At 43 inches tall, Giant George , as Nasser likes to call him, is the tallest dog recorded by Guiness World Records. He's already appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and has over 21,000 fans from all over the world on his Facebook page. It's been amazing, says Nasser. Fans have written in from the United Kingdom, Germany, Korea and South America. The sable-colored Great Dane weighs a whopping 245 pounds and measures seven feet and three inches from tip of his nose to the end of his tail. - though he doesn't raise up on his hind les, he's too big for that. When George is standing on all fours and lifts his head, the tip of his snout measures 55 inches , or more off the ground, Nasser tells Paw Nation. You have to be careful, nothing is off limits to him.
As a puppy, George had huge paws and already weighed 17 pounds at seven weeks of age. He looked like a thick ball of fire, he was so pudgy and cute, says Nasser. George quickly outgrew his crate.He used to see in a king-size bed with Nasser and his wife, until the arrival of the couple's infant daughter. The massive dog now sleeps on a queen-sized mattress at the foot of the couples bed. We had no idea he would get this big, says nasser. He weighs 100 pounds more than a regular Great Dane. Not surprisingly, George has a fondness for food. The first thing he does when he wakes u is eat; it's the first thing on his mind, then he goes outside to use the bathroom.George goes through 110 pounds of dry dog food each month, but "that's actually not that much, says nasser. Like many of us, George is forced to watch his weight. He used to eat a lot more, but he's on a diet right now because he's getting a little heavy. At 245 pounds, it would be better if we could take about 10 pounds off him. For more of the day, George naps and keeps an eye on the house, he's a good watchdog, says Nasser. But come evening, George gets a burst of energy and need to be walked or taken to the dog park.
What's it like going out in public with such a colossal canine? "It's a hoot," says Nasser. "You hear comments" such as "get a saddle' for that thing, or that's a horse, not a dog, and "wow" that's the biggest dog I've ever seen; You literally hear it ever time you go out.
George is an especially big hit with the kids. At the dog park, there are kids that come just to meet his, says Nasser. George is great with kids. They'll hang on him and pull his ear or his tail and he doesn't mind at all.
My take on Giant George: I think his size says it all and the Nassers don't have to worry about someone breaking in...long live King Giant George.He's the cat's meow don't you think?
What a big dog.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the family has him, no worries, no one would dare break in.