treated fairly," he said.
The children, who are from aged from two to 12, are now in the care of the Austrian-run SOS Children's Village in Port-au-Prince. The parents were promised that the children would be educated and cared for in the Dominican Republic. A number of parents in the damaged village said they would find it difficult to provide for their children if they came back.
Ms Silsby has said her group had met a Haitian pastor by chance when they arrived last week, and that he had helped them gather the children. She also admitted that they did not have the proper paperwork.
"Our intent was to help only those children that needed us most, that had lost either both their mother and father, or had lost one of their parents and the other had abandoned them," she said from her jail cell on Wednesday.
This case has become the biggest thing since the quake. It's pushed the tragedy - that has seen up to 200,000 killed and countless more made homeless - off the front page. The issues surrounding this story are important. Natural disasters in the past have seen cases of child trafficking. A warning by Unicef was responsible for the increased security by the Haitian authorities that led to the arrest. With the US spearheading the relief mission and with the American public donating so much to the survivors of the disaster, the expectation of many was that they'd be released; they'd turn up at court and a short time later they'd be whisked out of the country.
It remains to be seen if the missionaries had the best interest of the children at heart.
ReplyDeleteAin't it the case when the(alleged guilty) they always say "God" will set them free?
Why did they think they could just walk in and take the children when parents was waiting for their adopted children had to wait in line for their papers.
O.K. if the missionaries knew it was wrong, why not go through the legal channels.
Something in Denmark stinks and the twin boys was not orphans, they had a mother and six siblings, so what's up with that? But hey, thats's just me.
ReplyDeleteJust got in. What you doing? Getting a little hug and kiss.
Lucky girl. I just got nagged for bugging him when he wants to watch TV. No kiss for me.
ReplyDeleteHeh heh..tell Brian no hugs no nookie hahaha.
ReplyDeleteDid you get my note on the cat post?
ReplyDeleteWhat were those missionaries thinking?? They were either overcome with religious Zeal, or they thought, with a typical, arrogant American attitude that they could do no wrong and they had the power to collect all the children they wanted and take them away to a better life. I can't see them as hunan traffickers.
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm not right but I got a sneaky feeling the missionaries was up to no good.
ReplyDeleteYes I did. Thankyou. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. So do you think I look a bit like Jill?
ReplyDeleteIt's a wait and see thing here, it's odd and the mama of the boys says a man called her and said some white people was coming to help. It's fishy and smell bad.
ReplyDeleteSo you have a feeling they were really kidnapping the children for nefarious purposes??
ReplyDeleteThey were representing a Baptist Church,fuh' God's sake.
It's a wait and see thing here, it's odd and the mama of the boys says a man called her and said some white people was coming to help. It's fishy and smell bad.
ReplyDeleteYes I do you both have those eyes and smile.
ReplyDeleteMy daddy is older than Nana and the sea captain was his mama's daddy, maybe Nana' daddy was his son. Now that would be a hoot.
ReplyDeleteThere are evil people in Baptist churches ...thats where most of the devils are in churches.
ReplyDeleteAter following Jaycee and Elizabeth Smart cases everyone is out to make a fast buck without working.
People from all over weht to Haiti to get their adopted children and had to wait..what in hell made them above the law.
ReplyDeleteNana's daddy was a sea captain from England. He owned a couple of ships and had an import export business.He always captained a ship himself and was a registered merchant sea captain. He sailed all over the world, including North and South America and I think he was fairly generous with his sperm.I could be related to someone in someone in Timbuktu for all I know.
ReplyDeleteYou was a very beautiful little girl...Jill is also a tomboy, she has dolls but don't play with them.
ReplyDeleteBoy Brian is a hunk,and all your grands are so handsome and Pete's daughter is very pretty.
I pulled my information about the missionaries from several articles and I got the impression from all of them that they knew what they were doing was wrong.
ReplyDeleteYou did a good job on the post and they admitted they knew they was wrong, they just didn't expect to get caught...I really hope I'm wrong about them.
ReplyDeleteO.k. I saw it .
ReplyDeleteIt's still there I will delete it for you.
ReplyDeleteO.k. you got it.
ReplyDeleteI was a tomboy also.Always up a tree or jumping off a roof,or doing wheelies on my bike.Gave my mom several heart attacks.
ReplyDeleteKaren was a real tomboy too and the other girls Jaye and Jane were very fem and into dolls.
ReplyDeleteWe are still researching our daddy's family and found a lot of them was English and British.
ReplyDeleteWe never knew to much about my mama's family but we are searching in hers also.
I carry Jill to Walmart or Toys-r-Us and look at the dolls and she looks at me and say's..Oh mama please.
ReplyDeleteWhat toys does Jill like aside from books??
ReplyDeleteI had a crazy day..my older brother(Dan) wife broke her hip and in the hosiptal(Sally) Dad went to little Rock to pick up sis and told Mac to bring his wife if she wanted to take the ride, she jumped at the chance, she never been to L.R.
ReplyDeleteI had a microscope and a chemistry set and a bug collecting set.
ReplyDeleteI caught some really nice snakes when I was eight.I think there were three.I put them in the kitchen sink and sort of forgot them. Nana went to make dinner and screeched like a scalded cat.Boy,did she give me hell.She's afraid of snakes.
ReplyDeleteThen there was the time I was showing her a frog and it jumped and landed down the front of her dress.It ended up sitting in her bra between her boobies.
