After Murray entered a not-guilty plea in court, the family members in attendance fumed.
"He's trying to save his own behind," Katherine Jackson told reporters, according to E! News. "He killed Him."
"He's lying. He's guilty.There was someone else in it with him."
Father, Joe Jackson was predictably blistering as well.
"I just want justice done and that was not justice," he told E! "I didn't like todays hearing at all."
Many of the jackson family members were in attendence for the afternoon hearing including the parents, brother Randy and sister La Toya.
"Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray, I believe Dr. Murray was a part of a much larger plot," La Toya said in a statement . "There are other individuals involved, and I will not rest and I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served."
Stay tuned: updates as soon as they become available: the saga continues.
My spin on this horror: There is a stink in Denmark....that's a good sister La Toya, keep pushing for the truth....there is a lot of people that think it's more people involved, when we learned the truth,we all will be surprised .
Hope you got some rest and feeling better.
ReplyDeleteWe had to carry sis to the hosiptal around 4:am this morning, her blood pressure was up,the doctor told her she better take it easy or she may have a stroke, we told her she had to slow down, and Nan and I will see about Dan and Sally.
When things seem to calm down something else jumps up and bite you in the ass, but as I said this is our year and we will land on our feet.
Talk to you later......PIC
PIc...Someone has hacked into my computer.If you see any emails from me don't open them...They are not from me.I will have to change our email address.Will advise you of the new one.
ReplyDeleteWith the heavy security we have surrounding our computer, I don't understand how anyone could get in.I must have opened a spam ,thinking it was from someone I knew.That would open a pathway for them...All our friends and family have been getting bogus emails from this hacker, saying it's me....Talk more later ...PIC
PIC.....I got one but I knew it wasn't from you...Here's why..
ReplyDeleteYou left me a note that you wasn't feeling to chipper and we would chat later.
I open the email thinking it was about Nana/Brian .
Sweetie , I knew it wasn't you.
it said you was in the UK and something about Liverpool and you needed money to get your passport .
You know me, I said what the fuck..,this is not my Jeannie, the wording is all wrong.
You puts the smiley at the beginning with your name and they put it at the last...It said "Thank", you always say Thankyou ...you never use a small i when referring to yourself. You was at the farmer's Market on Saturday and at a Home show on Sunday, it also said you forgot to tell me you was in the UK, and misplaced your purse and and the hotel was holding your passport and you need money.
Hell girl, I know you are good, but not even the Genie can get around that fast...not to worry, I knew it wasn't you.
I surely do hope Sis is okay.She needs someone to take care of her for a change.Don't take all the care of Sally on yourself.You sure have enough family to take turns.
ReplyDeleteWell PIC this year isn't starting the way I hoped , so I guess it's going to get much better...This is our year baby.
Look in drafts for my new email address. Our server said we did not have to change our email address but I felt more secure doing so and our password too.
ReplyDeleteApparently, the hacker just came up with our email address by chance.They run millions of names through their computer and hope for a hit.They can't do any damage except muck up our emails but now you know if the old email address comes up, it is invalid.
Can you send it to me, just let me know you are sending it, I have to put my posts on the blog before I can put them in drafts.
ReplyDeleteJust tell me you are sending it.
How you doing sweetie?
ReplyDeleteThe main thing is having peace of mind.
dad told me he was going to bring sis here, he sent her to L.R. to get some rest, he says she has raised 2 sets of kids and taken care of daddy , now it's her time.
My new email address is in drafts.
ReplyDeleteDad is right,Sis should have a little rest and relaxation now. But I bet after a few days she will be champing at the bit and raring to go.
How you doin?? How was your day after your scare with Sis??
ReplyDeleteHas Sis had blood pressure problems before??How's her heart ??
ReplyDeleteLife can be a bunch of crap and suddenly, you realize you're standing in it.
ReplyDeletewhen to take my little monkey to pee.
ReplyDeleteYes on BP she takes meds. Nan and I have ganged up on her.
ReplyDeleteI think the new one is cute, hell everyone knew you wasn't in the UK.
