Scott moore, 20, the expectant father was a woman . So was his legal husband Thomas, 30. In fact, Scott still has his female birth certificate. But the couple both had sex change sugery to become men.
Miles has two brothers waiting for him, 10-year-old Logan and 12 year old Greg. Both boys are Thomas's children from a previous relationship with a woman who has since passed away. Thomas was born with the name Laura, the Daily News reports, but underwent sex change surgery last year. Scott was born Jessica, says an interview with the London Daily Autograph he knew he wanted to be a man when he was 11. When I told my family , they thought I was crazy, but they gradually realized I was serious and allowed me to start taking male hormones when I was16 years 0ld, he tells the paper.
The daily News reports his family paid to have his sized 36DDD breasts removed, but he could not afford the high cost of a full sex-reassignment surgery. Scott still has female reproductive organs, according to the paper, and got pregnant using the sperm of a friend in June 2009. I opted not to have a penis because I couldn't afford it, and I didn't think the results were very good, Scott tells the Daily Telegraph. It had nothing to do with having children because back then I didn't think I'd ever have them.
A man who underwent sex-reassignment sugery, Thomas Beatie of Oregon, gained notoriety as the world's first legally pregnant man on record. As reported by People magazine, he chose to become pregant because his wife was infertile. He gave birth to a girl on June 29,2008, and a boy on June 2,2009.
Scott and Thomas tell the Daily Telegraph they are planning a natural birth at their local hosiptal. They add they're confident Miles will be able to cope with any teasing.
We know some people will criticize us, but we are blissfully happy and not ashamed, Scott tells the Daily Telegraph. We want to show the world that trans-familes can be healthy, loving and nurturing, add Thomas. Stay tuned: the saga continutes as updates becomes available.
My spin on ...hell I'm at a lot of words of what to call this, but you all know I'm going to tell you what I think. I think it's stupid and crazy to think that a kid can cope with all the teasing and name calling...no wonder a lot of our young people is going to hell in a hand basket. But hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and having fun:
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