The animals weigh between 20 and sixty pounds. They can grow up to one hundred pounds and six feet long. They follow food sources to wherever they are plentiful, so something in that California water is enticing to squid.The Humboldt squid is also called the jumbo squid or jumbo flying squid and squirts ink to protect itself.
The squid have also recently been spotted off San Diego, Oregon and Washington, all on the U.S. West Coast. Robert Woodbury with Newport Landing Sportfishing told The Orange County Register that anglers in the Southern California county have caught about 400 of the big squid since Friday night.
PLEASE , gentlemen, can't you just let something live? Leave them alone to do what they came to do; eat and breed. Do we have to endanger another species?? We are not starving for squid soup or sandwiches and there is no other excuse for the mass killing of aquatic animals who are just trying to survive the best way they know how.
What beautiful creatures.
ReplyDeleteThis is only the beginning.
Global Warming is one reason we see so many things out of the ordinary and there is more to come.
Instead of killing them they should try to find out why they are coming so close inland.
But hey, that's just me.
Excellent point; Bravo.
ReplyDeleteThankyou, that's the only thing that makes sense. The weather is so weird and ice caps the size of small islands is breaking off and melting.
How you doing?
Had to help Nana tonight.She has a bit of trouble sometimes on days when she is weak. It's her ticker.It gives her a lot of trouble.But she has a lot of spirit.And a lot of nasty.
ReplyDeleteWell of course it has something to do with global warming.tell me something that doesn't.
ReplyDeleteAbout your Brad and Angie post.I read that her father is coming between them. And Brad is the guy who insisted Angie make up with her dad.
ReplyDeleteWell now I have Nana put to bed, I can put my feet up and have some organic tea and pretend cookies.
ReplyDeleteHave you been baking today. According to Big G. you baked every day before you went back to work.He sure missed that.
ReplyDeleteAngie was angry with her dad before Brad...She was angry because he left her mom when they was young... they made up a while back and when angie and brad wasn't getting along, he told her to make up and now they are not speaking....I have those articles around here somewhere.
ReplyDeleteJump in any time honey.I'll practice my tap dancing while I wait.
The article I read is in this weeks NE.
ReplyDeleteYes I baked some bread and a couple of cakes. big G. is here now peeling and devining his damn shrimp.
ReplyDeleteNana comes first, I admire her spirit.
Have Maxy finished arranging his apartment?
ReplyDeleteIt also said her dad was enjoying hanging around two major stars and garnering public attention for himself; also getting guest roles in their movies.
ReplyDeletepeople are wondering if they are really together, the was at the SAG Awards last Sunday together.
ReplyDeleteYes,Maxy has it nice and messy and doggy smelling, just how he likes it.
ReplyDeleteI guess you'll be making gumbo tomorrow.
Jon Voight as always been a little bit of an ass-hole...I think I did a post on Angie and the fortune teller from N.O.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have my Rue on now. Dad say he don't wear out his welcome, when it gets hot at sis's he comes here, he is a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteYes, Vought does have that ass-holey vibe that we recognize in many of the men who act for a living.
ReplyDeleteTell him hello from me.
ReplyDeleteI think he is very fond of you.You gave him two beautiful grandkids.
I like for dad to buy the shrimp he buys the largest he can find and I leave them whole. I swear that mam can eat gumbo 24/7.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember the Seinfeld show where George bought John Voight's car??...HA!
ReplyDeleteI will tell him you said hello and come and talk with you sometime and maybe you will give some more recipes.
ReplyDeleteYes I do, it was in a rerun about a month ago. He's a weird looking guy. Angie should be glad she looks like her mama.
ReplyDeleteI have an article about Angie busting Brad's nose, after I seen the one I posted on Popeater, I dicided not to use it.
It's hard to sort the true articles from the phony.People enjoy reading both.
ReplyDeleteYes he still gets checked..I was wrong , he started to have radiation treatments but change his mind and had surgery. He says it bothers him a little sometime.
ReplyDeleteHe says the main thing is to stay active.
ReplyDeleteHi sweet recipe lady. What do you have for me today? A hug and a kiss your husband is not watching, ols sis gal is at home asleep I hope.Nee says I have to say hello to get more recipes.
ReplyDeleteBig G.
I got dad for a minute but he's chasing Gilly trying to get his shorts back on him.
ReplyDeleteDennis Hopper is dying of prostate cancer right now. They can't help him. His family is already fighting over his estate. His wife and her mom and sister are already selling his art collection and valuables and the guy is still alive and kicking.So he is getting a divorce so that his kids will at least get some of his money.
ReplyDeleteBig G. is a flirt. I will look up something special for him.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how soon?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to delete.
Dennis was always kind of a spooky guy in his movie roles. Blue Velvet was weird and spooky.
ReplyDeleteDid you say that Gilly was already potty trained??Wow!..that is wonderful at fifteen months,Of course you have a few whoopsies.
Yes he is a flirt, but harmless.[giggles] I think.
ReplyDeleteWhy do families act that way, I'm glad daddy had his affairs in order.
Susan wanted the home house, I told her I would bury her old ass in the backyard and piss on it, sis raised me and took care of daddy when he was sick without any help from her.daddy had some money but he left it to sis.
