She was extraordinarily tense. I'd say it was anger, said Patti Wood, an Atlanta based body language specialist. Her mouth was downward and pursed very tight , like, she was holding back very negative emotions. Kultida Woods was furious. I think she was mad at everything, added Beverly Hills based communications expert Lillian Glass. Kultida not only closed herself off with arms, but she was digging her fingers into her body. Even when Tiger finished and approached her, she didn't look at him at first.You didn't have to be Cal Lightman to piece together that Tiger's mon wasn't thrilled to be spending her Friday morning listening to her son recount to the world every mistake he's made in his life. Following Tiger's remarks, Kultida told the media that she's "so proud to be his mother " and " people don't understand that Tiger has a very good heart and soul.
But here's the thing: If the National Enquirer hadn't decided to run the original report of Woods infidelities when they did, Elin wouldn't have confronted her husband on thanksgiving night, and he wouldn't have crashed his escalade into a tree leading to all this crap.
We held an editorial conference about about the story,[ Enquirer executive editor Barry Levine] told ESPN. Our senior editors and our lawyers said. You know what? This story is going nowhere. Let's give it another week. Let's continue to report it for another week. The irony is that had we published the story the week before, the infamous car accident might neve have happen because Tiger would have been in Dubai and his wife might have challenged him on the story but it might have been done by phone.
So there might not have been this explosive argument that occurred late on the night of Thanksgiving. That's fascinating in the sense that if the car accident never happened the mainstream media might not have jumped on the story the way they did and the real details of the scandal and all these women may not have surfaced. And Tiger would be playing golf now instead of holding contrived press conferences to talk about his personal life. In the short term, that would be better for the PGA tour, the other players, the fans, and, well, everybody but Woods and his family.
My spin on the Tiger saga: Elin if you take the sex addict back you need to get him checked from top to bottom. How many women? About 19/20 last count, listen up girl, you will be f**king everyone they went with. It's a shame some women don't really care about who they are hurting , just the money and their 15 minutes of fame. But hey, that's just me..
Mrs Woods looks like a charming woman.So appealing and gentle and see how proud she seems to be of her son....HA! She doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor either.Looks more like a disgruntled Sumo wrestler.
ReplyDeleteBrian is a bit better.We are now awaiting the results of the biopsy.He had many complications and his recovery will be slow but he survived, with the grace of God and his own will.I am eternally grateful. I thank you both for your prayers and wishes. I know from the number of people who have prayed for him that he is a much loved man.We are all richer for having him in our lives.
I hope you are keeping well and being a good girl.I can see you are becoming a savvy journalist.I like your comments at the end of each article.....Affectionately....PIC
I am so happy for you dear Jeannie
ReplyDeleteBrian's recovery may be slow but as you said he is still with you and you can have the happiness you deserve.....
If anyone deserves a taste of happiness and good cheer,it's you and Brian....you two have been through so much the last few years.
We are praying the biospy will show that the worse is over and he will be coming in your cubby-hole after his shower in no time.[buck-as-naked] giggles
This was the best news I had since you told me the "ROCK" was in the hosiptal.
I see Nana's Jeannie jumped out the bottle and worked her magic.
As I've said many times I will be here, get some rest and take care of your man...
Your pal...friend ...PIC
Thankyou...I asked myself what would Jeannie write about?
ReplyDeleteI've been busy with my bears and women's shelter, I had to keep my mind busy, But now I can relax a little and be thankful that the storm is almost over and sunshine is coming your way. Good people needs some happiness in their lives too.
I will see you around the bend, hell I'm still beating the shit out of that damn gator....PIC