The former View loudmouth and her lesbian lover, Texas artist, writer and gay activist "Tracy Kachtick-Anders, were all smiles as they enjoyed a day in the Miami sun not far from the home they share.
Calling Tracy a" lovely, lovely, lovely person," Rosie, who has four (4) children with Carpenter, describes her new relationship as "yummy" and says , " I love it all."
O'Donnell who married Kelli in 2004 when gay unions were legal in California, met Tracy, the single mother of six (6) - a son with Downs syndrome and five (5) kids she adopted - a few months ago during a chat on Rosie's Web site. A source says they hit it off, and Rosie 47, invited the 43-year-old mom and her kids - who ranged in age from 5 to 17 - to her waterfront mansion in Miami for the holidays.
Now, the source reveals, Tracy has moved in.
Notes the source, Rosie told a pal, Tracy and I share so many things, it's unreal. We love making art and raising children. I feel we were destined to be together.
My spin on the obvious: Hope Tracy and Rosie can make it work, but wasn't it a few months ago that Rosie was begging Kelli to come back to her? Watch out Tracy, you may be getting Rosie on the rebound......but hey, that's just me.To be continued:
Kicking back and keeping it real
Those two should have some fun with their 10 kids.Goes to show you,It's all very well to legalize gay marriage but they don't stay together any longer than the rest of us do.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching CSI:NY.What you watching.
I hope they have a lot fun, but if I wanted to play with a choochie, I would play with my own.
You are so right dad is a big flirt.
He wants me to stay connected to us so he can whisper sweet things in your ear. I told him Brian will get his musty butt[giggles] he said he wasn't going to tell Brian.
Not watching anything at present I have been going through some of our thousands of photographs.Someone in this family has to get them in order and it ain't me.I think I'll leave it to Jaye. She is the only one who remembers everyone's name.
ReplyDeleteBig G just flirts with me when he fancies a new dessert.
ReplyDeleteSo you are going to try the pavlova?You actually make a bowl out of merangue.It's very delicate.I don't have the patience any more.
You are going to let Jaye have all the fun huh.
ReplyDeleteYou are not missing nothing, it's just about some vampires. What happen to the good stories?
With the weather here I have all the time in the world.
ReplyDeleteI showed dad your picture and he said you are a cute little filly.
How did the gumbo turn out?
ReplyDeleteI cooked a turkey breast tonight. I have two heart patients and they live on fish and chicken. It gets very boring for them.And Brian is fussy he doesn't like herbs or spices so that really limits me.
A naturopathic doctor that I know says there has been much success with a natural cure for prostate cancer.It's a combination of garlic ginger and cabanero peppers. I have searched three towns so far and no Caribbean or Jamaican food market carries them. I don't know where to look next.
I don't think I've ever heard of cabanero peppers. I have been told they are volcanic hot.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of them? I can't afford to not try this cure. It was discovered by a doctor at the Mayo Clinic who had prostate cancer.His tumor was reduced by fifty percent in a few weeks and after a couple of months he was cancer free.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried googles them for an outlet, I haven't heard cabanero peppers and I love hot peppers.
ReplyDeleteThe gumbo turned out fine, I put what was left in containers and put in freezer, dad makes sure i make a plenty.
Wonder do the have the peppers in a health store.
I get flyers from a place called "Botanic Choice" they have a website:
try them may get lucky...in the meanwhile I will be asking around.
I wonder if the food gadget had them in a recipe and if so wonder can it tell you where to find them.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the website.
ReplyDeleteApparently the peppers are used in Jamaica.
I just asked you because I know Loisiana folks like hot and spicy food.
Together we should find where we can get some.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great idea to make a huge pot of something and freeze most of it.I do it with stews and chilis.I used to make a helluva pasta sauce and keep a ton of it frozen to make a quick spaghetti bolagnaise.
ReplyDeleteCorrection :that's bolognaise.
ReplyDeleteI have Steve's wife looking around Hamilton and Jane looking around her town but it seems that cabanero peppers don't make it this far north.
ReplyDeleteI will call our health food store tomorrow, maybe they can tell me where we can find some.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a Health food store?
We won't stay on late..that will give you time to google it.
ReplyDeleteI'll be putting a few pictures of one of our family hockey games in drafts and pictures of Brian with various grandbabies.
ReplyDeleteI had forgotten that in the eighties he had big muttonchop sideburns and for a short time a moustache.I found a picture of him like that and laughed till I peed. Then I found a picture of myself in the eighties with the big hair and nearly cried because I was so ridiculous.
I bet it's some right under our nose.
ReplyDeleteThe local health stores don't carry it. Not even dried or powdwered.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever find this stuff, the next problem is getting it down his throat every day.Mr Fussy Pants.
ReplyDeleteIf I have to I'll tie him down and put a funnel in his mouth.I 'll keep him alive if it kills him.
ReplyDeleteIn the 80's big hair was in.
ReplyDeleteYou have one picture of Brian that look like my little man.
He just may fool you and take it it's better than the other thing.
ReplyDeleteHow about your restaurants,maybe the girls can try them.
ReplyDeleteIf he has black curly hair and dark eyes, he could be Brian's.
ReplyDeleteDad says your little man has you wrapped around his little finger.I think that is so sweet.
You know, I never thought of restaurants. There must be a Jamaican restaurant in Hamilton. It's a big city.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that there's one here, I'm in a small town and so are Jane and Karen and Jaye.
I'll call M., Steve's wife and ask her to look in her yellow pages.