ReplyDeleteDan has 5 kids and don't know how many they have.
MAke sure Sis cuts way back on her salt.It really drives up the blood pressure.
ReplyDeleteHow is the potty training coming along?
Jaye was freaking out, thinking someone was stealing all our identities.She called the Mounties.
ReplyDeleteBut it was not really very serious.
How is Nana? How is Brian and the peppers?
ReplyDeleteWhat was so funny everyone knew where you was and what you was doing.
Poor Jaye, she got excited.
ReplyDeleteI knew right away it wasn't you, you would never use a lower case i when you type...and you always say Thankyou not just THANK. if you was stranded you would call Steve first not email him. the writing was not your style.
I guess thats why I was good at my job, I analyze everything, but I had too.
ReplyDeleteI just got another couple of peppers into Brian.His gums are sore and his teeth are aching. But he is sticking to the regimen.
ReplyDeleteI just heard from another man who tried the pepper cure with great success. So we are encouraged. In five years they will have the chemical in little pills and it will be easier to take but we don't have the time to wait.
I am so glad you got it fixed.
ReplyDeleteNana is in fine form. She has good days and bad.She and Max have long conversations. He seems to know what she is saying.
ReplyDeleteTry some gel on the gums that you use for toothaches, that may help his gums or some stuff babies use when they are teething.
ReplyDeleteHow did the second pavlova turn out? It's hard to make that crusty meringue.Did it break??
ReplyDeleteWhat berries did you use??
ReplyDeleteIt's encouraging to talk with someone and hear they had good results.I just know this is going to work... tell that old devil to stay behind you, you may stumble but honey you ain't going to fall, your angel is watching over you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea to get the teething cream. You are a genius.
ReplyDeleteThe soreness goes away after a few hours but it really hurts.
Brian always hated hot peppers. After this he will be abke to eat fire without blinking.
Yes the crust broke, I use 2 rasberries and blueberries, they said it was good, I didn't tell them it wasn't suppose to break.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome...that's why you put up with my musty butt,I am a good boss at telling people what to do. HA!
ReplyDeleteI like the way you run things through your mind and come up with a practical solution.
ReplyDeleteYou have heard 2 out of 3 people say they had good results, that's a good sign.
ReplyDeleteAre you still going to write a post on the peppers, I bet it would help a lot of people?
Our weather turned mild again briefly. They can't pull enough snow together in Vancouver for the Olympics.
ReplyDeleteYes , I have all the information to write a post on the peppers.And I'll throw in a few websites.
ReplyDeleteOne lady says the peppers are curing her breast cancer. I don't know about that, but she measures the tumor every day and apparently it is shrinking. It may have something to do with her faith in the cure.
Before all this high tech meds people wound use herbs and some type of roots they would gether in the woods, I remember my mama and Mrs.Hattie getting roots and bark of trees, don't know what kind of trees.
ReplyDeleteThey just arrested a serial killer in Canada. He is a colonel in the Canadian army.
ReplyDeleteI see where they are hauling snow in...that's strange. Our east coast is getting hit hard.It seems like the climate is doing a turn around.
ReplyDeleteHe likes young girls. They haven't figured out how many yet.
ReplyDeleteAnother mistress turned up in the Tger Woods saga. That makes nineteen.What an active little schmeckle he had.
All hell you are getting some loonies up there. maybe that's why the people was roaming around in the woods looking for him,I'm glad he's off the streets.
ReplyDeleteTiger is trying to get Elin back and his mom says she is disappointed in him, he's in a sex rehab, I heard one of the first ones was pregnant, not sure.
ReplyDeleteWe haven't had a serial killer since the pig farmer.I thought we sent them all south....HA!
ReplyDeleteI seen an article about Mel on AOL but had to leave, it went off but it will come back and I will het it,I think it was TMZ or Popeater not sure.
ReplyDeleteThey just pulled a young man out of the rubble alive in Haiti after a month.He is dehydrated and was hallucinating.
ReplyDeleteThey are showing the pig farmer now on ION don't know what it is there.
ReplyDeleteDid you see CSI:M last night?
