If you ever wonder what was the secert is to a long and happy marriage, now is the your chance to find out. Married in May of 1924, herbert and Zelmyra Fisher have been enjoying wedded bliss for nearly 86 years and are eager to share their insights.
The Fishers were joined in holy matrimony during the age of the Model T's and flappers, but the North Carolina lovebirds are using a decidedly modern method to share their thoughts on marriage. Twitter and Facebook users can post questions for the couple and on February 14,, Valentine's Day, they will tweet their answers to fourteen of the best inquiries.
The couple's granddaughter, Iris Godett, says her grandparents just want to share what they've learned with the younger generation. And in this day of drive through marriages and soaring divorce rates, it is heartebing to see that the questions are already pouring in from those who want to know how to make their own relationships work.
At least one twitter wants to know how the fishers feel about online dating sites while another wonders if monogamy is absolutely necessary for a good marriage.Another one asks if they ever seriously considered breaking up and if so, what made them stay together.
Herbert and Zelmyra, 104 and 102 respectively, are already in the Guiness World Records for being the living couple with the longest marriage, and if they can keep it together for more than 128 days after their May anniversary, the pair will officially break the previous record for longest marriage in recoeded history, set by the late Philipose and Sosamma Thomas of India. Something tells me these two are going to make it.
If you want to find out whats makes a marriage work from two people who clearly know what they are talking about, tweet your own questions to @longestmarried or post a message on the America's Tweet-hearts Facebook page. And don't forget to bring your own sweetheart back on Valentine's day to learn the secerts of everlasting love.
My spin on this love story: It's heart warming to know there's hope for the rest of the world....many kudos to the Fishers, our hat's off to you.
Kicking back...keeping it real and really having fun...but hey, that's just me.
My cousin Jayna scored a goal moments ago.'Yaaaaay, Canada!'
ReplyDeleteBrian's kidney started haemorrhaging into his abdomen around two in the morning Thursday.
His stomach swelled out, he was in agony and he was vomiting every few minutes.I took him to emergency.They could not contain the bleeding and they detected a large mass or tumor on his kidney on the CT scan.He was transferred to a hospital in a nearby town which specializes in kidneys and urology.He has to have the kidney removed but they will not do it until they can stop the bleeding and get all the blood and fluid out of his body cavity.He is in a great deal of pain and is kept pretty much unconscious on morphine. There may be an improvement tomorrow.We are hoping it is not a malignant tumor.There is a chance the mass that was detected is a large blood clot.They have taken him off all his blood thinners so that the bleeding will stop.
I have not slept in three days so I cannot write a post but I see you are doing a brilliant job, PIC. I enjoyed both stories and you are right, my sympathies sure are with that little baby and the ridicule he will have to put up with all his life.
The longest married couple are cute..good job...PIC
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for Brian and all your family, may God hold all of you close... this is another battle you and the Rock will fight, but never worry, the Rock will beat this one too.
I was watching when your cousin scored ,I was looking for her. I was jumping up and hollering, I know her, that's Jeannie's cousin.
Sweetie your first concern is Brian, you get some rest so you can take care of Brian and you also have Nana to care for....this blog is the last thing you need to be thinking about....this blog will be here,so don't worry about posts until you have things under control.
Your health is not the best either..remember you are the glue that holds it all together.
Get a cup of tea and put a little brandy or whatever is handy, just a little so you can rest.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard right now and you are worried , but kick that old devlin his ass and tell him to get the hell out of your way, you have the power over him, use it sweetie keep the faith...nothing can stop you, your heart is pure.
Just remember how strong you are and you have done battle with the old devil before and won. You will win this one too...Honey this is our year.
Just leave me a note when you have time to let me know how everyting going.......PIC
ReplyDeleteNee told me about what's happening
we will light a candle and you have our prayers so as Nee say get some rest this storm will past and you and your family will be stronger.