Gunness World Records:
Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva is 35 inches tall, and his wife . Claudia Pereira Rocha, is one inch taller than him. They are the world's shortest married couple.
You can transcend time: My love for you is more than it was yesterday, less than it will be tomorrow, and it shall only intensify when in death we do part. We will try to measure love in sunlight or moonlight.
But quantifying love is perhaps best done by candlelight on Valentine's Day, if you're looking in the eyes of the person across from you and like what you see, and being able to absolutely define the capacity of the human heart and know that what you have is true love.
85 years: In 1924,Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher married, Calvin Coolidge was president, experimental "talkie films" were beinf screened in New york, and Clarence Birdseye had just invened the process by which we'd all be eating frozen pizza.
63 years: The Civil war had been over for nearly 62 years when Gertrude Grubb of Tennesse married John W. Janeway, a Union Army veteran of the Civil War. But overcoming the North-South schism isn't what made their marriage so remarkable. In 1927, when they tied the knot, she was 18 years-old, and he was the inverse of three digits - 81. The Janeways marriage lasted 10 years until his death in 1937, she remained in their cabin until her death in 2003, when she passed away she was the last widow of a Union soldier
1,180 pounds: john bower Minnoch had suffered from obesity since childhood. At 1,290 pounds , he is more than 11 times heavier than his 110 pounds wife, Jeanette. They married in 1978, she gave birth to two sons . He died in 1983 at 42, after 5 years of marriage.
161 years total:Will you and your beloved go the distance? Shigtsugu and Miyoko Anan of Japan don't have to ask. He was 83, she was 78, and they finished the 2008 Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon, jogging side by side, in seven(7) hours , 36 minutes, 22 seconds. Not a bad time for a couple with the combined age of 161 years.
My take on the love angle: This day and time when there is so much bed-hopping and no one seem to take their vows seriously, It's good to see there are still some that has weathered the storm . Our hats off to all the true loves and hope you will always hold each other close.
Kicking back and really having fun and keeping it real :
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