Some people were digging in the rubble under a market to see what they could salvage and they heard something.
ReplyDeleteNow that is a miracle, he lasted that long without food or water.
ReplyDeleteI saw last night's show. A guy falling from space. They were really reaching for that story.It was such a load of crap, even when they figured it out . It was so far from reality and it sucked, bad writing.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the writers they started with?? They weren't so bad.
That survivor must have found something to eat and drink at least for the first couple weeks.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he drank his own pee when he ran out of drinks.
When you write the post about the peppers, I'm going to make copies put some in our meeting hall/hotel desk and Gil's office.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea, to spread the word and give people a little hope.
ReplyDeletemost of the writers quit and what's her name "ANN" she's keeping a low profile, I don't blame her, the show is a bunch of crap.
ReplyDeleteI know you are enjoying your chop-chop,I have one, these fools here was ordering them for Xmas, you buy one get one free, Nan says she has 3/4 and will give them out for BD's or Xmas.
Do you chop Brian's peppers?
ReplyDeleteI'll try to organize the information. There is also a book that was written about the doctor who discovered the chemical in the peppers.He discovered it years ago but they are only researching it now.
ReplyDeleteI chop them very fine or grate them and grate some ginger and garlic into it.That's why I bought the Slap Chop at the home show. I broke my old chopper.
ReplyDeleteI get good feed back on the posts you do.I tell every one you are a genius and love giving people hope and a few laughs along the way.
ReplyDeleteDo you have the Turner Classic Film Station??
ReplyDeleteWhen he go to the doc for a check-up I know he will get a good one.
ReplyDeleteIf the butt get sore use some A&D ointment...some mothers use it for diaper rash, I use it for cuts and scraps.
Yes I have the Turner station. Amc
ReplyDeleteLifetime movie network{LMN}
We love Humphrey Bogart, Montgomery Clift, Greg Peck and a lot of the old school guys.The movies they made in Nana's day were larger than life and good.
ReplyDeleteI don't use cable anymore, service is not good, it rain it go out..I use Dish network, I use to have Direct TV before moving here.
ReplyDeleteI think we have just about the same stations.
ReplyDeleteHow did you know?? Like Brian said:It hurts going in but it burns like the fire from hell coming out.A little zinc ointment will go a long way.
ReplyDeleteYes they was, I love looking at them they was so real , they would keep you on the edge of your seat, and the love stories , boy they was good.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch soap operas anymore to much bed hopping.
God, Nee 'genius' is a hard word to live up to.I don't think I can live up to it. But thankyou anyway.
ReplyDeleteI believe this cure works in many cases. I have read a lot of anecdotal testimony from patients who have used it and are living proof.There are bound to be some people who are too far gone to help but even they can try it. What do they have to lose??
If it burns going in you know it has to come out. I have a good feeling about this. The ointment is effective and still gentle enough for a babies behind.
ReplyDeleteGod, Jeannie, i like "GENIUS" better than I like "Porn Queen".
ReplyDeleteSo you are stuck with "GENIUS." HA!
The damn dog was sick all over the rug in my cubby-hole last night and he has not been well all day.We kept each other company on the couch all day.He eats stuff he finds outside when he walks with Brian.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to let him out .I don't want to clean that up again.
So, Sweetie, have a good one. Do tell me if you ever make a perfect pavlova. I'll send it to the Guiness Book of Records. It will be the first one I'm sure.
See you on the other side of the valley, across the river....PIC
See what you just said..
ReplyDeleteThankyou....and it wasn't said thet way, just thank.
You begin with the smiley and then your name and then the message.
That's how I knew.
Post Script:I was rather proud of my Porn Queen title. I've never been queen of anything before....HA!
ReplyDeleteO.K. You have a good one and I will be on the river bank with the fishing pole beating the shit out the gator.
ReplyDeleteGood nite sweetie and so glad you are feelingbetter , until next time.
Post Script...you are a little devil genie genius.
P.P.S.... Brian's brother in England didn't spot that it was bogus. He really thought I was in Liverpool.He called Brian at his work to find out how to get the money to me...HA!