Thanks Nee, good idea.
I'll try to Google Hamilton restaurants and see what I come up with.They don't all have a website.Yellow pages is more reliable.
ReplyDeleteNan says that's why she sent that one to you.
ReplyDeleteTell Brian he cam't have my little man...his daddy is dark and has curly hair..
He know how to get what he wants at a very young age...I guess I had them so late in life it just it just amazing to me.
ReplyDeleteGilly has everyone wrapped around his finger especially the girls.
I wonder if curly hair has anything to do with virility...Hmm
ReplyDeleteYour little man would fit in like one of our own. His eyes were full of fun and laughter.
We also have a little girl who looks a lot like Jill.I may post a picture of her in drafts.
Dad seems to adore Gilly.
ReplyDeleteIt must do his heart good to see them so healthy and happy.
You took a risk with that second pregnancy.
I know you have produce companys there, maybe they don't carry cabanero, but I bet they can know a company that do. Between all of us we should be able to find something.
ReplyDeleteGil must have been as surprised as you when you announced your first pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteGetting back to Rosie. I wonder if the divorce is exactly like a regular one. And I wonder if the ex is entitled to half of Rosie's net worth.
ReplyDeleteNeither of my babies was planned.
ReplyDeleteJill was a blessing and Gilly was just a double dose.
After Sha was born and Nan said she wwas going to share her with me, I was so happy, now I have 3.
Sha is 15 months older than Jill.
From what I've heard. The cabanero pepper may be indigenous to Jamaica.And it may be that they don't import much of it because there would be little demand.If there is a large Carribean population in Toronto, I may be able to track something down.If I could buy a lot of them, I could freeze them.
ReplyDeleteThe divorce should be as binding as ours if it's legal. I think Kelli has the kids, Rosie was trying to get back with her about a couple of months ago.
ReplyDeleteI think Tracy got Rosie on the rebound.
It's always the way. When you plan babies it never happens. If you just relax and let nature take it's course it usually does.
ReplyDeleteWomen who can't get pregnant often give up and adopt.That's when they get pregnant.
Do you have any Mexican restaurants there, they love hot foods.
ReplyDeleteYou know what happens to rebound relationships. They never last.
ReplyDeleteWhen a relationship breaks up a person should take a long rest to adjust and heal.If they jump right into another relationship they are taking all their emotional baggage with them to dump on another poor sucker.
ReplyDeleteThe Mexicans here don't use them. They use Jalapeno peppers and hot chili peppers.
ReplyDeleteThe town next to us is a university town. They might have a Caribbean restaurant. Although their health stores and Carribean food markets came up empty.
ReplyDeleteWe use jalapeno peppers here.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry with all of us on the hunt something will turn up.
I appreciate your help and you have some good ideas.
ReplyDeleteHave you asked the "rock" will he take it?
ReplyDeleteI should have written down the doctor's name and got in touch with him directly.
ReplyDeleteI asked the Rock if he would take it and he said he would try. I said that wasn't good enough.
ReplyDeleteI asked him, "how bad do you want to live."
Thankyou, I am full of ideas.
ReplyDeleteI had a 3 year lay off betwen my relationships.
Where did you find the article? Can you find it again?
ReplyDeleteMaybe look up Mayo Clinic and and look for PC or something along that line...you know how to do that.
I also took three years between relationships.It pays to start clean.
ReplyDeleteI just had a thought...the Naturopathic doctor you know, I bet he can tell you how to find some or put you on the right tract.What you think?
ReplyDeleteNo luck there .He wasn't familiar with the peppers. He was sure the Caribbean food and produce stores would have them and so did I.
ReplyDeleteNaturally they had to be from Jamaica. We're a long way from there Toots.
ReplyDeleteThera may be some sort of Jamaican social group or club here.I will try to track it down.Someone must be able to help me.
ReplyDeleteI will check and see if we have some gourmet food stores here, I will call sis and see if she can find some in Little Rock.
ReplyDeleteJeannie don't worry, you are so close it can be found...didn't we say this was our year.
ReplyDeleteIf I can find them at all , it will probably be in Toronto somewhere. We will have to make a special trip and go with an itinery of places to look. Or at least find someone with a contact in Jamaica who could send some.
ReplyDeleteI never thought it would be this hard.
ReplyDeleteI bet the produce manager in the market might be able to help me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I didn't mean to dump my problems on you, honey. You have a sympathetic ear.
ReplyDeleteDamn it, this is our year and that's why I'm not going to give up on this.
The Rock ain't no prize but he is all I have and I won't give him up easily.This is our year Toots.
I know you are up with the birds to get those youngsters off to school so I reluctantly say goonight and God bless. and I'll see you when the sun goes down again. Vampires love that time of day.....Night ...PIC
ReplyDeleteDo you know anyone in N.Y?
ReplyDeleteWhere do your friend live that sent you the tea for Xmas?
Don't know anyone in New York. I do know someone in Detroit and in Florida.The detroit people I can reach, the Florida people are away.It's worth a shot....night...PIC
ReplyDeleteJust google it and see what jumps out...That's what I'm here for, you listen to me .
ReplyDeleteI will be looking and asking.
Yes sweetie this is our year and things are looking up, at least you are a little closer.
You found out about "J" and now "B"
Theres help for us, just have faith .
I will say goodnight and see you later.
ReplyDeleteSometime it do the soul good to talk.
I got the spelling wrong it's HABANERO PEPPERS.I forgot. As you get older your brain petrifies.