I'm so glad your dad took care of Sis. She deserved it.She sounds like such a fine woman.
ReplyDeleteI know you are worried, but they must have caught it in time, it will be over soon and Brian will be doing the hokie pokie and you will be running for cover.
ReplyDeleteHave faith, Brian haven't finish yet.
Brian won't quit easy. He is a tough old British soldier like my dad.
ReplyDeleteSis was a nurse and said she never regretted taking care of us, she had 5 kids in all,her three, Chris, and me and her life is full.
ReplyDeleteI'm deleting as we go.Sorry if you missed any comments.
ReplyDeleteDid they give him any Meds to help the pain?
ReplyDeleteI got them all..
ReplyDeleteI know we have creepy crawlers hanging around and we don't want things twisted.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of admiration for Sis.She faced such a lot of tragedy but she held things together for you kids.Having a big family at a time like that can be a blessing.
ReplyDeleteA large family is great at times.I know they all care for me but they all had their families and when daddy got sick, no one helped sis but Emily/Jon and his wife and Chris wife quit work to help sis.
ReplyDeleteHe's not on any pain medication.He can handle it.It's not too bad yet.
ReplyDeleteBut I think down the road if he waits too long, it will get very painful.
We are closer than ever now and we have some really great laughs about some of the stupid things we've done.We played hide and seek with the twins on the weekend.I hid in a broom closet and no one came to find me.After five minutes I started making noises and yelling and still no one came to find me.After ten minutes I started to feel stupid standing in a closet. Geez, the things we do to amuse our kids.I got the impression they were playing a trick on me. I was right. When I sneaked out the door, they were standing there laughing.
I have been bust today, I have 2 posts in drafts.
ReplyDeleteThey would have left me in that closet for hours and thought it was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteNo let up on the cold here.It's so cold the hair in your nose freezes and the cold hurts your lungs so you can't take a deep breath.I get frost on my glasses from my own breath.I need little windsheild wipers.
I wouldn't mind a little global warming here for a while.
I wished I could have seen it, I would have wet my knickers laughing at you'
ReplyDeleteThose are the memories you told me I would have, I will cherish each and every moment.
You want me to post them for you??
ReplyDeleteWe wil have rain tomorrow.You may need to get a some tea and warm up a little before you go surfing the web.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my posts please.
Dad is carrying the girls to Barnes and Noble bookstore after school.
Yes will you please. When I put them in drafts I have finish with them. I wanted the Squid on top for awhile.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm a little selfish.
ReplyDeleteAnything that has to do with Global Warming I want people to see it, thats why I put them in drafts.
Your girls are such good readers, you can tell they must love it.They will so enjoy picking out some good books.
ReplyDeleteI love a trip to the book store. I always have a book beside me wherever I am.
I am so proud of you that you are passionate about global warming.If you can convince even a few people that they should get involved then you have done a great thing.Its a huge job making people aware.They don't like to learn anything unpleasant.
ReplyDeleteGiant squid come from the very deep ocean. I wonder why they have changed their habits so radically.It is a question the scientists should ponder.
ReplyDeleteThey love to read, They have their own little bookshelf in the study, Gil started reading to them before they could talk good.
ReplyDeleteThey are also learning italian. They talk with dad and Gil and with dad's family.
I got interest when you started doing the bear posts, I have always been nosey and the Lawyers Wife's Club needed something to do. we have a new name..The Polar Bears.
ReplyDeleteYour kids are going to be brilliant and they will have an ear for languages.
ReplyDeleteIn canada we have no choice. Because it's a bi-lingual country the kids start learning French in grade one. "En mon pays,tout le monde parle un peu de Francais."
(everyone in my country speaks a little French)
Did I tell you Lois sent $347.24 last month, some are late with their dues, but Lois says some have caught up. I told her not to pressure them, we needed them for more than money, we needed their mouth and time.
ReplyDeleteAnd all the French people here have to learn a little English. Otherwise,half the country wouldn't know what the other half was doing.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have seen the twins when you came out the closet. Was Brian there with them?
ReplyDeleteWell if I lived there I would just smile and try to look cute[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThat Lois sure became useful to the Polar Bears. The donations are great.That's quite a sum.But you are correct it's more important that they turn around and educate two or three more people.
ReplyDeleteBrian is always there when the twins play a trick on me.Who do you think puts them up to it??
ReplyDeleteHuh hu it's that magic hour again, time really flys when you are having fun.
ReplyDeleteDid the new bed keep Maxy out the bed with Brian?
I hope your gumbo turns out great.I can almost smell it from here.Time to put the kettle on and let the dog out, if I can get him out of his luxurious bachelor pad.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lazy guy, he won't get out of that new dog bed now that he has it arranged just right.
Have a good night Sweetie and a great tomorrow. Catch you on the flip side...PIC
Brian is a great guy with a wonderful sense of humor and a man that loves his family...Girl we are so lucky.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I took Lois under my wing, she meant well, she kept it going while I was working.
ReplyDeleteHave a great nite ,I will catch you down by the lake if I don't see no gators[giggles]
ReplyDeleteGOODNITE ......PIC