She has a lot of teddy bears, a wagon , bike, and playing ball. You know she is collecting Polar Bears...her favorite toy is her Gilly, she loves to wrestle him.
ReplyDeleteShe really screamed with the frog down her bra. GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! I thought she was going to kill me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Dan's wife got hurt.Older people get brittle.Nana is having trouble with her teeth now. They are getting delicate. She always had beautiful teeth but last year they found out she was pre-osteo.
ReplyDeleteYou sound just like Jill,not afraid of anything.
ReplyDeleteI am glad we don't have farm animals no telling what she would be doing, she is very nosy. She asked me when Gilly's worm going to fall off I told her to ask her daddy he know about boys.{giggles]
Do you think Nana will have to get them pulled?
ReplyDeleteDan think he's bring Sally to sis house for her to take care off, he is a idiot they have Kids and a lot of grands.
Clever move, passing the worm thing off to L.Shank. It's handy, when you don't know what to say, to tell them go ask your father.
ReplyDeleteI bet you was a hand full.
ReplyDeleteIt breaks Jill's heart for me to fuss at her.
Nana doesn't expect to live more than about six months so she won't get them pulled. The teeth are just brittle and she will have to be extra careful. She'll just have to stop opening beer bottles with her teeth.
ReplyDeleteYou won't change Jill. She's probably a lot like You were.She is her own unique character and I know you wouldn't have her any other way.
ReplyDeleteI had my articles laid out and trying to get my posts together when dad called...Well I guess it's murphy law, if anything can go wrong it will.
ReplyDeleteI really do hope the missionaries are telling the truth.Maybe they figure if they say they was with a church it would be all right.
ReplyDeleteIs Sis back yet??She doesn't go away too often does she??
ReplyDeleteI knew my mom and dad were getting old when they stopped travelling.
Sally will be much better off with Sis.Nothing is worse than to be ill and have a useless husband taking care of you.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried the pavlova yet? I could never get the meringue crusty enough.Then it always broke.
ReplyDeleteI am working on the article that Brian sent me. It was hard to get all the pictures to the blog. However the story is fascinating and true.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like sis, she says the same thing about Jill.Sha is with Nan , she wanted Jill to go but Jill said no she see her tomorrow. My baby will not spend the night away from home, one of us is always here.
ReplyDeleteYou know what is very difficult to find these days????New jokes. Impossible! It's hard to do a Yuk Yuk post.
ReplyDeleteI will make the Pavlova Saturday for Sunday but I know it Wont last til then..If the meringue is not crusty enough , hell they don't know the difference.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of jokes out there but they are not funny.I'm too particular.And no one has come up with anything new in years.
ReplyDeleteAnd naughty jokes are hard to find. Most of them are too gross. I like them sexy and funny.
What are you new posts about??
ReplyDeleteNo sis don't get away often, and when she do all hell breaks loose, the first person Dad called was sis ,shit he has 5 kids and a bunch of grands.
ReplyDeleteJay and letterman gets nasty..boy they look tough. Camille having a hissy fit and Charles walks out saying he is an abuse hushand and William is king soon
ReplyDeleteThe best of all,is coming look out.
Sweetie this is a soet one But I just have to post it and get a rile out of the loonies.
ReplyDelete"Eddie the Ego" and "Divia David warring on CSI:M
Hell I was in a hurry and didn't make sense. The article is a short one But we are going to make the loonies mad.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow I go to St Jacobs to the farmer's market.It's indoors in the winter.And I will track down the guy who grows peppers.We have to do something soon because Brian is getting the back aches associated with prostate cancer.That means it's growing worse.
ReplyDeleteHis doctors don't want to do anything until April.
Sunday I am going to a home show with Jaye and Peter then out to dinner.
I think I will post old fart-ass tonight and put it in draft and you can have more time with Brian's post.
ReplyDeleteThey all sound like great articles, lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteBut that last one is going to bring the friutcakes out of their burrows and they are going to be mad...HA!
Will you be taking Brian with you to dinner...Have a good time, you deserve it. I am still looking.
ReplyDeleteI know it will, I just seen old fart-ass and brought the mag.
ReplyDeleteBrian is coming with us.The home show is all about renovation and landscaping and building decks.He and Pete like all that stuff.
ReplyDeleteJaye and I like interior decorating so we will be in the home decor section.
DC don't like him, it's short and sweet, and the cast have chose sides, it's said if Eddie don't watch out DC will get him axed .
ReplyDeleteBoy you will have a great time, enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI like how you usually give the celebs hell at the end of the article.They are usually doing something stupid.
ReplyDeleteDo you want me to put it in Drafts or just post it?
ReplyDeleteShit, just when they get a cast member I could like, DC has to pull his usual crap.
ReplyDeletePlease post it.I'm not sure I can pull this article together tonight I have to pull sixteen pictures and label them correctly and get them in the right order.
ReplyDeleteYes that would be better and I have others so you take your time so Brian may find us more.
ReplyDeleteI want you enjoy this weekend, let your hair down and just enjoy Jaye and the guys.
ReplyDeleteWell it's time for Maxy to do his thing if you can pry him away from his apartment...hahaha
ReplyDeleteOkay honey, Have a great weekend and I'll catch up with you over the hill, around the bend and across the bridge....pleasant dreams... PIC
ReplyDeleteI hope I have it posted before you log off.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite and sweet draems and I will be up the road.